Why is he making so many public statements lately?

Why is he making so many public statements lately?
He usually keeps to himself

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He's losing.

Because of the pandemic

Attached: 2020-03-27 171908.png (1401x721, 895.78K)

He's in deep shit

He's proud of his work.

Market manipulation to get back the #1 spot from Bezos?

What does he know about pandemics?
Just because you’re highly intelligent and highly wealthy doesn’t make you an expert on everything. He certainly didn’t go to med school

he's probably disappointed that people are such placated non critical thinking cattle that nobody is connecting the dots that he did this and doing anything about it. he probably planned some big exciting escape or defense and is pissed that everyone is too dumb to realize he is the mastermind and he has to keep waiting and may never even get to do it

He wants to push automation, cell phone tracking and microchips under the skin. The old cunt wont get a better opportunity

He correctly "predicted" the Corona virus so of course he's gonna speak up.

Too bad he lives in lala-land where he thinks Americans will willingly shut down their own country and accept microchipped vaccines from Microsoft. I listened to that entire Anderson Cooper interview and he had nothing to say at all except "some countries did well and some did not"

His solutions won't work in America - he's not practical, we are not homogeneous like Korea, we have way more international travel, and America is much bigger.

Maybe he's running for president, maybe he's just desperate to stab people with vaccines asap...

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Sees and opportunity
lookin for a power grab

>he's probably disappointed that people are such placated non critical thinking cattle
Absolutely not the case lmao. If he could he'd lobotomize literally everyone.



feelings of guilt for once or he is being the loudest in the room to cover up his crime

It's the opportunity he has been waiting for to push his ID2020 human rfid chip tagging. He starts by making many appearances on tv and other shows so people get used to him speaking as an "expert." They keep repeating how he has been warning the world for years about a pandemic, and eventually he starts slipping in his "vaccine certificates" (the implanted RFID chip). People will embrace it with open arms.

Attached: he can't keep getting away with this.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

He has been desperately fighting disease in Africa for decades (and failing miserably because Africa is full of Africans)

motherfucker tried to warn us in 2015, bet he is gloating a bit now

This. It was called here a few days ago, someone got the cap?

Stepped out of Microsoft and now feels free to run his mouth.

>Just because you’re highly intelligent and highly wealthy doesn’t make you an expert on everything. He certainly didn’t go to med school
>epidemiologist says the same thing
>"Fucking trump haters just want to tank the economy"
Americans are very funny

>Bill Gates doesn't know about vaccines

you are utterly fucking useless to this board


>via skype
>call didn't disconnect

probably this


He’s a Eugenic madman.

His Windows product is failing and he killed dozens of smart companies to shill a crap OS.

This is his final act. Windows basically already updates 24 hours per day. Your body is next.

>Why is he making so many public statements lately?
>He usually keeps to himself
This outbreak...
It has nothing whatsoever to do with his "agenda 21" plans, It is purely coincidental that this outbreak happened just as (((they))) had planned.
So you would expect for him to take it as a sign from his God (he doesn't have the same God as Christians btw) that it is time to act.

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Just shut up and take your microchip like a man, peasant.

Bill just love those niggers hé was not sterelizing the lot of them thats just a conspiracy theory just like the chip.

The (((media))) is propping him up to be the face of the mandatory vaccination/chip campaign that probably has been planned for in conjunction with the actual inception of the virus itself. Normfags will blindly trust 'muh mild-mannered, sensible, altruistic computer genius'.

As evil as he is, the guy looks perfectly innocuous. Most people usually don't expect some speckled, uneasy nerd to have any ulterior agenda aside from the one that's overtly stated. Guys like Gates aren't very compelling on a social level but in the same stroke they're also not perceived to be dangerous. In the public eye he might be seen awkward and boring, but also well-intentioned, earnest, harmless and most of all reliable and that's the exact impulse this specific social engineering endeavour is preying on. The fact that he seemingly blew a lot of his glownigger funded billions on charities just serves to lend credence to this cultivated image of him.

This, Occam’s Razor is he is just a dumb bleeding heart libtard feeling guilty for having been a ruthless businessman all these years that his own personal penance is to save the turd world.

Reaching End Game.

damage control, liars always tend to be more verbose when the pressure is on

He has a big ego. Like most of these tech leaders, how other people see them is their main motivator. He was jealous of trump for getting all the attention while he fought aids or some shit in etheopia.

>Why is he making so many public statements lately?
LARPing for karma neutrality

These NGOs were caught over a dozen times sterelizing people in nigland why are you people always so surprised when they put their convictions into action?

Not gonna lie tho, he at least as a grasp of what a virus and a epidemy is. Unlike Trump.

It’s his toy. Proud daddy. Cocksucker

preparing the ground he going to run for president

Bill's afraid.

>What does he know about pandemics?

He knows they're dead handy for depopulation programs.

he wants to brand everyone like cattle. remember this man completely changed the way people live 20ish years ago, the microchips are the first steps into the next 20 years of slavery

they're also good for taking down pedofile CEOs like bill gates

We did not listen to him

He has a lot more free time since he stepped down. Nothing big or surprising.

Bats playing the long game. Sick of hiding in dark caves

>He’s a Eugenic madman.

Well, he wouldn't have been gifted his position as a leading cyberneticist if wasn't on board with the depopulation project from the very start. These public figures are well connected front men for much bigger background operations.

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>motherfucker tried to warn us in 2015
A broken clock is right once every 6 years.

He left M$ and did anti-malarial work and had think-tank do scenario planning for covid

>Q predicted this
>Trust the plan

>He's losing.
Do you even know who he is, or did you just assume "blue background = Democrat" ?

His operating system was riddled with viruses, so why would his philanthropy work be any different?

ID2020 is coming into play soon. Do not resist. Take the microchip vaccine and enjoy your new Orwellian life.

You people will be taking the chip if q told you only non pedos have them you are being played.

Today's leaders did not grow up with the internet. They are stupid because of it. Unintelligent, low empathy, lack of practicality. Just like fucking Bill Gates - guy is a loser.

b-but he's super rich he must be cooler and better than you. his wife has money-related psychosis, they're done as a family. it's the end of the line for them, and they're focused on "the common cold" fucking lmao

>You people will be taking the chip

you've been saying that since the year 2000

the retarded beings that inhabit the bodies of NWOfags are losing.

on Yas Forums you will find a broad range of opinions about the possible motivation of the world's most famous Depopulationist and Pandemicist.

Good to see Yas Forums not restricting itself to the obvious answer.

President '24 run I'm guessing