Why would a woman do this?

Why would a woman do this?

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>the nothingness in its eyes

Breast cancer?

bad genes, cleans the pool

from the thumbnail I thought those were piss jugs. Kinda dissappointed desu

It's a damn shame

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More like brain cancer ha.

That's fucking sad, look at those pill bottles, makes it x1000 sadder. Mental health is being exploited, let God sort them out.

Breast Cancer is the only legitimate reason.

This creature however has mental illness thats encouraged by jews

Looks like it isn’t working.

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Pretty sure this one has cancer

Her smile and optimism gone...

Mental illness due to jewish influence from every direction since birth

Because she bought the fiction that men advance in life just for being men and were oblivious and ignorant to the costs that men pay to advance in life. Then when disguised as men, stripped of all their female privilege, reality hit them in the face but they've gone so far, they'd have to admit they were wrong to mitigate the disaster they're causing themselves. And it isn't like women ever admit they're wrong about anything.

mental illness

Drugs, raped as a kid, dad didn't pay enough attention, got too wrapped up in internet tumblr stupidity, etc

You can see regret all over her stupid face.

Fuck trannies and fuck those getting lulz from cancer

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Because they are so fucking lazy and unenlightened that they think they can let someone else ‘do the work’ and they will get some type benefits from it. This is what the laziest and shittiest will always gravitate to because they never take accountability for shit.
Suicide inbound.


>implying this is bad

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because we live in a trans meme now



Bayzed dept

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For Instagram likes

Thats Liberals for you

The answer is on the necklace.

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its called breast cancer you fuck wit.
KYS fucking sperg

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mental illness

Low IQ + low IQ liberal (redundant) parents + shitty lefty infiltrated "education" system

Nah its jews and their social decay propaganda.

To justify joining the 41%

Mental illness and jews.

I found a picture of this poster

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Mental illness. These people have always existed. 100 years ago they put these people in institutions and gave them lobotomy’s

No it isn't. There are women doing this in droves because it's got a cult built around them that grooms and lovebombs. They think "awe, men have life so easy! I should be a man and have life easy!". Then they're like "What do you mean, I have to pay my own bills like a man?"

>Pretty sure this one has cancer
This, if it was cosmetic they would've left the nipples. This look like a life saving hatchet job.

I wonder if her insurance pays for implants.

Kek based Ivan

Capitalism + big cities that led to sensory overload and made people crazy.

This is a breast cancer survivor, you faggot

Re... Reviewbrah? Why, dude, why?!!

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OP posted a cancer patient not a tranny

>All that big pharma profiteering on enabling mental pathology

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Because of extremely intense cultural marxist propaganda on media, every single person who simply experience mild difficulties in life believe this crap and undergoes radical and irreversible surgery.
5 years ago there was almost none of this bullshit (while transgenderism has been already a thing). Now you see it everywhere.

And you arent a jew.....doh kay.

Tarantino is a goddamn spastic.

would still fuck i am into mutilation and i like flats

>have son and daughter
>work 12 hour days
>have weekdays off to make them breakfast and get them to school
>home when they return from school
>work a lot of OT so I take off most of the summer with them
>we wrestled and tickled constantly throughout early childhood
>read to them every night
>together we do expensive non-nigger sports like shooting, hunting, winter sports, jujitsu, rockwall climbing, swimming
>protestant church involvement
>spanking was used but infrequent just so they acted right in public and endeared themselves to others

If kids are gay or coal burners, murder suiciding the whole family.

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This is the half-way point that suicidal people can get to. No different from any other type of self harm. They all know Dr. Frankenstein won't turn them into the other sex. It's a temporary last plea for help from the gods before they ultimately kill themselves.

1/8 Eugenics
>unwise perpetuation of racially degenerate stocks which have tremendously retarded the progress of civilization

The Urantia book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]

The groups going west became less contaminated with the backward stocks of mutual ancestral origin than those going east, who mingled so freely with their retarded animal cousins. These unprogressive individuals drifted southward and presently mated with the inferior tribes. Later on, increasing numbers of their mongrel descendants returned to the north to mate with the rapidly expanding Andonic peoples, and such unfortunate unions unfailingly deteriorated the superior stock. Fewer and fewer of the primitive settlements maintained the worship of the Breath Giver.

> [64:1.8]
And thus it has ever been on Urantia (Earth). Civilizations of great promise have successively deteriorated and have finally been extinguished by the folly of allowing the superior freely to procreate with the inferior.

After all, the real jeopardy of the human species is to be found in the unrestrained multiplication of the inferior and degenerate strains of the various civilized peoples rather than in any supposed danger of their racial interbreeding.

The church, because of overmuch false sentiment, has long ministered to the underprivileged and the unfortunate, and this has all been well, but this same sentiment has led to the unwise perpetuation of racially degenerate stocks which have tremendously retarded the progress of civilization.

The inner and the outer worlds have a different set of values. Any civilization is in jeopardy when three quarters of its youth enter materialistic professions and devote themselves to the pursuit of the sensory activities of the outer world. Civilization is in danger when youth neglect to interest themselves in ethics, sociology, eugenics, philosophy, the fine arts, religion, and cosmology.

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Breast cancer

Based, user.

Mental illness and stupidity.

She has breast cancer but one thing I don't understand is why she can't have fake boobs.

mental illness

Mental illness

Isn't that the guy from The Strokes?



Mental illness

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Trannies ARE the cancer.

But at least she got to larp as a boy on a Netflix show. Totally worth cutting your tits off.