Why virginity is overrated

The puritanism this board praises and pushes for is explicitly anti-white. Virginity, yes, is a good thing, but what are the effects of praising for it so much in the 21th century? The result is men not wanting to marry and have children with women because of their sexual past. This means less white children in the future.

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>a swede

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>The result is men not wanting to marry and have children with women because of their sexual past.
Well yeah.

-people, especialy women, know that women cannot keep their legs closed
- people know that most men never amount to anything

virginity is the best discriminant for people:
-good women are not tramps
-good men manage to make something of their lives (and, since women are loose by nature, fucking a woman is not so hard (if you do not fuck a woman, you better be good at something else))

naturally, this utopia never occurs:
-women spread their legs chasing their fun, especially through good sex, thanks to the men ready to serve them
-very few men go beyond women
men never amount to anything besides providing entertainment for women, since providing for women is the easiest thing, especially when it comes to giving them gifts.

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I want to marry a virgin and will only consider a non-virgin if I'm really desperate (35+ yo). The value of virginity is skyrocketing right now since the supply is drying up. Wish there was any way to long female virginity.

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They should rename "Onlyfans" to "HerOnlyPlans"

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>The result is men not wanting to marry and have children with women because of their sexual past.
If you want to remove men's standards for women, also remove marriage (alimony, child support, and everything).
If we're going back to hunter-gatherer sexuality, let's ALL go there, not just the women.

The opposite effect is rewarding slutty behaviour, creating an environment where a "stable relationship" means your gf spends her time posting on her OnlyFans account.

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>editing out the name
Post source


Sexbots are needed.

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This guy is either intentionally obtuse or just plain dumb.
One Chad fucks 100 virigns, the graph makes perfect sense.

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Just google the tweet next time.

80/20 rule becomes 90/10 then 95/5

There is a breaking point though, sadly I don't think we are quite near it yet.

>fucking a woman is not so hard
this triggers both incel and roastie

Dude I’d rather have children with a girl who isn’t entirely white who takes care of her body and doesn’t fuck everything in sight than impregnate a white whore.

And yeah there is nothing wrong with fucking someone before marriage unless you’re an ultra-Christian, but fucking a girl with a lower body count is more desirable

What makes you think he's a swede?

My husband is an African Christian and even though I wasn’t a virgin he made us wait until the wedding to have sex. Not gonna lie it was worth it

OP is a kike demoralizer.
Don't be fooled by this bullshit.
There are many women out there that aren't dumpstersluts. The idea that you will have to remain single forever or settle for a roastie is nonsense.
Get in shape. Organize your life. Understand that a healthy life means a healthy family, under God. GO TO CHURCH, and not some pozzed-up fagfest. There are still many good churches and groups of people not influenced by the lies of progressivism.
Seize your personal future. Today is the day.

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>constructing argument around jewish subversion
I thought you were supposed to be based, Ahmed?

i tell you what.
when you stop jacking off and go full no fap.
You find something you are good at, and channel all your energy into it.
Its like a constant high, where sex only provides you a 10 second orgasm at most.
Its a slow steady drip of dopamine.
Sex are for women and niggers.
Which is why they are women and niggers, they rely on the hard work and focus of men to survive.
Let em degenerate, ask God to help you see the light brother.

Women shouldn't be whores.

Promiscuity hurts White people even more, because the women themselves become physically incapable of pair-bonding. Meanwhile, remaining chaste improves everyone’s well-being and happiness.

>Get in shape. Organize your life. Understand that a healthy life means a healthy family, under God. GO TO CHURCH

good think I'm antisocial and don't have those simpleton problems

Nothing wrong with waiting til marriage, nothing wrong with sex with someone you genuinely care about but casual sex literally is a detriment to society and casualness about sex leads to almost literally every social issue facing the US

- Lack of fathers in black homes resulting in lower income and black guys growing up without education and shooting each other in the street like dumb niggers instead of black men
- Abortion being widely accepted and/or allowed
- a 50% divorce rate
- STDs being at an all time high and close to being declared a state of emergency
Basically every racial and sex issue is a problem

>the absolute state of the west

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You lost your ass virginity to a Somali you Swedish fuck toy

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No one cares about your gay somolian butt pirate fetish larp.

If women at getting sluttier than why is male virgins on the rise? I’m so confused

They may not be complete sluts (whatever that means considering the low standards you guys have) but it doesn't mean they are relationship material

They are slutty only for chad

80-90% of women fight for the top 20-10% of males

The go to church meme needs to end btw

You wouldn’t want a used onahole because some other dude nutted in it, yet you would settle for a woman that lots of other dudes nutted in.

