Why are most young women "Spiritual but not religious"?

I have noticed a trend and that is that most younger women are just spiritual, they believe in reincarnation and some other bullshit like that, but not in the Bible and the truth that is our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Here are some conversations I had with different girls about this issue.

Girl 1:
> I am Orthodox but I don't believe in everything that was written in the Bible and I don't think suicide cannot be forgiven nor that there is a heaven or hell.

You cannot cherry pick, you either believe in it or you are a protestant, it's simple as that.

Girl 2:
> I will baptize my kids and such, but I don't believe in the Bible it's a 2k old racist and misogynist book we are modern people living in the 21st century everyone is equal.

Why baptize your kids and force them into something you don't believe in?

Girl 3:
> I don't think anyone can judge others it's not right the Bible says so; (also her) Judges other girls all the time and posts satanic quotes and pictures.

I cannot remember more examples atm, these happened in the last 7 days or so, but I am sure that the majority of women I met didn't believe in Christ. My questions to you guys are:

> Can women be religious, or are they LARPing because their boyfriend is religious, I know many sluts who pretend to believe in God now after they met their trad BFs.

> Should people be banned from interpreting the Bible, less we have more protestants and Cathopedos licking nigger feet?

> Whomst do you blame for Corona?

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I say I'm Christian if people ask, but I don't actually believe in Jesus being the son of god, god, etc. I follow the words of Paul, and the saints and sages.

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>You cannot cherry pick
One has to cherry pick now since Jews have poisoned every pie of knowledge, and we are hungry. Face it, your religion is corrupt as fuck. Rebirth is more than proven in past life regressions and clinical studies. You are right to fear Hell, but it is not eternal.

This is the main problem, converting (((anglos))) to Christianity has destroyed it. Now everyone is a LARPing faggot and people like Varg can easily call you out on it.


it's hard not to believe in spiritual things and at the same time it's hard to believe in religions if you're a mere sheep
for example taking stuff in the bible literally makes it easier to control sheeple but problem arises when they start questioning it
nobody taught them to see the bigger picture, you either learn it yourself or stop believing at all

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How, even if you don't believe in there being only two people to begin with, let's say there were like 100 or even 100k, how can people be reborn yet our numbers growing, are you saying that there are multiple bodies for someone from the past? Or that both old people reincarnate and new get created, but how would that be chosen, like if a body gets a new soul or an old reincarnated soul, your logic is flawed in every way. Hell is eternal fear it for what it is, an eternal suffering.

Whores who hate rules. Religion is rules

Because everyone shames religion. Naturally women may be weak in mind and body, and depraved to a degree. But even women don't naturally want to live in clown world. So they really just want to avoid the ridiculing for saying theyre religious. Beat up the next scrawny atheist who wants to debate in public and you'll have a harem of religious women who coincidentally forgot the no polygamy rule...

fuck is u going to do about it

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I don't need to do anything, you're already punished for life, with your non-White admixture.

Because they're influenced by what they see on social media etc. They're exposed to this "self-love" new age bullshit, which is why you see them travelling to India and East Asia for some enlightening experience. They've rejected tradition because it's incompatible with their impressionable new founded free-spirited nature that feminism ingrained in them.

Most self declared religious believers cant explain why or what they believe.
They just have to believe something just to make them feel better

Good explanations, thanks.

>the Bible and the truth that is our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Take your jew shit and shove it up your ass. You worship a circumcised Torah reading rabbi

Its a big universe. A "soul" is more like a fire that each person feeds through thier own choices and volition. They feed it better or worse fuel. A saint is someone who becomes disenchanted with everything, since nothing lasts, and their fire goes out, they escape desire and death, and they return to what is Eternal.
"Hell and destruction are before the Lord: how much more then the hearts of the children of Men?" proverbs 15:11
The response is the same whether or not Hell is eternal or for an Aeon: faith and good works, viz. Morality and ethics. Even Heaven and Hell pass away. The Bible contains truth but is incomplete in it's teachings, and by itself, tends to be very misleading.

Jews always put on meme flags and pretend to be based pagan trad Chads, it's all so very tiresome.

Look shlomo, Jesus is the truth, you are the embodiment of lies and sin, that is why you hate him and shill against him. I have never once seen a non meme flag bash Christianity, save for Amerimutts or Swedes.

