Red pill thread - Cultural decline edition

Post pictures that - without much explaining - make every sane person realize that something is going very wrong here

Attached: Stephans Dom Wien - Samsung Werbung.jpg (1536x2048, 352.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:,_Vienna

Attached: BBC - Lord Ahmed of Rotherham child sexual abuse.jpg (1564x1214, 135.68K)

Attached: degenerate snatch adams lets entire festival smoke weed out of bong in her asshole.png (1228x820, 1.2M)

what's wrong with a heathen building selling ad space?

Attached: Apple Tatoo.jpg (2013x2410, 377.16K)

The war memorial says "40.000 sons of the city died for you", on the ground are some migrants doing nothing which is a common scenery in germany

Attached: 40000 Söhne der Stadt.jpg (1037x1381, 425.83K)

Attached: degeneriert nach der Geburt am Smartphone.jpg (550x413, 33.82K)

Attached: Degenerate sorority thots.jpg (733x850, 124.69K)

Attached: Cosmopolitan then and now.jpg (1748x1200, 788.99K)

If you ever wondered why the germans wanted to get rid of weimar democracy so fast

Attached: Degeneration Weimarer Republik - Luigi Barzini - The europeans.png (1273x596, 942.8K)

Attached: Antifamily propaganda.jpg (2480x3508, 1.74M)

Attached: IMG_3487.png (1136x640, 619.32K)

This is not fake, its an actual rubrik of the BBC website

Attached: BBC pidgin 2.png (977x962, 545.16K)

Attached: Dekadent Jane Fonda sustainable diamonds.jpg (698x960, 76.95K)

Attached: IMG_5814.jpg (1047x1024, 98.81K)

same topic

thank you

Attached: Migrant vor Gefallenendenkmal.jpg (954x794, 117.78K)

Attached: Armed soldiers on christmas market.jpg (2048x1363, 713.14K)

Attached: IMG_5682.jpg (1024x1024, 202.02K)

Attached: Before and after Makeup.png (678x1928, 1.7M)

Attached: Papst Franziskus degenerierte Kunst.jpg (1000x666, 135.27K)

Attached: IMG_5019.jpg (1125x1724, 125.79K)

Attached: degenerate snctm sex club with 75k a year membership.png (1519x1881, 250.36K)

Attached: marching.jpg (640x426, 148.27K)

Attached: Renovation des Elysee Palasts.png (1857x907, 2.87M)

Attached: NYP - Babys first word was Alexa degenerates.jpg (750x678, 51.93K)

Attached: Abriss Immerather Dom.jpg (1280x801, 167.31K)

Attached: Human pup on dads funeral.png (721x825, 776.29K)

man, how do you unironically take a picture in front of something like this without realizing how nuts you are

Attached: IMG_4741.jpg (700x669, 203.66K)

And then one day for no real reason...

Attached: IMG_3866.jpg (1013x537, 116.24K)

Attached: Wien Kathedrale.jpg (1024x680, 74.83K)

Attached: IMG_4035.jpg (981x706, 140.66K)

Attached: MTV Degeneration.png (743x794, 516.23K)

Attached: IMG_20200329_111733[1].png (829x497, 350.89K)

A syrian that killed a german man was just given 2 years PROBATION

Attached: Macron laughing while Notre Dame is burning.webm (960x536, 2.86M)

God , i feel so bad.

Attached: IMG_4009.png (500x300, 59.71K)

Why hasn't anyone killed these judges? We all know they deserve a painful death.

Attached: Zuckerberg VR Goggles.jpg (1280x720, 156.26K)

Attached: IMG_4207.jpg (888x765, 131.76K)

The german police is swatting right wing groups every month now

share some pictures from france please

Attached: Independent - Sperm count reduced by 60percent.jpg (1125x1725, 172.67K)

Attached: Anon on the state of the west.png (716x714, 873.86K)


This is ethnic usurpation and it's genocidal.

Attached: IMG_3848.jpg (366x528, 99.41K)

To anyone reading this thread, please make a folder with pictures that "spoke to you", collect more, and send them to friends and family

Attached: Turn brands into religions.jpg (1024x768, 70.42K)

>Post pictures that - without much explaining - make every sane person realize that something is going very wrong here

Oh no, a monument to "die for jerusalem, goy" is about to fall.
Oh no, such good art and craftsmanship we must maintain the zogbot artefacts because they're pretttttyyy and epiccccccc fuckk so epiccc.

