$30,000 to deliver a baby

>$30,000 to deliver a baby
>another $7,000 for the circumcision
Why is this allowed? Trump promised he would fix it day 1.

Attached: hospital bill.jpg (750x697, 211.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>paying 7000 dollar to cut you baby dick off

>Trump promised he would fix it day 1.
imagine thinking that's kind of shit is important when we have wars to plan.

Private clinics can do this for much less, don't need insurance either

Since I'm not American I obviously don't know an extensive list of private clinics by heart. I know this one but I can't find "deliver a baby" in the procedures list, but here are a collection of various gynecological procedures and the corresponding prices. I assume delivering a baby will be less expensive than these surgeries.

My son was circumcised in the doctor's office and it cost 75 bucks.

Damn the medical forskin goy slave business is mad lucrative profitable. Those jews are onto something.

>this slide thread again
Stop buying every new iPhone and get insurance faggot. If this was me, I'd end up paying less than $200 out of pocket. Insurance isn't expensive if you aren't an obese chain smoking alcoholic AIDS patient.

Rabbi would've chewed it off for free

Charged. Okay now how much after insurance? About 2k.

>don't bother paying money for insurance
>need medical attention which must be paid
>hurrdurr muh system is insane

Just go get a health insurance you greedy piece of trash

>Paying 7k to sever your child's foreskin for literally no reason

Attached: 1585286491664.jpg (399x319, 62K)

Hope it kills him so we can end your kike genetics

>$7,000 for circumcision
Yeah, because nobody would ever make up bullshit on Twitter

Fuck you. I'm not a kike and neither is the doctor.

trump is a reality tv host fake billionaire con man he lied to you

>and $7000 for the circumcision

Can confirm, just had a baby and it's expensive as shit. We have great health insurance so almost all of it was covered though, I'm not sure how poorfags afford to shit out so many kids.

CPS should take their child away from them. Mutilating a newborn is fucking grotesque!

How much do you pay for your heath insurance a month?

>I'm not sure how poorfags afford to shit out so many kids.
becuase you pay for them via medicare

>paying to have the most sensitive part of your newborn's cock removed in a blood ritual from a religion you don't even belong to, because you can't use soap and water
>believing cocks need to be amputated because it changes the risk of infection from 0.003 to 0.001
>getting conned into this practice in the first place
And people question the power of jews

Your child got the mark of the kike, it's over for him

Imagine actually paying for that (((procedure))).

This is a lie.
That figure is the original amount billed to his insurance company. The insurance company then counters with the negotiated rate they have with the hospital's parent company.
The hospital accepts this and adjusts the rate. Insurance company then pays the bill and charges the guy his deductible if he has one.

We've all shit ourselves when we've seen pre-adjusted doctor's bills at some point. No one pays that much.

>Trump promised
Lol magapedes

you pay to have doctors cause brain damage to your babies.
this is how I know americans are bullshit animals, look how they don't bother protecting even the most vulnerable people which are babies

Attached: Circumcision brain damages infants - censored.png (653x1024, 788.55K)


Attached: EEMZ2kZXkAEf5dB.jpg (1044x400, 44.66K)

So you let him get a kike procedure for no reason? You’re a fucking moron.

What a shit inefficient system regardless

and they paid a fraction of that with insurance

>the body shop charged me $12000 to repair my car!

>meanwhile paying $0 or just excess fee

it says volumes that Americans were able to be duped into the practice in the first place. How can you sympathize with such people

How much do they charge for the doctor to take a dump on your baby? $5k?

But did the doctor get a tip?

Just go bankrupt like every other American requiring basic medical services

Wait for the bill after you survive coronachan.

My dad got me circumsized, with much protest from my mother, because "I want him to be like me". Yeah, that's all it takes for boomers.

I could have saved you $7000 at least. Fuck are Americans really this retarded?

why is genital mutilation on babies who are in no way fit to consent allowed

Why not just give birth and circumcise at home? Literally any animal on earth can give birth by themselves.

A $7000 ticket to hell.

He got the THE tip... wait, was that the joke?

Wtf is this? $40k would resurrect me back from the dead.

(((money))) and (((anti-semitism)))

No joke. Baby foreskins are put in women’s facial products and sell for hundreds of dollars. jews and muslims also screech every time someone proposes a ban on male circumcision.


The babies also screech when cunts chop parts of their dicks off

Not only is he mutilating his child’s genitals but paying $7k for it.

I’m well aware and it is heartbreaking.

yeah not only do you rip of their foreskin to sell it to skinmedica but they pay you 7k for the privilege

7k to destroy your sons genitals so that he'll never be able to experience actual sex. Fucking horrific, why and how is this shit legal? Circumcision is a fucking crime.

How easily you can part an idiot and his money.

It's your fault for talking about circumcision like it's normalized, doing it without question it.

Circumcision only became a major staple of american society because crazy puritan christians didn't want their kids to jack off. Then jews invented the lube

Why do you mutilate your babies fucking jews ?

They should spend $7000 on a gun and kill themselves instead, fucking baby-mutilating monsters

The best Jewish scam ever created

American protestan-cucks will defend it to the death.
Protocucks are the worst cattle...

>That will be 100000 for a bandaid
>Did you not know that we are a luxury tier hospital?

You just know that money is going straight to Israel.


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As easily as you can part an american from the tip of his dick.

I'm cut when I was 6. Mom thought it'd be best or I might infect my dick because not hygienic back then.
Also always get compliments from girls on how nice my dick looks.

Attached: 11205491_908606005922760_2536936932265799919_n.jpg (406x397, 22.64K)

You're right, you're worse, you're a gullible goyim who would mutilate his son if asked.

Your mother is horrible and obviously couldn't be bothered with you.

>my healthcare system is a literal scam cartel
>this is supposed to be a good thing

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kek this
>he doesn't clean himself enough
>guess ill just cut off part of his dick instead of raising my child correctly
No wonder you're a faggot on Yas Forums posting anime girls

Nah, she did it preventavily and washed me frequently. I was kicking and screaming back then afraid they'd cut in my peepee but I wouldn't want it any different after it was done and healed, especially so when girls complimented my dick and even begged me to see my dick. Thanks mom.

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>paying the jews for maiming your fuck so you can look like jews themselves but without any jewish privilege

Jews are fucking genius

You're here with me. Try harder.

fucking this
> 6 years old
>not washing his penis
dumb bitch should have shut the fuck up, grabed some soap and washed her son's dick. If I was your father I would have shoved some sense into your mother.

>7000 dolaridos
Why do mutts do this?


It's only morons who don't have insurance who make these types of posts.

also fuck jannies fucking niggers

learn to read, gypsy nigger

Twatter for Android, that explains so much.

Why didn't they have insurance when they knew she was pregnant, holy shit they are retarded

inb4 "they couldn't afford it", if they can't afford insurance they certainly can't afford having a baby. These people are simply stupid

Never leave a tip.