What the fuck is germany doing?

theyre second in place to enter the 1000 club
i thought aryan master race people do things efficiently unlike the italians

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no longer bragging about their mortality rate are they

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Germany is mass testing

Ashkenazi Jews are the master race, not G*rman blockheads.

And also lying about the number of deaths.

You know what, I actually believe the Chinese numbers now.

After seeing clashes between Hubei police and surrounding provinces police, its clear they legit kept that shit in check. When police in Hubei are chimping out at police in other provinces you know they actually did do a full proper lockdown on that shit.

>inb4 CCP shill

I think chinese food is disgusting, I think the culture of china is disgusting, and I think the world would be a much better place without chinese culture.

I already said weeks ago, we have been pressured by international visitors to change the way we're counting death to make it seem corona is actually a pandemic. There has been a big outrage going through the clinics when their clinic heads wanted to change it and resisted. I guess slowly they're being threatened with the destuction of their career if they don't comply.

t. has 4 doctors in the family, 2 leading big clinics in bavaria and lower saxony.

Man I'm in the exact same boat. Not a fan of anything Chinese and didn't believe their official numbers, but they do start to look realistic when you realise how draconian they are/were. This is from a city where they had less than 100 confirmed cases.

Get over yourself mario - you fucked up since decades. The reasons you are dropping like flies is - you're catching MRSA instantly when you go into a clinic with a virus infections which can't be treated in most cases, because you swallowed antibiotics like candy.

Also you're lying about your numbers.

bullshit. it was inevitable that your the your deaths would catch up to number of cases. it will probably stabilize around 2%.

ratio infected:death still top stay mad

No mutt, the death count from influenza is in the same range as corona from jan-march. Because you know - with every flu wave there comes corona viruses, they have been around forever. Everyone was already infected with a variant of corona. But you'd have to understand the very basics to even talk about this.

No theyre not they simply have a stupid way of measuring deaths.

They only count deaths of hose who explicitely die of corona. They don't count the deaths of people who die of.something else while infected with corona. Despite the fact that the virus might have been the tipping point of complications that would have had the other disease cause death. It's may look as lying but its just sheer stupidity. Italy is the only honest country in all of this,germany's death count might as well be 5 fold

>virus infection
Kek. You are a moron.

You are not performing post-mortem tests at all. That is why your covid death rate is so low. You are not counting those who die of pneumonia without a diagnosis. Lying as usual, be it about car exausts or people.

it's still quite good

Are you retarded?

>antibiotics against virii
Kek, the teutonic education. Best they can do is a mild screening against opportunistic bacterial infections. You are using a metric of your own while also masking your first deaths as normal flu. Do I have to remind you that germany had the virus before Italy? Who knows how many were registered as flu casualties. And what about the tampons? 200k a day? It's literally impossible, and even if you manage to herd 1% of your population to hospitals every single day, those structures will do nothing but act as contagion amplifiers. You can chug all the propaganda you want, männchen, but your delusions won't save you

>Meds coping about Germany superiority like always

Learn about per capita concept, yank. Only SK is defeating us in that list.

You need us, schweinehund. You stayed cozy and comfy all this time because you leech on meds who actually work instead of blabbering incoherently and giving orders. That's why nobody wants the EU anymore and normies are waking up, because in your arrogance you thought yourself set for life. Guess what, now you and your buddy holland have the jitters cause now you're losing leash.

>meds who actually work

>thinks that antibiotics kill viruses
>he is happy about a low mortality rate that has been proven to be the result of not counting covid deaths properly
>accuses others of coping

The germans died in '45, what was left of Germany after that is a dumb caricature of who they used to be.

ok ahmed, hide your rape case stats more.

It will get much higher.
Over 10000 maybe before may.
The percentage of people who get sick will be the same at the end all over the world.
The difference is how many people can be saved by the system.
If a country has a death rate of 2% or 0,5% at the end that's the point.

>i thought aryan master race people do things efficiently
We're efficiently creative with accounting. Daily reminder Germany is at north-korean levels in regards of transparency and media control.

