Starting to believe it’s fake anons

Ok, at first this so outlandish, the claim that the Corona Virus panic is entirely manufactured, that there is in fact no virus, and that all off this is a bogus sham for various purposes (world domination, population control, keks). I thought, it’s just impossible, it’s too big of a conspiracy, this isn’t like Sandy Hook, it’s the entire fucking world. This was my thinking up until a couple of weeks ago, but, I’m starting to wonder.

So here are my top 3 reasons for not believing it (in no particular order)

>1) no one I know has died, and no one I know has posted anything (on FB for example) about someone they know having died from the Virus. I know a lot of people too and I’m in the middle of the hot spot statistically for my country. So how come? No one I know has reported even having it, let alone a death in their family.

>2) if there is a pandemic happening how come I never see anyone cough on the street? Like nothing, zero, zilch, nada, squadoooosh! The only person I hear coughing is my idiot blue haired feminist neighbour, but she’s getting stoned by hitting her bong so that doesn’t count. But when I am out not so much as a Tini-tiny little couf is heard from anyone around me. How can this be possible? I don’t ride transit but I walk the dog enough and I am serious, no one is sick not even the crack-heads.

>3) Now this is the strangest one, why are so many famous people getting it? Specifically Boris Johnson, you’re telling me that the PM of one of the most powerful countries on Earth contracted this virus? Seems dubious to me, first he has a potential staff of thousands to do things like sanitizing surfaces, everyone in his circle must be being tested, shouldn’t he already be on chloroquine? I feel like this one is a big red flag, the elite always try to humanize their hoax cause that’s the way normies think, remember the calls home from the planes on 9/11, like that, pulls on your heart strings.

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Other urls found in this thread:

a few of my friends got it at a wedding, other guests got calls from dept of health checking for symptoms

I lost an acquaintance to it.

>no one I know died
There are plenty of people right here on Yas Forums who had it. Lurk moar
>nobody’s coughing on the street
Because they’re either dead or in the hospital
>why did famous people get it
They travel more and their friends travel more. Politicians are still going to work and meeting people while NEETs are staying in the basement

the reason you dont have it is because you are lower class and relatively immobile and isolated. if you were of the one percent and traveled and were around large groups daily you would have it too.

plenty of average people around here got it because they were stupid enough to ignore warnings and go to sporting events.

i think my neighbor has it.

I'm pretty sure there is a virus, but I'm also pretty sure it's being used to play Malthusian Sangerite.

just a cold bro

so how can anons have it if we all neets?

>it’s fake anons

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new Yorker here

I've been having chest tightness and low fever for days. me and the rest of my family all have a dry cough too. called my family doctor he said only call 911 if we're gasping for air and even then there is not much they can do for us at this point.

this is not only real it's the big happening that everyone on Yas Forums has been waiting for

op is low iq


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Virus is real, worse than the flu, but not worth all this panic. The panic is the weapon. China scared us all into destabilizing the country.

It's not nonexistent. It's a nasty flu-like virus. But that's all it is. It's not the apocalypse. It's not the endtimes. It's not "the big one".
What it definitely is NOT doing is collapsing the health care system in any place other than poorly managed niggertown, usa shitholes that would have collapsed from a bad case of chicken pox anyway.
Everything that is being forced on you about this virus is media hysteria. Some people are outright lying to you. Some people are mentally incompetent but still have a burning need to shriek their opinions on the internet/journablogosphere and tell you what they think you should do to stay safe. Some people just see this as a valuable opportunity to wedge in MuhDiversity, or attack right-leaning politicians they don't like, etc. Some people are just panicky, flightly kale males.

We're finally starting to see people push back, and call them on their bullshit. Resources like the UK Imperial university's phony data that was used by many MAJOR media sources has now been retracted by its own authors. Other media outlets are being criticized by social media personalities and your average joe schmoes alike. The corona emperor has no clothes.

its either spanish flu 2.0
poised to kill tens of millions. spread around the globe for the next two years. killing 1-10% of the global population

or its NWO globohomo 5g end times bullshit. meant to do something..

either way its happening.

they would not crash the global economy for nothing.

There probably is a virus, I mean, there are constantly new strains of corona virus, always, but it's probably not serious since there are such low deaths and it's obviously being intentionally blown way out of proportion to justify de-facto martial law and the destruction / restructuring of the economy. This will destroy a huge portion of small business all over the world and consolidate even more market share into massive beasts like Amazon. Also, ID2020 / forced vaccinations and treatments. Though everyone is so skeptical of digital ID and forced injections, even normies, so I don't think it can happen unless they're really ready to just show their hand completely and have a hostile populace on their hands.

