Wikileaks Insurence Files #8

Previous thread got shoa'd


Archive of 2016 threads: mega. nz/#!3khERaZJ!a-S98SUx0bPsWWqwQjmuHWZBHtQ_tHcX9kFl40sgQ_A


Attached: bigkey.png (492x492, 8.18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Damn they deleted the last thread pretty quick

Maybe consider putting a tldr qrd in the OP for people just waking up so I know what the fuck has happened so far

Attached: 14EC994C-2CB8-49F7-AE40-4EDCD2CA9150.jpg (749x743, 70.66K)

///////////////////ATTENTION ANONS////////////////////
final.bin is recognized as a sega-cd rom under caja. can anyone run this in an emulator and record results?

Attached: Screenshot at 2020-03-29 06-52-27.png (646x600, 58.87K)


Fuck sake ANONS give me MOARRRRR

Attached: 1585450227421.jpg (879x888, 112.87K)

>Shoa'd thread

>cryptic message posted on Yas Forums
>some user suspects it's the key to WL insurance docs
>autists start doing their thing
>complete chaos
>shills in damage control
>nobody knows anything
>could have been a larp from the very start



it's not even 8am wtf are you fags on about

This is still going on? Did we find out anything new in the last few hours while I was asleep?

Attached: varg.jpg (228x228, 7.46K)

From based Poojeet in previous thread
When SEGA was mentioned the shoah commenced.

>Wikileaks Insurence Files
You can't prove it. Now call me a shill

perfect tldr including larp possibility

I've been here all night i'm getting sleepy kek

what the fuck are the wikileaks insurance docs ?

41 45 53 32 35 36 7c 45 43 42 7c 50 4b 43 53 23 37 7c 42 6c 61 63 6b 3d 31 2d 3e 42 61 73 65 36 34 3a 2f 6b 33 65 4f 67 58 61 76 53 42 6f 71 32 78 46 36 67 32 75 71 46 38 56 62 2f 49 36 78 56 30 78 4f 6f 35 4f 75 6a 54 55 50 69 31 68 4d 5a 64 37 74 4d 38 53 65 61 65 4e 64 44 4e 45 4a 2f 46 67 33 32 31 4f 75 43 31 59 35 46 45 6d 38 51 67 62 7a 6f 33 48 71 63 43 6a 4b 48 78 58 55 35 6e 56 41 59 45 56 71 2b 46 67 4e 63 78 62 43 65 66 64 68 30 52 6f 4e 42 34 75 52 4f 6a 4b 4d 67 7a 2f 38 41 76 42 53 65 70 52 49 76 77 46 74 62 6e 30 6d 51 46 6c 65 38 6d 47 79 73 59 58 71 73 72 61 34 58 5a 33 4f 46 63 4e 55 75 38 66 6f 58 37 2b 63 5a 6a 6a 6f 76 79 46 66 34 57 4e 4f 48 4c 4a 2f 61 41 39 39 76 32 41 72 56 42 44 7a 5a 58 4f 4a 67 30 33 72 2b 34 37 38 35 57 2b 39 38 68 42 72 51 4a 36 4a 44 6f 71 41 4e 4c 56 6c 62 57 39 52 39 70 32 46 32 6b 38 54 2f 36 30 70 67 58 55 71 2b 36 74 63 45 39 58 73 48 68 31 4e 57 55 66 61 37 48 4a 6c 77 63 79 46 52 53 39 71 51 58 39 7a 51 38 41 4b 7a 5a 58 37 63 56 35 6e 42 33 4d 55 69 4d 2b 65 77 44 58 44 52 66 58 68 48 6c 36 31 6a 51 6a 50 55 7a 4e 73 35 61 36 45 4c 45 44 2f 36 37 65 55 5a 38 31 2b 47 71 54 4a 53 39 49 78 4a 32 31 38 74 42 70 6d 4f 2b 48 79 43 50 72 45 30 76 44 4e 45 39 70 78 54 6e 38 32 2b 7a 54 35 62 54 6d 74 51 72 2b 77 38 50 76 6a 72 7a 42 61 33 69 75 67 45 72 42 78 55 34 64 72 4e 66 2b 63 47 57 4d 4f 58 30 62 78 58 6e 56 37 6b 4d 34 38 57 4d 43 75 67 77 71 55 56 6a 57 4c 6a 63 42 51 73 57 65 39 6c 54 58 48 34 59 6e 6d 59 51 53 67 6e 68 4d 59 2b 58 46 4d 4e 6c 33 41 71 6f 4d 50 75 4e 69 52 4f 2f 71 30 75 72 5a 35 67 75 74 62 6a 37 30 7a 64 68 53 32 42 6b 4c 74 4b 36 6b 61 54 69 37 2f 54 57 4b 4b 4a 75 31 59 73 6f 58 73 30 57 36 6a 44 46 74 65 77 32 4b 35 46 59 76 47 67 43 4d 2f 52 56 6e 66 59 39 51 6f 4d 7a 34 6a 31 48 4c 6d 5a 64 4c 61 68 48 46 45 57 6a 56 37 58 70 6b 79 43 51 45 47 68 30 43 59 36 6a 52 2f 6b 7a 30 6c 71 30 76 4f 36 32 4d 76 4c 76 4b 79 38 7a 4b

From the ashes we shall rise

how new are you?

Attached: 1564101727946.png (655x1000, 933.05K)

lmao @ ur lyfe knee grow

Mod just woke up, couple other threads were deleted or moved to /bant/ also.

