Bumping with what I have
You are fucking based, Ivan.
Дякyю тoбi, aнoн.
Photoshop wielding anons, I summon you! Here's another template.
I think a poo poo pepe needs to shopped onto this. So that it would shit in the plate.
>Look up "Event 201". Tom Hanks "cryptically" mentioned it in his Coronavirus update. The EARN IT Act of 2020 is one of the first steps to Project Zephyr - it allows legal, indiscriminate mass surveillance which bypasses all forms of encryption. This is to suppress any uprising before it even begins. It also gives the US/Israeli government (one in the same at this point) an excuse for having bulk records of anything that could be considered "antisemitic". Once Project Zephyr is in place then anyone who ever uttered or typed anything "antisemitic" would be punished severely. And the "Imagine" shit with Gal Godot, the Simon of Trent painting, and other recent Jew news is all meant to incite an antisemitic response. They're baiting us into speaking out against them.
What was he thinking
One more template
Come on shoppers
Alright I'm almost out
Pls bump
what part of synagogue of satan do they not understand?
They are cursed souls and oblivious to everything around them.
The devil, and satan. Dont forget Lucifer. The jews will have their 6million soon.
Thanks for the bump, user.
So this is the power of the quarantine?Huh,wow.
what is this artist called? Is there any way we can support him? Give him some more followers, anything?
Giovanni Gasparro
Holly based
That can’t be accidental.
>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
stolen in a previous thread
Good painting, but implies that there is anything european about christianity, which simply is false.
ayy lmao, underrated post
Christianity made europe what it is.
yah, europe has become a stupid woman who keeps her legs open for any dick just like a shitty lock would open up with any key.
thanks christianity
yeah, and that happened when it stopped being christian retard
Withouth uniting religion (christianity) after fall of rome europe would forever be made of disunited tribes
>Christianity made europe what it is.
Yeah, jewed.
Even the flag has 12 stars on it because it represents 'perfection' (only jewish numerology has this meaning for 12).
pagans were a bunch of weak fags. They got absolutely cuc*ked by Christianity
Do I have a cursed soul? I am not a degenerate or a zionist
kek those chiaroscuro kikes will become the new happy merchant memes
Can some germanophone user transcribe that?
The artist 100% lurks in Yas Forums. He's one of us.
Nah, it's so ubiquitous that it's still even in modern Germanic languages.
From birth to death.
Birthday (geBURtstag) being attributed to Buri, which means son.
To "in memory ofs" after death, despite 'oh he's going to heaven for sure'.
Not to mention all the words related to trees regarding the human body and humanity.
Trieb (sprout), meaning drive.
Stamm (trunk) meaning both body as well as geneology.
Fruchtbarkeit (fertility) from fruit.
Wurzeln (roots) for, well, the same thing, etc
I'm not gonna write an essay on this now, because I don't have to.
It's everywhere already.
I didn't see that one in the last thread, thanks, Luigi.
this was printed in Nuremberg, 1475 btw
more likely thread #300
Not that I complain. Its a very based picture that makes the kikes seethe
Tell me your family background and I'll tell you.
Words can’t express how grateful I am for this painting.
not my OC btw, an user posted it yesterday
This one is outstanding kek
Were there many other threads? Apologies, Hans, I only saw two.
Someone stick him in, tia
since the release of this picture there is always at least one thread up
I have seen 5 threads up at the same time where anons played with the picture.
Its fucking glorious how the jews kvetch about it. They know its the truth
yes, i'm sure an appeal to thor will gain you the favor of the masses.
Cringe-ass larpagans, damn.
Should be
>not a single one that says jew
I see. Post the edits you have, user.
Everytime you see the word “jew” in the Bible replace it with “Judean”
Jew is a contraction for Judean, at The time of Christ Judea was a multi racial city because Hycarnus defeated the Edomites and forcibly converted them to the Hebrew religion. All of the Israelites in Judea accepted Christ and became Christians the The Edomites remained and clung to the identity And created Judaism
The language in the New Testament differs depending on who is talking to who. for example, if an Israelite who lives in Judea was talking to another Israelite in Judea they referred to themselves as Israelites in the flesh, however if they were outside of Judea because Judea was at one time synonymous with being an Israelite they would just call them selves Judeans Because the outsiders knew what it meant. This is why in the Bible you have some of the apostles saying they are Jews. every time you read the word Jew in the Bible replace it with Judean.
Like an American for example I might say that I am a German Scottish American I would never go to Germany or Scotland and call myself that I would call myself an American. but if a Mexican American went to Germany he would call himself a Mexican American because the German would historically think that being American means you are white which at one time was true.
Prophesied. Read revelation.
This "Art" is disgusting propaganda and is completely false!
So what is the story of this painting? Did this actually happen?
top kek
His name is Giovanni Gasparro.
No if you are not communist or zionist or follow the rabbinic doctrine of hating non jews