This was the Incel Meetup on Valentine

This was the Incel Meetup on Valentine.

50 years ago they would have been considered perfectly normal, had girlfriends in high school and gotten married by the age of 30.

Today these men are permavirgins. Today there are millions of average men with no sexual prospects, while women spend their sexual prime rotating on a small minority of cocks for whom its Christmas every day.

How will this affect politics and why did it come to this? Will this turn young men more traditionalists?

Attached: incel meetup.jpg (3493x2620, 974.06K)

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50 years ago there wouldn't have been so many god damn coloreds.

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he's kinda handsome

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he too

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Damn I've fucked more girls than the amount of people in this picture. It's not hard to get laid guys, just shave shower and smell nice

White women are the downfall of Western civilization. Their extreme selfishness, hedonism and hypergamy will destroy everything in just a couple of generations.

The blonde guy, the tall Latino guy in the back, and the Latino guy in the blue hoodie are the only ones that could get laid


Only headband and the blonde one in the green pullover are normal.
Rest is ugly as sin.

I'm a low income fatass and I got a gf. I literally had to just exist and talk with women I met through friends for that to happen.

those are indians not latinos you stupid burger

too short

Men who wear Chuck Taylors should be shot on sight.

I know guy on far right.
Ben used to get hit on a ton by older girls when we were coming up.
His mom was too draconic, still a virgin.
She loved my fiancee to death, hated his crush.
He was left there, is still there.
Fucking sad, that is my best friend.

No, it wasn't and has been disproved numerous times. You probably know that though and keep posting it like a good little goy. This is of a bunch of normie friends who did this as a joke. Stop being a retarded kike faggot.

they all look normal overall
except for the fat guy hiding his face

Just fuck anything that moves and if it don’t move, push it.

you have shit taste, understand why you are here now

What do you do about sexual performance. My wife and I are getting a divorce, we have lots of sex but sometimes I finish in like 2 minutes sometimes I last for more than a hour. I'm worried about embarrassing myself with a new girl.

I legit know these guys, my point stands.

They look normal, but you can see the weakness in their eyes. I bet they are chronic masturbators.

Because Ted was right and the internet needs to be destroyed.

I always bust one out maybe 30 minutes before plans (26) so i am less senstive.
Keeps my lad casual enough to mayweather her ass for a 9 round split decision.

>just shower bro
>just have good genetics bro

they all look ugly except a couple that are passable but probaby have mental issues, them being incels is only natural selection...

bandanna guy must be mentally ill if he isn't smashing something

To the anons who think
>bro they just got to work out
>just shower bro
>be confident


Introduction to the Blackpill

Summary of evidence for the Blackpill in a wiki article

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>This was the Incel Meetup on Valentine.
>50 years ago they would have been considered perfectly normal
No they wouldn't.

We already told you guys this a million times. Being successful with women has nothing to do with appearance. It's about being alpha and confident.

Those guys scream "beta male" from a mile away. They look like autistic losers. Of course they're not getting laid.


And the meteoric rise in mental disorders is only natural too, right?

You can thank woman for that. your aryan christian trad woman is now fucking 3 chads.

He is. I don't know what he's doing there. That dude could get laid very easily.

The others aren't as handsome, but most of them certainly aren't ugly. They need better haircuts and clothes. I've seen dudes a lot uglier than these guys with beautiful women before.

>We already told you guys this a million times. Being successful with women has nothing to do with appearance. It's about being alpha and confident.

>Those guys scream "beta male" from a mile away. They look like autistic losers. Of course they're not getting laid.
cope harder

This is what happens when your tinder interactions start and end at
>Hey gorgeous
>fifteen minutes passes
>Wow nvm you're a dumb bitch like the rest of them bye
Most of those dudes are there by failure of personality.

op is right

oh ive been doing that

You dont understand what alpha means. is not something you can become is the law of nature, the best genes over the weaker ones.


Attached: 59CB2A11-E3FF-4551-8477-935AB87B7DCA.jpg (1242x1623, 257.9K)

Chad can be confident and have a good personality too. there is no need to fuck an ugly guy for a woman.

No that is the result of a corrupted society afflicting weakminded people and if you are easily influnced by society then you are not fit to survive in this environment

1, 7 & 12 are larping, they can get laid. All the others are permanent incels or future betabuxx for a 3/10 at best. Blackpill.

Attached: virgins.jpg (3493x2620, 1.77M)

Which of these two is at first glance the most alpha?

Attached: CHAD VS BETA.png (424x643, 487.01K)

Contradicting yourself in your own post LMFAO

Guy is an absolute manlet though.


