How are Italians so weak and dying so much to this?

How are Italians so weak and dying so much to this?

And how are Germans so strong?

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Olive oil.
No idea why the Greeks aren't dying as fast as the Italians and Spanish.

The virus is a hoax thats why

Pollution in Italy and in tons of Southern European and Asian countries along with a lack of ICU beds compared to the US. Documented by multiple doctors. Respiratory virus.

More testing you idiot.

Because the Germans are Übermenschen.

Ha, ha, just kidding. Because of bad reporting, intentional or otherwise.

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Japan is very close to China and they:ve had less than 100 deaths.. they only introduced lockdowns 2 days ago and Shibuya and other districts are still busy AF.. im not sure if its because of the frequent tragedies in Japan (earthquakes and tsunamis) but theyre not flapping their arms in the air like the rest of us.. this is pure trauma based mind control and we are just not used to it...

What can I say besides God loves the righteous.


The only strong thing is german autism. That shit makes us all follow rules of sanitation. Italians seem to have a problem with that. And i bet most of the infected in the US are shitskins and niggers.
Also italy has a corrupted health system. Germanies ist not great either. Also i think germanoids are counting deaths in a different way to keep panic low.

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>The virus is a hoax thats why
The German government has been a puppet of American policy since 1945.
If this was a hoax, then the biggest numbers would be reported in Germoney.

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Because Italy is testing people that are sick, while Germany is testing anyone.

This. Each conspiracy and big lie is courtesy of Trumpmenistan.

Seems like for some reason not every government is happy to participate in this hoax to the same extent as others so effort in faking it are absolutely half assed in some places while in others they really drum up the panic.
Its a glownigger hoax 100%.

Wait didnt China call everyone else in Europe and instructed Italy to play the big victim because muh meds are not white would make people accept the play, while we all watch America die and everyone else has the antidote?

>we all watch America die

user stop i'm erect as it is

Numerals of truth.
I genuinly believe that it's an escaped bioweapon. Not sure if chinks set it free or some US/mossad agent helped but you are right. If it were a psyop then they would handle things differently and way more hysteric. At the moment it's all downplaying, keeping the fear low and saving the economy.

Germany started communism by sending lenin back to russia to start a revolution because they were losing the war.
They lost anyway.

10,866 infected
771 dead
3 recoveries
92,472 infected
10023 dead
12384 recoveries

North Italy imported a buttload of chinks FROM WUHAN to do their textile industry. Then they brought Corona-chan home from their CNY vacation.
Said chinks also took over the industry there. Gotta give them credit for that, spics aren't that savvy.

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What actually happened:
>jews send jews to some jew place where they jew‘d the goyim with some bullshit

I wish I was a German descendant instead of Italian/Spanish. I'm genetically fucked

wait 10 days OP
its just a flu

Of course Mongolians wouldn't be invited.

Cuz they dont count in ppl with preconditions. Its just a germany bullshitting everyone trying to look cool and stuff and you eat it like nigger dick.

>they only introduced lockdowns 2 days ago
Yeah, I noticed, Mogra finally got shut down. I was hoping for some sweet beats to keep me happy this past weekend, denied.

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Japan had daily plane travel to and from China until yesterday, now its locked from the Chinese side

It's not so much physical strength that decides this as how hard a country's Communists can lie. Italy - Communist-ruled for decades - is really strong on this
You'll have been hearing a lot this week about the situation in Italy, particularly about the "51 Italian doctors who have died of Corona virus this month". The image that this piece of fake news conjures up is of brave young medics working night and day at the beds of the dying and then dropping dead themselves. Such heroes. It's terrible. It's going to kill us all. This is certainly how a million Twitter users see it.

Here is the list from the Federation of Italian Doctors - a Communist-controlled organization, much like the WHO - that CNN and co are basing these reports on

It lists ages and medical specializations of the dead medics. Anyone who reads Italian can see that few, if any of these medics can have played any role in actually treating Corona patients. 80 per cent of them are either long retired (half of them are over 70 and a third over 80) or have areas of specialization that would make them useless (halfway down the list is an 87-year-old Dean of a faculty of Psychiatry!)

