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What did i miss

>Soviet Union
USSR wins

Damn right

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Holy based

Too beautiful for this world

The European Union. That's the unironic joke in the joke.

Nothing of value was lost.

Just make Italy annex Slovenia and give Tylon to Austria and we are good

Why would we annex Slovenia? That place is Austrian af


best thing ever happened to this planet


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>1/4 of the med
Wallah akhi you need a whipping

Would the UK unironically rejoin a Germanic EU? Or would they not join anything with Germany

Why are New Worlders and Russians so dead set agains the EVROPEAN project? Is it jealousy?

I like European countries individually
But the EU is just a bureaucratic shit

Can ireland join?

Russians are jealous that they are not allowed to join, despite being Europeans.

Why are Germans so cold towards helping others?

Eurobond gang

don't know about new worlders but we couldn't care less about you eurocuckolds desu


spbp go communism

Yeah man. We did nothing besides sending them all we had left.

shut up and accept eurobonds you cunt

Thas riight. I'm actually Merkel and not a random German NEET lmao.

this time with less pain and suffering please

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just wait for the germans to come ruin it.

I support this

considering the EU actively sponsors propaganda videos in the US, thats why im anti EU.

Best example I have is some EU funded facebook video my mother shared about how there's EU regulations on shit like what can actually be considered "Parmesan " Cheese.

I watched it and its some dumb thing on hoe "Parmesan"cheese can only come from the 2 sq km area in italy because the grass the cows eat blah blah only certified farms blah blah and how its illegal to sell your parmesan cheese or say its "parmesan" cheese unless it came from the 2 or 3 rinky dink ass farms in italy.

Its like the EU purposely pushes for more entanglement of business and government regulation in foreign markets to legitimize themselves and help further their own regulations.

the EU pushes ideology just as hard as the US or China does. I hate them all about as equally, its just that the EU really tries to sugar coat the fuck out it to the point it puckers your mouth just thinking about it.

>I watched it and its some dumb thing on hoe "Parmesan"cheese can only come from the 2 sq km area in italy because the grass the cows eat blah blah only certified farms blah blah and how its illegal to sell your parmesan cheese or say its "parmesan" cheese unless it came from the 2 or 3 rinky dink ass farms in italy.
Why don't americans understand the of protected denominations of origin?

>Why don't americans understand the of protected denominations of origin?

Because if I can make cheese in my fucking kitchen that looks, tastes, and everything else like they can, I should be able to call it the same thing and not have the stazzi shoot me for breaking their pwuessus wittle monopoloy uww.

I'd actually be willing to support and pay for their "premium" or "artisan" cheese if they hadn't gone the route of getting the government to hand them a literal monopoly on the term. A farmer in france or even another italian farmer a stones throw outside their decided area should be able to call his cheese whatever the fuck he wants to, because no one is going to buy his cheese if he has to put "imitation parmesan" on it even though its the exact same thing.

The farmer who are in that area are just bad at running a business so they get daddy EU to spank their competition for them.

Fuck you if you think otherwise because you're probably bad at what you do.

>Because if I can make cheese in my fucking kitchen that looks, tastes, and everything else like they can
It rarely does, however these dominations would continue to exist regardless

I'm confused

By that same reason I could go to Vietnam and make bourbon
Then I market it as Kentucky Bourbon
Would it be fair?

If you think the way you make it and the end product justify calling it Kentucky bourbon then by all means.

But if you're trying to be facetious, calling "Kentucky Bourbon" a Bourbon would be the same thing, considering the EU and the French already get mad that its called Bourbon and insist that it should just be called "Whisky" as only "Bourbon" can come from another specific region in Europe.

Pretty much.

>breaking their pwuessus wittle monopoloy uww

Nobody forbids your customers from buying your product. I would say that even comparing your product with the protected one is allowed, as long as you are honest

but it's dishonest because you are marketing your product as something it isn't
you wouldn't sell meat from china and say it comes from indiana

Its not dishonest.

Kentucky Bourbon has distinct flavoring and distilling that makes it what it is. Its not tied to geographical location. The Kentucky Bourbon made in Vietnam never once had any of its core ingredients come from Kentucky.

Selling meat thats FROM china and SAYING it came from another place is lying. That meat physically originated in China and saying it came from another place is false advertisement.

Parmesan is called like that because it COMES FROM FUCKING PARMA YOU AMERICAN IDIOT.

