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Can you be an atheist and right-wing?
Liam Murphy
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Isaac Williams
Caleb Jackson
Elijah Allen
Eli Adams
Can OP be gay and a faggot at the same time?
Grayson Ward
You can start out that way, but sooner or later you'll give up one or the other. They're incompatible.
Evan Watson
Of course. I've been a right-wing atheist for decades, but I have to hide from everybody to avoid persecution by malevolent religious people.
John Gonzalez
How so?
Isaac Russell
Right wing atheist here
Leo Foster
yes. i don't believe in imaginary creatures, yet i seriously fucking hate kikes, niggers, chinks and spics
Gabriel Murphy
Yes, and a jew too.
James Lee
Ryan Bell
You can even be an atheist and a christian at the same time in the Netherlands.
Parker Williams
only economically
Levi Gutierrez
Nathan Torres
as an atheist I am able to understand the need and value for a religious mind.
i can value religions for the good they do, and i can revile the ones that in my mind do no good at all.
Jacob Ortiz
why do yall look turkish
Tyler Collins
Atheism is low IQ, proven by the fact that atheists use fundamentalism to argue equally-low IQ fundamentalism
Mason Gomez
You can't believe in jew god preaching "love between all men" and be right-wing to be honest.
Christian Taylor
>Voted most retarded post, 2020!
Adrian Bell
Worry more about your future than your political views.
Chuck Missler's Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message
Pic related.
William Gutierrez
Only women and children need religion. Men bow to no one.
Grayson Rodriguez
You can be “without knowledge “ of God, i.e. AG-GNOSTIC. Most people are agnostic.
Noah Perez
Parker Brooks
yes yes it is so hard to find atheists in the media, pop culture, college, and the work place. And dont get me started on the govt, pretty much run by christian priests.
Luke Young
Yes I am and have been for many years
Its horribly isolating
Camden James
they are all lefties though
Adam Gomez
>morality is objective
Cooper Perry
abortion, euthanasia, contraception, pornography, gambling, obscenity, state sanctioned prayer in public schools, textbook contents (concerning creationism), homosexuality, and sexual education.
I think there are a lot of ways where a fiscally conservative man who respects the law, is licensed to carry, promotes his family and community can reject the political goals of the religious right.
For example, do we really want our textbooks re-written to include creationism as a biological or geological science? No. Do we really want Muslim prayers in school? Because that's exactly what you'll have if Christians get prayer in school. My wife and I already have two young kids, we would like to have sex that does not lead to more procreation. The church says no contraception.
My grandfather took his own life after struggling 10 years with cancer. He made it look like a hunting accident. Our pastor says he's in hell, but that's just a lie to prevent suicides among believers. a baby dies before baptism, is it in limbo for all eternity? Of course not. That just a scare tactic to get babies baptized immediately.
I could go on, but the conservative right is best known for our stewardship public funds and administration of public services. I think we need to also be smart about our social policies and stop caving in to religious troglodytes and their Bronze Age immorality.
Isaac Robinson
Gnostic/agnostic only applies to what is knowable - things we can know and do, or things we can know and don't.
Beliefs are irrational. They fall outside the realm of rational knowledge. It is a logical fallacy (rationalization) to pretend whatever crazy nonsense people believe is somehow ((( knowable ))).
Joseph Peterson
>Agree with most anti-religion arguments, not convinced of existence of god(s)
>Watch lots of YouTube atheists, read books, etc.
>Be white supremacist, evolution supports it
>Everything going great until they start buying into the boys can be girls meme, denying science
Landon Hernandez
I am.
I don't believe in invisible friends but I can't deny that our religion shaped our culture and it's protecting my country from the threat of mixed marriages. Almost all families here have a Catoholic background and won't allow their kids to marry muslims if they don't want to be disowned. Look at how bad things are getting in Protestant countries instead.
Blake Reed
Big if true
Blake Fisher
I believe in Roman gods, not on your kike god
Jose Gomez
This was the right wing before the march through the institutions in the 50s and 60s. Combined with the targeted zionist takeover of the right and the following cultivation of disgusting servile good goy christ cucks as a political pillar to enable ZOG power the respectable right has been reduced to an puddle. Instead of the perfectly fine constitutional conservatism with implicit and rational racism that was taken a cultural given we have right wing youth NatSoc larping in a desperate attempt to assert any sort of bastion of a working society.
Once again the enlightenment aristocracy of Revolutionary America is undone in their efforts by a horde of retarded consumers of Jewish slave morality.
Logan Foster
I am both of them.
Easton Cox
yes, Christianity is cuck
Brandon Jackson
Yes but they typically don’t stay an atheist for a long. I was once one.
Brayden Baker
well done
Liam Lee
Hey man you're preaching to the choir, pun intended. I don't want the gubmint in MY bedroom, by the same principle the gubmint has no business in anybody's bedroom. I don't really care if fags get married and I thinks is dangerous to give the government that kind of authority over is. Same with abortion. Let women decide if they want to bear children or not. I don't like the idea of doctors and pregnant women being out in prison because some prissy-ass neckbeard incel feels a burning need to punish women for rejecting him
Joseph Fisher
I am nonreligious and right wing. Religion is a waste of my time.
Ayden Cox
>Morality is subjective
Kevin Johnson
Ultimately no, if you are both either your rightwingness or your atheism is a mere ornament and you are larping.
Jose Nguyen
>They're incompatible.
Please justify this retarded thought?
Liam Watson
I don't get that false dilemma at all, so either your rightwingness is broken or you have fallen for a bunch of lies about non-believers.
Hudson Cruz
>Objective morality includes jewish dietary law, washing your penis, and being an efficient and pacifist farming unit to pay your king and emperor.
