Capitalism is a meme religion

>B-but real capitalism has never been tried!

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The top percent are historically the least hurt by economic crashes.

They primarily hurt (kill) the lowest rung of the economy

Imagine believing the US is a pure capitalist society instead of a bastardized crony capitalist oligarchy.

>muh pure capitalism that has never existed anywhere, ever, and cannot exist

We haven’t had capitalism since 1913

>crony capitalist oligarchy.
This is what capitalism is. You cant take the underlying foundation of capitalism and have it not turn into this over time.
Anything else is just liberal mysticism insisting impossibilities are possible.

Real capitalism has been tried before the 60's but jews cancelled it. It also was working well.

"But it wasn't true capitalism."

Unironically neck yourselves.

>for the top percent
What the fuck. This is hurting people at the bottom too. These people are fucking delusional and still live with their parents. There's no way an independent adult should come to the conclusion that the economic shutdown is good for them.

Literally all free-marketeers now

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it can but it hasn't
wrong, that is the result of government intervention
you first retard

first capitalism=human rights= love of bourgeois

second capitalism cannot be destroyed because it commodities any doctrine, capitalism included.

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No one said we have to value fiat currency. Capitalism is a decent ideology it's just being done all wrong. If we traded in gold and silver instead of magic fairy dust that has no value and can be printed out of thin air while central banks can steal it with taxes and inflation maybe then we would have a true free market democracy instead of this sham democracy.

>this passes as a good comeback in shartland

>it can but it hasn't
No, it can't. Monopolies will always form and people with capital will always try to fuck everyone else over if it means making more profit.

>twatter posting a literal who tranny and her strawman
Why is this board so fucking gay now

it's more about people not understanding them being "free" right now is killing people. nothing to do with capitalism nigger.
and fuck all of you.

Without private property life has no meaning and there's no reason to work or even try.

This is a meme. Makes no difference when we use fiat or gold standard. We had all the same problems before.

In almost every communist society millions have died from starvation.

I agree. Capitalism is bad.

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You can, its just unlikely given human nature. A good head chopping spree is needed every couple hundred years to remind the ruling class they need to do a good job.

>that is the result of government intervention
Under capitalism the government is a tool of the capitalists. What the government does is at the behest of the capitalists. Government intervention IS CAPITALIST INTERVENTION.

>Makes no difference when we use fiat or gold standard
>Makes no difference when we use fiat or gold standard
>Makes no difference when we use fiat or gold standard
>Makes no difference when we use fiat or gold standard
>Federal Reserve makes no difference

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Getting money from the government isn't a free market value friend. Im a socialist a cunt as they come but argue the point the other side makes, not what you fantasize they do.

plenty of people groups had meaningful lives without private property, it's just a different way of life

Learn to read, idiot.

>couple hundred years
Maybe every 50 years. Good luck doing this reliably and on time with the people in charge of government being opposed to it however.

Any system that requires effort to maintain will inevitably fall apart one day.

>Any system that requires effort to maintain will inevitably fall apart one day.

Socialism requires generational effort so as to not simply entrench a new ruling class. People mock Trotsky, but there is something to be said about constant revolution. Make it intermittent.

>just be a slave

At least he’s not nigger brained like you. That woman who made the post has no understanding of what the word capitalist means. And neither do you.

Pure capitalism would be just as bad as pure communism. Abstract systems only work well under a narrowly defined set of conditions.

why is it always some faggot trany rainbow retard posting opinions. like i care about opinions of some degenerate cunt

>Pure capitalism
Just call it AnCap cause its the logical conclusion.

>Socialism requires effort
Yes, which is why socialism is also temporary
The important thing is to fall forward, not backwards.

Capitalism isn't an abstract system you dumb fuck, it's a nebulous label for free trade

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>b-buh muh true commienism!
>b-buh muh pure free market capitalism!
same shit faggot. whatever bullshit theoretical non-sense you have in your head is irrelevant. the application of those ideas leads to what you see in your muttland country an across the globe.

