@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: WE WILL WIN THIS WAR 3/28/20
>TrumpTweet: "We will stop at nothing to protect the people of our country" 3/28/20
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 3/28/20
>Pres Trump/DefSec Esper @USNS Comfort Send Off Ceremony 3/28/20
>Pres Trump arrives @Naval Station Norfolk 3/28/20
>Pres Trump departs DC 3/28/20
>Pres Trump comments before departing JBAndrews 3/28/20
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 3/28/20
>VP Pence on WattersWorld 3/28/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on JudgeJeanine 3/28/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on JudgeJeanine 3/28/20
>Bannon on WattersWorld 3/28/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>ActNavySec Modly on F&F 3/28/20
>TrumpAd: HOPE 3/27/20
>Don Jr on DailyCaller 3/27/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>How absolutely ass-ravaged will you be when churches are open on Easter?
Laugh at the boomer self genocide I guess
And lolno I wont go to Church then

Not Trusting China and WHO, signs of a smart leadership!

dishonorobu! And the SK version of FBI will hunt you down regardless

i don't either: the harsh quarantine response by some asian nations, china's willingness to go all out on it, and japan's general cultural ability to voluntarily work to isolate the ill will lead to them seeing the least amount of damage from this despite the fact that it originated in asia. meanwhile, the western world's insistence on hooking up every obviously dying obese freak to the greatest marvels of medicine to turn billions of dollars into a few more useless minutes of life will lead to this being a fucking catastrophe. unironically, we'd experience less damage if we just ignored that the disease existed and let it run its course

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I’m a black man. I am a doctor, and I made $320,000 last year. I own a 5200 square foot house on a 7 acre plot of land. I think trump is a moron, and I’m voting for Biden.

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>well you see son we're all criminals currently trespassing and we can't be surprised when we are held accountable for that because we don't belong here, no one wants us here, and they'd rather we all fuck off and die and that's a normal sentiment to have for someone who's breaking and entering onto your property
said no goblin ever
fuck them all to death

>I’m a nigger
Stopped reading there

>been calling her Dr. Brix this whole time

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I can clearly see spics and niggers there.

Too late to stop it now

Bonus: Masks
>they don't do anything t. some retard with a degree
Ah, I see. mostly blocking droplet spread does not stop droplet spread
How could I have not understood that before!

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Trump is starting to get war time presidential approval numbers. Its still early and things change on a dime politics but Trump would win in a landslide right now.


> i'm certain italy's massive fuckup would've screwed us just like it did for most of europe.
Here is the thing: it was not Italy that fucked Europe up, it was Spain.

Italy tried their best to cordon off the first affect region and it proved effective as very few cases moved from there to the rest of the country and rest of Europe.
Take Portugal initial chains, for instance, the great majority was from people returning from Madrid and Valencia for regular tourism or work related visits, nobody had any idea that Spain had even a serious problem, not to say a widespread epidemics.

Meanwhile, in March 8th, here is Spain's women's march, 6 days after the first case that went from Spain to Portugal.
It was **not** Italy, they are taking the blunt of the attention because of their head start but Spain is thoroughly fucked.

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well that's because we have no culture or virtue anymore and have turned into a nation of selfish, vacuous degenerates
and we get what we fucking deserve

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What a bunch of fucking idiots.

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This is what I said multiples of 2weeks ago: When the first rumors of this corona shit started, I saw chinese people in every single pharmacy in my area buying up ALL the masks to mail home (or scalp on amazon)

holy hell is this what they call diplomacy?
they're begging for the can of RAID aren't they

What was up with that? Was the WHO worried about shortages of masks? Even a moron knows having your mouth and nose covered in any way helps.

>2nd week of quarantine
>Dont feel any difference cause Im a NEET

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Fucking chink bateaters. Trump's fucked now. The dems will put all blame on him even though they would have performed much worse. But that's politics. What is this fucking timeline, that demented pedo Joe has good chance of becoming president.

>virus is transmitted by fluids
>just wear this dirty rag over your face all day, you’ll be fine

Wait, is coronavirus a thing now? Is it happening?

>they are taking the blunt of the attention because of their head start but Spain is thoroughly fucked.
They are taking the brunt of attention because their numbers are not matching up with anybody else's. Their death rate is astronomically higher than anybody else's, and that helps the Doomsday narrative.

that just indicates it even more: the asymptomatic infection period and the failure of governments to enact the same policies and that cascading failure of trust is why infection was always inevitable, unless we were an ideal isolationist state (but that's like the spherical tiger jumping in a frictionless vacuum)
whatever the case, coronavirus is teaching a lot of valuable lessons that Yas Forums could have told people a long time ago. unfortunately, those lessons are going to come at great cost and the fun hasn't even started yet

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>We have a group of volunteers who are the absolute best at what they do.

