who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Choose only one faggot
The heckin good pupperino
the animal rights activists. homeless should be collected in vans and disappeared. it's animal cruelty for homeless to own a dog
should have gone somewhere else and been poor
>who was in the wrong here?
You, for posting this faggot-ass thread. Anyone who cares what retards on twatter say should get fitted for a rope
Depends, if the dog was happy with it's homeless owner then i don't see why they should take it
dog will most likely end up dead.
So it's not okay that a dog might miss a meal once in a while, but killing animals for food is okay?
It's a dog, it can handle the outside weather and missing some food.
People before animals...why does pol hate people
The dog doesnt have as much control over his situation as the man does
nobody has any control over anything. there is no room for idea in the gaps between matter, there is only matter, connected through space, connected through time
the homeless man, the dog deserves better not suffering alongside the hobo
whats the point of this kek, why are they taking the dog away
Just go up to the animal rights activist and ask, "So you agree with Trump ripping kids from parents of immigrants crossing the border illegally?" because what they're doing is the same thing.
Homeless people often steal dogs in order to have one for extra drug money takings. Take the dog and put the homeless down.
This was in France btw and the homeless dude got the dog back
It's not ok to kill dogs for food. People that do that should be eliminated from the planet. It's also animal abuse to own a dog when you can't provide for yourself.
Was that homeless man acting alone or is he a part of organized crime group as in a part of begging network or is he just acting solo. (Usually best crowded places for begging are "reserved" for organized beggers). If it's organized then that dog will be given meds or drugs for it to "sleep" throughout the day while the man is begging. If that beggar was solo then most likely the dog would be fine.
Also if those activists finds a place for dog to live in and with then it's fine. If they just gonna put it in shelter then its fucking pointless as it will be killed anyway.
The nigger who posted it and brought up white people. Ugly ass bitch.
Also, fuck that puppy. Who cares that much about a shitty fucking dog. God people are so cringy. Let the weird homeless man have his fuck pet. Just ignore everything and leave it alone.
maybe the homeless guy should ask help from the human rights activist
>White pe...
Black people kill each other in record numbers.
I will never understand how some people can pity animals more than humans
Latvians are usually the best posters for some reason (usually).
reminds me of a circa 2013 vid of cops roughing up a homeless man and then stealing away his dog. rip pupper. they probably cremated it later that day
why not help both the man and the dog?????
Ill never under stand peoples irrational attachment to dirty animals
The nigger who tweeted, mainly.
There should be labour camps where homeless and NEETs are rounded up and put to work. The dog can go with him to his new productive life.
dogs are rough sleepers by nature you fucking over empathatic female, when this quarantine blows over, get down your GP and get a prescription of testosterone you fucking woman
Lmao these people are the same as Yas Forums, they make everything about race.
black person just sits and criticizes while helping neither
A lot of people are malicious assholes. We created a "parallel reality" where we don't play by nature's rules anymore. Sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. Animals don't play by our rules, they're outside of the game, but we suck them into it.
So, some people develop a sympathy for these animals. Maybe because, internally, they long for that reconnection with a more natural order.
I'm not justifying it, I don't care what other people care about, but I volunteered in animal shelters and I know lots of kinds of people from those places ranging from lunatic animalists to sane and down to earth people who just love nature.
Not people in OP, though. Those do it for attention and obsessive virtual signalling.
Oh wow shit they're actually really mad about whites, the race war can't be soon enough.
>imagine caring this much about a fucking dog
>imagine caring this much about some creepy homeless man
>imagine caring this much about anything
>imagine actually doing anything and not just turning a blind eye to things that don't directly involve yourself
I hate dumb niggers like you that can barely think you just see something and react like an NPC, who the fuck are you to say the dog is suffering? You take a dog from its owner and it will suffer though, but brain dead women like you just want to make yourself feel better
Found the subhuman chink
Its animal cruelty to take a domesticated animal whose had its instincts bred out of it and bring it into an uncertain lifestyle where starvation and violence is likely. Homeless people today are fucking scum, drug addicts who've lost their humanity, most of the dogs you see them with are stolen from good owners btw.
>Any other questions?
Yes, when do you move back to Africa?
People are capable of far worse than animals, and there are far more people than dogs.
This happened years ago. I think he did end up getting the dog back. Not sure.
>most of the dogs you see them with are stolen from good owners btw.
Do you have a single source to back that up? Disgusting lying kike
Dat racist hoe for making it about race
an entire continent of niggers does nothing but kill and steal from each other
>implying people aren't animals
The funny thing is that the people on the video are probably the kind that would also say they're sick of white people and are okay with racism as long as it's against whites.
We're also capable of doing far better than other animals, you pathetic wimp
>why does pol hate people
You must be new here
>Homeless people today are fucking scum, drug addicts who've lost their humanity, most of the dogs you see them with are stolen from good owners btw.
So because some are like that, it's okay to just forcefully take away a dog from a random homeless person?
we're sick of them too
*White liberals
god, reading that thread made me want to be a nazi
That thread would make 8/10 White people semi racist.
Do they not know that anything bad Black people do is immediately hidden. That thread and Twitter in general is great at creating racists. Stupid liberals
>White people will help x but not y
>Why arnt white people caring about A, but not B?
>White people have money for C, but not enough to pay for D.
White people don't exist to be your fucking savour.
radlibs will be the death of communism
I stayed at a shelter briefly after losing my job and apartment at the same time, and yes, nearly all homeless people are truly extreme levels of trash who should be wiped out. There was maybe one other person there worth saving because they also wanted to work hard and just had shit go wrong together at the same time.
I would not save homeless people for anything despite pretty much having been there myself.
This might be the only "white people do THIS" post I agree with. There's something very white about taking other people's children/pets and acting like a savoir. Only white people go to third-world nations, grab their children and raise them as their own. It's pathetic and in the long run doesn't help anyone.
we should go and liberate these activists from their property, to protect their property from them
>boohoo, look at me, I'm homeless, and I have this cute puppy! :3
Animal rights activists was right for once. Keep in mind, when the dog isn't good enough for hobbos, they abandon them.
Three seconds into that twitter thread and I already got ICE on speed dial. America should have never let whites fall under 90%.
Chang here. You can laugh me soulless or something. But my point is that the animal right activists are wrong.
Animals right is lesser than human rights at any time.
The only reason the animal right faggots can do shit like interceders is because the species they hate (human) control the world. If it were reversed then they might be food of wolf packs (dogs are sort of gray wolves) and animal will show no mercy to human.
Gain an edge because of their own people and turn back on them. This is what the whoring animal right faggots’ doing.