Does anyone talk politics with their significant other...

Does anyone talk politics with their significant other? I tried getting my girlfriend involved but she's so fucking stupid.

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stop seeking her approval user, you can do better than that

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>trying to talk politics with women
No, user you are the stupid

dont need politics when you look like that

shes gonna turncoat on you when it counts if you dont get her on the same page soon.

Is it bad to try and redpill a woman? I don't know if well get married, what if the next guy she dates is a bernie supporter instead of a maga chad?

Talking? Nope.
I just tell her what to believe and she runs with it.

This. Just stick to being pretty and vote who your man tells you to vote for.

what's a girlfriend

I don't have a girlfriend.

But I've always wondered what couples talk about to keep themselves occupied.

Women will conform to a strong man, it's in their nature Satan

>women are superior to children
went wrong right out of the gate. the average child is more accountable and rational. in fact a hallmark of childishness is projecting their own rationality onto women and assuming they must be in as much order as it is in their mind.
>Von Neumann was a child prodigy. When he was six years old, he could divide two eight-digit numbers in his head[14][15] and could converse in Ancient Greek. When the six-year-old von Neumann caught his mother staring aimlessly, he asked her, "What are you calculating?"[16]

>She's so fucking stupid
No wonder she's with you

>Does anyone talk politics with their significant other?
it's literally impossible, she's too invested in the world as it is, she simply doesn't want to know!

Imagine what my 15-inch BWC would do your your little anus, gay little black boi

we have a problem if her eyebrows are thicker than mine

No, women are retarded.

No, and you shouldn't either.
My parents are in lockdown together and even before that my dad wouldn't shut the fuck up about Trump. He's bored and doesn't have anyone else to talk to.

Me and my wife barely talk politics on the other hand. We align fairly well on most things but never talk enough to find out what things exactly. Instead we talk about our kids and what we need to do for them.

Tl;Dr - talk about political shit with your guy friends, keep guy friends no matter what stage you are at in life. Friends are more important than gold and their value rises the older you get.

I thought my girlfriend was right wing but shes bought into the corona media hysteria 100%

> we need to be prisoners in our own homes reeeeeree

Yes. I've basically made her natsoc but we had to have dozens of large stupid arguments and blowouts over dumb shit to get there.

Slanted towards the Electronic benefits transfer

Make fun of shit that happened throughout the day, discuss movies, shit we read, play around talking shit to each other, fight For reals sometimes.. like shit you talk about with any friend you have really, maybe just not about girls like you do with dudes, unless it’s celebrities, we’re ok with discussing celebrity crushes, not explicitly tho.. I don’t know that’s all I can think of.

my wife leaves the thinking to me.
good wife.

Same here, my wife refuses to challenge any official narrative and is far too trusting.

My wife is a schizophrenic that never leaves the house for unnecessary reasons. When she does(did) she wore gook masks and gloves because of "germs" anyway. This isn't anything new to me and she's not any more panicked about the state of the world now than she's always been. She keeps a minimum of half a dozen travel sized hand sanitizers on her person (pocketbook) at any given time. Hoardes shit like toilet paper, Clorox wipes and bleach spray around at all times. My house smells like a sterile hospital, not welcoming at all. She thinks the new SARS is a biological weapon that will kill 60-80% of humanity, so accepted the facts that she'll either live or die. A lot more level headed than I thought she'd be. Her mother has COPD, very advanced COPD actually and knows she's going to die. She's never worked in her life, lived off her family's money her entire life. Tobacco farmers in Tennessee. Sole heir(ess) so we'll get a giant chunk of money when SARS kills her mother in a few months.

heh girlfriend... :(

Stop posting this jewish whore you fucking kike shit eater . Get out my fucking website.

I've gotten my wife to the point where she'd happily quit her job and take care of the household full time if I were to make enough money. Unrealistic as that is with the Euro's inflation (the actual one) and taxes.

Younger females are dumb whores, more at 11

This seems to always be the case with women I end up disliking and the only women who are willing to actually discuss politics now in my city are Berniebro NPCs who can't hold a conversation without growing defensive and resorting to attacks of character

She was born for Coronachan habbening.

Ops pic is a kike and so are you, fuck you kikes.

The only thing that can redpill a woman is marriage and children.

Her nature instincts will be rebellious and left leaning, you have to help her confront them and civilize her. This is why a strong father is important, he does half the work for you. Otherwise you have a rough time and she could suddenly explode without warning. They do it without warning and according to emotion.

