Impressive how Swedes always find new ways to suicide themselves

Impressive how Swedes always find new ways to suicide themselves.

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nobody gives a shit about those somalis

That explains why more have died than recovered

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Sweden will be the most powerful nation in the world when this is over.

Swedes love being the center of attention as long as they portrayed as moral and good.

>n-noooo not the spooky jew hoax virus y-yoou have to hide in your house!!
based swede chads dabbing on all you stupid niggers

Swedes are great at surrendering

One of the first times that I am proud to be Swedish. We will be celebrating Midsommar 2020 with ashes of other countries all around us. You didn't ask for this, but it is the future you chose, non-Swedes.

There is such an insane trust in governmental agencies in my country, that unless you are a Swede you will never understand. The Swedish ministry of Health has given reasonable guidelines - these are not laws, and most people will follow them. Any companies that do not follow the guidelines are shamed, any people who disobey are socially ostracised.

Some disobey, of course. But this is a minority.

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No shit. Absolutely no fight in your people.
We're the pussies of the southern hemisphere and even we areny as pathetic as Sweden.

>One of the first times that I am proud to be Swedish
You even lie about the numbers.

What the Swede government is doing is actually pretty BASE!

The Native Swede who are not totally retarded will take precaution all by themselves. They will be just fine.

While the rest just continue theirs daily lives as usual.

Well I hope I'm right.

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>Some disobey, of course. But this is a minority.
You have 2 mill non-Swedes in Sweden now, and the children that are still in school, will infect their parents, that again will infect the wards and hospitals.

That the FHI are all women, makes it impossible for them to decide o anything.

Sundstrøm produce top notch respirators, but the Swedish gov have not asked them to make masks for the hospitals, that are already starting to run out.

Open borders
Open shops
Open legs


>Well I hope I'm right.
You are probably not.
The only good thing here is that Swedes will finally understand that the media and government is lying.

>The Native Swede who are not totally retarded


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It's not suicide. They're just killing off all the old boomers so they don't have to pay their pensions, plus more housing freed up for shitskins.
I mean DUH

Seems like the Swedish really are the freest country on earth.

>Germans: OMG you have to do what the government tells you!! The Government is the supreme ruler and must be followed no matter what!!
Germans are all NPCs. Fucking retards would walk off a cliff, if the government told you to do it.

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The recovery rates are incoming. They don't count it until 2 weeks after.


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105 deaths or 3% death rate of invested people.
OMG all the Swedes are going to die! The 105 is just the start!!!!


The virus is wimpy across the world. If Canada had a brain we'd continue on with regular life & just over fund the healthcare system for a year.

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Speak for yourself you limp wristed cunt.

Allt kommer att bli bra, lillebror.

Fight me cunt

This. For once Sweden is showing some balls. Their government must not have been blackmailed into this hoax

Been out on bars & shopping malls almost daily since the corona outbreak. Imagine staying in quarantine with 3000 infected in the entire country lol

I called IKEA to ask what the hell was going on. They said that they had distributed instructions on how to deal with coronavirus, but nobody could understand them.

I'm not gonna let some ugly, soulless bat eaters dictate my life

>Mudsommar 2020

What's your problem pussy? Just cause you're a cunty little arse wipe doesn't make you the poster child for our country.

>Sweden unironically using the virus to kill the new Swedes
Sweden NO!!!

Scared faggot


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Speaking of governments, over here it actually were the cuckservative capitalists and right wing populists of the opposition who constantly pushed for more restrictions and extreme reactions, while the leftist government insisted that corona is a nothing burger as long as they could before being bullied into action by rest of parliament and president.

>don't fight against immigration and the wonton hoarders of niggers that invade
>don't fight against germany in ww2
>don't fight for ur own people

And lastly
>don't fight against the plague

Why are u people such massive apathetic pussies?

>comments full of retarded cuckolds cheering their police state
truly the slaves deserve the transhumanist hell shlomo is going to force upon them.


The real reason is that the powers that may be does not give a shit about hiding their power levels in Sweden. They can blatantly treat swedes as slaves without a reaction.
This plays into their hands as they want the demographic shift to happen as soon as possible

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so is the herd immunity working or you do not even test it ?

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This is good. Most swedes are probably healthy. Their nignog refugees however...

Shut the fuck up before I come across the ditch and flog you both!

>be american
>get shot

>be bong
>get told to go home pls

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Time to die for the line

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Accidentally based.
This nothingburger is a fucking scam created by (((big pharma)))

>We will be celebrating Midsommar 2020

Cancelled, racist

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It's way more then that. In case you didn't know, your Chief epidemiologist is going for herd immunity. You're doing fewer test then everyone else compared to population and children are still going to school.
They cruise ship that got quarantined and where no one was allowed to disembark had 3600 people on board. Despite knowing that they had a few infected persons on board and that they were under quarantine, the ching chong cough still spread to 700 passengers. Out of those 700, 400 showed no symptoms despite being tested positive. They were asymptomatic. Out of those 700, 11 persons died, they were all over 70.
It's just a new cold virus. It's not dangerous as such. All the kids that are still going to school right now? As they are getting a bit of snotty nose from the 3 other coronaviruses that have been in circulation for thosands of years, they are also getting a bit of snotty nose from the new one and building immunity against it. It only kills old people that have weak immunesystems. The reason they don't die from the other coronaviruses is because their immunesystem has been exposed to them throughout their entire lives and so has the antibodies for them.

