Brit/pol/ scientists BTFO'd by based and redpilled Neil Fergusson.
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First for are Mozza
>BBC coronavirus alert: COVID-19 can be caught TWICE as expert warns 'immunity can wane'
oh shit! just take all my civil liberties please senpai!
They're saying this could go on until June now.
How long until people start realising that this is all complete horse shit and rebelling against it?
However, I feel like they're actively attempting to create civil unrest, which will lead to more laws, more lockdowns, less freedom etc etc.
I was running away from the police because I was frightened of them as they didn't correctly identify themselves but accidentally ended up running right towards them, I raised my hand to protect myself and the copper ran straight into my knuckles knocking out his front teeth
Where can I buy a good n95 mask lads?
Working class people should be banned from the internet.
>rebelling against it
you do you
>How long until people start realising that this is all complete horse shit and rebelling against it?
it's not horse shit. the uk strain has a 90% CFR, meaning that 9/10 of the people that catch the virus will die.
no shit you stupid cunt, it’s a virus. a virus mutates over time a lethal strains aren’t viable for long term virus traits because it kills its host, which is why mild symptoms become dominant.
i fucking hate this planet and pretty much every cunt in it
David icke is right though
once covid death numbers are seen to be fucking nothing, the focus will shift onto RNHS Hero’s being the only reason we aren’t all dead yet and we need to keep going.
reminder that china is covering up 21 million+ deaths. that's at least 1.5% of their population. the virus accomplished this in less than 4 months.
you don’t know any working class people
do you? they’re the biggest proponents of the removal of civil liberties for a virus killing 1/3rd of an average flu season
How did they cremate the bodies so fast?
>lethal strains aren’t viable for long term virus traits because it kills its host
this virus has a 24+ day contagious incubation period and it can spread faster than measles. there's no selective pressure to reduce lethality because of this.
Right, and to be part of the CFR you have to be classed as infected. To be classed as infected you have to have such severe symptoms that they hospitalise you. If you have a cough and a cold, are you going to hospital? Fuck no. Will they test you? Fuck no. Are you then part of the figures? No, you're not.
They already took my rights to chill in the park with a bottle of ale.
hundreds of mobile incinerators. the air in china is still full of SO2 and they haven't slowed down. japan and korea got hit by "black rain" shortly after they started burning the bodies.
Apparently everyone in south korea is dead right? i read it on an anime website. wish the police would just weld my door shut
I'm getting angry with the people who are calling for greater lockdowns, e.g. not allowing people to go to the park for exercise, saying you should only be allowed to jog around your estate etc.
you're about a month too late
Dear doommong
Please use a tripcode so I can filter you
Good night bongs.
you also have to be a “closed case”, not just someone being treated. you need to have either recovered or died. it’s such a fucking stupid metric for an ongoing outbreak that i’m tempted to consider it bait if i didn’t know first hand how stupid cunts are
holy shit lmao
rights have been removed though
imagine a version on 1984 where the government can’t keep up with the removal of civil liberties that the public demands... we didn’t even need a real crisis...
it’s a joke but i don’t find it funny...
As repetitive as it may be, this china flu craze has made our MS News fairly comfy. Almost no shitty new reports on things identity politics related.
Those £60 fines will soon add up into billions, gotta fund those new 20,000 police officers to arrest you for posting on twitter while ignore nonces somehow.
>you also have to be a “closed case”,
So basically you have to either have died or recovered? Shit, I didn't know that, that makes the figures even more worthless.
Europeans brought plagues to the Americas: mean globalism, average white people should be morally accountable generations later
Chinese bring disease to The West: just part & parcel of good globalism, average white people are personally responsible because they voted for populists
There has to be a few masks left I can buy.
based welders
I went out for a walk earlier today at my local park and it was full of people. Substantial amount of people in groups of more than 2 (parents with 1 or two of their kids) and a surprising amount of old people, 65+. Saw a very nice old couple (mid 70s for sure) taking photographs of a recently blooming tree, both were out for a bike ride. No police in sight.
it was nadine dorries. she "recovered", but you're still contagious forever after "recovery", since the virus lies dormant in your intestines, nervous system and neurons.
Exercise mongs should be first to be locked down. Just because they are insufferable cunts. I get plenty exercise doing my garden, no need for all the gay clothing and boring exercise chat.
why arrest you for twitter when you can be arrested for going outside to buy food?
where's that?
