Rhode Island Police to Hunt Down New Yorkers SEEKING REFUGE


>Rhode Island police began stopping cars with New York plates Friday. On Saturday, the National Guard will help them conduct house-to-house searches to find people who traveled from New York and demand 14 days of self-quarantine.

>“Right now we have a pinpointed risk,” Governor Gina Raimondo said. “That risk is called New York City.”

Rhode Island has just over 200 cases, and it has begun an aggressive campaign to keep the virus out and New Yorkers contained, over objections from civil liberties advocates.

Raimondo, a Democrat, said she had consulted lawyers and said while she couldn’t close the border, she felt confident she could enforce a quarantine.
>“Yesterday I announced and today I reiterated: Anyone coming to Rhode Island in any way from New York must be quarantined,” the governor said. “By order. Will be enforced. Enforceable by law.”

Raimondo signed an executive order Thursday that applies to anyone who has been in New York during the past two weeks and through at least April 25.

National Guard members will be stationed at the T.F. Green airport, Amtrak train stations and at bus stops. The citizen-soldiers will be following up with people at local residences. The maximum penalty for not complying: a fine of $500 and 90 days in prison.

The local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union blasted the new rules, objecting to the collection of motorists’ contact information in particular.

“While the Governor may have the power to suspend some state laws and regulations to address this medical emergency, she cannot suspend the Constitution,” ACLU executive director Steven Brown said in a statement. “Under the Fourth Amendment, having a New York state license plate simply does not, and cannot, constitute ‘probable cause’ to allow police to stop a car and interrogate the driver, no matter how laudable the goal of the stop may be.”

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East Boston fag here. I’ll hunt them down with them. Let’s make America great again by keeping NY in NY.


Cuomo should declare war on Rhode Island and send in the NYPD to occupy them.

good keep those new york fags in new york
pic related

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What is it with Bostonfags and their hatred for ny? I have cousins in Boston and its all they talk about when they come here. We don't think about you at all little guy.

Unironically this desu

Yeah great plan send the NYPD to RI and let the niggers and spics take over the city. Then we can simply firebomb the 5 boroughs.

(((They))) have to go back.

So someone is going to come knock on my door and sternly warn me to self quarantine? Why should I not begin to defend myself with extreme violence at this point? How about:
>Fuck off
>Its a jewish hoax
>i will end your life if you fuck with me
Its really fucking simple. If these kikes want to have a bad time, they are getting really damn close to having one.


New Yorkers aren't even people anyway.

Maine fag here. NY purge when?


haven't seen Gangs of New York?

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RI user here

The governor is a kike cunt and the state police are unironically the gestapo minus the whole based/NSDAP part

That being said I fully support the persecution of NY scum

Futile. New York isn’t special, they’re just a few weeks ahead of the rest of the country. The only solution is a nation-wide hard lock down. Rhode Island is only taking these steps because they’ve yet to accept that this can’t be contained.

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>mutts hunting mutts

good.... them fucking assholes think to much of them selves fleeing the shit hole they created and now infecting everyone

Mayor Deblasio told NYC To go out and socialize and not doing so is racist. Because you know fuck Trump.

Now they are the epicenter of infections. They had one job and they fucked it up, unlike the rest of the country

Why can't Americans be normal? This virus is going to destroy your country.

isn't this unconstitutional and violates the right to not have unwanted search and seizure on your property?

the unnveiling is upon us

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Vermonters and New Hampshirites will be saying the same thing about Massholes, soon.

Not eating Chinese food isn’t enough to slow this virus down. We need to do more now, or we’re all going to pay the price, 10 fold, later.

FL man here where can I sign up?

you won't be missed. niggers like you are why we couldn't just lock down immediately and let testing catch up, and be done with this shit faster. no we have to appease the mentally ill instead. the people who can't help going out and rubbing their ass all over everything because of their free dumb only prolong the suffering. fuck all of you.

lmfao why does this make me laugh the idea of New Yorkers being hunted after their arrogance to everyone else.

>NYC is the epicenter of an infection no more dangerous than the flu

Shut up you bootlicking birch. Quarantines are unconstitutional and violate the freedom of assembly. You can shove that quarantine up your fucking asshole.

Americans literally worship the constitution and muh freedumbs. We need a government like China's.

>t. Jew Yorker
Should have stayed in your place you dumb cunts now they're using you as an excuse to fuck with people's rights

They told people to go out and socialize, go on subways, movie theaters the Chinese Parade for christ sake.

Distance slows the virus and those assholes told the people not to do it because "fuck Drumpf".

They and all there constituents deserve to be epicenter and need to be corded off and left to die. So the rest of country can survive

Good protest me and get to gether and lick each others faces. The quicker you cock suckers die the better for the rest of the country.