>Its not tied to geographical location.
It is though, the ingredients used change the taste thus bourbon can only be produced in kentucky, tennessee etc
saying you make bourbon if it doesn't come from there is a lie
also parmesan literally means from parma

No it doesn't. We make Parmesan Cheese in Australia, Mayonaisse in Australia, Champagne in Australia, and many more. Deal with it.

You can take a shit and dress it like a princess and call it a princess, sure. But at the end of the day, it's still shit.

And all those can be re-created in Vietnam.

I mean, if you really wanna tout geographical location needing to be a thing, then we're already lightyears away from where the first Kentucky Bourbon was made. You might as well complain about the time of day and weather of when its distilled.
>also parmesan literally means from parma

I could kick down the back door of any restaurant in Rome and force the chefs at gun point to use Australian Parmesan cheese and none of the patrons would know the difference.

WOPS MAD (x24)


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OK hamburger, poison yourself.

Really makes you think

mad cus im making better cheese in my kitchen then you are on ur lil farm huh?

>And all those can be re-created in Vietnam.
It cannot though
>to use Australian Parmesan cheese and none of the patrons would know the difference.
It doesn't matter, the point is that australian "parmesan" is not parmesan
I could feed you shit and tell you it's chocolate, flavouring shit as chocolate doesn't make it chocolate

It's better than your shite lmao.

>It cannot though
Oh im sorry, I didn't realize that as soon as I moved out of the Kentucky Bourbon Zone (tm) that the molecular structure of the bourbon wouldn't be the same. Would you happen to have some actual science to back that up?

why has this not happened yet, we need out Western Roman Empire/Republic NOW

Chocke on your fucking cheddar, fatass. Your cheese ain't shit.

It's called terroir you dumb cunt, things taste different depending on where you grow them.

>Your cheese ain't shit.
Mine don't need to be in this case. 's will do that for me lmao baka.com.au/business/no-threat-to-aussie-parmesan-cheese-20080227-1v9w.html

More then 10 years later and the italian stuff ain't nearly as affordable, good, or known. Aussies beat you at your own game lmao, but thats whatcha get.

>It's called terroir you dumb cunt, things taste different depending on where you grow them.

Yes, and I can replicate the soil condition through chemistry and the water based on its trace mineral compounds, and genetically engineer the corn to have all the required genetic sequences to give it the same taste, as taste is after all, chemical, and subject to chemistry.

Chemistry and molecular compounds aren't constraint to such minor things such as geographic location.

was this the peak comfy EU?

Attached: EU1973.gif (500x370, 8.86K)

Excuse me but what the fuck is Australia?
Be honest with yourself for once, and admit that the only thing you guys are good for is incest porn.

>Be honest with yourself for once, and admit that the only thing you guys are good for is incest porn.


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You say that despite America cheese being rated pretty highly in several contests.

>heh your food is not good anyway
>our product is just as good or BETTER


pathetic cope the thread

>this kills the Italian

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Why don't they sell citruses in the african market

Missing the point and they do user.

>EU-protectionism is thus victimizing the most sustainable growers in South Africa

Well I pretty much stopped reading here. What's the article about ?

>But the EU is just a bureaucratic shit
You need bureaucracy to run common markets and common markets is the greatest point of EU.


Based, but add Greece and the UK.

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But muh big gubmind
Why not have a shadowy corporation take care of it instead, like Jesus intended?

I can't wait to see the faces of retards who now rub their hands over the pandemic, when integration strengthens after this crisis.
Same for the pro Russian retards who think that globalism is dead.
PS: Fuck Winnie the Xi and the Botox Moscow dwarf.

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Are you trying to steal my coastside again, John?

I like to think of it as our coastside.

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>UK is in

Noooo only the EU has bureaucrats. In normal countries there are no rules, you can do whatever you want


are you retarded?

This tbf, so many people miss the status quo with all its pros and cons, right now we must make sure yanks, the CCP and russians don't somehow ignite an insurrection in our own countries. We just have to monitor facebook and other shady websites/youtube channels


>why yes of course I want to sell my goods in the EU
>NOOOOOOO what do you mean I have to follow EU rules? Fucking bureaucratic protectionist monsters

In real countries we have civil servants.
In EU there are faceless byrocrats.
Totally different! See? The first one has servant in its name.

Your leadership certainly does.