>everyone who coughs dies

>>everyone who coughs dies

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they are actually lying about the virus, somewhat
in my city, for a week now, they say every day "new 2 cases"!
if there was really corona virus, it would be 50 CASES a day now
and because all the gypsies in the ghetto are out at day, for a whole week now
if corona virus was here, all the gypsies would be dying like ants gypsie in the hospital
and now i read on the news....
"were telling people not to leave home without a good reason for shopping!"
now...they want to train us not to even leave our apartments....
yet only "2 cases a day"

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... as for people like Johnson, they're either knowingly playing along because they are part of agendas, or they're just dumb normies who figure "well the doc said I need to isolate and I have a virus so I must". And if your health staff told you you had the virus it would be a big political move right now to ignore their recommendations. Could be disastrous for a politician. Pretty easy to keep these types in check and playing along whether they are willing, aware, or neither.

>I dont know anyone who has it
How many pensioned travellers do you know?
>no one is coughing
because we live in Canada and half wits with a cough are staying home
>Famous people
You mean men Sophie Trudeau fucked

It's not actually fake, it's just handled with such incompetence that would normally be considered impossible.

The jewish elite just want outside all to themselves

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pic related.

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My friend's mother died from it a week ago in America.

I've had it. It really smashed me in December 2019. I caught it from Chinese Mainland tourists who grabbed me for some photographs at a well known tourist lookout in early December. Here we are, three months later and my lungs are FUCKED. The only reason I survived this thing is because I believe it was the less dangerous S-Strain. The one sweeping the world right now is the L-Strain.

By ABSOLUTE sheer coincidence, I was able to self-isolate for almost 2 months. This is why it didn't spread here back in 2019. I wore a mask, disinfected my hands etc... but I thought I just had a weird flu. I was trying to protect my wife and mother from catching this thing from me. My efforts were successful.

My friends who are doctors and nurses have seen deaths first hand. My best friend is in the Army and has watched two people catch it. The death toll is VERY high with this thing. It's extremely potent. A few victims don't even show sypmtoms. Most do. Many get very sick (like me). Some end up in ICU and those tend to die eventually. There's a single hospital in Italy that lost every single patient. They couldn't save a single one.

I am skeptical of many things but this is real. Take a look at how serious China was about stopping this thing. Take a look at America... with one person in the New York City hospital dying every 17 minutes. That death toll is ABSURDLY high. Same as Italy. Same as Spain.

The only "coverup" here is from China. And they let 15 million people flee Wuhan before shutting the city down and sealing it.

You haven't seen people caughing on the street? Really? I sure fucking have. I wrote about all the sweaty, shakey, coughing fuckers on the street & was told (here on Yas Forums) that I was "obviously full of shit". Well here we are with more than 30K dead outside of China. Ignore the numbers coming out of China... even the BAKA newspaper described them as "pure fantasy".

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Its definitely real. No doubt. It's just a little more dangerous to people old and compromised. We should be careful but we also need to get people back to work who are willing and able

>no one I know has died
stopped reading there. this is the biggest retard flag. a friend of mine has it and is currently in quarantine with his room mate, who's a medical student and might also has it.
>dude, every country on the planet had a big secret meeting and decided to fake a pandemic and crash every single economy for teh lulz.
nigger brain, kill yourself.

This video is essential viewing

Are you having chest tightness or a dry cough?
Those aren't symptoms of pneumonia which is always persistent phlegm

Wonder why it corpped up in Wuhan? but also on a couple of cruise ships and the Italian city of Milan?

Wonder why they haven't rolled out wide scale testing, which should be as simple as a saliva swab?

It's not a coincidence that this is happening whilst the central banks are printing a bigger bailout than '08/'09, with Blackrock merging with the Federal reserve to pump that $ straight into corrupt corporations.
But nobody has seemed to notice...

Is some nearly identical strain of a virus that we know to be relatively harmless and extremely prolific in nature somehow deadlier because of some slight changes to its DNA sequence?
Or have we simply misinterpreted the data and plunged into mass hysteria.

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I’m in a discord server with a guy who has it and he’s not larping. He sent pics from the hospital.

>or in the hospital
If you’re sick with coronavirus and you’re coughing up a storm, why the fuck would you go out into the streets?

30k deaths, or in in 256,000 people have died so far.
If you /know/ 1,000 people, then there's a 1 in 256 chance someone in that group will have died.
>How come I never see anyone cough on the street?
Because everyone sick has been isolating at home, and even if they weren't, 700k infected (rounding up), that's 1 in 11,000 infected.
>why are so many famous people getting it?
Because the PM of a country travels, and meets bureaucrats who travel.
Bureaucrats, businessmen, celebrities, politicians, and yuppies who constantly go on holiday are the most likely to be infected.

mass hysteria is the real killer

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>Now this is the strangest one, why are so many famous people getting it?
The virus is real but its targeting the adrenochrome users. They are getting sick for real and hopefully dying. For most others its rather harmless.

