Trudeau Faces Backlash for Donating Medical Supplies to China


>Canada’s Official Opposition Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer took aim at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for shipping tons of medical supplies to China in February, calling the move “outrageous” with current concerns that Canada is running short on supplies amid its own fight against coronavirus.

>“Drs. across the country are facing urgent shortages of critical supplies. PM must explain why he sent 50,118 face shields, 1,101 masks, 1,820 goggles, 36,425 medical coveralls, 200,000 nitrile gloves and 3,000 aprons from Canada’s own gov’t reserves overseas in Feb,” Scheer tweeted (

Canada’s Foreign Affairs department announced on February 9 that “Canada has deployed approximately 16 tonnes of personal protective equipment, such as clothing, face shields, masks, goggles and gloves” overseas to China, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.

>“It was absolutely certain in early February that we would need this equipment,” Amir Attaran, a professor at University of Ottawa’s school of epidemiology and public health and its faculty of law, told The Globe and Mail ( “This decision went beyond altruism into high negligence and incompetence because Canada did not, and does not, have surplus equipment to spare.”

Local European news outlets reported this week that the majority of rapid coronavirus test kits supplied by China to Spain and the Czech Republic are faulty (

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Trump dud the same thing because they're both retards.


No he didn't lol

That’s because Trudeau is a communist faggot in bed with china and Castro’s bastard son.

wow so many people mad and racist against chinese on here!
i personally as a canadian citizen am glad that we are being very generosity to china in this time of crisis.
humanity can not afford pettiness in this time as we are a global community and helping china means helping all us too
go off the internet and come back when you grow up dumb kid.

trump donated med equipment to canada

Seems pretty close to treason desu

>as a canadian citizen
You can't get rid of the stench from that bat soup, rat.

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Kek and baitpilled. Or should I say, batpilled!

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Choke on that dogdick chang.

And they donated goods back to us you dumb shill:

Justine Jew Dough strikes again.

You mean took the good masks and sent back the fake ones?

Germany also donated.
That was in January to help China!

Faulty shit most likely. Besides the point stands, protect your own before foreigners.

gonna be a reckoning

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they are sending through a separate shipment of n95 masks

die chink, i hope your family fucking dies. god i hate gooks so much

Canada is a chinese province.

>give away medical shit we'd eventually need unless we closed the border
>dont close the border because its racist

I've unironically been praying for this virus to just fucking annihilate my country. We deserve it

whatever you say goy

This is a shill



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I'm sure Canadian Chinks bought up and shipped out even more under the noses of Canadian Authorities too.
Trudeau is such a pussy.

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Are you retarded? Trump did the same thing>

Enjoy the Shoah

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Eat shit, chankoro.

Go lick a bus stop and then see how happy you are, fucking leafnigger


There is a difference btw helping your neighbor and helping someone thousands of miles away. The neighbor brings a threat to your door

Is correct
Every chink "immigrating" into the US claims to be canadian.

Not quite, he is no communist, but he is the very definition of a communist useful idiot.

Because they're our ally, retard.

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But not the GREATEST ally.

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>Dutch officials have recalled 600,000 face masks manufactured in China because they did not meet quality standards, the government’s health ministry said on Saturday.

>The news shocked frontline medical staff in the Netherlands, who rely on high-quality products to protect them from contracting Covid-19, Dutch public broadcaster NOS said.

>Half of the shipment of 1.3 million supposedly top-of-the-line face masks – known as N95 in the United States and Hong Kong – had already been distributed to doctors and nurses treating the most critical Covid-19 patients, the government said.

Thank you for the clarification.

> A forehead thermometer producer in #CCP ruled #China is talking about doing damage to the US hit hard by #CCPVirus in a very CCP way: Zhang Xuandong, owner of Haofeng Electronic Technology Co. in Dongguan, #Guangdong Province in #China, says in a chat group of forehead thermometer producers which has 178 members, "Produce some fake products and sell them to the US. They (thermometers) should read 36.5 ºC when the actual temperature is 39 ºC. In this way, more and more American people will be infected. Let's see if they still have people left to go to other countries to harm others!"

> After one member sends three laughing emojis, Zhang continues to say, "Isn't that a great idea? Without using one single solider, we make money, as well as make peace for the world."

> Another member says they still have people left to go to other countries to harm others!"


3m manufactures the n95 mask in europe
why did the dutch gov cheap out and get the china supplied ones

>chinks hand out fake shit after taking your real gear
Skin yourself alive and jump into boiling water, Wong.

standard issue thermometers in canadian airports

>TFW USA is putting troops at the canadian border because canada is a chink compromised CCP forward operating base already

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how do you know trudeau didnt send them chink made goods in the first place, jamal?

it's tragic how many he pulled, though.
fucking td refugees.

Which, when tested, were found to be barely functional and not n95 rated.

well china donated to trudeau, so he is just returning the favor.

at least the ones the dutch got

The Chink cries out as he strikes you

>he must explain
gee, what is there to explain? hes a commie


We know he is a Traitor of Massive Proportion. He wanted Canada to become a Chinese Proxy. He allowed the CCP to infiltrate and buy up Canada piece by piece. But he is in Big trouble now. All those Chinese investor are Gone..... It as been a years since the last Chinese bought anything in Canada.

He was given so much, Fame, Power, Money and all kind of little perk!

* user, do you think his master are pleased?
* user, do you think they will just let him go "scot-free"?

Do you want to know more?

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It's the duty of every Chinese colony to help the mainland and preserve the CCP.

I hate your kind so much!

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There's a thread RIGHT NOW where the Dutch Government recalled all the masks China sent them because they're defective

Chinese were told to spread this to the west.

>it's finally happening
>dumb white comfort-ridden libruls sitting on their warm couches with their blankets and spiced lattes posting on twitter are finally realizing it's not feasible to give all your gibs to brown people a million miles away when your own country is suffering
It's beautiful.

Looks like the day of rake is here.Actually,it started the moment Castrudeau got Corona.
>inb4 murrimutt u hav moar cases then us free universal govt death pannels..I mean FREE UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE!

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China has an immense and pervasive influence in Canada, using Chinese citizens or relatives of citizens, to influence policy and politicians. It's not a secret, we'll, except the open secret that the two biggest Canadian political Parties, the Liberals and the Conservatives, have and continue to pander to China. Either through economic benefits, fast tracked citizenship for wealthy Chinese, education (most foreign students are Chinese), or other favors, all of which seem overly generous to any outside observer. It's only in the last few years that daddy USA has forced the Canadian government to do a few things to upset China, mainly the arrest of that Huawei executive. China is a very powerful lobby in Canada.

>“This decision went beyond altruism into high negligence and incompetence because Canada did not, and does not, have surplus equipment to spare.”
as if you could hate trudaeu more

>3m manufactures the n95 mask in europe
>why did the dutch gov cheap out and get the china supplied ones

Having worked in government I can tell you, they always want to get "best value for the taxpayer" so they cheap out, and nobody really gets into trouble for making purchasing mistakes.

It’s time to end China.

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