This woman coofed on 35k worth of food to infect people with coronavirus


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She's stupid. Are you expecting some dumb ass reply from an incel hating women again?
White guy did it too. So did a black guy. And a black woman.
All races are equally stupid. Except for Brazilians, you are all subhuman

Terrorist threat. One way trip to Guantanamo.

There's a 100% chance she will get a lower punishment than a man.

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Death by fire.


Women gonna women.

Around women, never relax!

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>All races are equally stupid.

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cook the food
even the fruits

isnt the virus dead when you cook it?

Where is the goddam TP in SE PA?

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If she doesn't have coronavirus she should be charged with vandalism and made to pay 35k in restitution.

She looks like she should've died in her childhood. I'm serious, call me crazy or whatever, but something about these hateful anti-human individuals just screams weak and undeserving of life, and modern medicine is to blame 100%

She is a dumb bitch but western society makes her stupidity pale in comparison. Women are kept from most consequences of her actions. If she doesn't look like a complete blob fish, chances are she will be fine and simps are gonna simp for her.

"Boo hoo hoo! I'm a mother! I'm a whammen! Think of the children."

Something like that.

she based.

Ur insane wayne


I honestly don't care. She's alright, just let her go, whatever

Don't fuck with people's food. Ever.

No sympathy from me.

Unironically this

She should be beheaded, westerners are too soft.



fucking asshole.... life in prison,,,,caged 24/7 like the animal she is

How do you cough k. 35K of food? Must have been Canada

Looks like a typical liberal and likely a Jew

>Ur insane wayne
Am I 8814?

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Impregnate her with my aryan semen


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honestly this though, and use an emergency broadcast power to air the reading of the crime and the beheading on ALL channels as well as youtube/netflix/and radio stations. it would really help set a more serious and appropriate tone for the society we're now faced with

If she has it hang her. If she doesn't publicly whip her.

>isnt the virus dead when you cook it?
No. Listen, and understand. That corinavirus is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

Death by overeating.
A painful slow agonizing death fitting of her crimes.

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She looks German.


Accelerating the curve is better than flattening it.

it's just a flu and Trump has everything under control.
let her go.

>35k of food
>That face
Firing squad


>All races are equally stupid
that explains why one invented the combustion engine and another never left the stone age
nigger tier IQ

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Margaret Cirko is her name.

Disembowel and quarter her. Live coverage on all TV stations.

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thank you.

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a fucking SLAV!

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she is ugly

honestly, my first thought was that she looks like a female Yas Forums poster. if there was such a thing

Death sentence

Imagine the reactions if she was black..

I was gonna make a Miss Piggy crack, but I don't want to insult Miss Piggy.

>tfw no borderline retarded nicagaraguan gf

>white women
>the enemy of mankind
checks out

She does look like a complete blob fish tho

We would want her lynched as the method of killing.

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Death Penalty

I know this meme gets overused on Yas Forums, but she definitely looks like she was built for BBC.

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mutts law


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Trump said it's a hoax so she can sue him


Isso, continua chupando o pau do americano. Continue colocando o americano no pedestal, filho da puta sojado. Parabéns, vagabundo.

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Wait wtf. Why is Nepal so brainlet-tier?

based, the average Brazillian is whiter than the average American.

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Eradicate it
Show no mercy


i can't unsee it

>mutt inbreeding

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>blonde hair, blue eyes
This is what Yas Forums considers the "master race". lmao

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Shot in a back alley and dumped in a mass grave, unironically. This is terrorism and an act of war, things you'd expect from a Chinese sleeper agent, we don't need an ugly whale doing their work as well

Hasta la pasta baby

>believing master race D&C bullshit

My germs!


Shed probably be a crackhead who smells like shit and whod then chimpout when being confronted

Huh. It’s funny how China is meant to be smart but they also enjoy a cheeky bat bowl at 3 a.m after a bev

She honestly looks like the wheelchair guy on scary movie 2