Goodnight cunt.
Probaby paints cars ...whats the is people like you who have to try and shame and bully someone that respects,life.
CFR is the only accurate way to measure an ongoing outbreak. you can assume that the rest of the open cases will follow a similar distribution to the closed ones, as they have been doing. if anything, the death rate just keeps increasing because nobody is "recovering".
oh shut up you twat, you've been sedated a long time ago.
Small differences in R value can drastically change how many get infected, both peak value and total amount of infections.
Higher peaks means more stress of the hospitals and a higher number of total infections means all things being equal more dead.
read this then read the comments.
this is what happen when you have an unspoken policy of de-valuing education and valorizing stupidity in order to keep the masses ignorant, complaint and easily led. when a crisis hits the reactions make the crisis worse.
why don’t we see two page spreads when world leaders get the far more deadly flu?
They put people under house arrest, and their response was to clap at the sky and call for more restrictions. A dictatorship in this country wouldn't be based around the military or the police, it would be based around RNHS, people believe in it with a religious fervour.
I'm really beginning to hate the police.
Looks like a lake of some sort
>How long until people start realising that this is all complete horse shit and rebelling against it?
Once they start making the connection that the same faggots calling for the world to panic and lock down are the same faggots calling for the world to panic and fear global warming.
why don’t the government just weld us all
in our homes during flu season tbqh
because this is a new viruus?
Literally who
>She said: "The SNP Scottish government made the difficult but responsible decision to pause work on preparing for an independence referendum this year
one eye on the street...
We're all the Prisoner in 2020. Trapped and with no idea of who or what to trust.
>super spreader specifically taking out the elderly
Nice work
kek pic is of a family who all got the virus and the mother died the media are saying she had no underlying health problems lmao
Yesterday I listened to a podcast with him on.
a lot of them are documenting themselves on social media and will get their shit kicked in later.
even the most dystopian shit i’ve seen or read had such a cringey unbelievable origin story... you would never buy it?
at least they usually have a real threat like an all out nuclear attack or a giant vagina monster from “space”. not a fucking mild flu and toilet paper being sold out
spongebob square pants
Masks do not help AND you should leave them for key workers who desperately need them. We are expected to believe both these things at the same time.
Absolutely based tv program
Why do normalfags defend CCP at all costs? If this virus came from Russia, they'd be wanting Putins head on a spike
They can't have a referendum unless the UK government authorises it and that's never going to happen.
We're stuck with the porridge wogs now.
Is there some way we could physically jettison scroteland?
Prophetic, much.
you again
Good point. Glad i have a vegetable garden.
new viruses come and go constantly, flu is unpredictable every year, yet when it kills almost 30,000 people in a season in the U.K. alone... i sleep.jpeg
Really makes you think.
so this a libertarian general now?
As Peter Hitchens said, you would think the Martians had arrived
years of acting like russian air force patrols “near” u.k. airspace are them starting WW3
virtual parliament
government of occupation
-UK parliament won't sit, committees won't sit, no public oversight
-US election (do away with 'in person' voting)
-Tie in bank bailouts with corona response to use emergency powers to fund bailouts (no oversight)
Blitz spirit
Well not one that has had anywhere near the impact of this one.
>1/3rd as deadly as average flu
>now a crime to leave your house
Which one?
I didn't argue for or against the actions taken by any governments, I merely ment to shed light on why predictions vary so widely.
The MSM are lying.... or are they?
not what was said. there have been removal of liberties and worryingly many people are embracing them. considering yourself above events that have taken place throughout human history because you think we're in some enlightened time now is fucking retarded.
Retard. Yanks not welcome.
the impact is almost entirely media driven, the panic and reaction is the happening, not the virus itself
reminder that this pandemic would be over if /cvg/ was in control of the response. we've been at least a month ahead of the curve since the beginning. we could have stopped the spread.
No wonder bongs and poos have such a symbiotic relationship.
Both primitive savages with caste systems.
No, it's what happens when you live in a multicultural society where nobody trusts that the other side.
When we know that other races want to harm us, we're not going to believe what they say.
the reason the government is reacting how it is, is not because of the virus, it’s reacting to the public’s perception of the virus.
>30% CFR outside of china, 90% CFR in the UK
>potentially killed 1.5% of china's 1.4 billion population in 4 months
>mutating rapidly, making a vaccine impossible
>i-it's just a flu, bro
>nobody trusts that the other side is honest*.