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jannies on the warpath today, prepare to be /bant/'ed

Havent been here in years. Tired of these jesus freaks. Hail Satan.

If men stopped marrying old whores we wouldn’t be in this situation. Chad can’t marry and support them all. Beta cucks marry them after chad is done with them. Stop giving them attention and they will die alone. The next generation of women will be polar opposites

Why were the 2000s such a good time? It was just before this insane feminist slut culture took off.

I saw this and had to make this meme

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This, some of the biggest self righteous whores go to church. I knew a girl who rejected me because I wasn’t Christian. He started dating a nigger, then went lesbian, then back to another nigger. Fuck (((church)))

'Chad' doesn't marry, nor necessarily have children with them.

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>You wouldn’t want a used onahole because some other dude nutted in it
Yes I would, you don't know me.

Marriage is dead. We're back to a natural state of things, where alphas have essentially harems.

if they fucked even 1 guy they are garbage retard.

sit down merkel cuck. men are talking here

>have children with roastie sluts anons it’s your only option

That’s the point. That’s what Betas are for, and if Betas refuses seconds they will submit. Money is more important than broke ass chad.

stacy sure does look brown..
and becky seems noticeably whiter..

who could have been editing this pic?

They aren't having kids though, so no we aren't. This is a new social development.

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God didn't put us on this planet to be virgins. Have sex.

dude they have their tongue out, that means they are just being silly and playful. Its no wonder you incel virgins have never gotten laid.

Why would increased sluttiness mean equal distribution?

>some dumb nigger saved this thinking it was accurate, clever, and a good argument

If you can't find a good woman, just pay a surrogate mother to have your own biological child. That's much better than marrying a bitch who will never love you and raising her son until she decides to divorce-rape you.

it's called natural selection

>virginity is overrated
it is truly; i prefer some experience to make the process better and more enjoyable for both parties

In my mind it make sense, but now I see. Even ugly girls refuse to fuck ugly guys until they are 30.

Is it that hard not being a hoe?

More sluts but only for Chad not for average joe

1000/1 Slut to chad ratio

"lets try and make stacy brown or
black since that is what we want to try and portray as beautiful and cool and lets make that nerd becky extra white"

the devil is in the details

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It’s really not. It’s neither natural nor a selection process

Except that's not true. It's a false defeatist mentality pushed by sexually frustrated people to convince others the situation is hopeless. In reality people bang "outside their league" all the time. You're just listening to copes. They don't want to improve so they want to claw you back into the crab bucket.

>But you won't want to marry the slut!

No shit! Sluttery has been tried for 50 years. They abort their kids and you get stuck raising the kid of some unemployed retard with a saggy baggy second hand woman.

Fuck that shit. Patrol thots. Make them fear failure. Let them know virginity allows them their pick of the TOP 3% of men. Single motherhood makes them beg for the bottom 10%.

Whores love tanning for some reason

>being gay

She’s cheating on you.

Not as many opioids, hrt, and ssri's

>I want my turn with her
>I want a girl another man has already Imprinted
It’s not all about sex coomer, it’s about molding her brain. Have fuck eating Jamals cum out of her pussy

Not true. If the guy is successful or promising they do it all the time.

They are all literal whores now. Before they pretended with dinner and a date instead of, 'you got a venmo? Or anyway to pay me?' And its like fucking eh, or theyve hit the wall and want 'a serious relationship that leads to marriage' but want you to ignore their red flag baggage. Mainly i think women and men just aren't friends anymore and i suspect the tribes of Israel are behind this!

It isn't working.
IQ levels have decreased since sexual revolution and studies prove that women prefer stupid men. Shaming male virgins is a female trick to control men and slave them, and we shouldn't fall for it.

Dumb cunt.

>a 10 second orgasm

you poor unfortunate soul.

all bitches are whores
even your stinking ass mom

Fuck you swedecuck

>guys can bang girls out of their league
>you need to get fit to get pussy
Wait a minute, did you just. Wtf?

look deeper..memes are being changed to force feed diversity is our strength and to say fuck white people..

>we need to stop slut shaming because it pushes away thots and failed normies
>we need to stop pedo shaming because it pushes away thots-to-be and failed normies

these sluts aren't having children either. or if they do, they have mongrels which are going to be wiped out in the future when the white race becomes more ethnocentric. all the sluts used to be beaten into submission back in the day. now we are going to get rid of their genetic trash. the white race will grow stronger

You'll probably end up raising your neighbor's kid...