Capitalism is literally Darwinism in economy, saying stupid centrist shit like "pure is bad" makes no sense in this case.
Capitalism is not abstract, I think you should read what capitalism is before making those big mouth statements dude

>capitalism 1970 up
>yea we did kinda introduce social spendings that cover majority of our annual budget and there is now thing called affirmative action aswell as price regulations. also capital is completely artificial thing now but its totally still capitalism

>People mock Trotsky
Because Trotsky was a turbo Zionist who veiwed communism as a larp, a tool to achieve his goal of a international golem people ruled by a small jewish elite and people who believe in anything of actual ideology as useful idiots. Western retards have no idea who Trotsky was despite him outlining absolutely everything semi-publicaly.

Yes, the alternatives are worse
now leave

>Government intervention IS CAPITALIST INTERVENTION

The government acting with the mandate of the people is the biggest threat to corporations, its why they spend so much money subverting the system.

One of the most important jobs a government has is trust busting. Failing that, it should takeover business vital to the people.

What do you do for work? Why is it that everyone bitching about being poor and oppressed is always unemployed?

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If only there was a better way......

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>there is no middle ground between usury based service economy and full blown communism
Hans, please

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nope. we didnt have situation that ethnicity controlling banks is completely above the law back when they couldnt just infinitely add or remove value

Niggers in chimplandia who never progressed beyond the stone age are nothing to emulate.

No private property means no incentive to work, no inheritance to get and leave means slavery. Fuck off.

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I hate these goddamn useless motherfuckers does she have any idea how many fucking people are laid off right now? Not everybody can sit inside all day sucking off daddy’s money and blogging about “seven ways to make your vagina smell like Avengers Infinity War” Goddamn commie cunts are all the same, only care about the working class in theory but when it comes down to it doesn’t understand that people need to work for a living

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what we already have is pure capitalism.
All the things liberals trying to claim we dont have made up are fancy criteria which are designed to be impossible so they always have an excuse. The idea of 'mixed economies' for example, is nonsense, if there is a capitalist class you have capitalism.

But the liberal economists redefined everything to obfuscate what socialism actually is, because they want to make what capitalism actually is, the fundamental nature of it, the basis of all thought. They want people to be unable to imagine nothing else existing. So they name different variations of capitalism this thing or that.

If you have the structure of capitalism, you will get a progression of stages through it. Each and every one of these stages is capitalism. The particular features are merely the fundamental structure of capitalism adapting to its conditions and environment, it is capitalism expressed through the present.

Ivan, please
State capitalism is still capitalism
also the "woman" in the screenshot clearly was advocating for communist garbage

>Capitalism is a meme religion

Capitalism was and is literally the default. It didn't even used to have a name before 'communism' (the original meme religion) became a thing. The term 'capitalism' was invented to describe the global system that was in place when 'communism' was thought up by Marx and the like..

I always wonder what the alternative is that these memesters on Twitter and Reddit long for, and how they envision it.

wew lad, the Russian and the Brit telling the German we fucked up and want National Socialism. We live in strange times, Aryan comrade. One could almost say 'Hard Times'.

The best part of this epidemic is watching the psychopaths come out of the woodwork.
I can't imagine how empty my life would have been if i didn't love and was loved by my parents whom I'm protecting by not arguing for spreading a deadly disease that would kill them.
Go back to you know where and stay there you absolute conformist sub-human.

Communism will never reach its intended goal. A body that large and overbearing on the worker's daily life will not simply fade away. It will crumble, not fade as we have seen. Socialism with well respected representatives that will suffer the full consequences of betraying the will of those they represent is the only way. No hereditary idiots. No Soviet esque system where its foggy who actually has the power and nobody of actual importance ever suffers the consequences of their actions.

Imagine falling for the jewish false dichotomy.

Im referring to his notion of a constant revolution. I don't care about his other views since they are irrelevant to the point.

