
>The prime minister has warned that the coronavirus crisis will get worse before it gets better, in a letter being sent to every UK household. Boris Johnson, who is self-isolating after testing positive for Covid-19, says stricter restrictions could be put in place if necessary. Britons will also get a leaflet detailing government rules on leaving the house and health information. It follows criticism over the clarity of government advice to date. The number of people who have died with coronavirus in the UK has now reached 1,019, with a further 260 deaths announced on Saturday. There are now 17,089 confirmed cases in the UK.

>Strict measures could last 'significant period'

>More than 900 deaths in a day in Italy

>Sweden's retarded response to coronavirus

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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brit/pol/ was shit, has been for the past few years, the last couple of days has been the lowest its ever been.
Fuck this, I'm out. See you in outer/pol/ when you realise the same lads.


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oi cunt innit

sweden is right. this is the dumbest overreaction to anything ever.

Please let the pakis start chimping out, then the others will follow.

This tyranny against our human rights cannot be allowed much longer.

>tfw police are useless shits who will ignore their prayer meetings purely cause of that.

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reminder that china is covering up 21 million+ deaths.

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If you're gonna kill yourself
Then to save face
Get on with it



Cringe term. Do you sad cunts srsly just post in this shite and not post on the rest of the board?

I've had enough of this happening now , I want to go to McDonalds

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liam > noel

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Come here you dirty bitch.

I refuse to believe people eat that.
Might is right, Its always been that way.

Thanks fuck, he's gone. Start posting high quality britpol again lads

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most of the board got here after 2016. we were here in 2012 and as not-brit/pol/ long before.

You clearly weren't here when pubes spammed the place relentlessly for months with pakiposting and film scripts after balmaha

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-21 Liam Gallagher on Twitter I’ll wash my hands and stay indoors and all that bollox but I’m still not h[...].png (598x360, 29.52K)

>thick fat sweaty unibrowed ian brown wannabe

always makes me laugh when anyone on this website cries for the 'glory days' of Yas Forums. this site has ALWAYS been a shiftfest, you utter quivering cunt fart.

>most people recover
>children less affected
>will improve future virus response

I only started posting in brit/pol/ while waiting for other threads to update. That was when the eu referendum was announced.

Got pissed up siting alone for 3 days in a row now and I'm tempted to do it again tonight, if only to kill this horrific hangover.

Good instincts

>A postal worker on South Tyneside is delivering his rounds in fancy dress to "lift the spirits" of the community during the outbreak of coronavirus.

>Jon Matson, from West Boldon, said when he was no longer able to work alongside his co-worker, he asked if he could do his rounds in fancy dress.

>So far he has dressed as Little Bo Beep and a Greek soldier for his deliveries in West Boldon and Boldon Colliery.

>The 39-year-old said the reaction from people on day one was "amazing."

>Mr Matson said he had been told he could do his round in fancy dress as long as he wore his ID and company provided shoes.

What a twat.

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That was after lochar, he totally lost it.

How whites eat this shit served by Asians, I will never know.

Peter will be insufferable after he's proved right again

le monke

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>virus basically sorted in China

boris' letter

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broke quarantine to get 2 bottles of wine and a slap of thatchers so you're not alone.

>3 days in a row
Rookie numbers

why do you envy his light hearted nature?

>most people recover
"recovery" isn't a thing. this is like HIV. it stays in your system for life and it keeps attacking you until you die. this is why we're seeing so many reinfections.
>children less affected
they're not "less affected", it just takes longer for the virus to overcome their immune systems, children are dying from the virus in high numbers now.
>will improve future virus response
we're at the start of a second great depression and this virus isn't going to magically disappear. it's just going to keep coming back and killing more people because you can't become immune.

I used to walk the doggo in a nice isolated woodlands, Since the corona meme outbreak the place is flooded with normie fuck wits.
Cant even enjoy my pondering spot anymore.

tripfags are paid actors and useful idiots in order to destroy an emerging base of counter-political opinion. It has been a long-term plan of destruction from the inside.

Tripfags are cancer. Anons are even forgetting even this basic rule.

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I've been trying to chat here for years but I always get ignored.

A screw genuinely went loose
His posting style changed after the breakdown

>virus basically sorted in China
is that why they closed all of their cinemas immediately after opening them? is that why the air around china is still full of SO2?

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I saw a guy walking down the street yesterday in a full body spiderman costume.

Hello friendo

Anyone else enjoying the lockdown?
I've fixed my sleep schedule thanks to not working, planted a veg garden, increased my workout routine and started reading philosophy books.
This has been the best SIG bait

what do you want to talk about?

How about emailing Dr. Shmerling to put him right, eh? Instead of criticising him anonymously on a Rwandan rowing forum?

>if only you knew

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People who have never voluntarily exercised in their lives are out walking, jogging and cycling. The overall impact of the virus on public health will probably be positive.

Thats nice, glad its working out for you, hope you die. Tbqh.


>Portuguese schoolboy, 14, with no underlying health conditions becomes 'youngest' person to die of coronavirus in Europe

The real munkee

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Not this

Are we actually getting a letter?

>MERS had a 34% fatality rate


NPC cringe

govt 'nudge unit' should take note. reverse psychology from now on, tell the fat cunts to eat as much as they want and by 2025 obesity wont be a problem.