It's over desu

Add Greece and the Balcans to this and kick France

>mutts understanding things only through quantity and not quality aspect
Yup. Evola and Guénon weren’t a meme,actually

I see talks of the 5 Balkan states joining shouldn't all time and energy currently be spent on fighting the virus rather than who joins next? If Albania joins no one will be left in Albania mark my word and you don't want these guys in your countries. I am very certain they will all head straight to Scandinavia which unfortunately not the Scandinavia of just a few years ago already.

They were given the ok to start the accession process, it will take ages for them to actually join. Serbia became a candidate for accession in like 2004 and they are still nowhere close to actually becoming a member

Ah, the "where's the money gone" union

based retards wanting a trade union to be a nation.


>trade union
The EFTA is the other way, this is the EU

Don't you see? The more shitholes it accepts, the faster it dies.


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This shit was meant to be a trade union or an economic forum only. Funny how when everything is fun and games they are at the forefronts. If I know Italians I don't think they will forget the way they have been treated after this crisis is over. They've had to do it all by themselves.

Because franks in the north feel (are) germanic

>If I know Italians I don't think they will forget the way they have been treated after this crisis is over. They've had to do it all by themselves.
The Union ensures financial aid and production of healthcare necessities for the countries that need it in this crisis, when possible we have examples like Germany taking in some french and if I'm not mistaken also Italian patients as to alleviate the burden on their hospitals, i don't understand what other kinds of intervention you memesters expected to happen

If Conte would trigger Italexit right now he'd probably have an overwhelmingly popular backing

I can't wait for the EU to be abolished

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It would be chaos

Yeah sure what Italy needs right now is even more chaos

I'm not saying it's a good idea, but that's where the popular sentiment stands

What happened?

Bureaucracy is the biggest buzzword on the planet. All it translates to is “I don’t understand how government works so I hate it”.

Yeah I have seen trains filled with patients going up and down the union. Freaking ridiculous.

Let me tell you what can be done instead:

-Provide PPE to countries or atleast source them for the member states
-take initiative and make central decisions rather than taking a back seat and watching as events unfold
-Fucking decide on who gets what quickly rather than waiting 2 weeks which during a pandemic is an eternity
-Spend time on more pressing issues such as the pandemic and the migrant crisis on Greek border rather that wasting time discussing which states should join the union. All of which btw will be a net receivers anyways.
-Help build hospitals and provide more medical staff

I could go on all day ...

They feel threatened
A state is a bureaucratic apparatus to manage the affairs of its inhabitants. Yes, the EU is bureaucratic bullshit and so is every other country in the world other than Somalia, you monkey.

>but that's where the popular sentiment stands
Meh, says you. I haven't seen anyone cry about yurop or anything - in general most online claims about how our politics are evolving with the crisis just come off as out of touch and tailored to make X look good and Y bad, like the faggots that swear up and down we're all figuratively sucking off glorious China

>Milan capital city again

>UK being there
That'd be delusional and inappropriate. Other than that, sounds good. Netherlands go to the Northern Union, though.

>take initiative and make central decisions rather than taking a back seat and watching as events unfold
Yeah right, and then if that happens you'd instead cry about how the EU is fascist and forcing rules without your approval

>crisis begins
>people ask for basic economic measures to be taken
>germany declines
>people suffer
major deja vu

Economic measures being based on taking loans, gotta go with Germany on this one

>-take initiative and make central decisions rather than taking a back seat and watching as events unfold
Pretty sure that's a breach of the sovereignty of member states

I meant a central decision about treaties that are binding us as a result of being part of a member state such as Shengen why wasn't it closed in time for example and I know countries have been scolded for placing their orders directly with China after getting a slow response from the union. So if you want to take the centre stage take it properly or let countries decide what should happen and how.

The EU can't close Schengen, it can be closed only if all the member states agree it has to be closed

The EU died the moment the Euro was introduced.

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Shut up, tax haven.

>hey, now that we have shut down our economy, let leave the group providing stimulus packages!
Italian intellectuals

Then again, british weren't any smarter.

I say, not a better time for Nexit

>EU enforces shit
>"wtf you can't do that, this should just be a trade union i don't want to do anything the 4th reich says!"
>EU doesn't enforce shit
>"you fucking assholes, why aren't you ruling me with an iron fist right now??? close the borders and our economies already so i can complain about it later!"

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Nobody wants a union between 27 totally different culture.
If Italians, Poles and Swedes would feel comfortable following the same rules as Dutch people, and Merkel and Macron would stop forcing selfish measures on the EU, then it will work out.