I hate to mention this but a pure capitalist system has never been tried in order to have it you would need to have 3 things
1. No tax's
2. Government Can not interfere with corporations with the exception of protecting the customers
3. Government in no way to legislate other competitors out.
If those 3 things happened we would be in a true capitalist system. Government is the issue in the first place.

It's not capitalism. That's communist strawmanning. Communist or not, she's absolutely right. A lot of white people have the right idea regarding aspects of socialism, after all, it's a philosophy and ideal that only white people generally desire. Non-whites will consistently vote neo-liberals.

It's not a Jewish dichotomy. It's an inherently white argument. They recognise that capitalism is bad, but they aren't allowed to seek out the proper solution. Only Marxist controlled oppositional thought is allowed. Any kind of collectivistic mentality is a healthy approach in the proper direction, and this is something Jewish power deeply fears and tries to veer people away from or at least control through subversion.

It's just a disingenious as everything else he spouted. "Best way to combat your opposition is to become your opposition". To translate actual meaning of "constant revolution" to simpletons.

The socialism the global elite (international capitalists) want is one where white people are the bourgeoisie, and non-whites are collectively the proletariat. The socialism they want will make every white person, with the exception of a few upper-class whites and rich whites, poorer. They already instill affirmative action, and now they want reparations from whites.

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pic is kek
>1. No tax's
The Government will just have to open up a little cobblers shop to pay their salary

>We need to raise productivity so less people have to work for the same outcome. Which accumulates in saved money for the stock market parasites.
>We need to cut wages to spare money and give said money to stock markets parasites.

>Why is everyone poor and unemployed

You realy thought this would gone different this time? Not like the last 10k years full of wars and revolutions.


Pro tip
Noone is starving to death for a worthless system voluntary.

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>Capitalism was and is literally the default.
Capitalism has only been around a few hundred years.
You are a liberal, your liberalmindedness has infected your judgement, you believe in falsities and illusions. Not only do you believe in falsities and illusions, but your very method of apprehension is flawed, it is twisted by liberal idealism. Your history is false, your thoughts are false.

It must in time because states only exist because they are beneficial for the time being. Once, before we needed them, they did not exist. The communist knows communism is hundreds if not thousands of years away. Stable statelessness can only exist in the complete absense of production-multiplying technology or with complete mastery of industry and technology so that each individual group of people enjoys full self sufficiency at the highest possible standard with no gains to be had from a larger state structure.
This is simply an inevitable end to the progression of the relation of production. The projection of it is not based on any specific known thing now, but based on the direction and trend of the progression of the relation of production thus far. It has a natural tendency to steer itself towards that final state, it is human nature to head towards it as history shows from the progress we have thus far made. The same forces at work will one day inevitably lead to communism.

>Monopolies will always form

Most monopolies (if there really is such a thing, economists tend to disagree on that) are formed because laws make it possible. Patent law is an example. People universally seem to think that if company A is the only one producing product X, that that means they can jack up prices.. In a true free market however, such a situation would almost always lead to companies B, C and D getting into the production of X as well, because there is room in the market to produce X at a significantly lower price than A is asking..

The reason this doesn't happen is usually that there are barriers to entry, which are usually the result of government intervention. Things like patents, product standards & regulations (often well intended measures to protect the consumer, notorious for being taken advantage of by big corporations that can comply with the strictest & most complicated standards and regulations, thus pushing smaller competitors out and raising barriers to entry)..

>people with capital will always try to fuck everyone else over if it means making more profit.

Fucking everyone over typically is not good for profit margins, unless some kind of (often governmental) help actively fucking everyone over. If you were to fuck over everyone in a free market, people would likely stop buying what you are selling.. There really aren't that many products that people cannot do without, or that have no substitutes.

Because the global elite have not been working day and night to eradicate white people and replace their populations with african savages.
You fucking spaz.