You need to call people cunts more. Or >> cauldron, daft bastard always replies.

>trusting the chinkerinos

Also the fat bastards and heavy smokers at work are all shitting themselves so much they might actually lose weight or cut down

lol yea

no underlying symptoms that they knew of


>People who have never voluntarily exercised in their lives are out walking
Its gay as, I loved my isolated woodlands and the sanctity. Now its heaving with biffa's waddling along trying to talk to me of all things.

>>tfw police are useless shits who will ignore their prayer meetings purely cause of that.

Good I hope they don't dare go near the pakis and nogs

most strains of COVID-19 have a higher CFR
>60% in the US
>88% in the UK
>95% in brazil
>99% in the netherlands

Yes, Tuesday apparently
>reeeeeeee Boris is putting postmen at risk


Every cunt in the country at a cost of £6M.

Tripfags are chronically depressed NEETs.

I can't tell you how painful it is to come on here after a few years away and still see the same cunts posting the same shit.

Which seething, embittered triptumour are you? Tripfags are utter fucking cancer and have worked tirelessly to make this general about them.

>99% in the netherrlands

come on lad

>no underlying health conditions
>suffered from psoriasis
>literally an auto-immune disease

Seeing the reaction to this virus has reconfirmed my decision to root for it desu.

The new found fitness will do wonders for are nhs
Everything will run more smoothly afterwards from admin to nurses
Stay at home, protect are nhs, save lives


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No slacking off just because it's Sunday comrades. Come on, chop chop!

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You god damn limey cunts are gonna pay!

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Proof if anything that Doommong doesn't even read the articles he links to.

>ocean of piss contains piss
What did you expect? Intelligent discussion?

Letters sent from an infected government office, that can't even keep the PM virus-free, to each and every home, via the royal mail.
What could possibly go wrong.

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That bloke has infinitely punishable face.

like most of Yas Forums they see a screencapped headline and infer the rest based on whatever bias they favour.
i was mistaken, the "recoveries" are so insignificant that it says 100% now.

Lads maybe sorting their lives out a bit.

It can be done.

proof also that the media are stoking panic

post the tweet about how is models are entirely coded in un-documented C that he wrote 15 years ago

they're not physically written by him in his office you spastic

"only" 209 dead this time

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>two interns in no.10 will be printing and evoloping 33 million letters in the next couple of days
come on m8 use your brain.

I'm one of them and I refuse to go for a walk , I'd rather have a fag

>It can be done.
Only by leaving this place

Same fucking sick of boomer couples asking what type of dog is it.

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why is the slowdown so sudden? surely there's a two-week delay on any measures?
Suggests to me that the general social distancing measures put in two weeks ago (please please stay home but we're not going to fine you if you go outside) were actually sufficient and this lock-down is just overkill

Coronavirus enchances the ade receptors in your balls making you cum 15 feet
Gives you a blast setting like a supersoaker

God Americans are dumb. Yes, most of the people that Coronavirus will end up killing would have probably died this year from poor or terminal health. But this is the distinction. They all wouldn't have died in a matter of weeks, they would have died over the year. Around 600k people die every year in the UK, spread out over the year. The virus could kill that many in a matter of weeks. Now use your brain and think what will happen to the systems of a country, like the health care system, if the countries annual deaths all occurred in 6 weeks.

'ate niggers
'ate jews
'ate poos
'ate blackpool
luv me wife
luv me pub
luv me mates
luv norf fc
simple as

>in a letter being sent to every UK household.
What if the letter has coronavirus on it?

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I'm more worried I'll get skinnier and weak desu.

Why bungees?

is that a husky or a malamute? looks like a mix? is it a mix?

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I’m not. Lads spazzing out about them is cringe, like gossiping girls. They should fuck off to britfeel imo

Cytokeine storms have a poorly understood mechanism whereby it attaches to the opiate/dopamine/serotonin receptors in your brain
Gives you a chilled out, crunchy, buzzy euphoria that is 10 times more powerful than crystal blue persuasion

Nice mutt lad.

>They were healthy: 13 of the 260 who died in UK's blackest day so far in coronavirus crisis had no underlying health conditions as total hits 1,019 dead with more than 17,000 now infected

Need a few days of falling figures to establish a trend, but you are probably right


maybe they're getting closer to reporting actual deaths from corona instead of saying anyone that has it died from it.

oh dear

The virus is a gains goblin

doomposters will be in meltdown

>'ate jews

Most norfs don't even know they exist. Just "summat summat sumat, gas ovens, lampshades and soap"

>why is there a face in the salad
>what's the orange stuff on the left
>what's the leaether looking stuff in the back
>why does it say pizza on the carton
>who the fuck drinks pepsi

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Cos he’s a mentalist who was bred to pull heavy sledges. My pendalay row back muscles are way out of proportion to my other muscles because of him.


Have they even fined anyone? Seems a nightmare to enforce.

the death figures fell to around 40 before jumping to 100+ a few days ago. expect to see 400-500 deaths tomorrow.

Utterly Talentless, oasis have aged worse than milk for a reason

>Tripcunts regularly and endlessly spam dogshit bait, post offtopic crap, make fallacious arguments, post about themselves, make endlessly offtopic posts, circlejerk, troll and avatarfag making the thread impossible to use and have been doing it for years with varying intensity
>As you can see, the people complaining about them are the problem

Ok Tripvassal

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