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The flu killed 50000 people so far this year

I had a ban from a shitpost the other day and it wasnt mine. Can someone spoof my exact ip?

I’m getting my vegetables started and working on my gardens, things have been super comfy.

>Not Trusting China and WHO, signs of a smart leadership!
Taiwan did even better. WHO (and the UN) ***doesn't recognize Taiwan*** as an independent entity so they have no direct talks with them.
When SARS hit a couple of years ago Taiwan was left completely in the dark because China didn't share info with them and neither did WHO.
After that Taiwan set up their own permanent task force and when the first ***rumors*** of a new SARS (and Covid is just that, the disease caused by SARS COV-2) they SHUT DOWN FUCKING EVERYTHING, tested every person returning from China, isolated them and then keep an watchful eye while WHO was pushing "no person to person contagion".
> Meanwhile, in the US, the headlines were "impeachment" and "Trump is a racist for the travel ban on China".

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i guess, wash your hands and face if your really worried


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Are you phoneposting on mobile data? Because if so then that shit just happens sometimes

To stop panic and hoarding I guess? Or actual retardation. I wouldn't put the second option past reality, there are a LOT of retards that think having a degree makes them smart.

see although I doubt he has a degree thb

is your IQ high enough to understand this chart without labels?

based and High IQ for True China!

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>group of volunteers
instantly got flashbacks to David 'BRAAAP'Hoggs operation to infiltrate 4kangz and outmeme this place. ooooh good times.

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I have a degree but it’s not in dirty rags

YUP i saw the same here in Texas

>when your prediction comes instantly true

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Yea that’s why you’re posting on Yas Forums. You’re mixed race. 5”4. Made $32,000 last year. Rent a studio apartment. You have no acres or plots. You voted for Bernie

I would put a gun on those niggers if they approached my door. For shits and giggs, of course.
The response to corona seems harsh once put into perspective like that but I’m still a bit torn on the issue.

Your prediction was that I didn’t have a degree

why did you blank something out

Lmao you’re being way too generous

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>doubles in two days

You said it was a nothingburger!

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To be fair, the entire Trumpbux debacle really showcased how many useless neets and welfare niggers post here.


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The flu killed 50000 people so far this year

>virus will spontaneously generate within the mask because it's dirty

The one before that fren

As I said, to test the IQ of the person I replied to. To understand the entire situation.
You don't need any labels, no numbers, nothing.
Just the knowledge of one thing. "Logarithmic spread."

Hence I knew in January
If you can't do it, you can't do it.

No, I mean that the fluids are trapped against your face all day

Where did I ever claim to be smart, show me that shit right fucking now

fake story, but a good one

Is that a Goldberg?

These people need to be committed to an asylum.

shiiieet, you might be right

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I’m in a part of my house where my wifi is spotty so I might have two IDs itt desu senpai

>social distancing
that's like breathing to me at this point

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Digits confirm Mike Pence is infected with the coronavirus.

Oh shit

Im to the point we've bailed out every rich guy 2 or 3 times already. Fuck it. Give the people a few peanuts. This comes from a guy who hates handouts by the govt. I just said fuck it now. That horse is out of the barn.

i wonder if we can predict coronavirus deaths in the US based on the flu rates we were looking at earlier
if we say for the flu "everyone over 65 has a 1.5% chance of death if infected" and "everyone under 65 has a 0.01% chance of death if infected," and a flu season ends up at about 50,000 deaths in a year, i think based on possible coronavirus death rates seen so far you could start putting error bars on a death rate prediction, and see how accurate the CDC is in their models
would have to pull up some demographic spreads to get more accurate, but it'd be an interesting thing to do

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SHOCK poll shows Biden CRUSHING Trump by 25 points in swing counties.

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I was offered a military plane here in Panama. FYI, Americans have to pay the embassy for their ticket back.

But another poll next day was much closer

not possible

Biden cant even crush his own ice for a drink. Lol

One more thing about Spain: unlike Italy (where people circled wagons around their central government) or China (where central government circled wagons around the people and promptly moved them into incinerators t the first cough) Spanish central government doesn't exist in practice.
Spain has the worst of three worlds

> they have a sort of "federative" state based in "autonomous regions"
Yet their whole structure, budget and chain of decision, derives power from the central government, making it absurdly inefficient and, when push comes to shove, it becomes a game of blame with local authorities blaming central government, central government blaming local authorities and nobody gets the jon done

> they have a multiparty system, but one that ended up split in the exact 50% threshold of "left / right" divide
That caused them to go without a strong executive for years now as there is no significant majority for either the progressive left or the "reactionary" right to conduct business unimpeded.
Every government is dependent on a fringe minority of independentist parties (like the Catalan one) and that coalition always dies because an independent party that makes a government viable without getting any concession in the reason to exist (becoming independent) dies very quickly and is replaced by the "true Independentist party", rinse and repeat.

