Is Christianity redpilled or blackpilled?

Is Christianity redpilled or blackpilled?

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What do you find based of Christianity?
It's a slave religion that castrates you and destroys your pride honor and ethnic prode bowing to semitrs.

If Christianity was true I'd prefer going to hell than worshiping yeshua bin Yosef and having Moshe (moses/) as a prophet.

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Do you find Christians redpilled in history or in today the kind of slaves Christianity breeds

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reb pills are red because of the blood of the lamb
welcome to Yas Forums

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Can you give one example of how Christianity is "cucked"

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go back rebbi

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It's jewpilled.

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Spiritual jew pilled. Do you want to cosplay as a jew as whitey?

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Which etynciity is the authority intge Bible and the messiah and all apostles what ethncities were they?
How does a Jewish religion equate to ethnic pride of non Jews?
Any who believe otherwise are clearly lying through their teeth or a hopeless case .

Turn the other cheek

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Modern Christians who spout that "jews" are God's chosen people bullshit. They clearly don't read their bible's properly. Also failing to recognize the importance of race in a society.

>Sicut Judaeis (Latin: "As the Jews") were papal bulls which set out the official position of the papacy regarding the treatment of Jews. The first bull by that name was issued in about 1120 by Calixtus II and served as a papal charter of protection to Jews. It was prompted by attacks on Jews by the First Crusade, during which over five thousand Jews were slaughtered in Europe. The bull forbade Christians, on pain of excommunication, from forcing Jews to convert, from harming them, from taking their property, from disturbing the celebration of their festivals, and from interfering with their cemeteries.

>Following further attacks, further bulls by many popes reaffirmed the doctrine, including Alexander III, Celestine III (1191-1198), Innocent III (1199), Honorius III (1216), Gregory IX (1235), Innocent IV (1246), Alexander IV (1255), Urban IV (1262), Gregory X (1272 & 1274), Nicholas III, Martin IV (1281), Honorius IV (1285-1287), Nicholas IV (1288-92), Clement VI (1348), Urban V (1365), Boniface IX (1389), Martin V (1422), and Nicholas V (1447).

>The Church’s stated attitude against the mistreatment of Jews goes back to the early Church. Around 400, St Augustine, one of the most influential and foundational figures of Catholic theology, preached that the Jews must be protected for their ability to explain the Old Testament.

Christianity is redpilled but also at times too whitepilled.

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>[The Jews] ought to suffer no prejudice. We, out of the meekness of Christian piety, and in keeping in the footprints of Our predecessors of happy memory, the Roman Pontiffs Calixtus, Eugene, Alexander, Clement, admit their petition, and We grant them the buckler of Our protection.
>For We make the law that no Christian compel them, unwilling or refusing, by violence to come to baptism. But, if any one of them should spontaneously, and for the sake of the faith, fly to the Christians, once his choice has become evident, let him be made a Christian without any calumny. Indeed, he is not considered to possess the true faith of Christianity who is not recognized to have come to Christian baptism, not spontaneously, but unwillingly.
>Too, no Christian ought to injure their persons, or with violence to take their property, or to change the good customs which they have had until now in whatever region they inhabit.
>Besides, in the celebration of their own festivities, no one ought disturb them in any way, with clubs or stones, nor ought any one try to require from them or to extort from them services they do not owe, except for those they have been accustomed from times past to perform.
>...We decree... that no one ought to dare mutilate or diminish a Jewish cemetery, nor, in order to get money, to exhume bodies once they have been buried.
>If anyone, however, shall attempt, the tenor of this decree once known, to go against it...let him be punished by the vengeance of excommunication, unless he correct his presumption by making equivalent satisfaction.

Jewpilled. The jews created it and use it as a tool to benefit themselves. It brainwashes people to believe that modern jews are god's chosen people and they are special and need to be protected.

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Jews and Christians are part of the same colonial system wherever Christians go Jews their psyoped master follows to profit off the Christian.

cope more moshe
buzz buzz

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Slaves obey your masters

Imagine worshipping a dead rabbi.

>Is Christianity redpilled or blackpilled?
Red pilled if you use the KJV (not NKJV) or literal translation.
Any other version will literally turn you into a cuck.
Jew rewritten version that most americans use;
>Leviticus 19:33-34 (NIV)
>33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them.
>34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
Real version
>Leviticus 19:33-34 (KJV)
>33 And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him.
>34 But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Sojourn left out; to stay temporarily, visit, a traveling businessman or tourist.
The jews have edited most Bibles and most people that say they are Christian are not actually Christian because they are using fake edited Bibles. The jews have changed one word here, another word there, droppet entire entries and even rewritten entire verses to suite their agenda of destroying Christianity.

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Obey Moshe Christian your spiritual master.

dang you plebbit kikes glow

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the story of Marie and (((Joseph))) is literally a cuck story

you are a litteral kike
cope more
while you still can that it :)

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What would all churches in the world think of this revolt of slaves against their chosen masters?

How come every thread we try to discuss Chirstianity it fills with kikes and edgelords to shill against us, without fail?