>what we already have is pure capitalism.
How can it be pure capitalism if there is a lot of government programs, a lot of regulations that only allow a few competitors and a high amount of tax's.
>The idea of 'mixed economies' for example, is nonsense, if there is a capitalist class you have capitalism.
Not if you have elements of socialism and programs. Because where else would someone else's labor go to with tax's. You need to fund the programs somehow.

None of these political systems will ever work because people attracted to these positions of power are sociopaths, we need ai's to guide us

Why is it always ugly trannies and Jews attacking the foundation of western nations? Ohhh I know...

>Capitalism was and is literally the default. It didn't even used to have a name before 'communism' (the original meme religion) became a thing.
Incorrect, capitalism was not the default. There were very strict anti-usury laws in Europe before capitalism. Capitalism is a society run by the banking class.

>if there is a capitalist class you have capitalism

As usual, the commie ruins everything. There will always be a hierarchy. Always. It's built-in to the human condition. When you set the bar to such an extreme where your hypothetical theory is claiming that need to erode concrete irremovable aspects of the human condition, you're a moron setting yourself up for failure and repetition of past failures. Political theory and ideals must adapt to the human condition. Marxism doesn't.

Capitalism will always lead to neo-liberalism, and Marxism will always end up as Stalinism. They are currently 48 market liberal states, all following the neo-liberal direction. Ironically, there have been 48 different Marxist/socialist states, which all ended up as various forms of Stalinism. Capitalists and Marxists make the same damn argument that the current molds don't fit their perfect vision. These visions reject the human condition and as such are not fit for human consumption or thought.

Only the National Socialist doesn't reject their applied idealism, because we're not cowards, and we're not following hypothetical theory. We seek primal truth and as such, create the best possible society within man's current conditions.

You could use tariffs just like in the old days through trade to do it. It's how America managed to fund it's country for a time without having to do income tax, internet tax, sales tax, irs tax etc.

But real capitalism has never been tried.

Capitalism is fine most people just suck with money

They want to create order out of chaos. They want the people to be so divided that they would never be able to rebel. They also want third-world savages in the industrialized West in order to maximize on profit, since the more people there are doing a type of labor, the lower the price of that labor becomes, even though the laborers have the same level of productiveness.

One fun side-effect of Corona-Chan is lots of people are reeeee-ing over companies getting help to stay afloat despite having paid out huge profits every year for the last x years putting nothing aside for meager years.

>How can it be pure capitalism
Because there is a capital class, and where there is a capital class, there will be the accumulation of wealth and the wielding of that wealth to influence government, that government then will be used to act in the self interest of capital.
Those very regulations you speak of, which make it easier for the already established companies and harder for upstarts to compete, are there because those same capitalists wrote them.

>elements of socialism
Socialism is when the workers own the means of production. Thats what it means, it means only that. There can be different kinds of socialism - in the sense that those workers who own the means of production could organize and conduct themselves in various ways and interact with other such workers in various ways, but ownership of the means of production by the worker is what socialism means, that's it strict definition. Anything else is liberal obfuscation.
Welfare is a thing capitalism does to keep people form revolting, by ensuring peoples lives are just tolerable enough that they would rather not risk them to improve their situation.

The original was communism. Everyone got food as needed but only if they were useful. Now that invented fire.

But that's exactly what capitalism is

>You could use tariffs
tariffs are a form of tax

>Capitalism has only been around a few hundred years.

Yes. Before capitalism (or free enterprise systems), feudalism was the norm. I should have specified that I meant post-Enlightenment.

>There were very strict anti-usury laws in Europe before capitalism

There was also a feudal system that was run by an Aristocracy consisting of nobility & clergy.. I'm inclined to think we're better off currently.

>Because there is a capital class, and where there is a capital class, there will be the accumulation of wealth and the wielding of that wealth to influence government, that government then will be used to act in the self interest of capital.
even communism does that just removes the money and accumulates resources itself

Yeah basically this

Women are useless

>he thinks capitalism is about working hard
What's it like being retarded?

