@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: WE WILL WIN THIS WAR 3/28/20
>TrumpTweet: "We will stop at nothing to protect the people of our country" 3/28/20
>Pres Trump arrives @JBAndrews 3/28/20
>Pres Trump/DefSec Esper @USNS Comfort Send Off Ceremony 3/28/20
>Pres Trump arrives @Naval Station Norfolk 3/28/20
>Pres Trump departs DC 3/28/20
>Pres Trump comments before departing JBAndrews 3/28/20
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 3/28/20
>VP Pence on WattersWorld 3/28/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on JudgeJeanine 3/28/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on JudgeJeanine 3/28/20
>Bannon on WattersWorld 3/28/20 (pt1) (pt2)
>ActNavySec Modly on F&F 3/28/20
>TrumpAd: HOPE 3/27/20
>Don Jr on DailyCaller 3/27/20

OP pastebin:

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Stop being old

t. death panel enthusiast

also let's do some analysis on why high chink populated countries are getting rekt and which are they.


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Thank you Mr. President for letting us know several months ago that this was a pandemic. We know you tried to inform the masses years ago that coronavirus was not a hoax but they wouldn't listen. All those DAMN liberals were denying the virus existed but you saved us all by being honest. You're truly a medical expert who is a natural. Thank you again Mr. President.

this is an estimated number


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How do I help the economy when stores are closed?

so what you're saying is elementary schoolers are the master race
Lolis win again
MILF status: on a ventilator

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> death panel enthusiast
> death panel
user, plz. Have you been visited or received material from the good brothers at the ODP?

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Reminder trump got cucked by Cuomo. Flyovers literally collectively backed down from one coastal state

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I assume this is partly a joke, but I think in each age group the death rate is higher than the flu equivalent. (lower than 0.2% for the flu for young people)

>estimated 35 million total cases t. CDC
>this is exact number, even though it says estimated.

This is the head epidemiologist at the UK Imperial College who caused the US & UK to destroy their economies (and developed a bit of a coof to boot for good measure). Say something nice about him.

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> MILF status: on a ventilator
Only the weak and the non white MILFs. White MILFs will just Zumba dance it away
> Palin status: not infected

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Your Trumpbux belong in Pelosi's thong, and nowhere else!

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Notice how the females all hover around and then jump in at the end when victory is won to get their participation trophy lel.


and NO ONE FUCKING CARES anymore, Happooners. you blew your tiny load already and have nothing left

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Go to stores that are open and give them patronage.

please make your bait more entertaining this is more like schizoposting than anything

While Trump can name the Covid19 just a FLU, he can't MAKE IT just a FLU.

Why am I still seeing these Trump threads? Didn't we impeach the bitch?? Are these all Russian threads now???

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What’s the ODP? Is that one of those insane clown posses I’ve heard about?

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> 250831645
this is an estimated post number

I was looking for just this.

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she's graduated to GILF status at this point which is very uncomfortable

you mean chinese wet market flu, right Changstein?

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eventually the Western world will discover (((Science))) for the Big Lie it is
it'll happen about the same time they rediscover how good Christianity is

you said you support the quarantine, but feel that is redundant.

can you trial him for disinformation and colluding with China?

the only problem is, everyone knows it's not true.

> but I think in each age group the death rate is higher than the flu equivalent.
You are not correct. For starters the flu has a confirmed infant death count of over 150 this season alone and in the US, and a much higher adolescent death count.

I've seen you arguing for the last couple of threads. What is the basis for the disgreement? What is your argument?

Checked. Here in my house we call it the “stinky chinky flu” or “the ching chong chills” or else we get the belt

this, but all the time, for everyone

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Acquitted, boomer

this shit proves that Trump's initial "it's not as bad as the flu" talk was absolutely correct. then the media pushed some bullshit study, Trump was told by "doctors" that it was 110% true, and he had to go with it. now they won't let him move away from it even though the numbers obviously aren't playing out like they were supposed to.

it was all a setup.

>when the rightist cant make an argument
Yikes from me boss

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> he doesn’t know about the Orthodox Death Party
Never gonna make it

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It’s performance art, don’t ask questions just enjoy

Yikes! Cringe! Flyover!

She’s a MILF, a GILF and a double MILF

science itself isn't bad it's just a tool
people forget that and have elevated it to religious status and that's the rub
not to mention academia has become a bunch of jewish spergs giving each other (you)s to meet their quotas and trying to outdo each other so they can appear on a fucking NOVA special
it's disgusting

>rate (a %)
>retorts with death count
Can you stop acting obtuse as well?

Do you think the word "estimated" stands for "exactly known, no margin of error at all?" No? You agree with me then.

I’m sure he knew all along, but they wanted him to put on a show so he did

as political officers, i'm counting on you.

statement is true though

its the Shanghai Shivers and ol' Cornflake said it ain't no thang.
he was right! i #RideWithBiden now!

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More so Boris Johnson because the federal executive in the US has very little to do with the individual measures ever state is taking. But in Britain Johnson was forced to change the correct strategy he was implementing due to that article

I don't get it
>liberals hate Trump
>same liberals aks Trump to have absolute control

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"Rightest" sounds based.

