Will humanity ever expand and explore space?

Will humanity ever expand and explore space?

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That depends on us.


We'll die off- hiding inside from the common cold.

ask elon musk, he wanted to build a colony on mars, now, he builds ventilators to help niggers breathe.

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No, so long as Christians and subhumans exist

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we have more important priorities, like improving the quality of life of blacks and browns

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>still believing in space


No because white people have to be ethnically cleansed from the planet and replaced with barely sentient worker apes because they made Jews sad that one time

All the people with IQ lower than 130 (including most whites) are holding us down.

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edgy retard

No, material and energy still available on earth is for population. There is nothing left for space programs. Overpopulation is not a meme.


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Not as long as post-modern philosophy infects all sciences.

With Jews with their Jewopoly absolute not.

>Will humanity ever expand
ask america
>and explore space
lol no, we're still arguing about which semitic fan fiction novel has all the celestial answers. Spaceships are for advanced civilisations, not toilet paper hoarding monkeys.

There is no space retard

sp00ky quick save b4 deletes

This year a number of high profile missions to mars were cancelled/delayed because of some weird flu
So I guess, no, not really.


Not until we glass Israel and kill off every Christ hating kike and incel.

WW3 will happen and lead to a eugenics war as super soldiers are bred to fight in WW3. Eventually, some drunk bastard will discover how to make and use antimatter to harness a massive amount of energy. Probably.

Humanity will become brown savages till the end of time till a virus wipes everyone out.

no because it doesnt fucking exist

Only if a NWO is established or in a few thousand years, after a nuclear apocalypse. No other way.

Not with all these shitskins around.

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t. subhuman christcuck

Aka no

no, all our space money goes to nigger welfare now, all our scientist have to fight 10 times harder to compete over someone who was just born different race


steady on, I'm over 130 but let's just get rid of what is currently sub-100. That will tip things in our favour.

Nope we all have to stay inside and stop the global economy or else grandma might get the flu. Sorry, space fags. This is more important.

Legit 140 IQ here. We should not be wasting money on space. It's new frontier propaganda for the proles so they can cope with the unescapable Hell they created for themselves on Earth. There are no important answers out there. You will not get a do over. The mind is the final frontier.

Do you know how much energy it takes to make infinitesimal amounts of anti hydrogen? Any usable ammount would need thousands of miles of solar panels and dedicated particle accelerator factories not to mention its esentially impossible to store.

>Do you know how much energy it takes to make infinitesimal amounts of anti hydrogen?

Well once our species is culled down to the best, we'll be able to make it happen. Can't make it happen as long as energy is being wasted to feed a bloated surplus population of morons.
Also, we need to discover dilithium.

Sure, but it will be for the exploitation of resources, not for any actual curiosity of space or the unknown universe. Mining vessels and corporate space programs will come to replace organizations like the ESA and NASA.

I hope so. What's the point, otherwise?

>The mind is the final frontier.
The day we look inward with as much gusto as we do outward will be the day we rewrite our future

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We have to get rid of niggers and jews first, which seems impossible for now.

Nah only the jews will once the exterminate everyone.

only if whites win against jews


When we build spaceships that run on farts, only then user.

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We're a Type 0 civilization right now, barely struggling to survive with no collective purpose.

We first have to reach a Type 1 level here on earth first before we can explore space.

135 - 140 nigger here. Why not both? The VR AI network will keep the normal fags where we want them and allow us to access every part of the human mind, and space exploration will get us in touch with the rest of the physical universe.

For the record, I believe we should explore the mind first. We have a serious memetic problem in the human collective psyche.

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once someone gets rich off going to space everyone will want to do it and get rich too.
I think asteroid mining will become a thing in our lifetimes.

No, chinks will have killed all of us before that ever happens.

>he doesn’t know about Solar Warden
Oh sweet, sweet summer child

Its pretty fucking retarded to single out christianity as a force for holding back exploration given the track record of christian exploration vs everyone else.

by "humanity" you mean "white race"
and the answer is: yes, once the shackles of non-white subhumans and jews are shaken off

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Unironically, no. True humans have already stretched the tether held by subhuman retards to its limit. There will be no more advancement because all our energy is spent on placating mongoloids and heroically intervening in their self-inflicted demise. Why visit other worlds when you can get rich keeping diabetic niggers and Boomers alive just a couple years longer?

Yes and soon. There are asteroids worth trillions. It will be the new gold rush. If Starship works as intended it will start very soon.

Holy shit the doomposting in this thread. Fucking defeatist bullshit.
Yes, we will expand into space. Not only because it is possible, but because it is necessary.
Our entire evolutionary purpose is to spread life to other worlds. Gaia evolved us in order to serve as the neurons of the biosphere, enabling a higher level of organization; and in order to enable the spread of life. We're the fruiting bodies of evolution.
If we don't succeed in our teleological destiny, earth life will be stillborn. Therefore we will succeed; this is the divine plan.

I need space colonization, i need to evangelize to three tittied aliens

Inside or outside, it's all mind.

it was starting to look like it in the early-mid 20th century. but cultural distortion/(((liberalism))) wiped that chance out of existence.
now our only hope of that happening is if some weirdo tech billionaire figures out a way to commercialize it and turn it into a profitable industry. even if that happens, it will only be accessible for the elite, and for superficial ventures at that.

Don't listen to this man; he's not a scientist.

no, we will die out on this rock with knowing practically nothing of the universe.

I can only show you the door, you have to step through on your own.

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Don't listen to this man; he's not a poet.