Wikileaks Insurance Files #8

Previous thread got shoa'd


Archive of 2016 threads: mega. nz/#!3khERaZJ!a-S98SUx0bPsWWqwQjmuHWZBHtQ_tHcX9kFl40sgQ_A


Attached: giphy.gif (312x213, 972.92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who leaked the ascii?

fictitious and sodomistic

So, are one of you code niggers gonna post a frazzledrip torrent or not?


brainlet here, what does this mean?

Attached: 64864.jpg (333x300, 14.93K)

Full house bringing the heat

Original message:

Breaking it down from top to bottom:
We want to be here

>AES256 | ECB | PKCS#7 | Black=1
Encryption | Ciphermode | Format | Key

AES256 operates on 128-bit blocks and uses key lengths of 128, 192 or 256-bit

Electronic Code Book, each round processes a 64-bit block and encrypts the block with the secret key. Any identical blocks will have the same encrypted value.

X.509 Certificate format, possibly relating to padding

Generated from unmodified key.png were black pixels = 1, decodes to 256-bit binary: 0110000100100011101001010100111101010111000100000111010001101110001101100000110010001101011001001100010111000010101001101000101100011011010001101110110111001011011110111110101101011010111001101011111101011010100011100101100100110101111000110101110110011101

The actual encrypted data in AES256-ECB, output to a Base64 string:
(Post length limit, as seen in OP)

I'm dying to see this shit

becareful what you wish for , you just might get it.

Attached: index.jpg (637x451, 34.03K)


Bump. This be interestin'

Attached: nurseBBC.jpg (739x752, 143.12K)

People are trying to crack some old shit open. It's not really going anywhere but it's fun to talk about.

(Possible red herring) link


Attached: 67756556786.jpg (1400x700, 73.43K)

Goddam that website feels evil just clicking on it. for anyone interested that wants a mild spook.

when I try to post the key.png file I get a connection error from Yas Forums, what the fuck ?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-29_15-56-22.png (318x317, 20.01K)

Rundown for new anons:
>cryptic message posted on Yas Forums
>some user suspects it's the key to WL insurance docs
>autists start doing their thing
>complete chaos
>shills in damage control
>nobody knows anything
>could have been a larp from the very start

Translated cryptic Chinese / symbols text so far. No idea what it means. September (11th?) Left text (hotel) right text (a great place to stay?)

Attached: DC06CA4F-1096-4C93-AD8F-0A78D18D21C8.png (1890x1512, 1.33M)


Here. Have something to listen to while you wait for your ?????????? to download.
Happy larping.

Attached: 1585446699400.png (16x16, 250)

A question , If anons have the wikileak insurance files and multiple people do.

Why don't they just release the password to the files ? Wouldn't it be safe to assume that the key is lost never to be found or perhaps already used as blackmail?

Attached: 1585399153617.jpg (1080x720, 182.67K)

let more people get the files first

Me too. Other comment content doesn't matter. A shoah is underway for this, thank God for 4plebs. Also increased captcha times.

link it from another site?

This is the first 450 binary digits in QRcode
Am I memeing correctly?

Attached: 468A61CD-9E0A-4281-B197-BEA54A297CB2.jpg (655x655, 230.73K)

Testing another file with same filename

Attached: key.gif (411x480, 30.83K)


Attached: 1585482000091.png (492x492, 8.18K)

original key.png file

I think you should make a new script where you try various operations (and also compose them) on the bit stream and check each obtained key if it decodes to something readable. I'm not used to do things like that in bash. Try stuff like
bit ordering (first bit is LSB, i think your script handles it as MSB) (LSB 1000=1,0011=C;;MSB 1000=8,0011=3)
flip none/horizontally/vertically/both
rotate 0/90/180/270
negate bits
encrypt instead of decrypt
Just from these operations you get 2 * 4 * 4 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 256 combinations.

Pretty epic game of go

whats in there?

It's been 4 years. Surely it only takes one person to dump the files somewhere or make a webm. or leak to media.

Attached: 1585414732464.png (2000x2000, 3.65M)


Are these the launch codes mendax stole and they are all pissed about?

Show us frazzledrip

Guise I think it’s prob nothing. Maybe just some troll messing with us, no? Let’s all get some sleep! *yawn* man we could all use some rest. Let’s take a snooze

The top is mainly Chinese and the bottom is mainly Korean. Cleaning out the shit in between (I think some of it is Arabic?) might come up with a cleaner translation.