Bro they are still your countrymen. Fuck the cancer politics you shouldn't wish them dead.

Any vehicle with NY tags should be riddled with bullets.

No they're not, they're dead weight anyone that can't use common sense is useless and a cancer killing our country from within.

People from NY and CA are not my countrymen

>I’m going to burn the constitution for a flu

Kill yourself homo. You don’t deserve to live in this country. The founding fathers would have hated your guts you weak animal.

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Fuck new York

I'm comfy in my home and I'm not leaving

>So the rest of country can survive
That’s like nuking Wuhan, today, so the Coronavirus doesn’t spread to other countries. There’s community spread in every state. It’s too late to contain it. The best thing our country can do is lock down and slow this down, so that millions of people don’t unnecessarily die.

>believing in enlightenment trash

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I guess it’s time to find out if the people of Rhode Island have balls or not. if you are in a “lockdown” state, keep your guns loaded and within arms reach. be prepared to defend your rights.

Filthy diseased Jew Yorker trash needs to stay in their own shithole state

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They need to stay in the shithole they made

Muh Constitution, lol you're pathetic weak faggot.

You're under constant surveillance, gun rights are water down, ect ect and you're here bitchin.

You're like one of those retards always talking about do shit but all you do is cry on the internet.

Drive down my street with your infected ass and I'll show you muh constitution

>No the feds can't lock down New York, that's unconstitutional!
>State govt summons the national guard and other agencies
>Secured neighbor states don't want you traveling to their areas, tell you to go back to your own state

Feds, please help!

NYPD also has more power than the average law enforcement agency, they were granted special glownigger privileges after 911 and they even get special funding probably no other department in the states does. This will become more apparent once they start doing things to the citizenry that no other police department in the nation would dare to try.

>mfw kikes kvetching as they are round up by american gestapo in my lifetime

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Is this anti-semitic?

Nigger where are the cases goin up? NY, CT and NJ because niggers in ny are spreading it.
Nuking Wuhan wasn't a bad idea honestly, Humans aren't there and nothing of value would be lost.

The federal government has control over anything that moves over state lines. Including the travel of people over those lines.

Nah, most of the tribe already moved to their Florida homes.

>The founding fathers
The founding fathers were Freemason shabbos goyim philosemetics who are currently burning in Hell as I type this.

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As far as I know, they aren't even thinking about going after the ones that went to Florida.

>me and the boys when we see a New York license plate

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They're not searching houses, they're knocking on doors and getting phone numbers.

I live in RI, luckily not in the area where they will be knocking on doors. I don't like it, but what the fuck else can they do? Covid 19 is all over the news, but people have still been going out shopping, gathering in large groups, and cases are going up.

Cases are going up everywhere. Sooner or later, we’ll be under a hard lockdown—like all the countries that are ahead of us in this pandemic. Better to start now and mitigate the damage.

>better to give up your rights now goyim because you figure out this is no worse than the flu

Kill yourself.

Good, urbanoids are all smug until shit starts hitting the fan; Parisians did the same thing here, they flew to their comfy holiday homes so that they could spread their germs to the yet unaffected locals while they are doing their morning walk on horses, then when all is over they'll continue voting for people that keep killing rural areas and importing diseases and criminals

You’d better kill yourself before you get the rest of us killed with reckless fucking behavior.

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The frog gets it..

>I live in RI
Foster user here. Where you at faggot?

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Yup, same thing happening over here. I live in southern delaware, which is otherwise a quaint rural/beach community. But over the past few years there has been a surge of retiring jew boomers flooding down from NYC and NJ. And now that things are bad in those areas, guess what's happening? They're all flooding down to their McMansion summer homes here, and carrying their virus with them.

>I’m scared of the flu

You don’t deserve to live. You’re a subhuman.

Also Maine fag. I am hoping Mills gets hunted first. Can’t stand that cunt we need Based LePage back

No he didnt

A civil libertarian. I respect your consistency. But you’re wrong here. This virus is a lot more dangerous than you understand.

>a surge of retiring jew boomers flooding down from NYC and NJ
This has ruined so many fucking places.

Also, nice digits

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And check the reeds this time

Your low IQ is more dangerous to this country than any virus.

Fucking kek. Godspeed, I guess, and stuff, or whatever. You got this.

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Jailhouse treatment
No freedom of movement slave


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I'm glad they're freedumb enough to let it ravage their asshole like this.

North Providence, near RI college. I like Foster, I also usually take a sat morning drive through Scituate.

You working still? I still am luckily.

Anyway, I try to stay off Yas Forums but I took a trip here to see if anyone had anything to say about these new measures in RI lol. Personally, I'm no Raimondo fan, but I think she's handling the situation as best as anyone can really. If they have any brains, the guard won't be armed when they knock on doors.


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