Capitalism hate thread

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Left and right unite to overthrow the govt.


What an awful understanding of economics

"Capitalism" is term made up by Marxists to describe a Marxian social construct. Capitalism doesn't exist.

Bootlickers will storm this thread.


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Lmao retard even libertarians hated the bill

And disown everyone exceeding $100k income per year.


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Shut up chink.

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The term is so apt that capitalists adopted it to self-describe. You have no case.

Why are capitalist so dumb?

capitalism is obviously a Ponzi scheme

noone can afford taking two weeks off unpaid without financial collapse. business all need bailouts after shutting down for a week. ponzi scheme 101 as Soon as the money stood moving it all crumbles

Fook off glowie

"Capitalist" is a term that could be easily applied to kings, lords, businessman, merchants, the state, or whoever owned the capital and means of production. In other words capitalism has been around since the beginning of civilization, rendering the term meaningless.

Truth. Only willful ignorance can sustain the belief in this racket.

Can someone explain to be why Americans are so pro capitalism? I mean i can understand some freedom for the market, but total free market shit leads to monopolys, how would the free market fix that?

shut up chink

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Classic appeal to antiquity. Marxists are more than aware that capitalism has always existed. This does warrant continuing it.

And libertarians are retarded.

Under capitalism there are no real "liberties" for the exploited, nor can there be, if for no reason than that the premises, printing plants, paper supplies, etc, indispensable for the enjoyment of "liberties" are the privilege of the exploiters. Under capitalism the exploited masses do not, nor can they ever, really participate in governing the country, if for no other reason than that, even under the most democratic regime, under conditions of capitalism, governments are not set up by the people but by the Rothschilds and Stinneses, the Rockefellers and Morgans. Democracy under capitalism iscapitalistdemocracy, the democracy of the exploiting minority, based on the restriction of the rights of exploited majority and directed against this majority.

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Thats Statism, not a free market economy.

Abolish the fed.

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>total free market shit leads to monopolys, how would the free market fix that
Wrong. Government regulations aka barriers to entry and other shit lead to monopolies

>Thats Statism, not a free market economy.
>Abolish the fed
The fed is a private entity

Imagine being such a poorfag commie that you make threads like this. Pathetic.

>Wrong. Government regulations aka barriers to entry and other shit lead to monopolies
No bro, it's just the natural progression of capitalism

Communism is for lazy, low IQ asshats. Karl Marx was a brainlet.

China is pretty much capitalist at this point, mutt

capitalism has not always existed

You're probably a NEET or some wage slave retard

>Wall of text
>Hegelian Dialectical garbage
>Blah blah blah rich man bad
Lol didn't read.

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Literally just indoctrination and peer pressure. Three generations worth of brainwashing created a cultural inhibitor which spurts burgers to ostracize anyone who expresses even the slightest egalitarian notions or contempt for the thieving rich.

Their ideology is the status quo. No incentive to learn about politics. Almost nobody identifies themselves as "capitalist"

Wow you faggots are definitely uneducated.

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Corporate socialism ≠ capitalism

>There are only two choices, goy!

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If monopolies only existed because of the government, how did the government (a monopoly) come into existance?
"Corporate Socialism" is the textbook definitoon of an oxymoron.

On a board like this why do so many people suck the US government’s dick so hard?

how is money printing not the opposite of capitalism?

>overthrow the govt
never happened. fascist party members and sympathizers historically always cow to the capitalist masters. it's in their ideology to always align yourself with the most powerful person. anarchists and communists on the other hand have been slaughtered and kept out of power forever by both fascists and capitalists. check out operation gladio in europe of the US funding and training fascist militias to terrorize the public and kill communists

>Waaaah I'm going to spookpost like le edgelord

Stirner wasn't a leftist or a communist. He was however, a retard, and got most of his arguments from that kike Feuerbach.

to own the commies, apparently

Just pay your rent, you lazy fucking millennial,

Capitalism has lifted from poverty the most people ever. Educate yourself, and after that kys bloody commie

Starting to doubt the average amerifat even knows the definition of the term "social". They only know it as something they can use to demonize the opposition (i.e. the entire rest of the world).

Anarcho-Capitalism should be classified as a disorder

That's why warren buffet describes himself as a card carrying capitalist right?

>Capitalism has lifted from poverty the most people ever. Educate yourself, and after that kys bloody commie
Neoliberalism only has benefitted the rich and maybe gave some kids in the third world iphones woooo. First world has been stagnant abd declining for decades

This is true.

Warren buffet is a tool of the international banking cartels, regardless.

No capitalism simply means private ownership of property and goods. You are free to trade, such capital within the free market. Where it then becomes competitive.

It's not a Marxist ploy you idiot. Marxism is the critical analysis of how the capital list system is flawed.

That's it. Basic economic dialectic 101.

>Governments printing money is capitalism
Hurrrrr we need big gov to stop big gov!

Amen to that. We have every moral right to haunt bourgies with a vengeance. We should organize strikes and unionizations so sweeping that they bring us to the brink of WW3, sending a clear message to the rich: No more cheap labor, or no more humanity.

He is literally his own bank. Berkshire Hathaway has 128 billion in literal cash they invest every year. He doesn't need banks. The stock market is his bank. Hes not dumb, he knows tangible capital is worth far more then rotting numbers in a bank or in gold.

>Quantitative easing
>Therefore you should have your property confiscated and redistributed to niggers
Eat shit commie faggot.

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