They are both gay

>I don't know what he's doing there. That dude could get laid very easily.
You're damn right you don't know anything. The pool for dating is so absolutely huge by virtue of the internet and phone apps that he has to compete against every chad within half an hour's drive and every woman thinks she can get one of those chads too.
>I've seen dudes a lot uglier than these guys with beautiful women before.
Sure you have.
It will turn young men accelerationist. Any that turn traditionalist for a while will eventually become accelerationist when they realise they can't go back to those times while women still have unearned rights and privileges.

This triggers "based" user roasties

muh nigga

Kek wtf, I’m 5’4 and have zero problem getting women. These guys must be flat out autistic or there has to be some underlying issue, it is seriously not that hard.

The guy on the left is confident and showers daily the other needs to man up

Guy on the left clearly has a better personality which makes him grow taller and have better facial features.


>meteoritic rise

Every white woman with a cell phone says she has either BPD or anxiety, most “mental disorders” are just cries for attention or the result of an adult with a child’s attitude not getting their way.

Lmao 5ft4 you are like a 12 year old boy. son you get no woman stfu

2/10 slampigs don't count, Jacob

>half are asian


Despite being only 10% of the population, Asians are 50% of incels

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The only true incel is the fatass who hides his face the rest are just edge bois

The guy on the left because of his facial expression and body language.

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They have the exact same facial expression and body language. Literally just standing besides each other in a relaxed pose.

>what are marriagecels
incel propaganda is true
you can tell it is compiled by lonely college students
when you're over 40:
>everyone will look like shit
>everyone works jobs they hate
>those with children look the worst
take the wizardpill

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at least 4 of those are fuckable. most of them just need to get Yas Forums and /fa/.

Lmao the dating side of TRP is so fucking cringe, betas larping as Chads

At this point they can only rely in a combination of surrogacy and hookers if they ever feel they need them (I wouldn't waste my money and time in hookers, sex is vastly overrated).
And... that's pretty much all they can do. Even if they were to marry, they would probably end up raising the child of another man and be treated like garbage.
But I still believe a life shared with your children born through surrogacy can be perfectly happy and fulfilling. As a matter of facts, I would say there's no better option for any man right now.

So you believe the real rates of depression or mental illness in general are comparable to 50/100/200 years ago?

As are the men that routinely cheat, refuse to have more then a few kids and never commit early to a relationship.

notice something?

most of them whites and asians. couple of latino looking dudes too

none of them negroes. I'm afraid Kara Boga is more than a meme. It's biological determinism

>never commit early to a relationship.
Because in today's age the average guy has enough money to sustain a family in his early 20s? Gtfo here

Nowadays, most men don't even get a chance to get into a relationship, that's what we're talking about. Roastie.

Are you autistic? I don't mean that in a bad way, but it's pretty obvious that one looks more confident and relaxed than the other. The fact that you don't seem to detect that might indicate that you have a hard time analyzing facial expressions in general.

Fippy bippy

The BBC pill is the biggest and blackest pill to swallow, hence why so many refuse to do it.

>be kissless touchless virgin
>just bought a nice onahole
>its actually really good and I enjoy it a lot

Feel like that solved my problem

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The white guy sitting down with the peace sign can make it.

The Asian guy on the far right looks Korean and he can easily make it cause of Kpop.

The rest its over for you.

>As are the men that routinely cheat
Chads that make the 20% maybe. but the majority of men never cheat.

Picture is based on USA.
Having some Asian Incels should be norm in a white country.
The latinos in the pic are brown so they can't larp as white like the white hispanics.
The fact that there are so mant white guys is alarming especially with the fact there isn't a single black guy on sight.
USA is getting blacked and their women rather be Tyrone.

happas too.


So these are the so called redpilled american poltards. Lmao.

they all seems to be nice and funny guys to hang around with, it's so sad

yet every single dating statistics shows black men being curry levels on dating response/attractiveness lol at this cope

One drop rule

There is no bbc pill. woman wont fuck a ugly man just because of dick size. if you are ugly is over no matter what you are.

I'm not contradicting myself. You can detect how confident someone is based on body language.

I mean, one of them is hiding his face with a book like a fucking autist. And that's not even mentioning their fashion sense...

The BBC pill is big and salty, but I swallowed it all!

>all these studies by white men say white men are the best

>Just workout bro
>Just wear nice clothes bro
Get a grip mate. 90% of those guys will never be loved by a woman, they're ugly and autistic. Not to mention inherent beta males. Yes they should workout to better themselves, but be honest. With their genetics, they're never going to get a woman. They will never be desirable.

Are you seriously denying the fact that American chicks ain't riding them black cocks?

Literally everyone in that picture could fuck a hambest if he really wanted. There's no such thing as an incel, only volcel.

