Do you think black "people" are human? I certainty do not, what about you?

do you think black "people" are human? I certainty do not, what about you?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where the fuck do you think you are?

this image is always hilarious

this board has become very cucked and full of pro-china chinks and pro-nigger shills

Evolution theory

propably failed ape experiment


Look at their skulls.
They are unironically closer to apes than humans.

It's arbitrary where the cutoff is.


Do you know what? They're actually not human because they're not even the same species. Look into it.

One of my favorite people is black.

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She is an olympic athlete while the cumskin brings her towels to wipe her face

Different species... homo sapiens, dindu.

Yes, we also watch horse and dog racing too. The fact they are fast does not make them our equal, you silly faggot.

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Dude could save the niggers if they listened to him

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That's amazing!

Notice that black queen has a white bitch waiting on her. thus is life

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Based racist Japanon.

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the girl behind that ape is so fucking cute!

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.


>Notice that black queen has a white bitch waiting on her. thus is life

That's obviously her trainer.

Sub-Species of humans.
Just like different dog breeds.

They're kind of beastly but manageable without jews racebaiting them against us.

But they never forgot about Leo Frank of Bnai Brith and how an all white judge jury and persecution hanged his jew ass over the two blacks he tried to incriminate for his own murder rape of young Mary Phagan, a white girl.

In response the ADL of Bnai Brith was created and has pitted blacky against whitey ever since.

Attached: LeoFrankLynching.jpg (504x379, 63.7K)

>That's obviously her trainer.

yeah, she takes it up her white asshole by the black queen and her gigantic clit. thus is life

plebit refugee influx.


He’s like a wonderful cartoon character brought to life and has a heart of gold. The fact he pisses off so many people just by pleasantly speaking the truth is a bonus.

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whiteoids aren't human because their dicks are small like apes. Humans are very distinct from apes because of their larger penis size. Look it up. Even a gorilla has a 3 inch dick on average.

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Are you real ethnic Japanese people? I've never seen Japanese people use this board until recently, not to mention that most of them don't even know how to speak English.

yeah same with asians fucking insects

>literally has features close to primates
>muuuuhhh dickkk is human
Lmao cope

Doesnt matter what shit analogy you come up with she is more accomplished and successful than you and other faggots in this thread

Nope, he is an English teacher who has given up on white girls because they all prefer the BBC.

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I see some strong viking genes in that Swede, and of course the Finn behind her is a complete pure looking Mongol. Nothing to see here!

>Are you real ethnic Japanese people? I've never seen Japanese people use this board until recentl

hes a fat white weeb

Holy based

Can I have your black women pls?


No they are a different version of hominid
just as Neanderthal was not human

>Can I have your black women pls?

Queens have no interest in pale scrawny snow niggers

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Kys cumskin she is not only more successful than you but physically stronger as well

Of course not. They were breeding with some jungle spookum up to around 30,000 years ago. The result is obvious.

Stop saying the n word you racist fuck


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Hi Steve.
LARPING again?
Well, your mother wants you to clean your room, and maybe you will get tendies today.

But all your men are fucking white chicks apparently. It's only fair to give your women a taste of the vanilla flavour as well.

lel of course not!

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>do you think black "people" are human?
no. also japanese or basically every chink eyed race is also not human.

LOL, you walked in on your dad getting cucked didn't you?

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why? I think is hot.
10/10 would have a threesome with them

they will all pay the toll soon enough

>But all your men are fucking white chicks apparently. It's only fair to give your women a taste of the vanilla flavour as well.

You really want a queen? come here with $3 and you can buy a poor nigger girl that will never leave your side if you got a house and food.


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White people and black people are both humans in the same way that Great Danes and Chihuahuas are both dogs. We are different subspecies.

Is there a guarantee I wont catch a case of the HIV?

>tfw black
After unit 711 I don’t think japs are human desu

Who is this man?

I think they're a different species of human.
If you look at different species of animals that can breed but are very different in other ways, they are classified as different species.
Europeans and Africans are different morphologically and internally FAR more than these animals are so by that logic we're just different species.

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I would rather live in a ditch, covered in ticks and fleas than be a 7 foot-tall sheboon that shit golden eggs (covered in diamonds)

Picture Uncle Ruckus, but a lot nicer and an old, southern pastor. It’s annoying because all the videos I want to share have been taken down by youtube. He triggers people left and right just by nicely talking to them, especially black people.

>Is there a guarantee I wont catch a case of the HIV?

get her tested, its free at clinics here.

Here’s a good one, but I wish I could find the one of this old black woman calling in and progressively getting more mad at him till she calls him a coon.

Single moms looking for financial support and a "real" man on tinder - in the making

That's a pretty good deal I guess, I'm heading on the first plane to SA after all this shit is over with. Thanks Africabro!

>a picture is worth a thousand words

Hardest I laffed in days, hory shit

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Did you just say REAL woman?

that was hilerious. and because he's black he cant get in any shit

What is a bell curve for 500 sheckles alex?

Yeh but a shit kind. Too retarded and emotional.

Nah, it is mostly australians using meme flags to shitpost.

Imagine the smell.

It’s only been 40 -50 years since we were trying to convince ourselves they were ... but they are not


The average untrained man could absolutely fuck up women who have been training for years.

Yeah but won't show up soon enough in case she's still fucking niggers. No idea why one would, though.

Like for example, a polar bear may have white fur, a little taller, than a grizzly bear, but both of them still look like bears and have a bear-shaped head.

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What is the parabola of the glans?

The guy is still retarded. Very entertaining to me, though.

Genetically speaking, wolves are more closely related genetically to coyotes than whites are to black people. this sounds like bullshit but it is true.
There is greater separation amongst the races of human peoples than there are between most species of birds grouped into similar categories, such as the sparrow, nuthatches, and jays. Yet while scientists argue for the right to label and list the various jays as distinct species, bringing up this disparity amongst humans is a certain way to get yourself ostracized from not only the scientific community but the entire system in which they work, which is mostly the academic field.
It has halted a ton of advancement in the medical research field, doctors cannot look at specific factors and say they are race related for fear of being removed from their fields. they have to tread lightly around how they label their findings and research.
This is all caused by the Jews and political correctness. It is fucking over all of us.