In 2020...

In 2020, it's considered normal and "empowering" for a girl to whore herself out and sell nudes on the internet so people jack off to them and if you're not okay with that you're a mysogynistic incel. When is this degeneracy going to stop?

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>it's considered normal

When we return the bond between church and state.

Women were always like this, they just didn't have the internet, it is never going to stop.

that is a dude right?

Wrong stupid fuck. It's not empowering to sell nudes, it's empowering to make that decision that you want to sell nudes. You will be attacked left and right by incels.

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Yes the Internet is to blame for everything, I first though it was going to liberate us, but now it’s clear it will be used to enslave us. Oh well I guess we got outsmarted and out manoeuvred.

It's going to stop soon
>All of her idols will be smashed, all of her earnings will be burned with fire and all of her images I will make desolate, for she collected them from a harlot's earnings. And to the earnings of a harlot they will return." - Micah 1:7

idk, it could also be a trap, can't tell the difference anymore!

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Nah FUCK that gay homo faggot shit...millions of ways to make a living without showing your body...kys jew

lmao literal eWhores

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2000 years ago, some thot named Mary created an entire religion to hide from her husband the fact that was gangbanged by three guys that could've been her grandpa. People still believe she was a virgin.

Women will never stop being the epitome of degenerate. It's all they've ever known and all they ever have been.

is that a Tranny?

Most of the time you can but I agree some of them are way too good at blending in

wow so empowering to make a retarded decision. I will choose to shit outside in the street next time, to empower myself

it stops when you get off the computer and do somthing about it, it happens because we all sit on computers.

It’s a coal burning jew

if it is posted on pol assume that it is a dude

The oldest job in human history is a prostitute

I almost fucked a Japanese whore once, too bad my car broke down that day, would have been interesting.

What's retarded about it? Letting incels and losers shower you in money for a few minutes of work? I might do it if I were a woman. It's probably a lot smarter than what at least half of you are doing for a living.

Can you articulate what exactly is wrong with it? If you're dating someone and they do it without your knowledge or permission, that's one thing, but if they both agree or if the woman is single, who gives a shit? This is what decades of internet isolation does to you.

What are you gonna do about it?

you go girl!

lol it isnt okay, never ever date one :D and when you find out leave it

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source of pic?

Nah it's a Jew cobber

I hope not I've been fapping to her pics

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In fairness, we live in a capitalist survival jungle. The jungle will eat you alive while the hyenas laugh. Can't really fault women for taking advantage of a way to make easy money online.

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Alright Luigi, what else shes gonna do other than to clean your shit at home or sell nudes? Go for a career so she could travel all around the world and making selfies while hooking herself with every single ethnicity she comes across? If you think that your backpack bitches are going to be good wives, then you deserve to be Coroned to the last. Yeah she looks so cute and shit with her big college glasses and those books in her hands, but in truth shes a cumslut not because she needs a money, but because she likes it. And worse, shes doing it for free thinking how shes entitled to it.

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it won't

It is. You're just abnormal. The world has gone crazy.

>hurrr nobody is to blame for their own retarded actions it's all some secret boogeymans fault

Beat women whenever you can get away with it. Keep them in fear, and submission.



>women have always been like this
Imagine getting gaslit by leftists about sexuality this hard.

Boy, anti-christian LARP fags are really desperate to spout their garbage lately. The end must scare you huh faggot? You will be obliterated in hell fire.

That's definitely a dude user.

The degeneracy is going to get worse from here. Feminism and the sexual revolution have destroyed religion and morals to an irreparable extent. A whole generation of whoredom, faggotry and total degeneracy.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human being. It's degrading, and it shows a lack of self respect or honor. The absolute scum of Yas Forums have been coming out of the woodwork lately. Eat shit simp. Women who whore themselves don't deserve respect.

If you feel that way, then whack your little twink cock for big harry fags on cam you fucking nig-kike fag-ger. You can do the exact same shit as a man for rich literal fags. Go on and do it you absolute chi-faggotnigger-nk

working on a solution. boots on the ground. pounding the pavement, gathering support.

there are those of your race who have not given into despair. they are fighting for you!

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You know what?
Whoring yourself is as degrading as paying whores if it's money or attention
Better think about this

I mean he has a bit of a point. Go visit the Pompeii ruins sometime, certainly one of the most debauched and depraved times in existence, cuckoldry was commonplace, even moreso than it was today, and men would just allow their women to go to the brothel to fuck, or be fucked by prostitutes / their clients.

The volcano certainly sorted them out.

women losing their sanctity has lead to the decay of your society, to the point that you people consider prostitutions and faggotry to be normal.

>When is this degeneracy going to stop?
It will stop when guys stop buying her nude pics.

Pretty much this, most people are too stupid to work in this overstimulated environment.

christianity absolutely BTFO

It's not so much that it has been deliberately done to us. Human brains did not evolve to deal with cell phones, television, and HD streaming porn 24/7

That's the thing user, these things wax and wane. Women being whores isn't a constant.

