We're crashing this union with no survivors

>spain: Dutch Minister Rutte, the toughest of the ‘hawks’. The Netherlands leads the opposition of the Eurobonds, which are demanded by Spain, Portugal and Italy to fight the health crisis

>portugal: “Repugnant!”: PM Costa launches extraordinary attack on Dutch finance minister

>South EU vs North EU in heated heated conference call over who to fund Coronacrisis. Spanish minister Gonzáles says to North EU "We are not second class ticket holders of the Titanic who is sinking"

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We have constantly been paying for the southern countries, we simply can't pay more without it costing us financial toruble per inhabitant. At least, not anymore

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Frugal chads present
Not a cent more for debtniggers

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>We have constantly been paying for the southern countries

No you haven't, you lying toothpaste

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Just abolish the whole thing


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dutch independence was a mistake

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ECB should just directly fund the governments
just print the fucking money

yep, you are Jewish usurers

Can the south not just make their own collective bonds?

>gib money

we literally invented capitalism. keep blaming the jews though lmao

Yeah, let's just make a 2nd rate EU because countries that massively benifited from overpriced euros don't want to spit money.
Maybe we should make our own defense too if one day Germs are invaded. Should have spend bucks on your defense instead of being frugal.

I just hate niggers.

>No you haven't, you lying toothpaste
>Posts evidence for southern countries being leeches.
Are moortugeese really this retarded?


>Are moortugeese really this retarded?

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France and Italy are net contributors yet debt niggers. Why the fuck luxembourg even get money.

Good. The sooner this disastrous union collapses the better.

Rutte finally doing something right.

There'd be no one to leech off.

Actually guys, keep doing what you're doing. I want this shit to crash and burn.

Going gets a little bit tough and it all starts to fall apart huh? Haha. I hear the EU is considering letting Albania and Macedonia in now too. Better get those checkbooks out Johan.

You are a tax haven.

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what's the point of a united Europe then?

implying their banks don't get a shit ton of money on interest rates >->

that's not how loans work, brit fuck

You're kidding right? The Netherlands literally gave up 10% of it's entire worth when switching from guilders to Euros, every single thing was suddenly worth 10% less. Germany didn't want the euro either, but the frogs refused to support German reunification if they didn't sign onto euro.

Eurozone was a huge mistake. Especially when you're stuck with countries who can't get their spending in order.

Careful user. Dangerous territory you’re crossing into with that line of thought.

How foolish of those Porrubros. Obviously they should deny any medical aid. That way the Wuhan Plague will quickly spread among the undocumented and hordes of undocumented coofers will roam the streets.

Accelerationism is the only way. brainlets think the EU is beneficial because muh economy but that matters very little when you are being demographically replaced.

The bonds are demanded by the PIGS.

When you get the 1% 'EU solidarity' interest rate, you lose a fuck ton of opportunity profits if you'd have invested it in useful shit. Would you lend money to a person who is indebted by more than twice (and sometimes thrice) his entire yearly income, after you just spent 10 years paying off your own debts by going maximum austerity mode and cutting healthcare expenditure?

What's stopping you from becoming a tax haven too?

Portuguese ethics? AhahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAHAHHAHahahahahahahahahahahhihibaahahahahahajjajahahahajjajajajajakajajajjajajaa

Southies are just salty that they can't compete haajajajajaahahahahahahahahajajjajajajajjajajajajajajajaahahahahhahahahahahhahahajajajajajajajjjahahahahahahahahhaha

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yeah euro is the only creation of the technocrates
they will cling to it until zombie europe is dead

also europe is shit because germany tries to kill it by refusing eurobonds

Ischgl is where all the insta whores and rich coomers go in winters to have huge orgies.
It is them who spread the COVID and made all europe sick.
It is them who fucked up the economy.

Coronavirus: Austria investigates Ischgl ski resort business for 'hiding case'


The resort in Ischgl - a small town of about 1,500 people in the Austrian Alps - is known for its nightlife and annual concerts after the close of its ski season.

Reports suggest a worker at one popular bar, Kitzloch, fell ill at the end of February. This however has not been officially confirmed.

Visitors from Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Germany and Austria all began testing positive for coronavirus after returning from the town early in March.

Governments started listing the town as an at-risk area, although local authorities played down the concerns. Kitzloch was not shut until 10 March, and the town was finally closed on 13 March.

i want the EU to die already.

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What are euro bonds? Where Portugal borrows shit and Germany/Netherlands is the guarantor?

Why are southrons constantly this mad?
They dont want to accept EU policies but constantly demand new gibs, seriously fuck you.

>Why the fuck luxembourg even get money.
I don't know, I don't care. Point is still that the Netherlands actually contributes most to the EU per capita.

Would have expected some basic grasp on monetary policy from someone trying to make an argument about it.

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Interesting how the North always has money for immigrants, faggots, and other subhuman specimens.

i like this gif

Fucking based. Why no one talks about Ischgl? We also need to add the whole Suedtirol to the list tho. They wanted to adopt a soft line to save the ski related economy infecting a shitton of germans and Italians.

Absolutely based. Fuck the EU, specially after the refugee crisis. Greece and Italy were fucked hard.

It hurts to look at user.

You don’t know the first thing about Southern Europe, pal. Look at what happened because of what you did, what it led to. There’s an apocalypse out there. Mediterraneans are dying left and right, and you’re laughing, you’re laughing. Mediterraneans were killed today because of what you did.

>Meds acting like niggers wanting gibs

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Only solution is balkanization and wars.

Italy is a Net Contributor despite having almost 1% grow in 10 years? Are pastabros retarded why are they still on this union?


I want the pot as stirred as possible. Maybe we'll see tha death of the EU this decade yet.

can you link me the source of that please

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All it did was made your shitty cheese more affordable and fine Italian products more expensive

Well kill the Euro - but enforce a digital mechanism of exchange Europe wide and coerce banks to flatten out transaction fees.

Something like Facebook coin but with real fiat.

It was rigged from the start.

Source is on the pic
CEP. Center for European Policy.

Yep. Fuck over the south financially and the north demographically. That seems to be the plan.

You put some dirt in the ocean so you could give land to Jewish merchants and claim you invented capitalism. All you did was secede land to happy merchants. Jesus, you're as bad as the eternal Anglo. Sure you're the same stock.

Catholic distributism should have been the norm. Banking was a fucking mistake you little pancake.

>eurofag bullshit
I don't even care anymore about the whole "brother war" cringe wignat bullshit, can you fuckers please just start killing each other again I seriously don't think you're normal without it

>not knowing historical exchange rates and instead posts a graph about financial performance the last 20 years instead.
Quite embarrasing. The Dutch Guilder was under-valued as it was pegged to the german mark, which meant that in one single day we lost an insane amount of value. Not yearly income AFTER we implemented the euro, and the market corrected itself a bit, but during the exchange.
It's like the US giving you 50 USD for your 100e, but the greeks get 75 USD. your entire country loses value on every single property.

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good joob, keep it up and this shitty union will collapse soon and we will be liberated, thank you dutchbros