i dont give a fuck anymore
the chinks must fucking pay
this is bullshit
I dont give a fuck anymore
It's time to launch a campaign where we post dog/animal Gore committed by chinks on social media... You can't unsee those inhuman slant eyed mongoloids doing the things they do to the cute defenseless animals. Everyone would be down to fuck em up after that.
wait a second, what medical supplies?
We were told that there werent many in austria because germany blocked the export to austria.
> Have warning that a virus is coming
> Do nothing
> Blame the chinks
> found an international party called "NUKE CHINA NOW"
> be elected everywhere
> nuke china
it's just that easy
That shit really disturbs me, more than any isis or cartel shit. Not so much the gore, just the fact that they seem to enjoy torture way more than isis or narcos, and the pointlessness of torturing animals before eating them.
> have warning that virus is coming 2 months too late
of course chinks need to die. but that doesn't mean our """rulers""" shouldn't either
ok joomer
you won't do shit, fat fuck
after this, the w*st dies. Total exterminatus.
>inb4 the medical equipment is found to be faulty and even more people die because of it
Oh those silly Chinese! Those rascals!
Man, what happened to the quality strayan shitposting.
Are all the based aussies who wandered around these parts quarantined with no internet?
>COVID cases brought there grom abroad.
These fucking inhuman scumbags need to be excommunicated from the world. Any American business doing deals with them now need to be examined as traitors. See if they are shipping equipment or information on equipment. After this if you are dealing with china over america you are hanged.
>In crises era, lay your eggs in the grasshopper's brains!
>Muh doggs and cats and other vermin :(
I can't stomach that shit. I can handle most gore but animal abuse, especially chink animal abuse, is unwatchable. It's beyond evil.
All fucking chinks must fucking hang.
The deserve some kind of punishmen for infecting the world like the 3rd time (at least)
But they won't. They're untouchable. Everyone is afraid of China.
HUAC must be revived
>lay your eggs in the grasshopper's brain
>lay your eggs in the grasshopper's brain
Fake news, 2 Austrian planes went to Xiamen to get 130 tons of med supplies to us.
Faggot gook. Animals are worth 100x than any ASIATIC NIGGER
Yeah that's what I don't get it sometimes you see remorse or shock on the face or Body Of The Executioner's, but with cchinese people it's almost like they smile at the pain that's not even necessary and a waste of time in the whole process of eating food.. makes no sense but when you're 3rd world shithole maybe you need to take pleasure in things like that, especially when you're eating shit that is scientifically proven and told not to eat, maybe that's why they do it on purpose the fuck everything else around them since they're so miserable, even when they know they can get a virus
Parable of the grasshoppers and the ants.
Ants prepared all year for winter shortage
Grasshoppers do not prepare as well and rely on ants
Ants cut them off and grasshoppers die
Eggs in the grasshoppers head means they put their people, their wishes in a grasshoppers head.
They basically are saying they fleeced the foolish west to survive by having chinese citizens (ants) in the western (grasshopper) population, and brag about it openly while lamenting any resistance as racism.
very edgy and very cool
Only subhumans tolerate animal abuse. If I saw that in front of me I would burn their house at night in minecraft.
America is jewish and cucked and shit. America is my enemy not chinks.
Unironically this. The Karens of the world need to see bugmen committing the soulless violence.
Video dumps on Twitter with throw accounts would be good.
If the west dies everyone dies you fucking idiot, not right away it will be only a matter of time before you living like Mad Max
Kys Chang.
>australian chink poster
Gooks are filthy little creatures that do nothing except spread disease and the movie Starship Troopers was right we must crush them before they start throwing rocks at our planet
Basically chinks lowkey admitting they are insectoids
Asian immigrant
Ok ari sheklstienberg, you expect us to believe a Bruce is ignoring all his countrymen being stolen from and subsequently killed bc chinglish invaders are stealing medical supplies and food to talk about the state of America? Yeah I'm going to go with didnt happen.
Because everything we send you ends up immediatly on Taobao. You are being fooled
I'm whiter than you mutt, and I'll say it again - fuck vermin and the people who worship it. Dogs, cats, all of that is nothing but a meaningless moneysink, a biological robot, and ultimatively vermin. Only emotionally stunted individuals get attached to those shitty things and see them as anything but vermin. Fuck you and your "furbabies" you retarded imbecile.
do it pussy
no balls
They see all humans as insects. They view thenselves as highly structured hivemind and others as individually weak prey to be used to further the hives goals. Hence laying eggs in grasshopper heads. Insidious people not to be trusted!
ching chong ching ching chong
Chinese people stole the medical stockpiles of the non-chinese barbarian nations
Austrian is cargoing medical supplies to MACAU of all places? They have managed is super well with very few cases.