Let's thank the European centre for disease prevention and control (ECDC) for their heroic efforts during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Eu is the perfect scapegoat because literally no matter what happens you can always blame them
>Poland and Romania are growing fast
>it's because of muh eu
>Greece's and Italy's economy went to shit

thirdies of western europe

Of course, because they are responsible, as the highest layer of government.

You are posting in a Yas Forumstard thread. Everyone with a brain loves the EU. Because of it we are all going to be better than any country outside of it since medical supplies are being shared first between EU countries. Serbia is having a meltdown right now since they get all their medicine from the EU but the EU has closed borders and medicine and protection supplies flows only inside the union right now. This is one of the reasons there are buttblasted nations all around the world right now. Stronger together as always.

>noooo why can't kraft chese like imitation products be marketed as parmesan
you're not human beings

Kek I cannot even imagine how much this would collapse


and this is why you're just island amis

Uh? That is factually incorrect. The EU does not have the same competence and power as national governments. They are not the highest layer but a layer below a national government that is the highest. It's mostly retards that don't understand the EU who give it too much imaginative power in their heads.

Their laws are above Dutch laws.

If you apply your logic than Dutch provinces are about the Dutch nation, because the provinces pick the senators. So our provinces would be the highest power. But that simply isnt true. Because provincial laws get overwritten by national laws.


Hopefully this is a good opportunity for the European Union to disappear and to have our national currencies again.

I would not totally break with the union, though, the best thing would be to do a kind of EFTA and militar collaboration.


>Their laws are above Dutch laws.
Only in certain sectors. The EU isn't actually sovereign, it just has competences in those sectors where the member states agree it can regulate

Rome is back?

Nothing wrong with parmesan regional patents, you thieving fuck.

>If you think the way you make it and the end product justify calling it Kentucky bourbon then by all means.
This is your brain on turbocapitalism.

Americans are apes


>and other shady websites
Like Yas Forums, the epicentre of paid shills?

Seething nationalists. EU will last forever. Next the NAU and AU will come. working together for common goals always wins

"The beggars can't be choosers union"

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Do you understand that in the end when it comes to big decisions the EU doesn't have the legislative pull to act without the agreement of all it's member states. It's not a fucking federation that can clamb down and breach the sovereignty of national borders.

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Please annex us and impose the rule of law.

One condition: no Muslim immigrants.

this is why you get subverted by jews

Not even Dutch people want Muslim immigrants. 2/3 of the population thinks the Islam does not fit into Dutch society. And 3% wants more Moroccans.

Hello noise rock Finn

Never have I thought I would read a Bulgarian bro's post with tears in my eyes

Which is funny, because we have 6% Muslims. So even the Muslims dont want more Moroccans.

>I watched it and its some dumb thing on hoe "Parmesan"cheese can only come from the 2 sq km area in italy because the grass the cows eat blah blah only certified farms blah blah and how its illegal to sell your parmesan cheese or say its "parmesan" cheese unless it came from the 2 or 3 rinky dink ass farms in italy.
that's literally just a copyright and branding issue
motherfucker if somebody imitates a company name or logo in US they get hell brought upon them, this is the same just with place and product names

No, Autistic union acting like a country when it wants to enrich Germany and acts like it's a powerless optional thing when it would require any responsibility to do anything other than crippling and draining everything else to empower germany, it should go full mask off as a single country instead of being a defacto country that forces it's whims and wishes on all it's members but if called out goes uwu dose ebil nationalists are so stupid we do nothing

They neeed to fully acknowledge they're a single country instead of pretending not to be to massage it's proudest members egos if they stay as a country pretending to be a trade union and pretending it's provinces are still individual nations it will fail. it needs to be less like a un union and more like a US or UK "union" otherwise it will break apart and fail as a union everyone abandons rather than getting stronger more relevant and more powerful in a "union" that's just a country everyone's forced to stay in.

Don't add nobody, all the french and italian gibs for us and Portugal

t. mentally handicapped

>that's literally just a copyright and branding issue
Yea, but for a region, not a private company, so it doesn't count.

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Because so we can sell you our agricultural products goyim *rubs hands*


>Their laws are above Dutch laws.
>doesn't know how the EU works
LMAO i thought that you had good education up north. I guess i thought wrong. How does it feel to be schooled by random anons on the internet Tell me Aquafresh are you retarded or simply diaspora?