Why not build a giant, highly adorned grove to the Germanic gods?

But it would be very pretty and highly impressive and glamorous.

Not even a little bit?

Well, if we are not allowed anything pretty unless it's judaism lite, then I can understand that people desperate for beauty want to cling to this.

But, just like jews look human to many actual humans, but are not.
Christian 'art and craft' merely looks like it's art and craft, when in reality it's just propaganda.

If you want to know what the great crusaders and co did, look up the christianization of lithuania and then the history, standing and population of jews in lithuania throughout history.

Attached: d68714e6bf125598cec66dde248f18941143453846c6741bf911eaf54e887f90.jpg (750x555, 66.94K)

captchas are getting to long, will stop bumping soon

Attached: Degenerierte look kids a picture from your grandma.jpg (750x757, 55.88K)

Attached: IMG_3526.jpg (1018x1050, 133.74K)

Attached: Screenshot_20200329-071322_Firefox.jpg (1079x1888, 606.13K)

Do you guys remember The Onion doing that video parodying pop music with that song “booty wave”? Looked exactly like this

Attached: CxrzggHUcAA3Dt3.jpg (354x392, 35.13K)

Honestly this is worse than the buttbong on so many levels it's not even funny

Attached: catpital.jpg (224x224, 10.12K)

[hears goosestepping off in the distance]

Attached: IMG_3804.jpg (864x1024, 119.08K)

Why dont you build these cathedrals to germanic gods if your so passionate about them? Oh right, because you are just some NatSoc Larper

Attached: Rathaus Wien Kunstschändung.jpg (932x1398, 202.05K)

You can't understand how pathetic you sound right now. Get a hold of yourself.

That's not Steffi

Attached: IMG_1999.jpg (703x436, 66.46K)

Jesus Christ.

Attached: AE65502F-5B53-41FD-9A3E-FEE003D01BBA.jpg (1024x762, 172.9K)

Honestly based

Attached: 6B8A6EAD-3713-4BA4-95B0-E1EA9D819E96.jpg (778x960, 82.2K)

What’s happening in this pic?

Attached: D0F1E668-C5B7-46C4-A01E-C058274B3671.jpg (640x928, 92.74K)

Ignore the baitposter

Attached: IMG_3538.png (960x718, 896.02K)

Its the town hall of Wien with some supposed art on it

Attached: 584F62E9-39CB-4B22-BB4C-EE21DFFBF4D8.jpg (750x930, 123.49K)

Attached: IMG_5914.jpg (846x1024, 109.81K)

which cathedral is it?

Attached: 430D3BF0-0680-4584-AFDF-7A3C630E3682.jpg (1024x1024, 108.26K)

Attached: 3 year old TransToddler.png (981x695, 614.88K),_Vienna
>made as a votive after Franz Joseph survived an attempted assassination by a hungarian shoemaker-apprentice

Attached: IMG_4165.jpg (960x837, 116.84K)

Attached: 5D6CB070-87AF-4FC7-B03F-8F1423669015.jpg (647x809, 216K)

Attached: Begpacker scum.png (540x9300, 3.47M)

I'm surprised they even dare mention pesticides as one of the reasons for reduced sperm counts.

Search "glyphosate endocrine disruption" and find out for yourself btw, it's 100% the reason for almost 50% of this thread

What if this guy got loaded off of apple and starcucks stocks? Then its based. I have a chain link tat myself

Honestly I don't even feel bad for Europe. You voted for these politicians. You let all of these things happen and did nothing about it and still do nothing about it.

Attached: IMG_3491.png (1198x783, 693.88K)

Pidgin BBC is actually incredibly based and contemptuously racist

thank you, changed it

good reminder, will continue with some architecture

Attached: Abriss Kirche Frankreich.jpg (585x438, 149.44K)

We are much worse off than Europe. Get a clue

This is the definitive NPC / wageslave tattoo combination

Still mad about Detroit. Every single American city is rotting.

Attached: IMG_4170.jpg (866x850, 143.96K)