Lets not forget the sins of china include organ harvesting of political prisoners and concentration camps to relocate people in the way of CCP projects
Makes me think really hard as to why a chinese territory needs so many supplies. Why would a chinese territory, where there are ao few cases need so much. Why would china, who has almost no new cases and is done with the hard lockdowns, need so much of the supplies. I can't imagine why. Just too hard of a problem to solve.
China has many diplomats and ambassadors on twitter. Many of them are unabashed puppy torchers
You watch too many Charlie Bronson movies. I suggest you to go to your closest slaughterhouse and check how the human, fast and kind killing of your dear animals are nothing more than an absurd lie. Please, no more memes about fast killing or shit like that. I know better, and you know too. But you want to believe that your shitty self-centered morality is better than others. You think that because npc's retards don't watch how animals are treated, and they only see a processed product in the supermarket living creatures in the west are treated respectfully. You are another deluded faggot. It's ok. Everybody delude themselves in one way or another in these dark times, user.
And no, I'm not a retarded animal rights activist or a vegan. Meat is good for you. Superiority complex is not.
Lol so corporations and jews and traitorous politicians destroyed your country and sold your children's future. But I've had enough of them damn chinese diseases that make life uncomfortable!!!! Hurrr durrrrrr this heres muh line in the sand!
Wut? Why import medical supplies while exporting medical supplies to the west? Are the chinks trying what settlers did to our injuns?
It's PR. Their diplomatic staff were told to stop bragging about sourcing medical supplies from Chinese diaspora and told to showcase their "generosity"
Chinks are exporting products that are faulty.
Thank you China! It's good to have a strong nation taking the lead during such grim times!
>Me have slanty eyes and smarr peepee
>the chinks must fucking pay
Don Jr, did the COVID vaccine shot you got hurt much?
um delicia
See people with what "neighbors" we live.
And you supported Balkan Chinks......
Why is the west sending medical supplies to china? By their own admission, it is over there....Their data don't lie, they have it under control, wouldn't that shit be better used in the west? I don't get it.
>be china
>Give the world a strange disease because some guy got piss on by a bat
>Sell desperate Europeans shit products at premium prices
>Shit doesn't work
>Have dumb fucks world wide be useful for once
>Spread propaganda to dumb fucks
>Dumb fucks spread it
China #1
This is the only way especially since we as Americans put animal lives before human lives. Imagine what would happen if it got out that chinese torture pets and then said something like if they do this to our pets, what would they do to us?
We'd win the war without firing a shot!
That tweet doesn't exist. The only one i can find is one of a flight getting medical equipment IN xiamen to bring back.
Oh man our country was especially retarded
>sent 2 million masks to china
>this will improve our relations with the chinks the leadership says
>see theyre sending us equipment back
>we get 300 000 masks from the chinks
>the cunts in our parlament are bragging about how good deals
t. Matador
>"...in crisis era, lay your eggs in the grasshopper's brains!"
Can a Chinese citizen or someone familiar with idioms or neologisms in that country explain this to me ty
Here's this guy's actual tweet.
I'm no fan of china but faked tweets make me suspect of some sort of shill job. I think in general there's been a change of tactics from shills: they couldn't beat us in argument about the importance of race and white replacement. So instead they're trying to turn us onto class and economics. Lots of "landlord hate" spam and maybe china is part of that. People here don't view Chinese people as stupid and subhuman, just a dangerous rival. So focusing on them sidelines race.
>thinks the Chinese won’t stab the world in the back
wew lad
The white nations have a common enemy.
>Insidious people not to be trusted!
Literally never said that - i said they're a dangerous enemy. Doesn't change the fact this thread has a 1 post OP and two fabricated tweets.
When something like that is posted it doesn't matter if i agree with it or not, i immediately become suspicious of the intent.
You're either a jew or chinese
It's chink doing this -- to make you doubt any other chink shit.
Let's just spread the webms, that's more effective than any 'virus'
lol at seething mutts
The OP is fake but the original stories about Chinese state companies clearing out supplies from western countries was true, it doesn’t happen now (because they’ve already bought it all)
yep that doggo video will totally stop me from ordering stuff from china
Yeah but most anons itt didn't look into it at all. They just left thinking worse of chinese people.
>If the west dies everyone dies
that cope