Whose side are you on?
The average poo has a higher standard of personal hygiene than you mall shitters.
It's like an experiment in mass psychology
It kills elderly people significantly more reliably than the flu. Read OP's tweet link. The projection is 500,000 if nothing is done. That's not from 'the media' before you say it.
Nobody cares about your opinion, new world colony.
>if i use worlds like “could/might/possibly”‘its not lying but we’ll get more clicks
This is correct, and it is global. Countries with endemic malaria and TB are shutting down about this because of what they've read on the internet.
>implying the Anglo working class even know what "big brother" means or what "rights" are
>the impact is almost entirely media driven, the panic and reaction is the happening, not the virus itself
>a rogue bioweapon with no hope for a cure or vaccine isn't a happening
In the desperate times we face as a country it's only right and proper that we take a moment to remember Linda Lusardi's hairy muff with great fondness
Here lad.
"Dear fellow Bongs,
I am writing today to inform you of my reason to lockdown the entire UK because of the mutating novel virus COVID-19 . This is because:
I want you to send me your brains to Number 10 Downing Street. Thanks. Don't forget: send me your brains, brainszss, BRAINZ!
I have also personally licked all of your envelopes to seal them. I want to put my arms around you all. AND EAT YOUR BRAINZ!
Yours gratefully,
BoJo 'Zombie' PM"
>The projection is 500,000 if nothing is done.
put some perspective on that though.
It’s the ladybower reservoir. An under appreciated asset of outstanding natural beauty
and yet it’s killed far less elderly than an average flu outbreak
No it's not. Just calculate deaths / infected
assume all infected who haven't died will recover
even if that's not the case obviously you'll see that as time progresses this number will fall and the fraction approaches the actual death rate. For now it's 5% and it will probably remain as that. It's in actuality around 0.5-1% at most.
>i read it on an anime website
quote some more CFR gerrymandering you doomer retard
the death count is going to be in the tens of millions in the UK alone. billions worldwide.
Go get down on your knees and genuflect for your Queen.
Years of russian bogeyman astroturfing because you can’t take the shtetl out the yid, perceived racism against chinks, loyalty to the current economic and logistical model of easy consumption and desperation that the last “commie” country will win the victory royale.
If the internet ever goes down, I look forward to a resurgence in hedge porn with images like that appearing up and down the country in peoples garden hedges.
>assume all infected who haven't died will recover
that's not how it works. the death rates have been climbing in every country, there is no evidence that it's ever going to drop.
I miss those days. Times were simpler.
... because of the preventative measures. What are you? Retarded? Do you know what a projection is?
What do you think of my new conspiracy theory, lads?
It's that China released Covid-19 to crash the economy and stop Donald Trump getting reelected, knowing that the economy was his strongest selling point. Might even claim Biden is in cahoots.
Main target audience is gonna be boomers that believe qanon and the like.
Pakis are walking disease spreaders. I bet they were sharing those hookahs
paki detected
Listening to faggot in pic related is going to get you killed.
>Moles are daring to clamber above ground to hunt for worms, oystercatchers are nesting on deserted beaches, and overlooked plants such as ivy-leaved toadflax are gaining new friends.
We must buy them time
Have a shower, Jamal.
>the death count is going to be in the tens of millions in the UK alone. billions worldwide.
Jesus Christ you're fucking delusional. Even on a cruise ship of boomers where everyone was tested, you've got a 1.5% death rate. All deaths above 70 years old.
O.K, Most people will personally know someone who will lose an elderly relative if no action is taken. Howzat?
it's actually believable in the sense that it's physically possible and doesn't require magic so you have to make it even more batshit insane.
They shipped them to Auschwitz.
BBC News branch must be gutted as a matter of national urgency.
I saw a Qanon sticker on a lamppost in Sheffield yesterday, made me laugh
reinfections confirmed in china.
>kate "ARE MADDEH" mccann saying people should stay at home
except the cases resolving now are mostly cases that began before the removal of civil liberties. the virus never showed any sign of being even half as deadly as flu yet you’ve all gone fucking mental because of it.
everyone everywhere will lose an elderly relative no matter what we can't cheat death
Fucks sake lol
she was a real qt, quite a milf nowadays
Oh well, fuck it then. Give me all of your money whilst your at it yeh?
Made a cake lol, nice!
Love you lads