In other words, although this lying Communist-compiled list is entitled "Doctors FALLEN IN THE STRUGGLE", it is actually just a list of 80- and 90-year olds who happen once to have acquired a medical degree and happen also to have died - not necessarily of COVID 19 - in the last few weeks

Germans are lying

Island chinks are lying

>And how are Germans so strong
Is it nigger cum? Germans slurp a lot of it

>Not sure if chinks set it free or some US/mossad agent helped but you are right.

Both. USA, Israel, China and a couple more assorted nongermans meant to use this virus to destroy the EU.

>And i bet most of the infected in the US are shitskins and niggers.
So basically what you're saying, is that China is the greatest fucking country in the history of mankind?

>Some Americano shill told me so on the intenet and since I disregarded anyone calling out this blatant Americano d&c lie
>inb4 do my homework and proof my baseless claim wrong

>Italy - Communist-ruled for decades

There's no proof but there's a lot of screenshots of scholarly articles being traded around Yas Forums that show the biolabs are working on biological weapons just like this one.
Maybe some lazy dirty chink forgot to swap his shoes on the way out the door of his biolab south of Wuhan.

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But the virus will have some fun redpilling about globalism, open borders and being dependant from other countries when it comes to medicine, food and other stuff.


>Germany started communism by sending lenin back to russia to start a revolution
Which, when you think of it, means that Germany is responsible for both fascism and for communism in the 20th century. Way to go, Germany.

We can still have borders in a worldwide dictatorship, user

>1.7% die from COVID-19
>99.6% are boomers
Yeah, still don't give a shit.

Ooft, the Normies are gonna eat a giant fucking red pill in the next few days, we're 3 weeks away, the great awakening, fight the Good fight Italian Bros

>Germans slurp a lot of it
Just the German men

Ever been to Italy? Everybody fucking smokes. No surprise that they're susceptible to pneumonia

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How old are you, 12? Anyone from the country of Gramsci, ffs, should know that you don't "rule" by electing a President or Prime Minister. The Italian Communist party was, for most of the post-war period, the hegemonic cultural force in your country, with massive control of education, publishing, media, the civil service and all the centers of power that really matter.

And they sure as fuck control this lying Italian Federation of Doctors

Yeah, that was my first conclusion i jumped to when i read about the wuhan institute of virology.
I saw so many gore vids from chink factories and i know how little regard these subhumans have for safety regulations.
On the other hand, if i wanted to start a pandemic and pin it on the chinks i'd start it there. Come on, virus labs, wet market, huge's all too convenient.

If this thing is over and the finger pointing and sanctions start, then we will know more and draw better conclusions.

Sauerkraut. South Koreans are doing well. They have kimchi. Take the fermentpill.

If you think about it as a war it all makes sense

Och Scheisse!

Sauerkraut is full of vitamin C.
I wonder if the """immigrants""" eat it?

Because both Germans and Americans dont like to live on top of each other surrounded by factories and smog valleys. Also both have massive volume of hospitals / beds.

the number of patients in critical and severe condition was bursting a few days ago in Germany, maybe they could be same to them in array.

yah. i guess another reason they didnt want to panic like the rest of us is their investment in the tokyo olympics.. but even after announcing its cancellation the people are still quite chill.. the VTuber channels are still as entertaining as ever, viewers dropping 10,000 yen donations like its nothing.. and they are regarded as a generally thrifty and pragmatic people.. their media could be kinder to their public as well..

>you don't "rule" by electing a President or Prime Minister
You rule by bombing train stations with CIA money :^)
I know this is 2020 Yas Forums where a retard like you can push this narrative that CHICOMs are behind every conspiracy in the world but people with a grain of knowledge here will just laugh at you.

