Real conversations

I'm a half black, half native American man living in Texas. I understand how a lot of people feel about people like me. You can call me a Nigger. You can call me a shitskin. It doesn't bother me. I am here to let you know that not all of us are ignorant pieces of shit. Europeans are building more and more resentment towards non whites like myself and it's hard to blame them. I am college educated. I've always had great aptitude for math and science and I have great respect for the people who helped establish all aspects of higher learning. Please understand I was gifted with a stable upbringing and both parents. A number of us can be just as hard working and decent as any white person, given a real chance. Don't lump us all together. I hope you guys can hear me when I say. I see what is being done to attack your white heritage and history and it's terrible. I don't agree with it and I wish it wasn't the case. We have a common enemy. Understand the worst thing for them is for us to come to some form of common ground. What do you think? Who knows I'll probably just get a bunch of shills answering with hate.

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slide slide slippity slide


>Half black half Native American

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Are you what they call a Zambo?

Please don't say the n word

Well this is a good start. It's bigger than race at this point. It's about moral right and wrong. When enough people are raised with bad morals unchecked we get where we are today

We'll believe it when you Roman salute unironically

>autistic stemlord tries to understand culture

No one hates a hard working immigrant shitskin, it's the leachers we have a problem with

>You can call me a Nigger. You can call me a shitskin. It doesn't bother me.
it doesn't even bother other niggers, it's just a sound that permits chimpouts

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Mkultra turns whites into crazy school shooters and blacks into violent murderers. All sides and being played against each other like fools

I would call you neighbor if you care for your property and don't drive a nigged out lowered Lexus.

You have some aryan R1A slavic space master race blood. You are worth more than average R1B non aryan white cucks



>half black, half native American
Every nigger in the South claims that they're Cherokee

Half black + half Native American + Texas = Mexican without an accent. Be yourself bro.

>1 post by this ID

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Surest wya to identify white trash in the south is ask if their great grandmother was part Cherokee. They all claim it as a bizarre hillbilly pride.

>Don't lump us all together
>Whites consistently lumped together blamed for the actions of their ancestors

Shut the fuck up

>Come to common ground
For what purpose? What will that achieve?
Whites are being wiped out, and you're part of that attack. Now the black swan event is here, the unexpected event that sparks off all the flashpoints of tension that have been building up over the last 70 years, and Whites must act in order to save themselves.
We haven't the time nor the luxury of seeking common ground with nonwhites. You have nothing to offer us in our fight. You are merely a problem to be solved.

Am I wrong? What the hell is in it for us to "understand" you?

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>I'm a half black, half native American man living in Texas.

So you were raised by an alcoholic single mom and you own a lot of guns.
Got it.

This. Anything to not be regarded as black kek.

nigger fren

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Where in Texas?

>A number of us can be just as hard working and decent as any white person, given a real chance
The Black "middle-class" is mostly made of government workers. The Black "middle-class" is another group of Blacks on a different type of welfare, paid for by Whites.
In the private sector, Blacks with college degrees mostly work in HR or doing something that a White man can do without a college degree.
The "talented tenth" was an overstimate

I just want more people to know that we are capable of rational thought and true moral values. I am extremely thankful to my parents for setting me on the right path in life. I wish I could change so much about this world but politics is a viper pit. I hope I can convince more of you guys that men like me exists. I look forward to seeing how these next few weeks progress. I feel like some real change is coming soon.


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nice larp

stop making your entire identity your nonwhite ethnicity (or mix of ethnicities), stop acting like a victim, and fuck off. why are you here making this shit thread? so you can beg for understanding and approval from a bunch of people YOU WILL NEVER MEET? not sure about that aptitude for science and higher learning there, pal. go live your life and stop acting like a bitch, no one cares how brown you are.

Apache actually

don't post here my man, you've got THE BBC
you don't need the approval from these incels, all you need to do is FUCK THEM IN DAT ASS.

take meds schiz

You sound like a black man and not a nigger. Congrats!

>muh hillbillies muh white trash

fuck off spaniard rape baby


Who is "us"?, I'm sure you'll say "whites", but that really means nothing. Where do your roots lie? Are you Irish, Italian, German, English? You probably don't even know. Stop larping as a group when you have nothing in common, retard.


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you sound like a fucking cuck from the way you type this
also Yas Forums is filled with self hating mutts retard

It says 3 for me, but the other 2 are gone. Weird

put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

I think the racism mainly stems from our tribal instincts but also from the media narrative. Obviously some people are just straight up racist though.
I think the issue is a lack of understanding on both sides, it seems to be semi-engineered to some extent. I also think political correctness is to blame partially. I think old taboos are a problem too, maybe a lack of a moral upbringing, religious or secular. We need to change the education system as well, make public college free, invest in STEM, maybe bring production back. Bolster the economy, educate more people so they get real jobs. Maybe if people were doing better over all and had healthier debate/political awareness they would be better to each other. Just a thought.