..nice of you to show up during these times hans
t. eternal noticer

Even though we don't have a lockdown I'm not allowed out of my Cuckshed into the house by my wifes bull!
This is bullshit!

We almost only test people already occupying a bed in a hospital.

>11 persons died,
>It's not dangerous as such
is it normal that people start dying off when they're going on cruises?

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>just overfund the healthcare system

You're such a dumb ass its unreal. The med supplies are limited. The staff is limited. Throwing money at a problem only solves so much

can't get raped if you stay home

don't forget the infinite bleeding asses of your bois getting bum fucked in the woods
you sure must feel superior ;^)

Now, let me tell you why the Shanghai Shivers ain't shit, just a bad cold. Because the normal flu will kill children and babies. The Ching Chong Cough never does. There are 3 world wide coronaviruses in circulation, and they have been since forever, they just give you the cold. Give the Kung Flu a few mutations and it will be just as harmless as the 3 others.Not even the flu, just a dry cough.

So I just read a danish article that refers to an italian study. The average age of 2500 dead of the coronavirus in Italy was 79,5 years old. The life expectancy in Denmark is 80 and for men it's 79. Mostly men get infected in Denmark. In Denmark they keep telling us we don't want to see italian circumstances in Denmark. We literally closed Denmark down to stop old people from dying who statistically already lived longer then the average dane. What a fucking joke.

If you have an extremely dry forrest, it's best to start the forrest fire yourself then to wait for nature to do it, because nature will only make it worse. If you have a lot of snow on a mountain, it's best to start the avalanche yourself, then wait for nature to do it.
People do both of these things, starts forrest fires and starts avalanches preemptively so you have small forrest fires and avalanches,rather then to wait for nature solving it more violently,
If you have a healthcare system that insists on keeping every single old fuck alive as long as possible at every cost. Then it's just a matter of time before nature comes in with a harmless but novel virus that kills all the old fucks. If most of these old fucks had died 2 years earlier rather then be kept alive through a government funded healthcare system, you wouldn't have such a mortality rate in Italy which have one of the oldest populations in the world.

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It works great for their government. Old people die. Old people tend to be ethnic swedes.
Only the blvk bvlls in military age remain.

>quoting wiki
>numbers aren't even close to italy

Yeah right dude. The government is lying about that shit big time. 11 people died but they couldn't come off for weeks?

Fuck off with your plague princess bullshit. Who knows what really happened there

>Allt kommer att bli bra, lillebror.

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with socialisers like that, I'll take my lockdown tyvm

>t. Agent Chang

This chinks post even has chink spelling errors

is it normal that people start dying off when they're going on cruises?
>bla bla
no it's not, numbers from Italy already shows how many people die at average and how many people die now, thus proving the deadliness of the kung flu

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>is it normal that people start dying off when they're going on cruises?

You think they didn't already?

With Eurocuk countries it doesn't surprise me - I'm sure they're eager to purge their ethnically pure parents and grandparents as they are but reminders of their problematic and pre-multicultural past.

That pic is literally what all swedish women look like: dumpy, short and dark haired.

You're more likely to find "swedish blonde women" in ireland.

well yeah, they know ahmed and jamal can't die, just her boring uncultured 80 year-old grandma

They need to make some more room so they can import more somalis

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This genuinely is a win for kalergi minded governments. Not to say they're actively willing it but i imagine there's some level of complacency because a disease which mostly kills the old will just remove troublesome nationalist minded whites and further shift demographics.

Irrelevant. Close all borders. Making the entire world population vulnerable to diseases is not worth it for a slight economic boost.
Thankfully we got a warning in the form of Corona.
Fuck globalists, fuck Sweden and fuck you.

Goverment: please dont kill yourself, we need you as a tax payer
Amerimutt: *kills himself*

Yes better isolate yourself from catching a fucking cold like a wimpy little bitch. How did that work out for the american indians when europeans gave them a handshake?

They willed be shunned by the rest of the world for as long as that virus is smoldering. No travel to and from Sweden. Since they refuse to test, that ban will be forever.

and if the economy crashes, the quicker we get a RAHOWA.
People gonna get pissed when they wont get their pensions LOL

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>let the unknown foreign lifeform invade your body bigot
>it's for the greater good
Seriously kys.

Its not too late Sven, send yer sisters over the border right now while there is still time to save them

good post, thanks

This is the final proof that Sweden is a fucked up modern experiment, it's like (((whoever))) is in charge wants to completely ruin once prosperous country and turn its people into obeying cattle