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Germany are notorious for covering up large amount of dead
Do not believe their numbers

So if you die in a car accident while having corona you will get added to the number?
How is that better?

>mindless insect forced to slavery because he won't work on its own
Shut up you little yellow gremlin, we count as the seventh richest nation in the world. You don't achieve that by being lazy

Fuck, I'm jealous. There is no way we could succesfully implement something like this in the west.

hahaha stay mad Spaghettinigger

You too denmark?
Why is everybody bashing us over a virus?
The better we do the more we can help others.
And that is what germany is all about, helping others.

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No. If you have hypertension, diabetes, or other treatable comorbidities that wouldnt normally compromise your life in this day and age, and you catch covid-19 and die, then covid-19 is what tipped the scale and killed you. The same goes for undiagnosed deaths. If someone dies coofing with all the symptoms, not testing him doesn't make the kill count lower, it just hides the real numbers.

how is no one recovering in the netherlands?

Because you lie pretending to be better off than other EU countries. All this in the hope of having lesser repercussions on your economy, while refusing to adopt economical measures that would help weaker economies to face the virus more efficiently, like coronabonds.

bro I've been to Turkey. I've seen what you meds do all day, just sitting around drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes

>And that is what germany is all about, helping others.

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Germans like to lie.
Never trust a German.

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He was referring to italians dying of mrnsa a bacterial infection that is immune to anti biotics. Mrnsa usually is not a problem in disciplined medicinal facilities as Germany has them. 3rd world countires like Italy though have patients dying en masse as soon as there is a non-dolce vita situation approaching...

they lie more than the chinks

This. And the butthurt is still echoing ever since their gibs are cancelled. I give the pajeet 1 week until he goes the same way as the German finance guy.

We tested 350-500k people this week.
I think the numbers are pretty fine.
we sure as hell don't get everyone but I bet my ass that we are closer to the real number than you are.
we have 58k cases 9k recovered 455 dead.
That are still 5% dead.
You are at 45% dead with 92k cases.
I don't want to play the blame game.
We are all in this together.

Kek what an idiot

>Turkey isn't Mediterranean

We have a population of roughly 80 million people and are highly populated. Those numbers are nothing short of a miracle.

Helmut, in truth I wish you the best outcome of this crisis, but I'm split: one part of me want to trust you because of your well known diligence, but the other is afraid of your historical difficulty to admit perhaps you were wrong here and there, we can fix it together, no need to go into autismo overdrive, no need to have your very cities leveled and your people cursed.
We don't want your money or anything, we want to go back to the 80s, where dutchland was famous for windmills, sabots, tulipans & weed, while germany had a good disco scene, and that was about it.

japan 52 deaths 1600 infected, has double your populace
are japs better than germans or germans are just germans.

>what the fuck is germany doing?
We're Geldvieh, moneycattle.

protect the arschsets at all costs.

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mfw when rich muslim-ridden Belgium shithole has double the cases than my shithole, popularion being roughly the same.
Same for SwissLand

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This mutt speaks the truth

You aren't performing post mortem tests on those who die with the symproms but haven't been diagnosed. Or counting those who die with commorbidities. By admission of your own government's healthcare officials.

The infection in your country pre-datest the outbreaks in our country, since the patient zero of the biggest outbreak in italy was a businessman from munic. You also adopted severe social distancing measures way later than us. All this makes virtually impossible for you to have less cases than us in a longer timeframe without any containment.

We are not China, Russia or Turkey.
The numbers are as good as our stupid bureaucracy allows it to be.
Our economy will be fucked after this as well and eurobonds would be suicide at this point.
There will be help from Germany for Italy and Spain but hopefully no eurobonds.

Testing testing testing.

looks like poor slavshits are better that "aryan" germanoids
Get fucked krauds

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Its a bit old (before weekend ) but still less than germany

Then you have to go back to work

Germans are turkish subhumans, and germany is very weak, defenseless shithole which only function is to import muslims and give them money. Same goes for all western countries.

The Estonian Russian mutt fears the TURKIC BVLL.

>never stepped foot in China.