They want to escape responsibility and accountability above all else. Plus, they like to make up an interpretation of reality that puts them at the center of the universe

Because religion is nonsense

Based. Never seen other people on earth going absolute batshit crazy by the mere mention of a name. They truly are the synagogue of Satan.

>hurr durr durr flags
Yep, if somebody doesn't follow a jewish cult call them a jew
Your "savior" was a dirty jew. Do you deny he was circumcised in the Jewish tradition? Do you deny he read Torah and the Jew prophets in the synagogues? Do you deny he observed sabbath and Passover? Why should any non-jew rat follow a jew cult leader? Please i want to know

>They want to escape responsibility and accountability above all else
But that's what Christians want. Christians are the ones who say nothing you do in life matters

>nor that there is a heaven or hell.
That's a fairly common veiw for example. Bible is self-contradictory shitshow, what do you expect? When people grew intelligent and educated enough to read it for themselves Christian religion imploded. Yes, there were a lot of jewish influence behind it but wouldn't it happen anyway?
There is nothing wrong with not believing fairy tales but believing in spirit of your people.

Women are far to be spiritual.

>I say I'm Christian if people ask, but I don't actually believe in Jesus being the son of god, god, etc.
In other words you're a jew trying to blend in with the goyim.

Post flag

Try viewing it like this: it's hard for a jew to be good. If a jew becomes good, that is how they treat even thier own kind, viz. Crucifixion. If you, a real human, fights back against the jew, fire with fire, how are you any better than a jew? Answer: at least dont be a liar, otherwise, you will become a jew.

Spirituality is what you get when you allow people to pick and choose what parts of religion they like and follow. True religion is following what the word says whether you like it or not because it is the infallible word of god. True religion isn't easy, it often isnt fun, it is often painful and difficult. A truly religious person should feel as if they are worthy of nothing but hellfire and know that only god can save them.

Spiritualism is a buzzword that literally means nothing without any sort of context.
Most people say they are not religious but they are " spiritual " in their own way so they can feel comfortable living in the world.
Yoga and meditation is not spiritualism. At best it's simply a breathing excercise. At worst it's opening your soul to the evil spirits.
You cannot be of the world and be spiritual at the same time. It is impossible. You eventually have to choose.

The world with the passions, temptations and sins that come with it
or spirituality with the denial of the world, denial of the earthen and the material in pursuit of real enlightenment.

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>Why are most young women "Spiritual but not religious"?
Because modern women are married to the government and the money printers
They hate God and they hate the family
They love the government and they love the pedophile papers (aka currency) that they print.
Modern woman’s consent has been bought with printed money.

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What about the Musulmanic women in Bushnia? are they like that too?

Come on now, you obviously are capable of logical thinking amd learning. Do you really think things have not been added and subtracted from your special book? Are you just to lazy to read other books too? I have read your Bible and many other scriptures. Scholars have shown how many stories of various geographic areas got conglomerated. But that aside, there are many teachings, some methaphors, others literal, that apply to life. Why do you Christians always underestimate the Evil One? Do you think its so easy to escape? Keep your fear amd trembling. You need to do far more than simply say you believe. Then you act all lax and condemn other people who are sometimes WAYY more virtueous than yourselves! "Faith" means a lifetime of devotion in every aspect of ones life, as much as one can manage!

women are children, this is the ultimate truth passed down to us by our forefathers.

sadly some niggers decided that it was a good idea to give freedom and political power to literal children, now we have to deal with this.

want to have a easier time around women? think of them as children, treat them as you would treat a child, don't take them too seriously, they don't actually know shit about what they're talking.

In the end it's just a belief without any proof. Believing in something spiritual, no matter how vague, is better than believing in any meme book because you don't let it dictate your life, nor shape the lives of others. Meme books aren't required for morality. In fact, the only purpose they serve is to line the pockets of the clergy and reinforce herd mentality. They're a livestock control tool that exploits the inherent fear of the unknown by filling it with a comfortable lie, as long as you follow the rules. There might be a God, an extradimensional being that seeded life on Earth or created the universe (alternatively, the simulation). It just isn't the one that's written in any of the religious books that focus on population control. The truth might be in a scripture that explains or interprets, but doesn't judge or punish, nor does it come with an instruction manual.