Why even bother talking politics with a girl?

Damn i need me one of those

>she's so fucking stupid.
She's a woman, what the fuck do you expect?


No idea

Imagine what my 30 inch BBC would do to your little pink anus, white boi


>imagine living with women you can't rant about jews to
>imagine living with women who isn't vicerally disgusted by niggers
>imagine living with women who wouldn't make swastika cookies for 14th of Ferbruary and happy merchant cookies for your birthday
>imagine living with women you have to argue about not letting tablet and TV to rise your children
That's just sad, user. 5/10 with decent intelligence > 7/10 that is as dumb as a kitchen stove

My gal doesn't care about politics much. She cares about being a mother.

>A real woman

>but she's so fucking stupid.
That's because she is

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Listen to Women change their tune when they are married with kids, their world then becomes about someone other than themselves, same can be said for men too. Her views will become right wing, and she will care only about her kids, so she will have a defensive mindset, she won't be so naive, she can't afford to be.

>imagine living with women who wouldn't make swastika cookies for 14th of Ferbruary and happy merchant cookies for your birthday
need to try this.

Don't date stupid women in the long term.
I know that's difficult right now but you'd rather have cute and intelligent than gorgeous and dumb as pubes.

The world is full of men with beautiful trophy wives who they absolutely hate because the bitches can't do basic math or carry a conversation. Sooner or later you have to stop just fucking and actually talk to one another.

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This reminds me how lonely I am. Bros how the fuck do I get a girl like that? I'd treat her to right

your penis is still on layaway faggot

I didn't mean to red pill my gf. I can't help myself. I red pill everyone. It's actually nice to be able to laugh at clown world with someone irl.

She's not what you think she is. You arent getting anywhere if you dont overcome the basic lvl 1 magic spell of physical appearance.

>Imagine what a 13 inch BBC would do to her mouth.
haha definitely not gay to type this haha le ebin irony

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super 56's is correct, women must protect their children, be it from faggots trying to groom them, elites trying to eat them, lesbians trying to abort them etc etc etc.

My wife’s got pretty high anxiety anyway so the first week of Corona happening she was pretty fucked up about it but we’ve stopped caring and watching it since and spending time together.

As for politics she’s more racist against niggers than I am, which is pretty great. The Jussie Smollet happening was a real turning point. I kept telling her that the media was shit and this story was fake and she wouldn’t bite until it all unraveled in front of her.

Bro, women aren’t supposed to think politically. That’s our job as men. Women are mailable, so instead of trying to engage her, lead her.

You gotta really spoonfeed them. Mine went from borderline brainwashed lefty to blackpilled race realist and makes Holocaust jokes regularly now.

It just took 2 years and being called an asshole a lot, but I’ve made real progress.

What, nothing for 4th of April (4/20)?
Some sort of caramelized treat in the shape of the star of david perhaps?

Learn the difference between red pilling someone and teaching them political theory

ignore what i said im retarded

When trying to convince a woman, you can't rely on hard facts and statistics. You need to use emotional arguments instead. People who tell you that you should never talk to woman about politics are incels. You will have to see if you can get her to agree with your position before you marry her and have children with her, otherwise you will end up with gigantic disagreements over how to raise the children and she will end up stabbing you in the back eventually. Woman have shitty takes on almost everything, but they have equal rights in our society so you have to talk about things like this with her so you know what to expect later on. If you can't get her to agree at least with the basic positions you hold, then that is a massive red flag and you should dump her.

>The world is full of men with beautiful trophy wives

Yeah. Those would be the alpha Chads.

Why in the holy fucking world would you marry a woman like that. Is it a fetish?

I’m a literal Yas Forums meme...
I’m an amerimutt (half white/black)

My girlfriend is a blonde haired/blue eyed polish girl who just moved to the USA 6 months ago. And she doesn’t like going/doing anything without me.

She makes fun of Jews, Asians and gays.
She is completely extreme conservative by American standards but she calls herself liberal because she says a women working out of the home is liberal. (She’s a 24 year old paralegal/lawyer)


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>imagine not having a pink anus

LOL. Bleach that shit faggot.

IQ of 140+ and comes from good stock. None of my children inherited her ailment so it's all good.

>she's so fucking stupid.
I love my wife she's so smart and based. Glad I'm not a retard like you.

Typical of a polish woman to burn coal

Dumb hot girls are easy to pick up. What, you can't afford a six pack of Rev?
Just because you're a virgin doesn't mean everyone else must be chad.