Gay white nationalist general

Discuss what white gays can do to help white people and secure whites future. We're a dead end in reproduction so we'll never contribute quite as much. But

You have no dependants, take riskier jobs.
You have spare income and spare time, help white families on your street.
You have double insulation against political criticism, air more extreme opinions publically.

inb4 killyourself

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Gays aren't a problem IMO. Just don't be a massive fuckin POOF. Adopt some white kids

Kill yourself faggot

Go Minecraft yourselves

GWNG thread on my/pol/ never...GET OUT

Imagine being upset because a person who shares your ideaology enjoys a bit of cock now and then.

im not white but im gay and i would like to say that arab men are hotter than white men

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Have you tried being normal? That's the battle you should be fighting before assuming you have any value as a person.

All this shit started with the faggots. You are ground zero for civilizational collapse.

If you actually shared my ideology, you wouldn’t be sucking cock

pretty sure it was women tbf

idk the name of this model but hes hot af

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Y r u gay?

Easy, stop being a faggot

There is no gay gene therefore gay is a choice

theres a gene for everything retard

>stop being a faggot
>gay is a choice
free premium

So dumb. I'm not gay but I imagine that the increase in gay people is probably due to female hormones being put in food/water ect. It doesn't stop someone believing in a specific ideaology. The reasons gays tend to gravitate to socialism and other stupid shit is because they're accepting of gays, thus drawing them to the ideaology.

Gays don't feel welcome in right-wing circles because they're not wanted. Again, pushing them towards the left.

allowance of unethical behavior may help in the short term but ultimately cannot be allowed because homosexuality is directly opposed to one of the pillars of a healthy homogeneous society (reproduction)

absolutism, tradition, standards, and purity are safeguards against attempts to muddy the water of ethics

you and those gays are dumb
you're white, stop asking what white nationalism should do for you.

Gay traitor GET OUT...white gays for white men only

What does that even mean?

>Adopt some white kids
Hell no, we don’t need more faggots.
OP, you must repent of your sins and become celibate, it’s the only way you’ll be accepted. If you continue to “be gay” then you can kys pronto.

Why do I get the feeling this was posted by a 400 lb neckbeard covered in cheeto dust?

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Op is alright.

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what's the point of being both if you can't grow the white race and hate god?

>groom the white children
sick fucks

>there is no quadriplegic gene therefore having a broken neck is a choice
Don't make bad arguments to feed the fags.
No there isn't retard. Fags are men whose sexual development was warped during a critical phase just before puberty. Usually this is caused by being molested, but other problems can cause it as well like having no male role model and seeing queer propaganda.

Find liberal "straight" men and convince them that they are homophobic if they resist your advances. Then give them aids before they can reproduce. Now start packin fudge hero

I don't give a shit, not interested in cocking around with ethics and tolerance. Just what whites should be doing for other whites.

You can go undercover amongst the fags and out their degeneracy


Just because there's a contributing factor in nurture doesn't mean theres not a gene for it. Retard, imagine having a passing interest ain race and knowing that little about genes.

That a white gay shouldn't be concerned with acceptance from right wing movements.

i have no problem with this fuck anyone you want into the ass just do not propagate it as something awesome

because I owe it my life and because I can water it,

>Just because there's a contributing factor in nurture doesn't mean theres not a gene for it
Nobody said that you braindead nigger. The fact that there is no gene for it means there is no gene for it. Hundreds of studies have been done, there is no common gene among faggots. This should be obvious, since if there was a gene then twins would be more likely to both be faggots if one is, but that is not the case. You are a retard.

Fix you t levels and quit being a filthy faggot.



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>Makes a thread begging for acceptance from white nationalists
>That a white gay shouldn't be concerned with acceptance from right wing movements.

You're either LARPing or a discord tranny

Masculine gay or sissy gay? No one has any problems with the former.

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Why the fuck are you trusting massive genetic studies in politically controversial issues in the current year? I could show you plenty that deny common genes within race if you like.

aim toward the back of the skull, if you just aim up you'll blow your face off but might live.

If you ensist on guzzling cocks , which i would recommend giving up since its a decision that you made some point in your life and you can always take back something you decided, one gay could at least talk some sense to other faggots which he would see behave like niggers and pedos , explain to them the importance of ethics, optics and that just because you are gay doesnt mean you dont have to live by society's rule , which many of you believe.

>omg y u trust genes!11?
What a fucking stupid nigger
>I could show you plenty that deny common genes within race if you like.
No you can't. You can show studies that claim there is more variation within races than between races. That is not the same as denying common genes. There are tons of common genes among each race, and we have a bunch of them specifically identified. What is the gay gene? Rather than spouting idiotic leftist nonsense, if your claim was correct all you would have to do is tell us the gene.

Why are you projecting on me?

Shut the fuck up leaf, it was just announced by researches the other day that their is definitively no gay gene in animals. Breaking your neck is a choice if you jump into shallow pool headfirst you faggot

Either kill yourself or switch sides, you're not wanted. If you think I'm just being edgy, I dare you to go join whatever fascist groups are in your faggot country and see what they say about your perversion

Study concludes there is no gay gene

>Shut the fuck up leaf, it was just announced by researches the other day that their is definitively no gay gene in animals
We have known for 20 years that there is no gay gene. Learn to read you worthless faggot.

Being gay is a choice that’s why Faggot queers Groom children to turn them into pole smokers

Spread the gift amongst non-whites of course. Get as viral load as you can and go at it. 50 guys in one night, all like you faggots love it
Or start a small company and hire /our/ guys.

>children choose to get molested
Maybe you did, but most don't.


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Why do you expect a gay gene? When you know racial genes are clusters of commonalities and not a singular gene?

Those gay gene studies are presented in the exact same way as ones that deny race are, a headline declaring there isn't a gay gene, and in the text, the gay common genes that predict it.