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Ah, so impeachment is permanent and lasts forever. Thanks, everybody. I thought that might be the case. Thats why I come to this board once in a while. I will tell everyone that he is definitely impeached and that it will stay that way even after Trump is dead.

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now let's see which race/lineage corona affects heavily based on this recent paper from nature


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>Never gonna make it
isn't that kind of the point?

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corona race affectance

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Well you could teach me something instead of being a bully, did you ever think of that?

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Seriously the tits on that bitch... yum.

> Can you stop acting obtuse as well?
user, by definition if the number of infant deaths is zero the death rate is zero. I’m talking about the United States where, up until very recently, that was the death count of Coronavirus among infants. What it is now, 1?

Replace the second ! With a , and you've got my sentiment exactly lol

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If it ain’t white it ain’t right and if it don’t rhyme it ain’t worth my time

oh no how will ODP recover

The entire US military got BTFO by the dems lmao

Why would he be forced to do anything. Just explain to the public your reasoning and keep going.

that is an estimated number

they're a totalitarian cult and want people to be programmed into believing this is a good thing. no surprises here

How many deaths in flyover states? How many deaths in New York? looks like flyovers win again!

Gun rights best rights

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More I need to coom

> instead of being a bully
That’s not how the ODP rolls user. Anyway, ODP stands for the “Orthodox Death Party”, the only party providing a solution to hunger, disease and suffering for all of mankind
> because there is no hunger, disease and suffering of everybody is dead

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holy shitall of you stop using the word 'estimate'

I estimate that my number is 420 dude lmao weed

I love how this whole situation is pointing out exactly who to discredit forever.

I mean the usa has been taking rockets to the face from Iran for the past few months and done nothing in response because they're afraid of the Iranians military. Are you really surprised america had to back down from the only people who know how to run A country?

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top kek, it is exactly two, one in chicago and one in china

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I'm done playing semantic games with people who just want to continue it endlessly. You posted this image. It has death rates, and in that image you say THOSE death rates are lower than the flu.

However, for each age group the death rates are higher than the death rates of flu for those age groups. Now, you can say "I didn't mean the rates in that image I myself posted LOL" but you know you're just dodging the issue then.
What is the diff between rio and reg Porto
I speak a bit of rio

Portubro i have a question
One of the comments s

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I’ve been thinking the same thing, except for me the “whole situation” is everything that’s happened since 2015

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> Just explain to the public your reasoning and keep going.
Hahahahah, the day that report dropped every newspaper and tabloid in Britain published something to the effect of
> Report predicts 20 million deaths if no social isolation measures are enforced in Britain
With the most rabid ones adding
> Johnson will kill us all

Impeachment has left Trump in a daily fit of seething rage.

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That’s gay, I could easily kill more than two infants if I really tried

And it was a wise decision

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that is *coughs* an *coughs* *hack* shits rounded, dawg

So is /ptg/ still saying it’s a nothingburger, or have the trumptards switched to claiming trump never said it was a nothingburger?

Nobody backed down
The Sun made it up

>New York mob boss
Sounds kinda based, I would vote for that guy

cumo really thinks hes something. thats pretty funny.

Portugal has an extradition treaty with the US. Remember that.

Nobody in America has any symptons

>The race remains a nine-point advantage for Biden over Trump when looking only at those voters extremely interested in the election (52-43 percent) and the former vice president has an eight-point edge in battleground states (48-40 percent).

>However, Biden’s advantage grows to 25 points, 57-32 percent, in close counties (where Hillary Clinton and Trump were within 10 points in 2016).

>we'll literally vote for a corpse over dealing with another three years of idiot 45

I get it.

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>we need to work on our shill talking points, can you guys please tell us what the argue about?
Lmao gay

Trump is owning libtards by trying to quarantine them and also he always took this just the perfect amount of seriously from day one. Please leave the country.

Full hysteria. How great would it be if the sniify bastard was POTUS?

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god damn i feel like i'm at a fucking bat mitzvah

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> However, for each age group the death rates are higher than the death rates of flu for those age groups.
user, that image is for illustration purposes only. I could make the real one with CDC data for the flu and chinkflu and it would have the same conclusion.
One very telling clue to that is what I said: covid killed zero infants in the US up until the last time I checked, meaning in the US its death rate is lower for that group.

its a burger made of nothing
>nothing but dead insectoids in CHYNA

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>held against the nazis
>btfo by the flu
guess brittons deserve to die.

Uh? To the best of my knowledge Portugal doesn’t extradite Portuguese citizen

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They're playing dumb and asking endless questions to avoid admitting a potential issue

It is bizarre desu
I'm not even being unreasonable, just stating it has about 1% death rate, mainly old people as well, and potentially higher if hospitals get overwhelmed. And they just... dodge the issue is the best way to put it.

>user, that image is for illustration purposes only.

He's going to wind up in a prison cell shortly after November 2020. The New York Attorney General has DOZENS of fraud and corruption lawsuits ready to file. We won't be seeing Trump again for a long, long time.

Gee what a coincidence
Trump wants to lock down NY(C) and NJ. Two states with a high concentration of unsealed indictments.

certain kinds of wops seem to think it's still 1932 and they're running guns for al capone or something, they have this confidence not based on reality