Did you even mean to reply to me?
>that forces it's whims
there is no force with elected representation genius
if only dubs could pay debts eh

the EU is doing this lmao, we have our own beef and chad cows but EU made a deal with Brazilian beef makers for some reason and are trying to shill it hard in evropa

Yeah but the creme de la creme was the free-trade deal between EU-Mercosul, which Macron had an autistic fit about it and said it was because of the fires in Amazon, but the truth is that it would destroy French agriculture.

fear, they cant do anything to a united EVROPA

EU is based, keep sending those gibs germany, italy and france

Genius :D

>Rome is formed again and goes to war against germ*ids to sack em
>WW3 again in europe
please this

the EU will only come out stronger from this once Eurobonds get approved

For once, we won't be getting raped by being in the middle of it.

The migrant crisis left us with stronger border protections, Brexit and the 2016 far right flop left us with a stronger sense of unity than ever.
You can't stop the flood now.

Is it true they're trying to fine the Italian hotel sector right now?

Exactly this. I don't want to stack too much tinfoil on my head but I'm starting to think that the whole anti-China and anti-EU thing on Yas Forums is actually Earnest Voice contractors. It's not natural, I can tell you this for sure because I've been here daily since early 2007. Yas Forums cannot gather a supermajority to align towards a specific point, the nature of this site is to trigger each other and the more people align towards one point the bigger the trolling target becomes, like for an example Trump supporters. Yet that doesn't happen for the anti-EU and anti-China mentality which is still a supermajority to this day. It does happen for muttposting where there's an equivalent group of Americans who keep waving their flags while calling you obsessed along with their sycophant Euros who desperately want to be American, but does not happen for anti-Russian, anti-Brazil, anti-German, anti-Swedish, anti-Canadian, anti-Brit, anti-Indian and anti-Turkish posting, all of which are a supermajority agreement.

In other words, we see unopposed soft power assassination for every single relevant nation in the world other than America itself. Again I'm not trying to pull the tinfoil hat here but it's worth noticing the obvious trend. Then there's the actual existence of a state-funded online propaganda drive i.e EV, and the proven literal Fed posting on 8ch and pushing this exact anti-Russian propaganda, so it's really not as far of a stretch to claim this.

EU army soon

You're paranoid. There are a lot of legitimate reasons to be anti China right now. In fact I can't see why you wouldn't recognise it, if anything there's a strange amount of pro China propaganda here.

Honestly, I'm fine with integration otherwise as it is. A coherent military should be the number one priority.
What sucks is the whole narrative of an EU army being a replacement for NATO. American states have a common army, but that doesn't undermine NATO.
And the worrying thing is that it will probably take another crisis for us to realize the need for common defense.

Haha the Corona DeathSquad

>germ*ids take the opportunity to ""protect""" the balts from russia by annexing them
there is no limit to germanic barbarism

>You're paranoid.
Of course I am. The gore threads of 2003-2016 completely disappearing and having China hate threads replace them with the exact same 30 webms spammed over and over again is surely natural. That reddit post of yellow man bad getting literally 200k upvotes is natural as well, isn't it?
You can't just live in a shell where you refuse to think outside the box because you may sound like a paranoid schizo, some conspiracies actually do exist. The US government is especially known to be fond of such conspiracies with stuff like PRISM and ECHELON being completely hidden from the public until whistleblowers exposed them. Keep in mind that the conspiracy where pic related is a large-scale OP designed to stoke up American patriotism on the most dissenting forum on the internet is a much softer and probable version of the dystopic conspiracy that literally exists i.e the former two NSA OPs I mentioned. If things of that caliber can exist then pretty much anything can.

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The "N*rdoid subhuman's nightmare" Union

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Erdogan pushing migrants into greece with armored vehicles has already convinced a lot of countries

The West doesn't do propaganda like that.

For what purpose? You don't have any threatening neighbours, and neither do we. The threat is in the Baltic/northeast Europe, and they're hanseatic so fuck them.

Sure it doesn't. The West is good and only the East is the bad guys. Operation Gladio creating the neo-nazi movements of Europe and then activating one cell in Ukraine to coup it and install a neo-nazi puppet government under American rule just so Russia doesn't do it? Nope, didn't happen. Trust the glorious Five Eyes.