Their standards are too high.

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He is, I think half the other guys would still have had trouble in the 50s though.

White chads are the best
white incels are like cancer to woman sadly

No, I can perfectly see why you think one looks more relaxed and confident than the other guy. But truth is that it has little to do with what is going on inside of their heads, but rather about what their exterior signals.

The guy on the left has wider shoulders, a lower hairline, a wider chin, wider cheekbones, wider eyes with little eyelid exposure, and therefore has features that are deemed more masculine.
The reason that you accuse me of being an autist, is cause you lack the awareness to understand why you came to the conclusion that one is more confident than the other. We don't disagree because we perceive things differently, we disagree because I understand and think about why I perceive things in a certain way, while you are of lower intelligence and lack the curiosity to do so.


Attached: JOY.jpg (640x628, 15.92K)

Colt 80/20. Works everytime.

Most of em look like hapas, but that's not even the problem here. Those men would have been betabux wallets in the past otherwise and nothing more and they don't realize they're better off free. They're still INvoluntarily CELibate - they want marriage, but can't get it.

Stop watching so much porn son. real life is not about dick size lmao

1 has fetal alcohol Syndrom, not larping

I think a lot of the problem stems from obsession, everyone starts as a virgin and will be a virgin until the stars align and they get some pussy, but if you freak out over the fact that you haven't gotten laid yet you're going to sperg out and give off a really bad vibe to both women and men and it will make it even harder to get laid in the future. Accept the fact that the dating market is pretty fucked right now and you will have to handle a lot of rejection and a lot of waiting in order to get laid, but it will happen sooner or later and there are way better things to concern yourself with in the mean time. Everyone needs to vent a little when shit goes wrong but keep a handle on it and try to keep trying instead of letting yourself go insane. Absolutely DO NOT accept being an incel as part of your identity, you're just a virgin right now and that could change at any time.

30 years ago there would have been two minorities and not eight
30 years ago they would have been bullied into conforming, making it easier to interact with females, who are the ultimate conformists
30 years ago they wouldn't have the internet to meet up, organize, and reinforce each others mental problems, the way trannys and other fuckups do

True, he looks beta as fuck too. 7 & 12 could easily get a decent looking girl though. All the others are a lost cause.

Women these days who are single with 3 kids are whores and all the great women are in stable marriages.

>Ghost poop in the streets, watery diarrhea in the sheets

I see only 4 salvageable faces.

White men of the past jerked it to rock carvings, fucked hairy beasts and preferred pure blooded aboriginal women to solitude.

Maybe to slay pussy, but so many non-alpha guys have decent looking gfs

This, wtf, he looks like a private school Chad. Doesn't even look like a true manlet either, he looks average height.

>50 years ago they would have been considered perfectly normal
50 years ago they would have been sent to Vietnam.

Most of those guys could get laid pretty easily if they just didn't have autism.

Actually the longer a guy stays virgin the more his standards rise. They end up switching to "I just want a trad woman who is a virgin". The only exception is if you are an absolute simp who is obsessed with vagina. The fact that these so called incels don't look totally like shit shows that they at least take somewhat care of themselves and have standards

>50 years ago nerds, geeks, dorks had to interact with people, learned some social cues, and form social circles that supported them
they're only starting to relearn this shit

Truepilled. Realize that >60 years ago, casual sex outside of marriage was demonized, most men were virgins into their 20s until they were married. The modern social environment tells teens that they're losers if they aren't fucking girls by 16 years old.

>Are you autistic?
So basically, yes.

Were they from r/incels or

It's because of the internet and porn. It's hard for young men to accept getting together with an ugly fat chick when they see 10/10 sluts on the internet all the time.

In the past women were clothed so there was way less temptation and people were grateful for whatever they could get

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Chads will never be loved by women either. They can be desired, but not loved.
And chads will also become the victims of divorce-rapes and false rape accusations.

You already ran out of insults. Pathetic.

What the fuck did you pastanigger just write?
You can not not be influenced by society.
How fucking dumb are you? Maybe there's a reason so many Italy boomers die of corona. Maybe it's because your body is too fucking stupid to fight. Live and let die you retarded Mongo.

r/Shortcels meetup

Honestly most of the white guys on the pic would look absolutely fine if they got a proper haircut and dressed a bit better. The fat guy might need to work out some.

Most of the non-whites would look normal in their native homelands.

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Idk dude if you really want a relationship, its not that hard to find someone. Ya'll incels want 9/10 stacy's and cry when she chooses chad or the bbc. This myth that there are no good women out there is so fucking retarded.

>just be confident bro

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The reason theyre incels is because they hang out with a bunch of other faggots instead of girls.