The USNS COMFORT drew a "Q" as it left harbor after Trump's sendoff.

"Comfort's main mission, Trump said, will be to take care of the New Yorkers who aren't infected with COVID-19 but still require urgent care.So the people with the virus will not be on ship," he reassured. "The ship will be used for people having operations and other things."

anyone want to track it to Guantanamo after it leaves New York?? !

Attached: COMFORT_Q.jpg (1086x578, 49.68K)

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Fucking hell. The absolute state of Qtard schizos. The boat did a circle then drove off, someone probably thought they forgot their smokes but realised they had em

>wooooooooooow it went a circle
Q was right!!!!

Stuck to the plann

How do you perform surgery on a rocking ship

Whoa... that does it. I'm now a #FuckingRetard

"Trust in the plan". I would get that put on my gravestone but mass graves don't get them usually.

It's a cult inside the government pushing what jews always repeated in predictive programming: a psychotic social micromanagement state combining the worse of USSR and China.

>The USNS COMFORT drew a "Q" as it left harbor after Trump's sendoff.
Your picture is not a proof. Qanons are gigantic faggots

Trust Sessions



Attached: 8BD36DE9-CBE8-4542-85E6-562CF9CB89DF.jpg (640x480, 48.57K)

Curious enough to track it

Checked leafdübs

Thinking you’re ending up in a mass grave. user think bigger and much grander. I believe in you cause I believe in me


It will be docked by then!


What site are you using to track?

Attached: myshiptracking.png (2749x1640, 1.24M)

I know this is just getting sad

Of the 18 post, none gives a reasonable explanation as to why a ship, which the president of North America himself mentioned, is having that erratic sailing behavior. Why would a ship sail that way? I would accept something as "they're just fucking with us", what else?

what if it DOES go to Guantanamo after New York? biggest holy shit moment in a long while!

sage, hide, and report qtard schizo threads

It cost that ship thousands of dollars and some significant time to make that particular move.
It’s interesting as fuck and PURPOSEFUL

Jews, deniers and celebs BTFO

there's a map at the right that shows current location, click on "show on live map" to show an enlarged view, then click on "past track" to show where it's been since last port. you can see it did the "Q" right as it got to deep water

This is all the proof I need LADIES and GENTLEMEN activate code word fluffy dogs it’s about to get hairy

Attached: 7CAE5564-35C8-41BD-8C4D-713838243396.jpg (220x341, 15.49K)

Interesting as fuck

That's a circle dumbass

This is quite simple.... Sailors are superstitious on what day they leave port. To atone for this sin they do a turn leaving port. Source I watch deadliest catch

That is NOT a Q,you imbecile. Sage

Gee what if they are picking someone up, or testing mechanical systems

The usn would spend money and time and manpower and enhanced travel risk for a superstition? Why?
What does Billy Occam say about this situation?

I like the Q stuff. Lot of good energy. I wonder what Q stands for

8Fages need to fuck off

Picking up / dropping off a pilot dumbass

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 213.9K)

>time money and manpower
It was a fucking circle, have you ever gone boating? Shit takes like 2 minutes tops

"they are just fucking with us" is more pausable than those other reasons, where they could had gone on a straight line after ending the circle.


Control surfaces such as rudders, therefore, are the external means of aiding manoeuvrability through interaction with the hydrodynamic parameters associated with the vessel.

Also, it is essential to note that all kinds of manoeuvres are triggered off by the application of rudder force in some specific direction.

Right after the launch, a ship undergoes all the necessary trials under certain predefined conditions to assess these manoeuvring abilities.

IMO has its own set of rules slated for conducting each of these manoeuvring trials for optimising the maximum feasible limits with the best performance of the vessel.

t. Defective downs

Attached: 4B7CE80A-639B-47C5-9813-368C28222C2F.jpg (1024x644, 92.86K)

>orange man bad
Wow these shills are fucking SEETHING. dialate while you still can trannies, you won't be able to when you're all swinging from lampposts.

It's a massive single-shaft vessel, can confirm


I guarentee you that they would be way more likely to draw dicks


And here you are complaining about muh Q. Why do you care so much? So emotional. “I hate Q yards, I’m to smart to believe in that” but yet here you are. Guess your shitty liberal arts degree didn’t work out huh, commie.