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>we are shut-down and bored


>person dies in a car crash
>He was infected with chunk flu
>Means he died of chinks flu

Yeah, it's way too chaotic to come to any conclusions at this point.

>Americans have 1/6th of the cases
>hardly anyone is dying from it
USA still 1# baby!

>Come on, virus labs, wet market, huge's all too convenient.
The prevailing wind from the biolab to the wet market is to the north. The biolab happens to be located south of the city.
I just spent the last 10 minutes looking for my image macro indicating this but I can't find it.

Smoking kills bacteria in your throat tho. Since i started smoking i stopped getting colds after having night outs and being in big crowds of people. But i smoke rolled cigs with untreated tabacco and smoke out of enjoyment, not habit. Haven't smoked since social distancing started. Smoking alone in my flat is boring. No withdrawls or craving. All because untreted tabacco is not made addictive from the tabacco kikes.

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>Controlled by kikes

had to google up what MOGRA was :).. yah, that sucks about the sweets.. maybe there are some local importers nearby that still deliver?

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lol it doesnt work like this. Then slovakia would actually have first dead case.

virus =/= bacteria, also got pneumonia from smoking last year

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Mostly this. In Italy you get tested only if you're severely sick. The epicenter (Lombardy) is simply overwhelmed.
In Italy there are probably a million cases already, the official numbers mean nothing. They just show the tip of the iceberg.

Germany took in more French patients AGAIN because patients are recovering so fast and hundreds of beds are free

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>put on tinfoil
>real deaths are from 5G and the amount is small
>the staged pandemic forces self-quarantine and makes it very easy for the government to do something that they normally cant do

>had to google up what MOGRA was
>maybe there are some local importers

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Are Germans simply healthier, less smoking and drinking?

Yeah. Time will show. As of now, china is trying to cozy up to italy and sends masks and stuff. So maybe they trying to reduce their guilt.
No need to i will disregard it anyway. The small details and assumptions are uninteresting for me. I'll only judge when bigger results come in.

Italy has an older population , they have large families and live on top of each other . Most homes have nonna living with them , doesnt help that they greet each other with kisses. They live on glorified favelas

we are just better get it in your head

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"Cases" are only confirmed cases. South Korea did a lot more testing and it's very clear the death rate is about 1.5%. Many more Italians got it that were never "confirmed."

>Less drinking


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thanks for the reminder gonna grab me a beer now. hang in there italy bro Im gonna be sad if I cant come to your beaches this summer

Anyone who believes the Chinese numbers are fucking retarded.

Whenever anyone says Germany, I say Diesel Engine Emissions.

Haha, if that's the case then that means South Africa will be wiped off the face of the ea......oh NO NO NO NO ON NO NO NO
they actually killed the inventor by throwing him into the sea. sad story

High carb diet

The responsible Audi engineer that is responsible for the origin of the software was an Italian

Italians live with their grandparents. German grandparents live in Russia, or at least the grandfathers do.

I've worked in automotive manufacturing for 8 years, and I believe you completely and utterly.

like china, they're hiding something
everything will be revealed. it's just a matter of time

Yes, because Giovanni is a German name, right?

>china 3300
Is there even a single soul that believes this nonsense? im no /cvg/ doomonger "ahh 20 million dead" retard but that number is such obvious horseshit. Is any countries media talking about this? This crisis has one postive it show whos in fucking chinas pocket thats for sure

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>China controlled it
Chyna lie! WAAAAH!
>SK controlled it
Peninsula chink lie! WAAAH!
>Japan controlled it
Island chink lie! WAAAH!
>Vietnam controlled it
Jungle chink lie! WAAAH!
>Germany controlled it
White chink lie! WAAAH!

>Americans start to die en masses
Burger strong! WAAAH!

The absolute state of this country.

What, that they've held this back? Everyone fucking knows that, what are you going to do, buy less iphones? Nope.

maybe because we have much more unreported cases brainlet