I don't approve of your faggotronics, but as long as you keep it away from my kids I don't really care either. I'm pretty good friends with my boomer dyke neighbor, no reason I couldn't be friends with a butt-pirate neighbor too.

With no gay gene it proves sexuality is not predetermined.

Sexuality is a choice.

I used to like skinny girls, I realized that they were more difficult to obtain and keep so I made a choice to like chubby girls. I made a choice to make my life easier. I could of chosen to fuck men’s assholes instead but that’s fucking gay.

Only degenerate liberals has made being gays and politic a goddamm thing . Sexuality has NOTHING to do with your political preferences it’s so dumb.

> I like sucking so I must be a faggot socialist.

REMEMBER that’s socialism that promotes homosexuality to make them politically and socially more «acceptable». Before all this shit being gay was not a thing and was either ok or not. POLITICS is the number one criminal. Before no one gave a flyng fuck about all that.

So YES gays can be nationalist but that sentence «gays can be nationalist»
doesn’t mean anything at all. It’s like sayin « Yes Dogs can hunt» : of course they can because they are animal with primal survival instinct !

So if you are a man hell yes you are nationalist or you can be one.

>white gays for white men only
nigga im not into white men
i love arab and indian men


Being gay and being a faggot are two totally different things. Still be a strong, masculine man. Be a good representation of what strong men should aim to be. Be a Hadrian

Leaf what the fuck is wrong with you? I said adult men groom children I am placing the blame squarely on the faggots not the children you retarded faggot

can we appreciate this hot man

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>Why do you expect a gay gene?
I don't, you claimed there is one. I know there is not, so I do not expect it.
>When you know racial genes are clusters of commonalities and not a singular gene?
Which gives us MANY specific genes, not NONE as is the case with your faggot fantasy.
>Those gay gene studies are presented in the exact same way as ones that deny race are
They are not. Again, there are ZERO genes in common across faggots. Your claim is that there are MANY. There is not a single gene that every homo has in common that isn't also common to every human.
>kids choose to get raped and become gay
>I don't blame kids!1111
Kill yourself pedo faggot.

No it’s a choice to fuck assholes, eat cum and ass and suck dicks. That’s a choice that faggots make. They don’t have to, they choose to do those things because they are sick and have been perverted by groomer faggots

Every gay has been groomed by a perverted faggot. It’s a disease. In Iran they hung all faggots and now have 0 homosexuality. Without groomers faggotry cannot exist

>it’s a choice to fuck assholes, eat cum and ass and suck dicks
lol it's not a choice. women are disgusting

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>Allowing the female part of your faggot brain to make you find unfamiliar men attractive.

I want every single christcuck dead, how fucking dare you claim there's anything greater than the Aryan race you crypto-kike pieces of shit

okay but hes hot

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If being gay is a choice why heterosexuality isn’t ?

Stop trying to groom people you faggot looking at men is fine but having sexual thoughts about them is disgusting

based. real love only exists between two males. kill all trannies and reject all women.

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Because the Heterosexuality has a purpose, procreation. Making human children. We have sexual desire to ensure that we do this activity even though it is actually contrary to health.

heterosexuality is a choice fren.


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>having sexual thoughts about them is disgusting
lol ok

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All sex is risk. Health wise it is much safer to have no sex at all. Humans have a sex drive to ensure we procreate our species. Homosexual sex is multitudes more risky then straight sex with bleeding prolapsed assholes filled with shit and blood and cum

>mfw no cute twink bf to play with

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It's not a choice, though. Pretty sure it's evolutions way to slow reproduction in species that are overpopulated. There are genetic traits specific homosexuals.

t. Straight, white, right-winger that just isn't retarded


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>Your claim is that there are MANY.
Yeah like the studies claim, you read the studies right?

>the studies claim!111
>no I can't show you a single study that makes that claim you just have to trust me goy!

Evolution isn't a benevolent spirit. Sometimes it produces defects that must be destroyed.

Omar al-Borkan, he's Iraqi

Your desire to have children is not necessarily connected with the fact that you like eating pussy or sucking a dick. Being straight helps having children but I don’t see the link between the desire to bang a women or a man

So is this nick fuentes general? LMAO

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its not that its the cesspool of tdiseases that go with them, and cost to pay for all the meds etc

>Homosexual sex is multitudes more risky then straight sex with bleeding prolapsed assholes filled with shit and blood and cum
i only do oral sex. i just want someone to cook for me and who can sleep with me. :)

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>Enjoys some cock now and then

That sounds pretty gay

>Every gay has been groomed by a perverted faggot.
i claim bullshit, and if you really believe this meme you should do something about it instead of spewing your retardation on internet

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Tell you what, post the one you found for your claim, I'll read past the headline and find support for my claim.

>Adopt some white kids
Gays adopting kids? No.

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Your partner(s) is/are going to groom that right out of you and you’ll have a prolapsed colon in no time retard maybe even a colostomy bag

Define and follow a very rigorous set
of Dildos and Dildont's
Never sit on black or brown cock
stop using eggplant as a sex toy

>Your partner(s)
i will eventually marry 1 man and i wont have sex before marriage
>Your partner(s) is/are going to groom that right out of you and you’ll have a prolapsed colon in no time retard maybe even a colostomy bag
you sound like you're in the closet. come out faggot

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>Never sit on black or brown cock
arab men are hot though
i have found indian men to be sweeter though

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>you find a study to support my claim for me!
I accept your concession.

>suposedley heterosexual man knows everything about gay sex. in detail,
user. i think you are pic rel. most gays don't really do anal all that much, most of gay sex is cuddling
>inb4 some statistics taken solely from gays frequenting gay bars (equivalent of guys going to swingers clubs)

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