Just got this from a friend in India.
Just got this from a friend in India
Other urls found in this thread:
Does India's military have potty training?
There's a big difference between martial law as a result of political corruption, and martial law for the sake of saving the country from total collapse.
Whats the difference between the police telling you what to do and the military? Its all an extension of the same government.
Muslims will chimp out nigga. This is Modi's RWDS
It’s inevitable. You can’t make Indian people follow government orders without taking military action. Everybody thinks he’s a smartass here. Just went yesterday to the Central bazaar in my city and everybody was acting like it’s no curfew. Even the police officers got tired beating people around.
Damn so that stuff is genetic
The constant whipping people with sticks schtick seems unusual until you think 'how does one herd millions of indians?'
Good. They can get the fuck out of Inia then can't they? If they stayed too long and can't leave they should be killed for being parasites
Also I’m just having some naan and chicken kebab I bought from the bazaar, thankfully I think eating after I hear it in the microwave it might just cause cholera and jaundice and not Corona
I hope your military starts shooting your people out of rage because they can't follow a simple fucking curfew. Make sure Modi goes fucking nuts on the muslims too. Give me a happening India.
Ask your dad if they have Animal Crossing DLC planned out.
>Even the police officers got tired beating people around.
why even live when you get tired of what makes you happy?
Oh no! A poo d'état!
you have literal trannies and faggots in your military you shouldn’t be mocking anyone
Modi is a leftist cuck you faggot
it’s the congress and its media that peddles the le evil fascist Modi propaganda
Modi has wasted more government money on muslim welfare than communsits or congress party kek
Police should start shooting people, learn from America
If you deliberately crowd places and disobey curfew orders, you should be seen as a bio terrorist and treated accordingly
Modi is an extremely weak PM for being a supposed right winger.. let’s leftists and communists peddle fake news and fake “remedies” on their channels, allows communist terrorist Kejriwal to gather up 4 lakh laborers and drop them outside Delhi all at once
Allows Muslims to kill, rape, loot and burn Delhi and India for 3 months and doesn’t retaliate. Absolute cuck of a PM
He was elected to bring change and to uproot communists and muslim hordes.. he is now advocating to be tolerant towards these scums
60% of India is inbred and retarded.. military rule and genocide would be an improvement.. maybe the people will value knowledge and unity and work towards a common goal instead of just leeching off of the middle class and big cities
And expecting government to give them everything for free
India was never meant to be socialist, and the word was inserted during emergency.. socialism and communism kills
It’s just a cucked, far left liberal, 2smart4u communist shithole at this point with no goals or ambitions for the country other than just bringing in more muslims from around the world and putting them all on welfare
They should be shot, it automatically culls the low iq herd from the rest
chinky stinky
God(s) save the streetshitters.
Fake and gay
Fake news, no such thing is planned. The lockdown is going well in my area, supplies haven't run out and people are largely staying in their homes.
Based and Redpilled
wow seething poojeet reveals himself. filthy poo nigger leave my country u shit fag
Is he wrong?
idk nigga, my Indian friend sent me that
Its a tossup between the rona and the rivers of human feces
I doubt it, but it would be nice. I am super comfy in my temple, we have a vast stockpile of supplies which will last months
The Poo Dictatorship rises!
I fear a shitstorm coming!
Its just another stupid whatsapp forward probably. My god the amount of fake ass forwards I have received over last 4 days is mind numbing. I really hope lockdown is lifted coz else our stupidity will drive us insane.
It's happening in Karnataka
southern muzzi s and christian missionaries are the only one fucking their cousin
Si much crying for a cucking flu
What do you think this is? Its completely a political crisis.
Doesn’t mean the rest of the country isn’t inbred and low iq and the number of muzzies and xtians is rising while Hindus are fading from the country
sure.. himalayan monkey you’d know what’s happening in Karnataka
It’s relatively stable compared to shitholes like Delhi or Bihar
I wonder if a hill monkey like you even knows where Karnataka is
butthurt tranny gets “offended” when he’s called out
breathe in and dilate fat tranny fag
>my country
america maybe be a shithole filled with faggots but that doesn’t make it your country.. it’s a stolen land and I pay my taxes.. probably more than inbred trannies like you leeching off the military or the govt
okay nigger kike mutt
seethe harder security guard.. you should worry about shitty communist hill station of a country
Hope so.. hope lots of muslims get corona and die off
poo in loo, nigjeet
drive the taxi carefully in Jew York
True if big.... Wait it's India, nobody gives a fuck
Just accept the fact that constitution of India is nothing more than a continuation of the British slave constitution
You have been duped and you have been taken over by communists and left liberal gangs that leeches off of your tax money and gives you nothing in return while you are kept busy with gandhi worship and retarded nationalism
if you respect and follow the slave constitution copied from British (that still has laws from the 1800s lol), you aren’t a nationalist or partiot or whatever.. you are still a loyal British colonial slave because you are essentially being ruled by the same British laws and system.
No point in being defensive about it
>nepali nigger can’t think beyond driving taxis or becoming a security guard of some toilet in India
aah the good ol nepali dream..
Yet you commented
Have you ever seen Baazigar OP? I know it's not Nepali at all.
Did you buy guns pajeet
Why are people losing lol in situations like that?
That lol really gives the source material credibility.
>largely staying in their homes
Until they need a poo.
Then, out they go
>project his job
I hope you don't get shot by niggers while in your duty at 7/11
I have actually.
They have only just started to go to their state onlinekhabar.com
way to change the topic
that does mean rest of the country isn't inbred
>In Indian Hindu culture, the term gotra (Sanskrit: गोत्र) is commonly considered to be equivalent to clan. It broadly refers to people who are descendants in an unbroken male line from a common male ancestor or patriline. Generally the gotra forms an exogamous unit, with the marriage within the same gotra being prohibited by custom, being regarded as incest.[1]
Where? I'm in waste bengal and no such thing is gonna happen tomorrow.
Nice. I have 4 Nepali bros and they were explaining entertainment crossover. A lot about consuming Hindi or Indian media rather than Nepali stuff. They got me to watch Baazigar and learn the first verse of the song kek.
India will forever be stuck in limbo until the Muslims overcome us from within through sheer manpower
I don't care anymore, I'm not gonna get mad about something beyond my control.
haha that's awesome!
Nepali entertainment "industry" is stupid and retarded. Indian media are way far ahead in terms of maturity and technology. They told you the truth.
That's literal fake news.
you will hear it in news tomorrow