>Those very regulations you speak of, which make it easier for the already established companies and harder for upstarts to compete, are there because those same capitalists wrote them.
well yes, its richest jews who created communism to have more controll over people and pay them less money (by recovering most of it through taxeS)

>There will always be a hierarchy
This has absolutely nothing to do with what i said and implying it does is intentional liberal misdirection.

There will always be social hierarchies, this does not mean there will or has always been production hierarchies. We know there have not as ancient man, man for the vast majority of human existence, did not have them.
By attempting to misrepresent class as some abstract 'heiarchy' and not a real, physical, position within the production method of society, something that can be absolutely quantified, listed, and pointed to, with no subjective measure, you attempt to move the truth of the world into your liberal realm of idealism, where you can hand wave everything away as relative ideas and compare physical chains in their 'essence' to simple things like social structure.

I'd call that tribalism to not get it confused with the modern-day definition of communism.. Though I suppose we could stick with communism and change the name of the modern system into something catchy.

How about Gulagism?

capitalism means most people have to sit at home for a few months instead of starving in the streets

You are not wrong maybe a low amount of tax at a base then. But it's not passed onto the customer.

Yes keep bumping the tranny communist thread good job you bunch of fucking retards

>Socialism is when the workers own the means of production. Thats what it means, it means only that

inb4 some Yank comes along to claim that social democracy is actually socialism.

Tariffs are always passed on to the consumer.

did you mean real communism never been tried
>snownigger, go back fishing since your tourism income tanked for this year

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It's not capitalism when the government tell people they can't go to work.

What is happening is basically the opposite of what this Jewish twat is trying to say.

>Yes. Before capitalism (or free enterprise systems), feudalism was the norm. I should have specified that I meant post-Enlightenment.
Very good. And feudalism itself was adopted only after the slave system fell.
Each of these are what we call relations of production, socialism is the next one.

Communism cant do that, it has no mechanism. Socialism can, because it still has the problems inherent in having a state. States existing cause problems. The issue is they make things better more than they make things worse, and so people are going to keep forming them until that is no longer the case, which it wont be for a very long time.

The potential for corruption will always exist, but each system progressively makes life better for the people under it. peoples lives are better in capitalism than they were under feudalism, but there were good things about a serfs life in feudalism, assurances and protections he would not have had with out a state.

Sorry but communism is protectionism for the 1% more than capitalism.

In ever single communist regime a single leader has siphoned billions from the people worse than capitalism.

Both are bad systems and people should rely on either government g or supermarkets for food. This is the real problem

>Socialism is when the workers own the means of production. Thats what it means, it means only that.

WRONG! This is a Marxist lie. Socialism pre-dates Marxist. Socialism is a purely white and very patriotic but meritocratic demand of the working class within the industrial world to have stronger control of the means of production, and a larger piece of the pie within the various Empires. Workers claiming means of production is never quantified, nor explained how this takes place. It was simply a concept developed by white Europeans in the late 18th's and early 19th century. Marxism takes this concept and attempts its own interpretation and expands upon it. You don't get to hijack a concept and mold it to your own will. Socialism is not the Marxist definition. It is its own definition and concept.

The socialisation of the masses and of industry can be interpreted and enforced in a myriad of ways. The only reason you fuckers make this impossible demand is so that you exclusively get to determine what socialism is and hows its attained. You are NOT the arbiters of working class will. You are NOT the only ones capable of dictating such a design.

Fuck you for continuing this dumb argument a century after it was on-going. Ironic that the communist who desires to end hierarchy itself claims that he and his hierarchy of philosophy are the only ones able to enforce an old concept that they hijacked. Deep within your own worldview is the egg of Stalinism, claiming the sole right to arbitration andthe inevitably tyranny you will create to try and achieve with as you inevitably compromise like every other Marxists who ever took power.

Such hypocrites.

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Capitalism 2020: get back to fucking work you motherfucking commies. Nobody is shutting anything down.