>We should believe marginalized Greek Jews upset at daddy Rome who attached their neurotic nonsense to the creator to promote subversive ideology over analysis of creation itself.
Yes yes, God cares very much about what you eat and your excrement.
Christopher Lee
The basis of "right wing" is an agreement on hierarchy and its importance. God is the ultimate hierarch.
Aaron Reyes
Then you're left wing. You stand to the left of the king, with the liberal revolutionaries trying to topple Church and crown to erect their new rationalistic, scientistic, atheistic utopia...Which has failed spectacularly, I might add.
Mason Mitchell
>12 year olds understanding of scripture
Got to get to church. God bless.
Jacob Torres
Hah, dude you just answered that user's false dilemma with your own false dilemma. Well played.
Levi Lewis
You can only be an atheist if you're also an anarchist. No gods No masters.
Sebastian Cooper
Depends on your definition of liberal. If we're talking medieval liberal, then sure. I'm a classical liberal, which in today's climate is right wing.
Matthew Parker
No. All Atheists are faggots.
Jose Wright
Gods are mental fabrications we don't need now that we are all free and educated and able to think for ourselves. We all have metaphorical masters but we should all strive to eliminate as many as possible.
Jacob Fisher
>All opinions and beliefs follow from single man interpreting scripture named St.Augustine
>Doesn't even know who he is despite all your takes on scripture being through his lens.
>Doesn't understand the reformation restored Christianity to what it originally was, a subversive anti authority slave morality
>Doesn't even have a basic theological argument for his supposed free will.
>Doesn't even respect God's power or analyze it rationally, believes Jewish subversives over God's creation itself
>Likely believes in dualism despite it being non-scriptural and nonsensical.
>Has no actual understanding of what they believe on a basic a->b->c level otherwise wouldn't regurgitate all these stale takes.
Aiden Jenkins
Earn the right to lead.
Austin Mitchell
Yes. The modern day right wing, is really just the right end of the left spectrum. That's the point. The right wing does not actually exist anymore, in the west. "Classical liberals" were and still are leftist revolutionaries. And the culmination of their revolutionary ethos has been reached in our day.
Got to get going. God bless.
Julian Parker
Men bow to women every time they get married, and you think we won't bow to the incarnation of perfect love?
Ethan Long
Wait, you think Jesus is God? Didn't he not want people to think that? Isn't that heresy?
Brody Wood
Joseph Stewart
>Doesn't even know the basic intellectual history of Christianity and its relation to the Roman priesthood and intellectual class.
Nicholas Sanders
>You stand to the left of the king,
Monarchy is a mental manacle. They've all lost their political power in the West since the Enlightenment
> liberal revolutionaries trying to topple Church and crown
It's more accurate for us say our American liberal revolutionaries - our founding fathers - rejected divine rule and told god's vicar on Earth he had no legal, moral or principled standing to subjugate us.
America is a secular constitutional republic framework governed by a liberal democracy.
Ian Moore
If someone told me I was king of the jews, I'd probably let you kill me. Make it quick, tho.
Ryder Miller
Christopher Baker
Im more confused about your half dozen strawmen and what exactly you're attacking. You know I'm not a Roman Catholic, correct? Nor does your historical understanding of the apostolic priesthood appear accurate, btw.
Jose Baker
fpbp /thread
Daniel Allen
>Men bow to women every time they get married,
Men who know how to manage their women don't.
Jason Hill
if anything i think God would be proud of atheists in whatever conception of pride that He could feel
if we consider God to be the father then we can equate the relationship between God and the atheist as a son going his own way. Does this hurt a father to have his offspring go off without him? definitely especially one that loves you like God. but that respect for you going your own way without him doesnt diminish your relationship with God in the slightest nor does it preclude God being there watching because you get what you want from God because he loves you and if atheism is the way you want your relationship with God to be thats fine as long as youre out there trying your best to be good i dont think God could ever be mad or dislike that
Chase Robinson
Looked like a cocaine drawing.
"Right and left politics" is bullshit. There's being right and being a dumbass. There was a mysoginist pedophile libeetarian senate candidate, he was alright
Believing in magic is wrong because magic is bullshit. Superstition does not fit with being correct.
Oliver Richardson
Rastafarianism is the true redpill, Cletus
Wyatt Torres
Adrian Ross
God is an atheist
Chase Powell
Yeah and if you are a modern Catholic or really associate with the Church at all you're basically a protestant in everything but name. Christianity has always had a strained at best relationship with the European people's and simply moves them away from the monisitic God we had already figured out by the end of the Greek period that still remains the accurate interpretation of God.
How your political ideology that parasited the western intellectual tradition changed over the years doesn't matter because that's all it ever was to begin with.
Jack Sullivan
Yes. Leftist revolutionaries (liberals) overthrew Church and crown and established their "secular liberal democracy", as you put it.
If you advocate this state and its presuppositions, then you're also a leftist revolutionary.
Elijah Martinez
No, because all forms of Rightist thought from AnCapistanism to Monarchy/Fascism are based on heirarchy.
>And God is -the- Abstraction of Absolute Authority and Heirarchy.
Jeremiah Baker
>woman gets sick of your toxic masculinity towards her
>asks for divorce
>government automatically strips 50% of your earnings and gives it all to her
>woman gets treated like a hero and survivor
>people treat you like garbage and look at you with scorn
Get real, the moment you sign the papers the WOMAN has the leash on you, not the other way around.
Elijah Jones
Gavin Collins
Based. OP should be asking can you be christian and right wing at the same time
>forgive everyone
>love the foreigner like he's your family
>turn the other cheek
but also
>1488 gas the kikes race war now
>fuck off we're full
>self defense genocide
Pick one and know yahweh would send you to hell for picking both