Kys immediately

This is the "end times", moar people gon be coming here for answers now than ever before.
also, cool art...

Attached: tenor-6.gif (224x400, 427.49K)

fuck off glowy

IDK, This fits too well. Assange was denied bail a few days ago so it makes sense to dump the insurance key around now.

Oh ok

Attached: billy.jpg (472x357, 28.12K)

no it wasn't. this never was displayed on it was only shown on duckduckgo for a while searching for the WL file dump (ht tps:// since DDG parsed titles for search results with missing HTML title from other results that link to it (in this case one Yas Forums thread and T_D post).

or pretend to

In the Claudia text username ElectronSpinor posted "That escalated quickly"
Maybe try his username or "That escalated quickly"
if that was the key, JA would have one hell of a humor.

Attached: 1585450227421.jpg (879x888, 112.87K)

Why do you cunts keep talking about sleep, or nothingburger. Fuck up or fuck off

It was user.
In 2016.


it's just random anons on discord from oct 2016 and it's like babbies first step to decoding the blockchain. why do you think this log has any significance kek. i wonder why they just share these weirdly printed out "claudia" excerpts with you, clearly obfuscating them to make them seem more important, than just sharing the full discord logs everyone has..

liar. it was only shown on the search engine and that's where the screenshot is taken from. and it linked to the WL archives. never was by or on itself.

could any of you autists put all of this on a pasetbin page?
this info needs to be in somewhere safer
janies have been scrubbing a lot of shit lately
even some pages in the archive have some posts suppressed/changed

Attached: 1585408565219.jpg (885x1040, 234.58K)

It's a 16x16 square. 256 bits. There are various ways to interpret this but the reasonable ones are very finite. All in all I think you have:

1. Rows: Top-to-bottom, left-to-right. (the status quo in my script)
2. Rows: Top-to-bottom, right-to-left.
3. Rows: Bottom-to-top, left-to-right.
4. Rows: Bottom-to-top, right-to-left.
5. Columns: top-to-bottom, left-to-right
6. Columns: top-to-bottom, right-to-left
7. Columns: bottom-to-top, left-to-right
8. Columns: bottom-to-top, right-to-left

Call me gay

Attached: hotpocket-feature.jpg (480x330, 27.52K)

Went to sleep, and I wake up to this still not solved? All yall slack jaw faggots have all these water cooled computers, but apparently yall only understand how to push the power button.

Attached: Mr.McNo.gif (480x321, 2.66M)

Hi, just here to shit on the parade.
I've run the script that user kindly made which outputs the supposedly decrypted file to final.bin, however the results don't align with the original message, see here In the pic related, i've included two certificates and how they are detected correctly by their file types, note the top on being the PKCS#7 format and the one under a generic X.509 DER format.
This needs re-visiting because I feel like something isn't lining up with the decryption stage.

Attached: certs.png (688x357, 50.17K)

>All yall
begone negroid

PB namefag was saying think "Quickly"
Quickly came up in the claudia text.
That's the only reason.

Also, here's the most recent jean py.

You haxxors better get this shit done. There are many good guys out there missing a reason to chop off some heads.

Attached: 1466933278827.jpg (564x597, 87.88K)

Hmm not working? Maybe we should just stop trying, who knows, it may even be illegal. I def want the republicans to win too, but not need in breaking the law. Let’s just forget it and go back to bantz

The jean scripts used to scrape the transaction data and combine them into a single file.
Kind of like combining rar files for a large archive.
I'm 100% certain removed opcode and other transaction data.
These scripts no longer work.
They would have to be rewritten to utilize some other online blockchain aggregator.

rolling for reptilian disclosure and interstellar ayyys about to crush and pound these evil creature



Attached: 08-29-22-mGA2EfR7ATdDpWrGq6DSD-tYTzFN1_yirUJoNpQCN1gOdgSP7hL0X74YHXbe6tEANI5Re5OJvjtr9WEyn1bWnPaOU_TO6XYSPO7B2JBpt7ILxKnNKtq004OAqQ4FYwI9XQbIuWKFepQ.jpg (450x362, 20.74K)


Wikileaks has been compromised since October 2016 when phase 4 never dropped.

please elaborate

Begone non-texan faggot. Dont come running here when our temps reach 105° and evaporates the virus

Attached: Dead_Art.jpg (557x618, 153.71K)

>implying that targets don't show off on camera every day of the week
NAH just let this media shit go on, guys. Go back to sleep. It's fine.