Some of you are brainwashed by Yas Forums propaganda to think all Chinese are soulless robots without empathy...

Some of you are brainwashed by Yas Forums propaganda to think all Chinese are soulless robots without empathy. It's a 1billion+ country, of course some crazy shit will happen in some village by some brute villager. But you're insane if you think those videos represent the average Chinese.

Look at this:

It's a social experiment, a foreigner pays too much (like 6x more) and checks if the Chinese vendors in China will tell him or not...

This whole YouTube channel has social experiments like that, you will see real Chinese people and how they act. There's a lot of goodness in the average Chinese person, don't let the stormfag propaganda cloud your vision.

Attached: dvwqwv.jpg (771x572, 58.43K)

REMINDER You signed a contract with the bank even if your tenants don't pay you still the owe the bank money.

Alright, fair enough, 4 chinks are somewhat decent "people"

Eat shit, chankoro.

It's not true and you know it... the average Chinese is a decent person... go out and talk to them... I have never met a bad Chinese person in my life.

I'd rather have 100 million Chinese move to Europe than 100 million Amerimutts.

it's not just here. any kind of news or information sharing is prone to pushing narrative. most are happy to feed from the trough though.

T-they killed 30 million of their own citizens because they didn't like a tiny bird???

Calm down, Chung-lee Lipshitz

Why do you make a thread talking about how great Chinese people are but post a picture of some Chinese family about to cook a baby in the background?

Wtf! A staged 'social experiment'! Wow I love china now!

I agree, and I love Asians as allies, but I don't wanna be colonized by them

>Some of you are brainwashed by Yas Forums propaganda to think all Chinese are soulless robots without empathy.


Attached: china guy gets run over but car driver doesnt give a fuck.webm (640x360, 1.79M)

you're clearly a newfag if you haven't encountered at least 1 china thread on Yas Forums

Attached: china suicide.webm (720x480, 1.66M)

Shut the fuck up chang I'll NEVER stop despising them, they're beneath insects in my eyes

Fuck all chinks...

Attached: dog is burned in china.webm (408x720, 2.97M)

Ritualistic cannibalism.

>There's a lot of goodness in the average Chinese person.
Yeah, I think that's because they don't want their social credit score to go down. Did you ever think about that you faggot OP?

Attached: StarWars_Gouzee.jpg (383x600, 103.53K)

>Some of you are brainwashed by Yas Forums propaganda to think all Chinese are soulless robots without empathy.
No, Yas Forums assumes people don't have any empathy because there's an overwhelming correlation with Yas Forums users and actual, legitimate autism.

They don't have it, can't understand it, and fear people and things that are different from them.

Attached: china is godless and will kill innocent animals all because of their piss poor news fuck communist china.jpg (635x618, 89.65K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 NOT MUH TIBETINO 六四天安門事件 MY HECKING CIA STUDENTERINOS 天安門大屠殺 NOO MY PRECIOUS COUP USEFUL IDIOTINOS 反右派鬥爭 NOT MY RIGHT WING DEATH SQUADINOS 大躍進政策 MY CHINESE PUPPERINOS 文化大革命 STOP BEING PROLETIRINOS 人權 MUH HUMAN RIGHTINOS CIARINOS 民運 DEMOCRATINOS 自由 FREEDOMINOS 獨立 INDEPENDINOS 多黨制 MULTI PARTINOOO NOOO 台灣 臺灣 TAIWANINOS 中華民國 REPUBLICERINO CHININO 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 TIBETINO 達賴喇嘛 DALAI LAMAMINOO 法輪功 NOT MUH SWASTIKA SECTERINOS 新疆維吾爾自治區 MYY HECKING MUSLIMINOS NOOO 諾貝爾和平獎 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE OBAMA 劉暁波 HO LEE FOOK 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 WINNIE MAN BAD PRAISE ORANGE MAN OK 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: 1585441423300.png (231x218, 11.66K)

and here it goes the stormfag propaganda

Attached: thumb_nazi-happy-merchant-meme-generator-50155142.png (300x300, 28.39K)

Attached: china tire wtf explosion.webm (480x360, 780.26K)

That dog would be screaming if that were what you purport. It's either dead or those "flames" aren't that hot.

Do you want me to post videos of white whores in America behaving like whores, or white trash behaving like white trash? There's plenty to post.

