Why are Turks and Bosnians respected as ideal Muslims when they barely even follow the faith?

I see pious Pakis and Arabs holding up Turks and Bosnians as great examples of devoted Sunni Muslims yet even if you go into the Ottoman Empire, many of the rules of that were pretty secular certainly by Arab and Paki standards and Bosnian leaders too. Nothing they have done or said would lead you to believe they even care about Islam over national identity. You see tons of Turkish women who don't wear Hijab and when you see photos of women in Bosnia none are in hijab.

All the Turks and Bosnians i have met have barely bothered about religion at all. They get drunk and don't pray and know almost nothing about the faith. Yet for some reason religiously devoted Pakistanis and Arabs will often reference Turkey and Bosnia as great Muslim nations who should be defended at all cost.

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Most people are stupid and low IQ.

This is especially true in the Muslim world.

Ideal Muslims are the ones who barely follow the faith.

choose one


because they are not as mentally retarded as arabs and appear more human-like
of course islam means mental retardation

Another shill thread

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because Turks are Mediterreneans and Bosnians are Slavs.
dont @ me, im right and youre wrong

are they turkish girls?
Half of them look like they could be from Europe

also these arent turks

this kek
bosnian "muslims" are only muslims because without islam they have no ethnic identity to speak of and would be subsumed by croats and serbs

other than their memeish "faith" in islam, they're basically white people who do all the same shit as other white people - drink booze, eat pork, don't pray six gorrilion times a day and generally not abide by islamic rules

But that wouldn't be the case in the eyes of pious and devoted Salafist scholars though. That's why it doesn't make sense. Even the likes of Bin Laden and other extremists have mentioned the Bosnians with praise and yet Bosnians barely practice the religion at all. Same with the Albanians.

Why would people who live every moment of their waking life in accordance with Islam and Muhammad's teachings repeatedly cite peoples like Turks and Bosnians as ideal good Muslim brothers when these peoples barely have anything to do with Islam in the modern day and are extremely secularized.

same for Turks, Izmir is basically just like a Greek or Southern Italian city

Does it matter? They're all inbred scum just the same mehmet

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>Turks respected

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Maybe to you because you are both mutts encompassing a wide variety of subhuman races

yea, jews are awfull too

>Second row -the fourth one
Definitely an Abdulackh trany

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They are tsundere for european genetics and hope a mediterranid bosnian or turkish qt notices them

They also instinctively know that europeans are better at everything, including practicing the religion they invented

my name is Giuseppe and you have never seen a turkish person IRL unlike me

>Sultan's harem

who the fuck respects turks??

show your flag moshe

Yea they look Italian kek

Lebanese are the closest arabs to Europe genetically and their women are the most desired in the arab world

>All the Turks and Bosnians i have met have barely bothered about religion at all.
Because you meet only degenerate proletariat from big cities. If you go to turkish countryside, people there are more religious indeed.

I'm talking about them being respected by OTHER MUSLIMS not myself or people on Yas Forums lol

Why do Muslims from more pious places like Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan respect the Turks and Bosnians and support them so much when Turks and Bosnians could care less about Islam? What's the motivation on the part of pious old Muslim scholars to repeatedly praise Turks and Bosnians as good Muslim countries?

yes some of them do, like some polish people look like anglos. And?

Pic is from Iran, memeflaggot.

>ideal anything
That’s like calling hillbillies in West Virginia the “ideal white person”

because they're morons, pakis and arabs who worship turks and bosniaks only worship them because "OmG ThEy'R WhItE!!!!!!!"

It's like poo in loos worshipping white women, it's retarded

me in the back

Are Bosnians actually grateful to the Turks because they gave them Islam?

>deciding who is subhuman and who is not
stay assmad ottoman rape baby, even the most of your fellow europeans hate you.

I don’t see this at all. Bosnians haven’t really been thought of that much since the 90s when they were at war and being killed, and most people despise Turks for their roach actions in the Middle East and in Syria, as well as for the Ottoman Empire. The ones being hailed as the best examples of Muslims are the Asian ones in Indonesia and the white ones in Russia and some former soviet republics because of they are very devout and religious despite not being Arabic. Albanians are generally hated for not following Islamic rules at all.

They speak Arabic but half of the population identify as Assyrian or derivatives and genetic study shows they are pretty much ancient Phoenicians, that is absolutely not Arab.

Sadly the 25% or so who are Sunni try to be good boys and suck Arab cock.

There are way better white Muslims in Russia.

Seething shitskins


nice, im happy to be their genetic cousins, i like lebanon.

most goatfuckers and sandniggers are 65IQ inbreds who equate whiteness with moral righteousness.

shut up snownigger and suck my big italian cock

You’re right about the first part

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i think this is the only reason.
other than that. most of the non arab muslims tend to be degenerate atheist and not give a shit about religion.


Hes right about the second part too

Enough with this Phoenicians meme, look for genetic charts, they're 100% arabs
>most desired
>literallt the fattest women in the world

A large majority of the diaspora are Christians that identify as Assyrian, sadly they are an every shrinking part of Lebanon proper.
It seems it's not very enjoyable to be Christian in the MENA countries.

I'm Swedish ethnically but I very much have sympathy for the Lebanese Christians.

Nah, no 65 IQ sand nigger sees whites as some shining example of moral superiority. They just see them as having drunken fathers and whore women.

Forgot pic

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You’re thinking of Mexican women

Oh yeah, I missed the moral part.

Idk why i thought your flag was USA
Should have read that through

they are respected because:
1.They're white(bosnians)
2.They're a muslim majority in europe(or turkey at europes gates)

Islamic priests from the 3rd world try to shill hardcore islam in these countries all the time

Bosnia is filled with wahabbi preachers
Go to any video with bosnian muslim women and 90% percent of the comments are pakis leaving their whatsapp looking for help to move to bosnia(/albania as well but you didn't mention it, even tho they jerk over them as well)or find a bosnian bride
This is usually met with quite a negative reaction from bosnians calling them predators,clearly indicating even they don't want mass male immigration
But they love to point a middle finger to orthodoxy so they gladly accept all the praise

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Oh shit there’s women fatter than Mexican girls

>german women fatter than turkish

oh nvm i was looking at males

Because you're a giant faggot :) kys please

>all these sandnigger countries

all that slave labor has its consequences.

What was that again?