
>Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit
Chinese hegemony is going to be a bad time.

Attached: ChineseHealthCare.webm (272x480, 2.86M)

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They have to pay the persons bills for the rest of their life if they live. It gives incentives to back up and run over them again to try and kill them.


They still will kill them. It’s even more reason to because the kids will likely outlive them and they’ll pay for it for the rest of their lives


>Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit
im sure it has everything to do with making sure there are no witnesses, and not letting them suffer by finishing them off.

dude there are videos of them just running over kids like it aint no thing

Attached: captainchinktotherescue.webm (720x1282, 2.42M)

No, it's not going to be a bad time. The reason why the White civilization fell is because they had too much empathy. Retards didn't know when to stop. When the Chinese take over, they'll finally bring back order and sanity to the world.

source on this?
what is going on?

More importantly why are the CIA making anti China threads 24/7 instead of saving their country from the virus? Is the entire American government’s focus on starting wars with other nations? Are you guys rlly incapable of doing anything else?

Fuck off, shill. Dumb chankoro.

Good thing there will never be Chinese hegemony. China is about to lose hegemony in China.

I wouldn't dispute that the west is too soft

But china overpopulates, pollutes, creates economic garbage and destroys useful thought in it's citizens. It's worse in about every objective capacity, why put them in charge?

We learned it from you.

Attached: lol.png (680x564, 303.88K)

>what is going on?
that's china, Sven, that's china!

I think it's the population density. When there's that many people around the value of life is going to be very little.

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What the fuck is this, you have to read an article on liveleak about security camera video showing chinese running over eachother? How about just show me the video.

If this is how they treat human imagine HOW BAD they treat animals...Savages!!

well thats what i would call 'being on edge'

he sure showed her!

I don't say this lightly but China, India (Pakistan and Bangladesh included) and specially Africa are long overdue for at least a 60% population reduction each
wether by war, disease, plague or a giant meteor sent by ayyys

wtf am i looking at?

Attached: china 26.webm (480x480, 839.46K)

Zedong left China so fucked up.

Coming to USA!

Attached: IMMIGRANT-COVID-50.jpg (1734x2135, 1.03M)

Fuck off shill.

Lol come visit /o/ sometime to see them run over kids like they're bugs and then no one help

>human beings


Americans aren't human, NUKE THEM

Does anyone have that one webm where the chink jumps to take control of the wheel from the driver and then we have theview of an outside camera and the bus become a fireball of death.

as a married user, I have to say while I don't approve of this man's actions, I deeply understand them

They do this in vietnam as well. Watch out for the bus and cab drivers!

Chinks are looking like/worse than niggers everyday.
>inb4 t. nigger

Attached: 1585478263004.webm (604x284, 2.93M)

>kill of mutts
>start nuclear war with china
Best time line.

One dead Chink; more rice for everybody else.

Attached: image.jpg (236x250, 7.53K)

Do you have the one were the insane dude punched the driver in the face and takes the bus off a cliff?

>Ho Lee Fuk
> Sum Ting Wong
>We Too Lo
> Bing Dang Oh
A Billion Chinks cant all be Wong

Imagine gore is a daily occurrence on the way to school

What is going on here btw?


Imagine being so desensitized to seeing this shit all the time, that you carry on crossing the road even when someones been knocked down


That is you handle that fucking nigger...

I get revved up over that one every time

> fuck this gay life

They ran like they knew it would happen

I've only ever seen a pedestrian hit once, and I did exactly that.

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Chinese hate each other and will actively fuck over any of their countrymen for any reason.

wtf is going on? source?

Daily chink life.

Attached: 1585478630737.webm (844x480, 2.86M)

Are you going to eat that?

Attached: china.jpg (542x542, 47.5K)

>Chinese hegemony is going to be a bad time.
They have NO empathy, no God, and no 10 commandments or Magna Carta to follow.
It's going to be brutal.

i never noticed until now that he straight up did that shit on purpose. based chink

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These people will be the next superpower sometime after 2032.
If they do that to their own people, imagine what they will do to others?

a country like this is bound to collapse upon itself

So? They avoid jail if they intentionally kill them? I tought china had death penality even for minor bullshit

There is no where quite like China

Attached: 1585277278869.webm (640x366, 1.7M)

Nigger were lazy cause we haven't suffered like our ancestors. We don't question authority, no matter how they don't listen to us, or how much they lie, because hey, everything is comfortable it doesn't affect us much, it's more of the lack of empathy that's killing us now. Our leaders could just cheat their election and no one in Europe would do a thing. The true is, we all are like Sweden, it's that our government doesn't know that yet. At least that's how it was before the pandemia, now our way of living is being threatened, now were still confused and the law government uses everything they can to mass mountains of laws and legislations without us having a clue. Things will get heaten and revolts will most likely happen. It's our only chance at unckuking the west.

they truly are bugs

I wonder when the cannibalism starts

Worse than niggers.