It's fucking filthy there. No soap, no hygiene, smoking, coughing, spitting everywhere. All dishes are shared, all common entrances and elevators/stare wells, average person lives in a 39sqm apartment, 50-60 families per building. Millions escaped Wuhan with the wuflu before lockdown, and obviously wealthier families bribed their way out.

Chinese people are as dumb as reported on here, they will riot and gang up on anything. You could tell them purple socks are in limited supply and they will all race down to the grocery store to fight over the last pair. These are traumatize, panicked, amoral people who do not care what happens to their neighbors. And, they could hide in their apartments for 3 years and this virus wouldn't skip a beat. Ask anyone who's lived and worked in China and you'll hear the same reports.

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Germany is only organized and well prepared to relocated million of muslim invaders. When its come to any real problem, they are defenseless, they can't do nothing whether about Islamic terrorism, whether Coronavirus, its chaotic, weak, half muslims shithole.

Lying is what Germany's all about since 1945

That's simply wrong.

Funny thing is that Germany still taking in muslim invaders lol... They are dying like a dogs from coronavirus, but importing islamic terrorists is their main priority still!

Time will tell.
60-70% everywhere will get it.
Most of the counties will not test and will not even know how many people died.
Doesn't mean african counties will have done better then italy.

That is not true. There is a misunderstanding.

When a person dies of pneumonia, that's the medical diagnosis of death. But every person that has Corona and dies, no matter why, gets added to the list for the Robert-Koch-Institut. And they also do post mortem testing,

The reason why German numbers are so low is super simple: other countries test less. So Italy and Spain probably also have a low death rate, but they simply don't know - because they don't know how many are infected.

That has nothing to do with muh masterrace, Germany is just super efficient. Say what you say about us, but we work fast.

50% of germanfags will die from corona, other 50% will die from islamic revolution. That is your fucking future!

Hopefully its all the negroes and sand monkies that are dying. German boomers who vote left and despise their history are also dropping like flies. A new dawn.

I’m currently living in China and can confirm this kind of measure is implemented nationwide I’m in Shenzhen and experienced almost all of what he displayed in the video. Hourly disinfection by staff, plastic covering on elevator buttons, little to no people outside, everyone and I mean EVERYONE wearing masks. Not letting you enter/exit certain places without qr registration.

Nah, I know that the swiss didnt gave a shit about this, 2 weeks ago the dental clinic owners where a friend works sent an e-mail to their workers saying "hope you have the best clinics best interest at heart" followed by "keep scheduling appointments for our clients" and "if you have to quarantine we will have to lay you off because of costs" the owners just stop showing up, dont know about belgium but the netherlands were dragging their feet to do anything while most countries were already imposing some sort of lockdown

Because the most of us still have to go to work. We only closed public things.
But the production plants are still running.
Guess what it's a bad idea because these people will get it for sure .
But there is a opinion change in the academic elite. The most want a herd immunity.
So you can be sure the schools reopen for healthy kids with healthy parents soon.
Then these group will get sick and this imune and everything is great.

In case it wasn't obvious enough that China's numbers are BS, that ludicrously fast recovery rate is also beginning to appear obviously fake compared to the developed countries.

I also want to add:

Hygiene standards in Italy are horrible. This article is from 2007 and nothing has changed. Google it yourself.


Meanwhile as all this started 2 months ago and we’re still in lockdown (i work at a school), I see retards on here posting nothingburger threads and I just kek to myself.

Why wouldn't germany help to Italy and take in their patients instead of importing more islamic invaders and giving them welfare?

We take in italian and french patients. Also, the problem is not money, the problem is ICU beds, shortage of hospital staff, shortage of hygiene articles, masks etc.

Its all up to Russia and China to decide whether help to Europe or let them die like a dogs. Since now its clear that Western europe's only function is taking in black and muslim invaders and not dealing with real life problems without Russian or China's help.

Bro, their population density wouldnt allow for such low numbers, wuhan alone had 11 million people and they were ignoring this problem for 23 days atleast with the first recorded infections being a family of 5-6, I am willing to believe they curbed stomp corona after they impose the measures but not willing to believe they started those measures over a measly 10 000 infected and not even 300 dead.