That’s a pretty big circle and a pretty big ship , big guy
also yes many weeks on open water
they call me captain crunch

Attached: D515E0BE-1B9F-457A-A7F2-82A0CA1C8C6F.jpg (400x400, 39.12K)

This is the most common manoeuvre a vessel may be required to do every now and then. Let us take some instances such as making a swerve around a landmass ( island, port, harbour, other vessels), taxing/berthing for cargo handling, making its way through a canal or heading back to its original destination after encompassing its destination. Turning is inevitable in ships.

this ship is fucking YUGE. like, size of aircraft carrier YUGE. it don't just swing around to pick up some dude that forgot their phone.

Attached: 26126370-8125773-The_hospital_ship_USNS_Comfort_.jpg (962x542, 97.05K)

>whaa please believe my boomer larp cold reading nonsense please whaaaa
Shut up bitch.

Could you imagine the massive seals and blocks to keep that shaft in place and turning true? Whew man
Also she’s not a nuke is she?

>trust in sessions goyim :^)
kill yourself nigger kike faggot

Attached: 1558142974752.jpg (383x390, 30.23K)

For the harbor pilot, yes

+++ nothing is done without purpose.

Boomers have literally no critical thinking skills.

It's a old 1970's converted tanker

>I am so dumb, I can’t draw a q
Thanks. So glad you made this thread.

My fucking mom and aunt barrage me with Q shit every fucking day on kikebook messenger. I'm sick of this bullshit. Speaks in riddles so anything he says can or can't be true simultaneously.

"2 x Boiler units feeding 2 x General Electric turbines producing 24,500 horsepower driving 1 x Shaft under stern."

This. Navyfag here. You can't just stop a ship instantly, so when dealing with contact management and other navigational concerns, sometimes you'll turn 300 degrees to the right instead of 60 degrees to the left. You may also do circles or zigzag.

Attached: 1580515490353.png (407x279, 204.74K)

Thank you fellers

you pushed a mop, fag. BULLSHIT that a ship this size will be doing doughnuts in the water RIGHT AFTER PORT to correct a heading.

you guys are fucked in the head

Sorry, couldn't help myself lads. Was my Qoomer impression convincing? I even spelled dilate wrong

Lmao I can’t imagine unironically believing in “Q”, how much of a pathetic retard do you actually have to be to buy this bullshit.

Its funny because Deck department cleans and paints most and they help pilot the rudder.

Sessions did his job. Why does this trigger you?

Every day I wake up and thank Christ that I'm not this fucking retarded

Your complaint is just as much of a guess as OP's. At least Qchads see their guesses inside a larger narrative. Coincidence theorists are truly the worst side here.

>1 post
Yeah no

go back to 8kun you boomer retards

A Soviet ship's doctor removed his own appendix because they were in pacific near the Antarctic circle and he was the only person on the ship who could do the surgery. He had a mirror set up so he could see what he was doing to himself. Because he was conducting the operation, he couldn't be sedated. The stuff they do on the Comfort will be fine.

Ports require boats to be captained by local experts who know where to steer in order to avoid the boat running aground in the shallows

Your pic shows a smaller ship pulling up to a bigger one to let someone on. Not the big ship doing a circle. The fuck are you talking about?

The ship left earlier than planned, so it probably had to do a holding pattern of sorts because of other boat traffic. Sometimes it's easier to keep the engine on and go in a circle than turn it off and back on.

In this case they did 420 to the right instead of 60

checked. but I think it stands for Quarantine.

>massive single-shaft vessel

Attached: 1584307366905.png (472x785, 155K)

>pretty big circle and a pretty big ship , big guy
4 U

couldn't possibly run him out there on a smaller vessel, lol

Actual Sailor here, can confirm deckies suck dick

Can also be viewed as a “P” depending on the angle.

what did you do to ricky?

Attached: external.jpg (640x547, 64.86K)

There might have been some unexpected obstacle in the water like a speedboat captained by a retard forcing the 420

except they did so calm your tits chubs

Yes, starting up a main engine from cold is a pain since you have to preheat and shutting down the engine while warming up still is bad so it's likely they just did that to buy time, for example most seasoned captains of larger vessels do overnight overboard drills instead of going through straights at night

>It's a Q and not a boat trawling in a circle

Comically that's quite exactly what pajeets think with the ganges

Because you shit up the board with this faggotry.