Fucking this so much

Sega CD would be a perfect obscure form of media to put a video on. I'm surprised they didn't use the Panasonic CD-i. Now that would have been a tough nut to crack

lurked since 2015 but my memory fucking sucks

So autists haven’t found anything yet? Still decrypting and doing autistic things? The suspense is boring me to death.

Too small, 1136 bytes. How rad would it be if it were some kind of SEGA demoscene executable that displays the info. I'm not sure we're in that timeline yet but we may get there lads.

So working through this logically:
We have from the original message
Presumably this is:
Algorithm | Cipher | Format | Key
The goal

So putting the base64 from the OP into a PKCS7 format, what does that look like?
What format should the key take?


I don't get it.

Conways game of life.

Attached: 1493265810221.jpg (452x260, 69.67K)

Can anyone give me a quick rundown?

>The suspense is boring me to death.
It's happening, anytime now. Just wait. Two more weeks...

me too some1 explain

So when my buddy was sending me this last night it was legit? Google leak?

Right before Wikileaks got shoahed they dumped a shit ton of encrypted files on the dark web and bittorrent. Gigabytes of the shit. Nobody has the key.

Key is posted in other thread. Looks like QR code. Black = 1 White = 0

Here >cryptic message posted on Yas Forums
>nobody knows anything

Most likely just someone trolling at this point.

Maybe if I die of boredom, I’ll learn the mysteries in the afterlife... decisions decisions


This number has come up before... right? 1136 is divisible by 16.

isnt that just some persons computers file type association to .bin files cause they have a sega emulator on their computer?

Think spiral

What shoa'ed the thread was the fed info about trump taking control, not the smegma cd stuff.

>Right before Wikileaks got shoahed
wtf ?
give us a quick rundown

I’m not a math whiz but put these in

Yes, but to perform a decryption operation on the base64 data, does the key need to be presented in raw binary or hex or base64?
How did one user end up with a cd image?

Y'all laughed when Julian was taken down, no dead hand switch ever came

You just gonna make this shit up every couple years for eternity?

Attached: important.png (400x400, 634)

But it's too long for a 32bit key and too short for a 64 bit one at 44 bytes, unless you pad it with 0's or something.

Although both have an = sign at the end of both of them.

Boredom is a nothingburger more people die every year of the flu

I have never installed a sega emulator.

Attached: Screenshot at 2020-03-29 07-54-23.png (1010x994, 154.57K)


>ATTACK! Wikileaks Under Massive DDOS Attack, Releases Insurance Torrents With Dead Links
>Tue Nov 8, 2016 3:38pm EST
>Check this out… Wikileaks tweeted these insurance file torrents roughly 5 hours after reporting they were under a massive DDOS attack. None of those torrent links work at present. What’s in those files??
>Update: Reports are coming from several people able to download the files. They are actually .torrent links, which when plugged into a torrent client such as uTorrent, should start downloading the actual insurance files. Screenshot of the .torrent links which were sent to me minutes ago.

Attached: wikileaks-ddos.png (1170x956, 122.23K)

Add another = for padding to make it 44 bytes?

So what's the hold up?

not a valid qr code

so is this new content or old stuff someone has dragged up?

It's pretty easy. You can just just the package manager too, should come with all the stupid libs.

I can't fine one for my os that runs sega CDs.

>tfw support for assange caught on so they push this senseless rabbithole again
i see you shareblue or whatever shill is paid for this again. know justice will come your way. you will pay.

inb4 its fucking ecco the dolphin

you did not look very hard

Ding ding ding
If you check the thread before the pruned one, i was about to reply to all of you before shoah and they threatened to ban me for gibberish. Now I’m getting sleepy....

I was going to tell you guys about why everyone is actually working together rn all over the world.

THE DUMBS. Deep Underground Military Bases.

So I really recommend going to that thread and finding my post, am phone fagging rn.

Gonna sleep, I’ll be back in a while.

If you save that to a file and then base64 decode it, you will end up with exactly 256 bits, which is the size of an AES-256-ECB key. Which makes sense since a 16x16 image has 256 pixels, and the key was constructed from the image. The problem you have is when keys contain unprintable/unpostable characters, so to make them safe for posting, base64 was invented, which encodes them into normal readable characters, which can be converted back by anyone who knows how.

Which os? Zophar has some

Umm wait?

well that was a waste of 3 seconds

checked and lol what the fuck is going on

what where the steps taken to end up with the final.bin file ?

No idea....

Kinda creepy desu

i thought that was debunked as just being some randos challenge

BUMP 4 based autists


If you run Linux, save this to a file:


Run base64 -d THE_FILE | gzip -d > decrypt.bash; chmod +x decrypt.bash

LOOK AT IT, don't be a faggot and just run shit from the internet

In the same directory download the original image as key.png and the base64 at the top of the thread (after the Base64: and including the end =) as blob.b64

If you run ./decrypt.bash it will extract the key, print it, and then decrypt the blob.b64 into final.bin. What the fuck final.bin is is anyone's guess.

As far as i remember, it was never fully solved to the masses?

It would make sense that Q is them?


Why would someone lie on the internet?

>butterfly -> mkultra sign
>small poem
anons, those words are chosen carefully, could it be a cipher?

Woah cicada is back?!?

Dude that either became Q+ team or it became Satoshi Nakamoto. Or both.

OR deep state honey pot so be careful.

Good. Same thought.

I use ubuntu 19.10. Those links don't provide functional emulators for my os.
follow the instructions in

u r welcome

Someone give me a two sentence tldr

Explain like I'm a nigger

From the ashes
We shall rise





Attached: 222.png (1366x768, 1.5M)