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>that swastika on the left

evry tim

Whatcha doin rabbi?

Based detective outfit jew

Whatcha doin rabbi


>fast Bernie bros we need internet victim points
>but but the swastika

Robert Sterkeson strikes again.

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"Voting didn't stop us last time."


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Jesus wept. Where do I donate?

>Security camera on the right

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>Didn't know if we should share, because we fucked up the swastika, but...

literal drone replies

Lefty LARP, like always

Hay rabbi what ya doing?

whatcha doin subhuman?



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Shut up kraut.

Bernie staffers painted that swastika

Ahhhhh, the old, 0 risk, edgy self vandalism gambit. Only costs a few bucks and always succeeds in garnering sympathy from low IQ simps.
A classic shitlib maneuver.

polite vandals, didn't spray the camera because they cost money, just stick to minor surface damage and some disposable banner

>implying white guilt doesn't = $ in this Jew world order
>implying any kike or nigger on the neo-liberal victimhood todem pole is above spending the 5 dollars it takes to get instant media assisted sympathy money after the news trucks arrive

Hail Hitler!

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hail hortler

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can jew hands not draw a swastika?

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He'll be released and given his state salary.

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A Jew using an extremely cost effective method to evade criticism of the behavior of his tribe???
How could this be?!?

>People know it will attract attention. I always consider three things: If you see someone spray paint KKK, it's not the Klan. If you see someone spray paint 666, it's probably not a Satanist, and if you see someone spray paint a swastika, it's not a Nazi.
ADL nigger said this on CNN. Funny.

Ok, Muhammad

On the right too

Nice spastika on the left.

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jews are great liers and manipulators but practically retarded in other fields

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Lol I love it when commies draw swastikas. You can literally see the misstrokes they have to force themselves through like a Jew drawing the cross.

You're a fucking idiot if you honesty believe anyone but themselves did this... This shit has been done so many times and the dumb fucks get caught every time like with that chick wrote nigger on her own car, or even Smollet. Besides, what kinda retard believes that an ACTUAL nazi drew that swastika on the left.

It's another symptom of the same underlying psychoticism that caused them to earn the moniker "kikes." They wouldn't sign their papers with an X because it reminded them of Jesus, and they won't vandalize an accurate swastika because it reminds them of Hitler.

Checked and hail hortler

> "voting didnt stop us last time"
sounds legit.
nazis often leave cryptic warnings on the window, it is kinda their thing.
i guess "this is MAGA country" would have been too obvious.
another episode of Keeping Up With Jussie Smollet

They don't even use the same plus sign as the rest of the world because it means they have to draw a cross. They really are that petty.

kids starting problems out of self hate and memes psychic driving them into bad behavior.

To be fair, the one on the house is good.

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I'm sorry that Bernie supporters had to resort to vandalizing their own shit.
Truly, it's another shoah.

>Apologize for the obvious hoax, user!
As always, if you're going to reply to dumbshit like this, please sage.

Many instances of Jews self-vandalizing have featured these retardedly drawn swastikas. I heard somewhere that their deep rooted cultural belief in symbols (same reason they won’t draw a + or sign their names with an X) is why they intentionally fuck it up, because a properly drawn swastika would have power.

The sheriff sent a team to clean it up? Wtf. The police now remove graffitti from private buildings?


Holy fuck checked

Their convictions kicked in half way through. They couldn't bring themselves to make an actual swastika. Typical leftist virtue signaling. Vote for oppressed bernie goyim.

How is this dumb? It's amusing and I would never knew this happened if it wasn't posted here

It's a slide thread.
Doesn't the
>1 post by this ID
clue you in? Lurk moar, newfag.

true fact jews are able to call cops to walk there dog if they feel stressed over the memory of ww2

Attention please, we've been attacked by nazeeeeehs

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when I was a kid my friends and I would carve swastikas in trees. we just thought it was fun. We were still being fed fairy tales of Anne frank at school. It had nothing to do with hate. We all admired Hitler. Pretty much every tree in our park had a swastika on it.

The right wing fears Bernie more than anything.

given the shape of the left """"swastika"""" and the odd upwards protruding tip at the bottom of the right swastika, non-metaphorically this

I’m donating all of my used tissues. Match me, bro!