>Follow the white rabbit

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>everyone goes into self quarantine
>Houses are made into battery pods overnight
>Matrix is realized
Yes. Its a psyop

>Its definitely real. No doubt.
No that's that other corona-virus, remember?
It's totally different Mr. Satan.

Attached: no the other corona.png (720x251, 8.11K)

>unsourced jpg
>trying too hard
yup that's a shill

read any cold/flu medicine and you'll see
it's not new, it shows how good the MSM is at effecting societal change


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I'm only partially well connected but I know a large number of people who've been tested.
You need to fit certain criteria and you'll be tested.
Also, we now have antibody tests developed in Australia, which will make it 1000x easier to test everyone

>couple of days ago. woke up and my mucus did feel somewhat glue like.
>2 days ago. woke up and it felt like my throat was getting cut
>1 day ago. woke up and felt like I was choking on my mucus
>today. woke up and it was okay
Haven't checked myself because obviously going to a god damn infect ridden area is straight up dumb.
Also diary products and mucus shit.
I haven't gone out much but my area was "contaminated" before I took precautions. So if those were symptoms well i guess I got around another two weeks before realizing if I did catch it or not.
>muh self-diagnosis
if the shoe fits.
Also pets. My pupper could have gotten it and then i'm fucked regardless.

Why would every country tank their economy? What's the reasoning?

It doesn't exist because germ theory is a hoax.

>>no one I know has died
> a friend of mine has it

>this is the biggest retard flag.

And both you have a dad that works at Nintendo?

Yeah yeah, way to kill the thread.

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babbies first chest infection
how adorable.

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I stormed my way into an ICU and went room to room asking people if they had Corona.

Not a single damn one of them.

It's real, but the precautions taken came MUCH too late, and now they are overreacting to the point of completely devastating the economy. It's really a completely prime example of how just fucking incompetent the government is when fucking Yas Forums would have been able to handle the situation better. Especially the situation with that H&A treatment and how everyone it shitting on it just because Trump said it looks promising (which, it does, VERY promising). The gov should have issued a quarantine for those 65+ and compromised instead of fucking everyone. Quarantining everyone makes no sense given the repercussions.

What really worries me now is that although the H&A treatment seems very positive, it will be largely ignored, and cities/states will continue to impose drastic measures for the sole purpose of seeing that the economy completely crashes for the sake of it hurting Trumps reelection.

>I’m in a discord server with a guy who has it
Is this bait?

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fuck off glownigger

Oh dont worry, in the next few days you will "experts" retract their claims and backdown on their number.
Take this as a grave reminder that titles based on nepotism aren't worth shit and never will be.
And never forget the people who laughed at this, they saw it for what it was not what they were told it was.

>only partially well connected but I know a large number of people who've been tested.
x doubt.

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Lol. Ok boomer

>There are plenty of people right here on Yas Forums who had it. Lurk moar
Like all the people who claim to be in touch with ayy lmaos or the re-incarnation of Hitler.

sure you did kike shill

1. I personally know someone who has tested positive; an 83yo coworker. He left work almost three weeks ago. I haven’t had an update on him since.

2. Prior to him being sick and the hysteria, several other coworkers (all under 45) were out with what they assumed was the flu, and came back with prolonged coughs.

3. They’re lying as a type of non-falsifiable social signaling.

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Nice shill response. You get an extra shekel.
You’re right OP it’s fake and extremely gay.

>first chest infection
I some shit growing up where I had to use that stupid humidifier. Don't know what the sickness was called cause I had it well over 20-30 years ago.
Once I turned 16 I got the flu every year.
This experience is anything but that.

It's a novel corona virus, it's like the flu, except no one has immunity, so it can spread like wildfire.
It's like a whole flu season in a week.

Me too OP... Me too... which means it’s being used to further or introduce an agenda.

You're not far off. With over a thousand mutations now, we're going to see SARS-CoV-2 come back every six months until a vaccine is created a year and some change from now. The vaccine will come with an ultraviolet bar code tattoo with all of your information embedded in it, and an RFID chip which will serve as your credit card after the world economy collapses.

Human BitCoins. That's where this goes.

If youre gasping for air youre already dead.

>I-it's gonna be baaaad!!!! Just wait it's like gonna be like really baaad man! Just you wait! Like just keep waiting yknow like it's just getting started I mean man it's gonna be bad just later so just keep believing and waiting cuz like any day now...

>user is not personally involved
>user does not understand exponents
therefore its not real

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I got an internet friend from Italy who has claimed that a friend of his elderly grandma have died because of it. So I believe it is true, but the proportions seems a bit overblown, especially if you are to destroy the entire world economy because of that.

go to the nearest hospital and ask them how fake is it

The hypochondria got you. I’m sorry to tell you but you’re mentally weak.

Seasonal allergies user. If you never broke a fever you're fine.

