It's over for us?

Okay so for the past few days something very scary has been happening which maybe many of you aren't aware about

Ian aka IDUBBBZ has been a prominent figure and posted for everyone who calls themselves an alt righter, he is a hero of sorts for us, if you will. Aryan brothers, misogynists, sexist, all of us WORSHIPPED this guy. If you didn't know about Ian, you are likely either a shill or a newfag on here.

Recently it has become public knowledge that his girlfriend anisa Jomha made an onlyfans account where she posts NUDE PICTURES OF HER BODY.

Now Ian has done a complete 360 and is saying in his latest video how all of this is OKAY. And that sex work is COOL.

This has ENORMOUS implications for all of us and will likely erase us as a community, leaving everyone else to take over. Our idol and hero has essentially become CORRUPTED AND DETHRONED.

What are we going to do now that it has been proven that we only hold the controversial opinions we hold just because most of us are incels and if we had a girlfriend like Anisa, we would be more accepting towards equality and progressive ideas?

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literally who cares about this baizuo

shut up

lol shut up faggot

mmm fake bobs

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>eceleb shit

Kill yourself

>It's over for us?
for you jews? indeed

get the hell out of Yas Forums shillkike fag

>Our Idol and hero

Neck yourself pls


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She is ugly

I didn't know who Idubbz was until he was outed as a simp.

No amount of surgery can salvage that body type. Jesus what an ugly girl.

Literally who?

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Who is that kike and why should I care?

Ian has always been an unfunny, no-talent, low IQ simpleton. Anyone who puts him remotely anywhere on the same level as Filthy Frank, deserves a lobotomy. This faggot doesn’t just deserve to get a content cop, he deserves to get content swatted.

Idubbz is a psycho faggot

I never worshipped him, I thought he was a funny guy. Nobody with any common sense worships a faggot who pulls stupid shit like t-shirts and dead crabs out of boxes.

he is growing that femminist sjw haircut

digits confirm, idubbbz is a simp and a cuck

>alt righter
>aryan brothers, misogynists, sexist

Kill yourself larping faggot

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lmao, anyone who identifies with others on this site is a retard
POL is a board of peace and a work of satire

>complete 360
kys faggot

You sound gay as fuck

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>Eceleb faggotry

Not this shit again

>mfw reading this post

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>If we had a girlfriend like Anisa

If I had a girlfriend like Anisa I would kill myself. Ugly as fuck, looks like some fat kid at my school.

>What are we going to do now
Consider suicide

>"This has ENORMOUS implications for all of us"
Gtfo of here and get some fresh air you loser.

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I’ve never even heard of this faggot.
Stop being such a retard following randos on youtube.

This is weak and obvious, flee the scene man

Ian is the story of a rich faggot, who even after becoming a YouTube star, was still such a freak that he couldn't get a GF. Now he finally found one just like him, a fat ugly whore who sells her body on the internet. I bet hes watching her get fucked by BBC right now and thanking God for how lucky he is to have her. Kek.

What are you talking about?


only in your mind rabbi

The tone of the post reveals a motive

>alt right
Who? Sage this advertising blitz.

What sort of motive?

No one cares faggot


AIDS and/or suicide is on the table.

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Never heard of him before this topic started getting spammed. Very influential indeed.

You lose something to salvage something, you sacrifice "worship" to salvage "funny"


>the year of the 'rona
>giving a fuck about cancerous youtubers
ffs what are you, 12?


Great leftard shillpost.
Kont know any of that, not interested.
Only thing clear is that OP is fake, gay, and a massive faggot

>prominent figure
>our idol and hero

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Imagine believing that if you want a women with good values makes you a misogynistic and sexist male, what a time to be alive.

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not gonna lie. it was only just last week that i finally worked up the courage to come out to my parents as alt-right but am seriously considering joining antifa now because of this whole idubbbz thing.

stop larping you faggot Ian has always been a degenerate, hes just a cuck now

why does she have feces embedded into her skin

I want all Zoomers off this board Now

oof what is she doing?

Skin cancer.
Source: I also had skin cancer once.

Careful, young man

Dump the girl and take 6 months off

Go too far into debt with yourself and you'll lose your grip and that'll be it

>Aryan brothers, misogynists, sexist, all of us WORSHIPPED this guy.

how many times more this cuck faggot OP whos hidding behind vpn's gonna make this faggot ass thread? bets?

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I have no idea who this is nor do I care to know.

>ecelebrity something something
Yup, time to exit bag.

Jeus what the fuck lol

>calling iduubz a "prominent figure"
>trying to say this fag was even talked about here
you are on the wrong site buddy, none of that shit ever happened here
>>>/the donald/

looks like dubbz gave her the GRIDS

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>be me
>I don't worship internet faggots
>I am a shill
>I am a newfag

Nobody with two braincells to rub together ever gave a shit about this guy.

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who the fuck is that? who cares about retarded zoomer jewtuber
>posted for everyone who calls themselves an alt righter
nobody that isnt a faggot calls themselves altrighter
>This has ENORMOUS implications for all of us
like what?
>you are likely either a shill or a newfag on here.
Ive been here for over 10 years
>Our idol and hero
>What are we going to do now
the same thing we do every night: shitpost

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If you couldn't tell that this guy was a weak-willed beta just by how he looks, you're a fool. He's always had the phenotype. If you're surprised by anything, it should be that it took this long to display it.

he's not a hero for anybody? He's just a faggot who makes bad youtube videos.

10/10 post OP

You should be honored by making this copy pasta

Your idol? Didn't the bible tell you not to worship false idols? Why would you ever idolize this faggot the only thing remotely ever funny he did was content cop and that wasn't even that good...

What happened that made her become so based lately?

she will break up with him for the reason that she has another man

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>guy who takes advantage of mentally disabled guys for money says girlfriend's sex work is cool
Why are you surprised?

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so fucking ugly

He got dislike bombed. The fact that a beloved figure could go only 50-50 for likes and dislikes is a great sign

Zoomers aren't buying the cuck shit.

Who the fuck is paying this bitch $40k for her nudes.

oh behave yourselves, lads
idubbz may be a simp, a cuck, a betaboi and maybe even a fag but I'd still hit that and if you wouldn't, then you're ghey

Here's ANOTHER problem I have with all of this.
In that cuh-riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinge video that idubbz made where he basically takes a pro-cuckery stance in public, one of his stupidest lines is "it's not like her pussy is less valuable if more people see it". This is objectively false.
But it is also implying that she is showing her bacon butty... and she isn't!
So it's deceptive too. What a snivelling cuck.

If any of you fags are old enough to remember when Maddox was King of the Internet (yes, we were cringe back then), look at the state of him now.
Maddox's fall began when he released the "nothing inherently wrong with being a cuck" video.
idubbz needs to ditch this whore IMMEDIATELY or this will be the beginning of a great undoing.
It's going to be entertaining, lads.

her body sucks the soul out of the simps that try and have sex with her for energy, those are them warning the new simps not to tread

That's what you get for hero-worshiping a human being you dumbass.

Humans are fallible. Weak. And they change their minds. Amazing.