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dont worry bro everyone has flaws.
to distance your self from your fellow coloured men of colour is wise
your not one of them your soul has sought the light
and in their jealousy they may strike you down as an uncle tom

but do not so lightly dismiss the savages and withdraw to the effete
there is also the underclass in white people (as is so often lampooned in media)
and what I have learned from them is that some brutality is necessary
all the good intentions in the word are no good if you have not the power to enforce them

>common ground
well we both hate niggers and value the process and reward of hard work
along with the institutions and structures and beauty that can be bought forth by a healthy society

its not even about race any more
its about those who build vs those who destroy
race only comes into it when they use it as a weapon for their wicked schemes

also note stereotyping is a lazy short cut
its quick and works most of the time
there is nothing personal about it (they dont know you)
and they dont want to risk the time or effort to get to know you
just in case you really do bear the tarnished content your cover to your core

>Real conversations
you came to the wrong place
it will not work here, people are too jaded and sceptical
my post is also a waste but here it goes

If various Yas Forums meetups over the last 15 years and HWNDU have shown us anything it's that there is a large non-white contingent in Yas Forums that believes in Yas Forums's ideas.
As an aryan half-breed (I didn't ask to be born), I'm here to do what I can while staying out of the way.
I want to live in and contribute to a stable society filled with healthy families that explores the stars.

It's not as if I can relate to any part of African culture. I don't know what sort of culture I can embrace other than true European and American heroes. I am willing fight the powers at be because I know they purposely try to divide us and make us hate each other to keep us weak.

>half black, half native
no you're a shit mutt

Zambo grifo



You need to speak to the black youths. They will never listen to a white man

There is no is let's face it. You are 1/100000 the other 99999 would happily leave whites to die and then go back to living in a 3rd world shit hole because the other races of planet earth are inherently corrupt

Shame such a based dying breed furthered its extinction by breeding with a nog of all options


>don't lump us all together
But you are all together. We let you and your wife live with us and act white, then your niglet son runs about niggering. Reversion to the mean.

The perpetuator of these negative deeds is the Jew.

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We're not going to keep you around because one out of one hundred niggers are almost human. You are a failed race, a genetic dead end. You belong across the sea, in the jungle.

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>I'm a half black, half native American man

Come back when you have tits.

Tits or gits motherfucker.

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I will. I want to be a positive influence on the lives black people everywhere but that is a very daunting task. I've already faced opposition from my own race. Been called Oreo, been told I speak like a white person in grade school. I hope I can make a difference for my race because quite frankly, I feel like the remainder of us in America are lost. There's not enough cohesion and simple respect for the achievements of others. It's a vicious cycle that we placate on ourselves and it needs to end.

It's sad when the nigger half of your genes actually makes you MORE likely to work hard and be a functional, trustworthy member of society than the other half. Fucking wagon burners have no place in this world. There should have been no trail of tears, just death.


I’m like as far right as you can basically go and also not racist. I hate niggers, not black people. I think there is an IQ difference and general intelligence differences between race but these mostly disappear when apart of society for so long. This does not mean invasion of countries by foreigners are okay, but in countries like USA where black people were literally brought over by whites it is different. They arent all bad, although many are. I still have not figured out my opinion on race.

I think most blacks are less intelligent genetically but can be good people.
(((())))) on the other hand...

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the corporate globohomo zog does not want you to have any culture
nor anyone else for that matter
yea natives are getting wrecked as they are endemic
most nationals are just naturalised
be we live in the age of invasive species


>I am here to let you know that not all of us are ignorant pieces of shit.
True. But enough of you are that it really doesn't matter.
>Europeans are building more and more resentment towards non whites like myself and it's hard to blame them.
Astute observation.
>I am college educated.
California is both the most highly educated state and the state with the lowest IQ. Somalians are one of the dumbest demographics in the world and yet Somali immigrants are guaranteed free college and cannot be failed. Education is meaningless.
> I've always had great aptitude for math and science and I have great respect for the people who helped establish all aspects of higher learning.
Rare and impressive if true.
>Please understand I was gifted with a stable upbringing and both parents.
Also rare and impressive if true.
>A number of us can be just as hard working and decent as any white person, given a real chance
Too small a number and it's probably because you got the best trait of your white ancestors by luck. Won the genetic lottery. Natives and niggers both average 20% European Genes and you probably got the best of those available.
>Don't lump us all together.
Fuck you, I absolutely will because enough of you act like shitstains that it's almost irresponsible not to just assume you all are.
>I see what is being done to attack your white heritage and history and it's terrible.
That doesn't help, though, does it?
>What do you think?
I think it's irrelevant. I think you're not going to help because helping would require open gratefulness to whites for the culture and society we brought you, but you're not persuasive enough to convince anyone that your anything more than a house nigga, uncle Tom, sellout. So you wasted your time just like I wasted mine on this high effort response.

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>these mostly disappear when apart of society for so long
This is emphatically untrue, statistically.

I bleed the same color you do. Hell I might even have the same blood type and could donate to you if you needed it. We're all human man. I completely understand if you never want me to breed with your daughter or whatever but come on. We can at least learn to tolerate and treat one another with dignity.

Mexicans aren't black dumbass. I think they have one of the lowest admixtures in all of LA. If you've ever lived near both it's obvious which is superior.

Got me.