>Meme books aren't required for morality.

They kinda are.

Women don't have souls.
They're empty shells.

but I don't fuck children user

the only thing women believe in is mutilating the penis of their children for the Jews

We live in a degenerate vile world that promotes homosexuality, child murder and usury. The time of his return is close. I pray daily for Jesus to return and fix this

No, they're indoctrination manuals, devised in such a way to make you believe that they're the only truth. By doing so, the ones preaching ensure their safety, a flock or following, riches and other gain, whereas the herd obtains peace of mind. Do what the book tells you, do what the mouthpiece of God says and everything will be okay. It's extremely effective because at the core a person is alone and afraid. It exploits those vulnerabilities and makes them vehemently protect the ones who gave them tranquillity. With us or against us. The same or different. Black or white. No other way.

do something by yourself nigger

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But people need to be indoctrinated, there's nothing bad about it.

Implying they have brains kek

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What modern normies of all faiths consider as "spiritual" these days is such a shallow and vapid joke it's not even worth acknowledging.

>I pray daily for Jesus to return and fix this
keep praying for your janitor but it aint Jesus brainlet

Women ARE religious, it's just that Christianity has been replaced with liberalism.

man this religious side of Yas Forums is fucking retarded, abrahamic religions are just a good read and have some good morals but you shouldn't worship a bedtime story that was designed to control peasants thousands of years ago

>You have to have a high IQ to appreciate Rick & Morty

Most Christians are religious and not spiritual.
Actually, the same can be said if all Abraham is religion.

Because religion is just another controlmechanism.

If you're a leader, yes. You want an obedient following. I'm not sure what practices the CCP employs and how much knowledge they've borrowed and applied from various religious texts. If you're Chinese, you do what the CCP tells you. As long as you obey, you will have your place in society and peace of mind. I think North Korea does it better. I think they replace God in religion with themselves. It's extremely effective.

hated rick and morty for a good minute, just saying religion has obviously been used to control people for a very long time, look at Jews and look at Muslims

>image search
>none found

This.They're brats who want to believe whatever they feel like and ignore all the morals and lessons.

And that right there isn't just sad but if they possessed the most basic understanding of their religious doctrine they'd realize such a lifestyle is a sin according to their "religion" which is a real high quality irony.

The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow

>I'll just ignore thousands of years of happenings and all history and call it retarded cuz Im lazy
Your response is just as retarded, if not more retarded. Why can't you think logically about it and discuss in mature way? The answer is both you christcucks and ahole athiests need to become Buddhists, just not the new and evil liberal type of Buddhist, but the real and orthodox Aryan teachings, which the jews are labouring right now to prevent you from ever knowing. Then when you come out, probably a nigger womb next time, if you are that lucky to not be an animal, they will have written on your pastlives, and will still know who you are, while you dont even remember and go on again complaing about your low birth!! You are all soo fucking ignorant! Then they'll abuse the fuck out of you, again!, for things you did that you dont even remember!

Crom laughs at your filleted kike on a stick.

Because religions have standards and with standards comes necessary prohibitions on promiscuity. Spiritual is open ended and doesn’t contain judgment. A woman’s greatest fear is that she’ll be judged for being a promiscuous slut.

Religion requires structure and order
Spirituality by itself is pure chaos

>taking women seriously

Convert to Islam then Serb pig

what happenings? Everyone on this website questions everything nowadays but its ridiculous to question the status quo put forward so long ago, I'm just saying it has good morals and great philosophy but it is an old tale of politics and different sects breaking off from each other who believed different things, not fact

>Why are most young women "Spiritual but not religious"?

It translates ''I'm special but not committed''

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Why would anyone in a modern liberal democracy believe in a 2 thousand year old institution which mostly still refuses to reform and has well known child trafficking and corruption scandals ongoing and still tries to cover them up

I wouldn't expect you to understand.

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That's what leads to your nation being overrun with mongrel hordes and your women aborting their futures down the toilet and grown men sodomizing eachother in the streets and cutting their dicks off and raping your children. Because it is changeable, it is based off your "feelings". Some phrases may change, a word here, a syllable there. But nothing important changes. The law is the law.