South Africa lockdown attempt a disaster
South africa relaxed.
good, stupid niggers shouldn't have scared away all the white people.
Seeing as China owns half of Africa now this should be interesting to see as they enter winter
People are queuing to buy groceries because most of the working class only get paid on the 25th of each month and wealfare checks are paid in the first week of the new month.
Dis is not da wae
>based metro cop throwing out the roman salute all the time
I like pulling strings but this is getting stupid.
More white death! YAY!
In South Africa? I highly doubt it.
Race war !!!
I’ve been thinking about this and the virus could really fuck SA up big time as they have one of the highest levels of HIV per person in the world and this virus has no real treatments so it would absolutely fucking rekt them considering their immune systems are already compromised.
cant blame them lol honestly i would not stay at home either if it wasnt for the internet and privacy
This. Orania shall now boom with progress and riches.
how can they tell?
its like when the Civil Service does a "work slow down".
what changed?
why is the fat nigger keep hailing?
thats true, but I wonder how much of it will be balanced out by the fact that their populace is much younger on average.
Very good point.
Its gonna be really intresting to watch !
kek.. telling the meandering troops to move "Faster". pathetic.
coronachan is a gift
i heard anti retorvirals are actually really effective at fighting covid. lots of niggers are already on the free western gibs meds
but yea the other 50% of niggers who dont have aids will definitely suffer jejs
niggers just cant catch a break jejs
>one room house with six people
Maybe if you actually did fucking work instead of banging your wife all day with no condom.
youve been thinking about it? People have been saying it for weeks now nigger.
Hopefully coronavirus will cure Africa of its nigger disease.
but these are just some poor niggers who didn't have enough stuff to react to virus.
at Dallas Airport, our Govt had huge crowded rooms of people INDOORS of 3 groups:
US citizens, non-citizens, and suspected/CONFIRMED Bat Virus victims all in close quarters for HOURS while Govt invented new Red Tape to stall shit. Everyone coughing on each other, not even a plastic sheet between infected and non-infected.
Are there any coloured part of town to see. Are they doing any different?
damn that baby ain't letting go of that titty for nothing
Please, please nig nogs and sandniggers everywhere crowd together and die of the fucking virus.
No working health institutions and no interest in following the procedures! Oh pleaaaase let them all fucking die!
>and the corona virus will do great damage
Right now i'm glad i got stuck in canada, i cant imagine having to be back at home dealing with rioting kaffirs
what a shithole
niggers going to die alot, FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE
its TIME. Time to finally rise up and take back what were owed from whitey
Too long have we been SLAVES to the inferior race
We will reverse apartheid and turn the whiteys in SA to OUR slaves now. We turned the tables, hahaha
4 whiteys will carry each African, with an extra 4 for use as a carpet when we meet eachother
Your women will ofc be black bred but this is already happening
We are just gonna hurry the process up a bit.
Times running out, white friends.
Bill Gates is right about Africa. Niggers should be sterilized following eugenetic criteria so that maybe in some hundred years they can be artificially made human.
Change my mind
Orania is probably going to be doing pretty well while this goes on due to their isolation and the fact that they are actually taking it seriously over there already.
niggers should be sterilised. Occam razor faggot
No you won't, chimpoid.
Something tells me that the nogs won’t have access to that shit and even if they did they would use it up immediately before resorting to bullshit traditional methods like drinking bleach or raping kids.
I'm betting the army ends up firing into a mob before this is over.
This could be a total fuck up, already heard a few black say this is a white mans sickness, they are immune, and the white man brought it here. Interesting times coming.
Last thing I did before lockdown was stock up on ammo. Gun store owner told be they had been selling ammo like crazy for days.
I’m betting the army dies from a combination of Wurlitzer and aids
I’m betting the army dies from a combination of WuFlu and aids
Imagine the smell.
the niggers make a good point.
how are they going to stay all day in an overcrowded shack?
the nigger army deserves to be hacked with machetes.
Stay safe, anons.
If something happens to you it'll become harder for me to buy biltong.
District 9 lockdown
Borrow me some mp200, I didn`t have enough cash. Also if you have a sister for my Batbola re-population plan.
I wonder how long it will take for Africa to turn on China. Not the governments, of course, talking about the people, militias, warlords. After all China caused the whole disaster.
never relax around coronavirus
holy shit i didnt notice that till now, KEK
Lol in the first 30 seconds some of the only people wearring masks have them lowered.
Why should thr western world help thrm at all. Stop importing them to the west and just leave them to kill themselves in Africa. Stop wasting resources on them.
If you admit eugenics does work then why not use it to make whites superhuman instead of making niggers human?
If you live in a city or surrounded by nogs the good luck to you.
You should have went to Orania when you had the chance, now all you can do is board up the windows and get ready for the looters.
Ah, it's harmless fun. Lighten up. Besides coloreds are immune to the virus
Think about it, this is one of the most "civilized" sub-saharan african country.
ok chang
>slaves to the inferior race
Do you even read what you're typing?
because i don't like the thought of letting a beautiful continent like Africa being destroyed by nigger overpopulation and because sterilization is a soft measure unlike letting them starve and kill each other, altough i see how it can be hardly viable
You are more likely to see it ravaged by the Chinese industrial complex.
Well, shit. Imagine having to huddle in a small room with six other negroes all day every day. That's worse than a prison. The only way this can work is if everyone is literally drugged into stupor, but then they'll probably end up accidentally burning their and their neighbors' shacks down.