Brutal moggs thread

Attached: Chad what have you done.jpg (750x1081, 179.42K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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>I just cut this chicks tits off
>lol owned
>also I fucked her while she was under

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looks like maisie williams

I'd totally fuck a dude with a pussy.

That should be illegal.

The fuck is this?

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Fuck. I'm built more like the white dude but I feel so bad for the asian guy. He looks like a pipsqueak next to Chad.

Attached: Prince+Charles+Evelyn+de+Rothschild+Prince+Fe92XCZvAKcl.jpg (600x430, 69.81K)

That's because that Finn in the picture is a pipsqueak

whats this

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juxtaposition is a hell of a drug

Grim reaper hovering over her shoulder after reading the suicide statistics

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WELL, pretty sure Putin would win in hand-to-hand combat

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These two are a married couple btw

I've done it.
Also, this surgeon seems pretty fucking bad.
He didn't need to cut all the way across like that.
I realize that he tried to adjust the nipple placement, but the massive scars are way more noticeable than a misplaced nipple.
Maybe it looks better once it's healed, but damn dude.

>And so you should be

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This. I'm almost 2m tall and I sometimes feel bad when I'm standing next to short guys. Especially when I can tell they feel uncomfortable/ intimidated by my height.


Doc looks like he's punking the shit out of that mentally retarded person


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Every doctor who agreed to perform a sexual reassignment surgery on an adult should be investigated; if they ever did the surgery before recommending all non-surgical options be tried first, they should have their license revoked.
Every doctor who performed a sexual reassignment surgery on a patient that had not finished puberty should be killed without exception.

The latter is evil, but the former can be either greed or ignorance.

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Doctors chose profit over person a looong time back. We got opioids, fat acceptance, plastic bitches and dick choppers to show for it.

Based leaf.

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>mogged by your own cosmetic surgeon
fuggen hell

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Dr. Jewish in OP's pic looks extremely happy after he performed the $20,000 "tit removal surgery" for the mentally ill patient.

lol being 5'11" must be tough

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he's not jewish, but something much worse
an irishman

You just know those guys are bros

Proof that demons exist.

a witch?

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I don't get it, she looks decent for a 36 yo, no?

That's the mogging, she looks better than the other despite being twice her age.

Oof yikes

>he's not jewish, but something much worse
>an irishman

I wonder how much of that $20k will he spend on potatoes and alcohol?

Oh, now I get it

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Skater boy avril lavigne was peak 13 year old jack off material.

im 5'5 and i have no idea why other manlets are intimidated by height. i just dont understand
Im not insecure about my height, i guess others are.

Tfw no 6ft tall athletic gf feels bad fellas

What is the context of this?

It's not other men that men are afraid of. It's being compared by women.

>fucking LMAO
>obligatory nick cage laughing gif


subconscious programming

Why aren’t chads in charge of the world instead of the wretched sewer rat jews?

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Advil Lasagna was trash from the jump.

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I’ve done it three times.

Get on Grindr. Make a profile saying you’re a top only, open to whatever. Search for trannies. Pick out a FTM and tell her your looking for a guy to jerk off with (not “masturbate”; specifically say “jerk off”). Don’t initiate a conversation via a proposition for sex, but do bring it up quickly. They are women, but are there for one thing.

"What's this?"

Pizzagate is real

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Not everyone wants tits.

Because they're living a good normal life with a cute gf and children. That's all you need to be happy. A lot of looklets and manlets are (subconsciously) hungry for power because it might make women like them. Look at guys like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Ma.

>imagine caring what common whores think

Kekw it all makes sense now

6’1” standing next to 5’9”

Wonder if he got him

Original version is from a western film.

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I think I've seen this porno

She's legitimately one of the most beautiful girls ever.

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the ghost of the decent happy woman she could have been departing from her body forever, leaving behind a mutilated and suicidally depressed husk of a human being

Meh, seen better looking jews, but she's definitely showing her age now.
Still probably better than wanking.

Well, she's almost 40.

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>a fucking leaf

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how would you rate a girl acting like a guy?
Sounds pretty lame desü

The mozzie tend to be manlet.

Your taste is utter trash and she looks like Bobby Budnick

I would ask you who's the hottest women you can think of, but seeing how you are an American, I bet it's a nigger.

Exactly my thought. That game was based

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Miranda Kerr

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