>any day now just wait
These "it will be bad later" shills are like some alternate dimension qtards.

Greta got it and self quarantined and then was perfectly healed a week later.
thousands of people die every day that no one ever thinks about so telling us now that they're dying of corona is How to Freak People Out With This One Simple Trickery

You sound like a fucking pussy.

Okay, don't be a faggot, go down to a hospital in downtown Toronto and film it.
Pizzagate this bitch pussy.

I've never actually met anyone who has had it or know of anyone who has had it down the grapevine. But I know it's real because I'm not an absolute retard.

>Seasonal allergies user.
Had those before. For the past 5 years I've been sneezing way more and getting runny noses. Yet it's all sporadic.
>If you never broke a fever you're fine.
I have.

obviously this virus has evolved to only target actors, basketballers, politicians and royals.. you know, the most vulnerable of society..

maybe this video will help user

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It's almost running on autopilot at this point.
>Bad but not ELE virus going around
>Media churning out constant panic reports 24/7
>How can use this to our advantage
>Let's slow roll out massive lockdowns, see how they react
>Yes, please
>Holy shit they all bought it, amazing
>Okay, now tell small businesses to fuck off but keep the Walmarts open
>All right, some static there, throw a handful of change at them
>Yes, please
>God damn, I can hardly believe it, try shutting down gun permit applications in certain areas
>All right, a few lawyers gave us some shit, expected, but everyone else bent right over, I'm shaking my head over here
>Next up, mandatory vaccines, we can put all kinds of shit in that
>Then we'll chip them or brand them
>Phone apps for 24/7 monitoring
>Encourage them to report people without the tattoo or chip or app
>Oh, check this shit, we can do digital currency, tell them the cash could be infected or whatever, hahaha
>Don't look at me like that, you already know what their answer's going to be
>If we missed anything we can just do it all again in a couple of years
>For fuck's sake, did you see how easy that was, why didn't we do this shit a decade ago?

>>user does not understand exponents
>therefore its not real

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In Australia, if you've been overseas it's trivial to get tested, if you have any symptoms whatsoever it's damn near guaranteed.
Additionally, if you're sick and call up for a test, you'll be told to fuck off.
If you're still sick after a week, you'll get a test and a shitload of antibiotics. The idea is that the antibiotics will eliminate any bacterial infections, and if you clear up after that and the test is negative, it's pretty clear you don't have it.
If you don't clear up and the test is negative, either you have another virus or the test is faulty.

>You sound like a fucking pussy.
Just being truthful. If you think honesty = pussy shit okay then be yourself. Lies aren't good mediums for documentation.

You do you, user. Just don’t let your stupidity put your countrymen at risk.

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Because you're a friendless shut-in? How many people have you been in contact with in the past 3 weeks?

COVID-19 causes an unproductive - dry - cough, so you probably have an unrelated infection. However, you should probably take extra precautions because getting COVID-19 while having another infection could potentially be lethal (cytokine response attacking your own body).

nobody cares what unironic retards like you think
go back to bed and cry yourself to sleep as you think about your meat prices, leaf

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if you think its fake go suck on an italian or chinese doorknob and film yourself doing it. Otherwise your opinion is discarded.

The virus is real and what you're unwilling to accept is the fact that it, just like any other happening, is going to be used for political power grabs.

>go to the nearest hospital and ask them how fake is it
>ask them

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checked & keked

>Pizzagate this bitch pussy.

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the difference between 1918 and now is that we have better ways to treat Pneumonia.. Pneumonia by means of flu, corona or bacterial infection kills countless people in various times of history.. it is harder for older people or those with underlying issues, but its still treatable.. its the Pneumonia that kills, not the virus..

>don’t let your stupidity put your countrymen at risk

no u

[pic related from philipines]

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>MUH go suck a doorknob
Nice NLP parroting. Bet you thought that was a real gotcha zinger.

Not a conspiracy yard but anyone else feel like the other shoe is about to drop? Feels like everyone is prepping for a much larger disaster. Maybe a more deadly virus we haven't been told of? Yellowstone? Asteroid impact? Things will never be "normal" again. We're just waiting to see how badly things deteriorate. Shit's fucked.

It's fake. You will die from the vaccine. DON'T TAKE THE VACCINE!

>anyone I don’t like is a Chinese shill

>But I know it's real because I'm not an absolute retard.
Based emunigger.

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Dude, Trudeau and his party crashed y'alls economy for fags

The deception goes WAY further than this "virus", everything you know is a lie, they built a cage for your mind to hide god behind absurdities, they think themselves the builders of the world but they all answer to one master and its not god.
They hide this truth in plain sight and turn the lie into fact through the TV, predictive programming.
I'd go further but most already assume what I'd say next is impossible but its all there if you have eyes to see it.

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Agreed. It doesn't matter if the virus is real or not. The end-game is still the same.