Turkey worries me, they're becoming increasingly hostile but since they're in NATO they think they can get away with it
the mess in Lybia also needs to be dealt with

Go back to tard. Shitposting for (you)s is beyond pathetic. Fucking schizo autismos like you should all be gassed.

>For what purpose?
More bang/buck. Iberian army would be able to protect it's coast at lower cost than separate Spanish and Portugese forces.

They're not going to land an invasion army in Brindisi anytime soon. In fact their getting their shit pushed in by Russians and Syrians. Then Kurds, Iran and etc.

Lybia will continue to be a mess regardless.

>I'm too afraid to question anything schizo schizo schizo

Soon brother! Most countries in the EU are above 50% already.

Attached: EU army soon.jpg (960x684, 247.51K)

I wonder how the approval numbers are after all this corona shit

No, the pathetic one are you. I post in those China hate threads because China is cancer. The same way Russia and the USA are cancer. Wake up from your induced coma, faggot.

Wouldn't surprise me if they're somewhat high. Eurocuckery is still strong here.

You do retard.Cant you not even recognize your southern neighbors?

nah. my parents were huge EU cucks and now they are seething everytime there is something on Germans and Netherlands and geniunely hope coronachan explodes there.

EU would be better without the leech third world eastern countries

suprise how netherland is so pro EU on this one

Ah yes, senegalese on rafts. Lel.

Remove Germany also

they don't need to directly attack us, trespassing into Greece is already more than enough reason for me to want them curbed
Greece is our ally and one our best friends and i'm sure everyone in Italy feels the same as me

one of the main reasons Lybia is a mess right now is that different EU countries are supporting different sides, a unified Europe that puts their whole weight behind one man (preferrably Haftar) will improve things noticeably, even if it doesn't completely fix the country

Ah I see that you fell for the reflexive need to parrot the dominant board culture so as to fit in and my posts just shat on your delusional freethinker identity.
Don't worry you'll eventually calm down but every single thing I wrote so far will remain in your head. When you see the exact same style of predictable shilling being done to incite Italians to secede from the EU as it was in Brexit's case, which will happen in the next two years at the latest, all of this will come out and you'll become just like me. Until then, I guess.

Bros for life, good group

2021-3021 :)

Attached: United States of Euope.png (2576x2884, 466.21K)

What are you talking about faggot? You are the one sucking up to Chinese/Russian/USA propaganda. Look at your autistic posts defending China.

China is a shithole that cannot survive unless they copy and steal. No art, no capacity to create art, no capacity to innovate either - just a static factory that's cheaper because their lower class is literal serfs.
I'm not defending anyone, I'm merely stating the truth. You on the other hand are swallowing American agitprop without even realizing it.

That just requires common policy, not an EU Army, and there's no common policy to start with. Also Russia is in Lybia too anyway, plus the Egyptians and some Sheikh country.

All you really need is stop the boats, and you can do that yourselves hateful easily, you have the means, the only real interference comes not from Turkey, Russia or the Sheikhs but the lefties and ONG's and the EU itself.

Iirc Benelux countries and Germany already partially integrated their armies

>Saying China is bad means you're defending America
>talks about American propaganda but not a word about Russian propaganda
Go back to Russia pidorah. Pycкитe пoдлoги кaтo тeбe вcичкитe нa въжeтo.

>talks about Russian propaganda but not a word about American propaganda
Go back to your NATO base John.

*quite easily.

Lel, I don't know how the fuck the autocorrect changed that to 'hateful'

>crying about the EU
You wanna be a Chinese or American vassal?

EU army forces unitary policy in foreign affairs, it's a pretty obvious correlation
also, we can't just push the boat people back to a war torn country, it's useless other than inhumane because they'll always prefer risking drowning or getting detained in Italy to staying under bombs or literally being sold into slavery
a more stabe Lybia is necessary to stop immigration

Бeгaй oт тyкa бe, pycкa кypвeтинo. Aз ти нaпиcaх, шe и Aмepикa и Pycия ca ypoдливи нaции aмa пpoмитият ти мoзък тoвa гo пpoпycнa. Иди ce oбecи бe.

with my own currency, laws, borders and not a vassal of the Franco-German shitheads with America who the majority have Irish blood and roots or even china because it's not a godless shithole that forced us to legalize homosexuality and divorce HELL YEAH

Not an option you irrelevant retards who infected Europe.

It's dead, Jim

should have never let in all those leeches. Back to founding members

And nothing of value was lost.