Young 18-20 years olds? Extremely doubt it

>need to get fit
I didn't say that. I've got a fat, pretty ugly friend. Dude is confident, dances, and is funny. He'd come to our parties for the rugby team. Got more quality ass than most of us. Stop making excuses. Maybe the issue is internal?

Wrong. There's nothing defeatist about realizing these truths.
The solution just means that dealing with women isn't the way to go, rather it's making more men realize this situation we all find ourselves in.
You're raising the bar for men without raising it for women. Making other men raise their bar women is exactly what everybody should be doing.

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Dark skin is seen as exotic thats why


The more sexual partners the higher the odds of divorce & if you get divorced she's taking the kids plus half of everything you own.
So when you consider that, at least in the US, getting married is a coin flip on whether she divorces you, takes your kids, half your shit & then gets gibs for till the kid turns 18. Then factor in that being raised by a single mother is a literal environmental toxin on it, meanwhile the country is rapidly becoming non white. The schools are antiwhite, tranny homo indoctrination centers & you will, at best, get occasional access to your kid. Well let's just say that most men aren't going to sacrifice themselves so that the state & your ex wife can turn your kid into a tranny in planet of the apes. Until those conditions change, men will either avoid women entirely or just have casual sex with them & nothing more.

>chad does it effortlessly so can you
>just be a chad bro
Right back to square one. Try again

stacy seems to be getting darker

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>Man up and take my STDs

>there's nothing defeatist about pretending the whole game is rigged against you rather than accepting you're not some 6'10 chad like in the movies and working with confidence to just live your life
Sure thing, man. The solution is convince everyone to be as miserable and defeatist as you. That's the answer. For sure.

>b-b-b-but chad!
A fat, 5'7 guy with bad acne in his 20's is chad? Stfu man. What, you think girls will just approach you and go "sex me plz?" No, they're humans, too. Maybe treat them as such rather than holes to fuck. You'd attract more.

Yeah, my ex's whole family was very religious. Like to the point that at first they didn't like me at first because I wasn't religious. Her aunts and uncles all thought she was a "fraternizer" for being with me. Ironically we were both virgins when we got together, meanwhile all the kids of the religious aunts and uncles all went off to the club every weekend and fucked random people and two of them became single moms. Just because someone goes to church and believes in god does not make them this idea of a trad waifu you have in your head. That's an unrealistic fantasy.

Have you not seen the oompa loompas?


have you seen the darkened version of this picture?

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You're a god damn idiot.

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>most women have fucked 8-14 men before she even turns 20
Jesus that’s the blackest of blackpills. Holy fuck, holy fucking shit. How many years until it’s possible to grow a wife in a test tube?

Someone slut shame her pls
Want to see her cry

Find parents and send link

You cant just become confident & funny, most people here are aware physical attractiveness doesn't come into play much when getting women, but you need the normie vibe to do it, which you cant just develop out of nowhere

Fuck you and burn in hell kike shill.

Get the hell out of Yas Forums.

That's not what that says.

>The result is men not wanting to marry and have children with women because of their sexual past.



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That's not what that chart is saying. If a girl has sex at 14, through her lifespan she will have on average 8 to 14 different people through her life.

The wrath of HPV is going to cause a global cancer boom.

maybe men should just be more desirable.

>There's no difference between being against the whorification of our youth and puritanism
Shut the fuck up, nigger

>you can't be normal, man it's so harddd
Cry me a river, man. Nobody said it's super easy. You work at it. You build confidence. You work with your cards. Sitting there pouting that you don't get a pocket ace deal every time is idiotic. What moron thinks it's a good idea to go "aw man, that girl is so cute so she'd never ever give me, a man with small wrists, the time of day!" It's stupid.

lol sure
>go to church
no thanks. plenty of whores there, too

>Sure thing, man. The solution is convince everyone to be as miserable and defeatist as you. That's the answer. For sure.
Read the whole post or don't reply at all.

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Raising bastard whites brought up by some skank whore, we might as well say we shouldn't oppose homosexuals, since that's anti white too. You faggots are more tolerant than the left.

if you are a larper, stay the fuck out of the church unless you give your life to christ

Youre a social engineering kike shill



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Women also fuck niggers if you haven’t noticed
>don’t be like chad
>just be yourself bro
>just talk to her bro
>tries to talk to her
>says “no thank you” and walks away
I have money, look decent yet still get shot down instantly
>it’s because you don’t act like chad
>do this
>don’t do this
>sorry bro do this
At some point you begin to realize that is isn’t your fault

Absolute simp.

>some dumb kike posts this responds thinking he's clever and witty

>words words words
This was brought to you by a seething roastie

I stay out of church (praise israel and globohomo) because I am a christian.