Take what we know about sexuality in the 40s and 50s for instance. It was commonplace for women to lose their virginity to their husbands and adultery was rare.
>but people lie. those statistics couldn't possibly be accurate.
They're not accurate and that's the point. The data that this comes from was gathered by a guy named Alfred Kinsey. Kinsey's studies were saturated with methodological errors that presented society as being far more promiscuous than it actually was (he oversampled homosexuals, convicted sex offender, passed off prostitutes as housewives, etc.) Even with studies as bad as that, we still see a clear degeneration in sexual values.

This stuff waxes and wanes, Oxbridge clique anthropologist J.D. Unwin dedicated his entire career to studying human sexuality. In his look at the sexual habits of civilizations he found that, without exception, once societies liberated themselves sexually, they tended to collapse outright, or at least wane so severely that they usually got stamped out by a different civilization.

Automation will force the majority to whore themselves as a commodity, whether it be through selling your body or entertaining the upper class
This is what seems to be happening now. Adapt or die

I never met young girl dreaming about sleeping around, to contrary I always remember them desiring life long relationships.
The issue is media glorification of "romantic" love, which is just a term for lust. There is no long lasting romantic love.
Yet everyone things there is one. We should teach kids that love is based upon friendship and mutual understanding, and some obligations.
Obligations are very important part, back in the day everyone got that marriage isn't only fun, it's also obligation towards your partner.
People nowadays believe that everything has to cater to them all the time, so when slight inconvenience comes they just break up.
Women are especially susceptible to this, I think they are much more affected by societal standards.
After-all back in the day, it was women who mainly slut shamed, and tried to keep their daughters/sons to societal standards.

I would rather just kill myself if I had to resort to selling photos of myself or doing degrading sexual acts "sex work" is the obliteration of the self. Reduces one to a bag of flesh and shit and viscera.
I suppose you can say that about most anything, like wage slaves.
It just seems more harrowing when it involves your actual body.
I'm a hypocrite because I watch a lot of porn. I feel guilty but I guess I'm a piece of shit and just rationalize it away somehow.
I don't hate these people, I feel.sad for them
Sorry for the rambling, this made me think quite a bit

>it's considered normal and "empowering" for a girl to whore herself out and sell nudes on the internet
its really not "considered normal" to the general population yet. its "considered acceptable" to a larger, brainwashed group of people, but not the bulk of the general population, and definitely not considered "normal". only amongst retarded liberal college students, perverts, and internet addicted/raised zoomers. most of these girls still keep their activity secret from their friends and families. the ones whose friends/families find out usually end up becoming outcasted/disowned and/or losing a good bulk of their friend/family group. only a very small fraction of them that get exposed remain in good standing with the majority of their friends/families with typically a few holdouts like fathers, mothers, etc, typically the most important people in their lives. if you think this is now "normal"/acceptable behavior you are probably an internet addicted/raised zoomer who lives on twitter/discord/reddit.

out of the thousands of women i have know throughout my life, through work, school, friends, etc I only know 3 that were cam whores and ALL had very strained relationships with their family and/or were completely disconnected/out of touch with them and would say only 1 was even in any way successful at camwhoring, the other 2 ended up crackwhore tier losers i lost track of. the "successful" one insta-thots, camwhores on cb, has videos on pornhub, AND still has to work a normie job as a nurse and she lives in a small apartment. shes in her mid 20s and the money has been drying up and probably will be non existent by 30.

Noooooo!! Your stupid little bible quote won’t stop me from whoring my pussy lips out on tinder!!! Fuck the patriarchy!

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I feel similar, but I can't so boldly say that in dire situation it wouldn't be impossible for me.
It's just fact of life, you crave to survive, it's very easy to judge people, but hard to be in their place.
On the other hand people who sell themselves because it is easy and good way to make money saddens me as well.

I think you have a point, all the women I know always moan about not being able to find 'the one' who they can settle down with and marry.

But they also seem to be too short sighted to realise that fucking complete strangers on nights out is the exact reason why they can't find a respectable partner.

> it's empowering to make that decision that you want to sell nudes.
lmao what a dumb roastie

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Women only do as much as men allow them to do. Whores exist because of men who are whipped by mediocre pussy, if a woman thinks you’re dumb or a cuck she will do all sorts of things to mistreat you. When you start dating a woman, don’t say anything at first, she will brag about how big of a whore she is early and often. Sit back and take comfort that you need not worry what this whore thinks of you and you can safely walk away having lost nothing. It’s time consuming to find a woman who isn’t a whore, but it’s more time consuming to spend two years of your life being tormented by a vile bitch because you’re too weak to do anything about it.

No, if you're ok with it, then you're a misogynist and if you're not ok with it, then you're also a misogynist.

Low fringe ("bangs") is something to look for, it's a standard trap technique to conceal their male skull shape.

go off Yas Forums

I mean people say that but it was probably something like flint knapper, back then physically weak women would most likely have just been treated as a tribal asset to be used or taken in conquest.

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