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Obey the children of Israel gentile.

No authority is an ethhnicity in the bible. God is the authority.
>how does a "jewish" equate to ethnic pride of non jews?
All ethnoi can keep their heritage and traditions and sovereignty over their land in Christianity. I don't know why people think otherwise.

It's saying your life is more important than getting killed or thrown in prison over petty insults. Christianity is the only worldview in which humans have innate dignity.

The papacy has always been cucked, Orthodoxy is the way.

You do know the old testament is Jewish? The religion is based off Jewish fairytales.


I dont know moshe
maybe you can ask some of your ancestors XD

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christians are israel... do you learn nothing but hate in synagogue?

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And the decived all rot in hell for not knowing.

>dang you plebbit kikes glow
If you want to hurt jews call them jews, and not kikes.
They invented that 'allergy against the cross' so they, now that the western world is saturated with christianity and they don't need to be missoinaries for it anymore, can pretend convert to Christianity to make 99.9999999% of christians pop a throbbing forgiveness boner if they fuck with the goyim too much.

>yeah I know we caught this jew abducting and killing children, but he's accepted jesus christ as his savior and we're not allowed to kill a fellow christian :^)

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>St. Augustine
christmutt please

Mideval propaganda to shame Europeans just like the holocaust to be tolerant of Jews

Render unto Caesar

It's okay. Humans need something to worship.
Pagans are leftists and edgelords, all are larpers who don't believe their religion and don't take it seriously.

You can effectively be a Christian, a Muslim, or Hindu in the modern world. Even I need to decide.

look at these plebbit spacing glownigger kikes

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And can you please leave us in rot and not spread your cancerous false religion?

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Christianity is monarchist. Cry more.

Joseph was her cousin and only married her because she wanted to be a nun and she trusted him

>worship your genes

jews are gone
what you call jews are kikes
you know this because you hate the cross too
which makes you a kike :)

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That is not an argument. Refute what I said, or you are following a cucked religion lol.

user, the Catholic church is Christian in name alone. They are not Christian at all, they actively make moves against the teachings of Christ and the gospel.
For example Jews ARE the evil that the Bible teaches of. To support evil is a grave sin. The Catholics support jews. If a Catholic gives a donation to the church the jews receive a cut of it.
The Catholic church practices usury, another huge sin.
The Catholic church are the ones that spread the lie of "turn the other cheek means walk away". Turn the other cheek does not mean walk away but actually is a challenge to a duel to the death. throughout history to get slapped on one cheek and turn the other slapped again was a challenge to a duel. I was even written into the law in the past because the Bible allows for it.

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>redpilled if you use my cherrypicked translation
in the Latin vulgata, the verb used is "habitare", which is best translates as "reside"
"reside" obviously can also imply only a temporary residence
in any case, that quote makes it clear that there is a foreigner and a native, so I don't think it's particularly pro-migrants
hell, a good part of Genesis is about abraham and sons going all the way to their homeland to find wives of their own tribe and avoid marrying foreigners

still a big cuck story

If Christians believe they will go to heaven and we to hell then why care about u
Our supposed damnation by your crucified Hebrew is our problem and free will that doesn't concern you

>jewish garbage
Pick both
Your god is the result of cuckolding. What could be more cucked than worshipping a bastard?

it was made in the 1850s
does being low iq ever get embarrassing for you or do you not even notice how embarrassed you should be?

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>jews are gone
No, they're the same people from back then.
From Saint Chrysostom lamenting about judaized Christians to the last place to be Christianized, Lithuania.

It was always the same jews, the same chaim scheissbergs, from day one.

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Blue pilled normie faggot

The old testament is the Pentateuch revealed by God to Moses, and then the chronicles of the hebrews, and then the prophecies of the messiah. The only part actually focused on the jews are the chronicles, and 75% of them are about how awful jews are as a people.

Kings existed before Christianity

I dont take oders from kike chattle
neck yourself kikel

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>no true scotsman mode: engaged
was starting to get worried
yeah tootally man, true christianity has never been tried, the single most fundamental and important christian denomination on the planet and arguably of history and in the west is not christian, St. Augustine was not a christian either, right?

the protection of jews literally goes back to the earliest fathers of the church
you may hate kikes as christ killers, but you ought not to harm them, and to allow them the possibility to repent and convert

>someone calls out Jewish trash as being jewish garbage
>n-no, you're the jew.
How can you use the name of a major prophet in YOUR OWN RELIGION as an insult?

ahh yes, the kike pushing the eternal jew meme
cope more moshe
kikes were wiped out, what you are is 6th century larpers
rome is eternal
kikes are passing, fading, temporal

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This guy gets it
>reddit spacing because he puts spaces between his responses to individual posts
project harder, leaf

Rome is pagan

>noooo not the heckin moneyrinos!!!

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>The old testament is told by God
Any evidence?

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we get it jidf
you have a script to use
triforce or dont post again amalek

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That Rome crucified Christians for 300 years.

Pagan kings would be sacrificed all the time.

rome is pagan?
you should maybe visit there... if you can bare to spend the sheckles that is moshe

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