> they have a monarchy and a king, but it is not only a ceremonial position but it became pretty much the designated spitting target for most of the population
In a situation of crisis like that even Britain with their ceremonial monarchy defers a whole lot of respect to their royals and look up to them for help in getting out of whatever predicament.
In Spain is the other way around, their King is weak, can't exercise any executive authority, can't reassure the population and I wouldn't doubt if it finally dies after this crisis

tl;dr: Spain is fucked.

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statistically, there's a non-insignificant chance joe biden dies of the pandemic before the election

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>t. narrative engineer posts heavily democrat leaning poll for the 98837495th time this year to say drumpf is finish

These will be the headlines till November. Biden isnt going to do many public appearances, and will do interviews, via green screen bunker call,on what his thoughts are considering Drumpf that day.

muh polls

I would fuck that corona-chan damn the consequences.


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It will be done, user.

You've been in isolation too long.


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Half the democrats now are saying Biden is senial and a rapist. He has 0 chance of winning.

das rite

>Fox News is good when it’s polls coincide with my point of view

>would have to pull up some demographic spreads to get more accurate, but it'd be an interesting thing to do
I doubt it would be possible because there is no "self isolation" for the flu, meaning its reach is much more widespread across the board be it in cities, towns, suburbs and exurbs.

If you split the stats for chinkflu and make NYC their own thing and Seattle their own thing and New Orleans their own thing you have an epidemics there. From it you can extrapolate other equivalent cities that are behind in the "1000 cases", add up these other cities assuming when they reach the same number of days after 1000 it will get as bad as NYC, Seattle and New Orleans, assume 70% of the cases will be in these type of cities and you get a rough estimate.

Lol. Maybe.

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Thank you for the rundown. Never knew that about Spanish politics.

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>Believing anything outside far-left states are going to vote for a senile hairsniffer in times of crisis

I'm not saying it's correct, I'm just saying what the Dems playbook could look like. They want Biden to seem like the calm in the storm that is Drumpf. There wont be any waves, just nonsense and platitudes to safety and how necessary it is that hatefulness is left in the past.

Refunding there will not be. Unfavorable compared to both Biden and Trump he is. Chances of winning zero they are. Did u do a good enough onions wars impression for you faggot?

Governor Gretchen Whitman of Michigan wearing a shirt saying"Everybody against CoVid19" on meet the press saying the president should not be Fighting with governor's and that he should focus on fighting the virus instead

is that a coalition of the awooing?

>Twitter reportedly cracked down on a tweet made by Rudy Giuliani for an apparently false attack on Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

>Mediaite first reported that Giuliani made a tweet on Friday taking aim at Whitmer, who has been a vocal critic of President Trump amid the coronavirus outbreak.

>"Hydroxychloroquine has been shown to have a 100% effective rate treating COVID-19. Yet Democrat Gretchen Whitmer is threatening doctors who prescribe it. If Trump is for something- Democrats are against it. They're okay with people dying if it means opposing Trump," Giuliani wrote, quoting a tweet from Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk.

>Both Giuliani and Kirk's tweets were taken down and a Twitter spokesperson confirmed to Fox News that their accounts had been temporarily locked due to their violations of its updated Twitter rules regarding the spreading of COVID-19 misinformation.

Why does Trump even associate with Rudy?

when do you expect the fun to begin and what will it look like.
gas is $1.85 in my state.

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JEJ; I didn't think of that. Without a massive GOTV operation the democrats are in a very hard position. Watch out for them to try to demand "vote by mail" in every state, like they tried to sneak in the House Coronavirus bill

I still cant see Biden making it to the general election. I dont know how they are going to do it but Biden has to be replaced. And they all know it. They just dont want it to be Bernie so im not sure how they thread that needle but it has to be done.

The governors started it
They are such trash

>It's t-t-true this time! You n-n-nazis are finished!

hmmm should i go to one of the dozens of other threads?
should i start my own thread and/or general based on something i'm interested in?
should i do something constructive with my morning?
should i commit every fallacy under the sun in the one place i hate and thoroughly embarrass myself while doing nothing productive?

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trump 2020