I lived in china and I spent a day trying this after I almost paid 40 rmb instead of 14, (regional dialect mistake) I was given correct change, went to an auto shop to have my bike fixed, paid more and was given back change, noodle shop same deal, went to a few convenience stores and small vendors. I’ve always been paid in full and on time by people I’ve done side work with, and the only real scams I’ve run into we’re seeking flat rates in taxis. Perhaps it’s because I lived in a small city that wasn’t packed with migrant workers and foreigners, so the locals care more about their reputation but I think as China grows richer so do it’s ethics and morals. The friends I have don’t eat dog, they’re appalled by animal abuse, they dream of their kids being able to drink the water from the tap one day. I’ve even met old brainwashed commies who have told me over and over they love Americans, not happy with our government but feel no anger towards our people. I’m sure there exists a wide spectrum of opinions, but yea In a country with 1.4 billion people there’s bound to be a lot of shit apples.

Remember that when the pandemic is over the normies will crack your gook skull open with a brick

are you even watching the webms?? but still why the fuck are you complaining about stormfags on a place called politically INCORRECT? this isn't leftypol or some other place on Yas Forums.

Attached: china might be worse than africa.jpg (2000x1500, 1.48M)

hi chang! fuck you.

Great post! Bravo.

yes. america is trash especially with the negros but no where near as godless and degenerate as china!

Attached: china family.webm (720x404, 764.92K)

I'm Slovene, how am I a "gook"? Wanna test my Slovenian? Do you think there are Koreans living in Slovenia?

They gain face by doing this.

You're a cruel person for demonizing 1.4 billion people, people who had a legit great civilization and contributed a lot to history.

btw forgot to meantion this is now a CHINA thread.

Attached: china childcare.webm (360x636, 1.05M)

You act like someone caused you brain damage while you were a just a baby

Attached: cutfag problems.jpg (323x326, 37.93K)

>yes. america is trash especially with the negros but no where near as godless and degenerate as china!
The worst stuff I see from the US actually comes from "white trash"...

you're still azn. you're out numbered leftypol

Attached: stupid chinese pisses in an elevator.webm (640x368, 887.99K)

You just have a collection of videos that are cherrypicked, I won't watch any.

all Chinese I interacted in RL were genuinely warm, amazing people

Racists and extremists are morons? Thanks for the news

I'm not Asian, I'm Slavic.
(Except if you think Slavs are Asiatic, then OK, I am.)

>Ching chang those frames weren't that howt
The flamenwaffe's flames won't be that hot either...
Unfortunately your kind infects the entire world

OP is just another example of what trauma based mind control slaves are programmed to do

america isn't white.

Attached: china healthcare.webm (640x360, 2.38M)

sure post a video of a white person eating a fetus

Based American poster. TY, you give me hope.

>Unfortunately your kind infects the entire world
What is "my kind"?

Pol full of glowies right now, trying to force everyone to hate chinks. Probably because virus is jew work.

You're comparing your anecdotal evidence with another anecdotal evidence. I'm clueless as why you people don't realize this will lead to nothing.

be sure not to bump this khazar kike slide thread

that's still a form of Asian subspecies. Arabs, changs, slavs and pajeets are the only races in Asia.

Attached: china knife woman.webm (320x532, 1.9M)


Chinese people are elitist bugmen. I e worked with a Chinese company and they don’t rike amelicans. They don’t like anybody who isn’t Chinese and they don’t like their own people at all,

its fine. i'm fixing the thread by turning it into a china gore thread. you can help too if you'd like

Attached: dog being boiled in china.webm (480x360, 827.26K)

How about a 100% white, European woman, shoving a fetus in her own anus?
It's not fake.

Attached: vsavavs.jpg (754x772, 71.36K)

Attached: chinese padestrians.webm (320x240, 439.62K)

Well there's still 1billion too many of em

You don't sound very intelligent, I'll stop replying to you.

Chinese people compare you to the grasshoppers who die in the story of the ants and grasshoppers. They are laughing that they have people in our societies more loyal to china and willing to undermine their resident country. Do not trust two faced traitors.

Well but I'm Slavic, but OK, if you want to call me a bugman then that's fine. I'd rather be Chinese than English, you people are too ugly.


Attached: disgusting chinese food.webm (200x360, 1.21M)

>It's not fake

It's fake

Aren't you supposed to be working on your math homework, Xi-Panshit

>martina torres
ummm, buddy?

White woman shoves baby in her ass:

Jesus Christ...