How did pewdiepie not only survive the Nigger speak but thrive and grow after it...

How did pewdiepie not only survive the Nigger speak but thrive and grow after it? How didn't cancel culture (in its early days) get a hold of him.

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because he is the one who gatekeeps his target audience (young teenagers). No matter how much the faggots screech, advertisers who want to target Pewds target audience know that there is no overlap between the complainers and the consumers. So they have absolutely no reason to antagonize or drop him. Youtube tried, and got put in its place by the numbers.


He apologised. And meant it. Every time he fucked up, he issued an apology through the "correct" process. He probably paid money into one of the hustler charities too. You can say nigger nigger nigger as a white man if you hand over cash afterwards.

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>He apologised. And meant it.

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Because he's been around since the beginning of YouTube and grew a loyal audience. 103M now and counting. Meanwhile these faggot journos with 50K followers think they're going to destroy him from their dying industry. Makes me laugh every time. PDP is invincible. Well, until Marzia starts up an OnlyFans.

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Because his target demographic didn't care

>A Marzia only fans.

Would subscribe

This, as another user pointed out all the advertisers need him if they want to shill products to young kids, so he has YouTube by the balls.


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Because he is one of the most powerful Stand users. Something like a pathetic word could not stop him.

Because White people are coddled and privileged

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Do you think that someone that watched 4000 videos during his 10 years on youtube would stop because of some MSM bullshit?

and god said unto this chosen people, “there will come a day when a Swedish man will stand before the world with the holy sauce, the fate of all mankind will hinge on this decision to give the sauce or he will send all mankind into hell for his is a king of kings and a god of gods, for all my power and wisdom I am but a child in his presence, for the sake of billions the chosen one they call OP with the Swedish flag, for the sake of the gods and old, will he giveth thou sauce pretty please

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Because he is the King of the internet, unironically.



Because he makes a lot of money for youtube

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jew whore

because in contrary to twitters belief, most people don't care about the petty shit this chronically outraged people screech about.

Time passed and the silence for the chosen one grew to a deafening white noise. The tree of life withered and died. For the chosen one looked into the abyss and saw his children, frail and thin, calling out for the sauce, begging even, and in that movement when all time came to a halt he did nothing, neither forsaked nor saved, he just stared and stood in silence, and the world was consumed by darkness never to see the light of day. But amidst the darkness a spark started a wildfire of retribution against the chosen one, one stood against the almighty and with a shout he yelled, “fuck you you cock suckering faggot how fucking dare you not give the sauce. Enjoy your perma ban dick face” his name has become legend, jannie destroyer of bait threads

>Meanwhile these faggot journos with 50K followers think they're going to destroy him from their dying industry.
Let's also not forget that back in 2008 everybody as calling everybody else a nigger as well and that with the normie-fication of the internet it became unacceptable (and the press in their every enduring search for sensation deemed it acceptable to unperson everyone they found uttering the dread "N-word"). Most people online don't give a fuck and would rather that the entire twitter blue checkmark brigade would be executed today rather than tomorrow.

I know its a stretch JapanBro but would you happen to have the Snake version of this where he puts a gun in his mouth at the end?

i only subscribed to pewdiepie because he said nigger

I love this

I don't have it

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It turns out that if you just ignore people saying mean things about you, cancel culture doesn't exist.

The only people who have ever been canceled are people who intentionally chose to step out of the limelight and stop creating content because of the mean words.

Fucking checked and thank you Japanbro thats the one.

The guy brags about being a knight of Malta supporter and you ask how he survived? He is one of them.

based al poster

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You think zoomers care about someone muttering nigger?

because how can you cancel someone that has about 100,000,000 subscribers? he might not be as rich as some celebrities but he is bigger than them all combined.

If you are pdp's sub you are an ultimate sheep and should neck yourself. His content is and always was fucking awful.
Basically it's TMZ for zoomerinos.


this one always makes me chuckle

>Delete all his retarded social media
There. Fucking crippled him. Internet retards have lower attention spans than guppies, Pewdiepie would be forgot in a year after the drama got boring and some Tiktok fuck decided to punt kick an African pygmy nigger or something on film.

Because his base subscribers are probably still overwhelmingly young, naive at the implications of such a thing and leaning towards conservatism as the new counter culture.

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> Yas Forums - Yas Forums Jr.
what fucking dump

>How did pewdiepie not only survive the Nigger speak but thrive and grow after it? How didn't cancel culture (in its early days) get a hold of him.


Not only am I subscribed, but I also have PewDiePie merch. :^)

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can anyone spoonfeed the source link

Expected no less from 3rd world monkey.

Based and fuck the journos no one cares for media faggots that got less subs then a small Youtube.


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He's "internet famous" and not a real celebrity. The majority of people out there only know who's on TV or in the movies. Ironically he does have a fuck ton of money from it though. Kinda like a faceless owner walking around in a big shopping mall.

Too big to fail

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More people know who pewds is than who is some random hollyweird celeb. Especially zoomers. Especially with how shitty modern cinema is.

remember only normalfags and redditors kiss e celeb ass! dont forget most of his fanbase are mostly simp beta males and roastie whores.

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plz men


dont forget he gave money to the fuckin ADL. what a cowardly fool! typical celebs.

You know there are a lot of people out there that don't qualify as zoomees

Chinese flu will kill them.