Germans are waking up to the fact that the flu is more deadly

In a strong flu season in 2017/18, 25,000 Germans died of the flu in just a few months. Sometimes several hundred per day.

Meanwhile, corona has only killed a few hundred in over a month while we are already seeing signs of a peak.

It may just be that the corona crisis turns out to be 10 to 20 times less deadly in Germany than the 2017/18 flu season.

Doesn’t mean we should take corona lightly. But killing the economy for something that may be 10 to 20 times less harmful than the flu is pretty idiotic. Using just masks and social distancing while everyone goes to work will likely not significantly increase the rate of infections. German epidemologists say that without any measures, 1 corona infected hands the virus to 3 more... with just handwashing it is down to 2, with social distancing and masks it is below 1 even if everyone goes to work again.

Below 1 infected by 1 new infected means the curve of active cases goes down.

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It takes a rational nation like the Germans to realize this is indeed a hoax.

Italians are not known for their efficiency or cleanliness, which is why their death rate is much higher.

It's so tiring that NPC just can't get their brains to understand exponential growth. But that's just natural selection at this point, so please, continue.

>everyone shelters cowering in their rooms for two weeks, to avoid catching or spreadig the virus
>the virus kills relatively few people and even shows signs of slowing down
Oh yes, total nothingburger. PLEASE come out and play, user.

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you are a retard
even the article says it's retarded

stop posting retarded shit that is blatantly false

It all started with China panicking and spreading exaggerated numbers. Left-wing burgers loved the idea of a crisis because 'muh Drumpf.' Tech and media companies made a fuck ton of money, so they had no interest in toning down the seriousness of the 'crisis.' Even public radio got bailed out with the stimulus package, so they kept reporting the fake news. No one wants to listen to skeptics here.

Fuck Corona.

good, now the next step is to sanction the stupid fucking shitalians for starting a panic

Hans, you realize that we aren’t growing exponentially any more? We are already at a 1 to 1 infection ratio if not below.

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>PLEASE come out and play, user.
You realize I said the opposite in my OP?

Why don’t people like you read the OP first? The point is that even before Germany’s “lockdown”, the rate of infected has gone to 1 to 1 or below. Nobody says to stop social distancing, actually we should start to wear masks in public, everyone. But we can go to work and open shops.

But what the fuck can we do at this point?! I have a very bad stomach feeling about all of this. EVERYBODY who is educated in economics knows, that we are FUCKING DONE. This literal nothingburger is nothing but a tool to collapse our economy for the "Ermächtigung" of the elites and we can't do shit about it.
I'm in my mid-twenties, have marriage-material at hand, wanted to have kids soon and now it seems everything is just going to shit, before I even have a chance to pass on my genes to the next generation.

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It's almost like social distancing measures work really well

>exponential growth
>take measures
>no more exponential growth
>'it's just the flu, bro'


Its a tool to move into socialism. If you prioritise healthcare over economy, you end up like Cuba. Germany after Corona will be more like Cuba (except for the weather).

As an investor this is a fantastic long/short opportunity. I have opened a 500k short in eurostoxx etf.

you are a fucking idiot

there are 10,000 influenza virii per square foot

there are 10,000 corona virii per square kilometer

you need a human to intersect with the virus for there to be an infection, and death is much more likely than influenza

its unlikely that if everyone goes to work again, social distancing can be maintained

Rather the Chinese, they started it and they knew exactly what they were doing. This whole outbreak might have been planned and coordinated as a global attack on western economies.

I'm also invested and think you're right user. But I fear, none of our investments will be worth anything if socialism has been implemented. Perhaps you're not even allowed to own stocks or any other speculative assets as a retail in the near future. We've seen f.e. the Finanztransaktionssteuer a few months ago, which clearly was the first step making stocks unattractive to retails and I fear more restricitions are to come without any way other than to obey to the elites in the end.

Yeah, no. It's going flat everywhere.

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...get a load of these faggots !

no the us

The US is delayed because of the China travel ban. It too will go flat. It's already starting to curve downward.

>it was never going to go exponential
>Same number of people globally would have died if nothing was done
>"Thanks to swift action by governments the total number of deaths was minimized!"
You're faggots, you got played by the media, and I hope you get the real flu and puke/shit yourself to death.

We're seeing a level of deception here that many people cannot even begin to comprehend.

The schizoids don’t come to Yas Forums for moderate and reasonable views. They come here coz they’re morbidly depressed or high AF and want to indulge in doom and conspiracies.
Pls. Take your rationality and reason and leave

>It takes a rational nation like the Germans
Co kurwa? Ever heard of german romanticism or idealism? Germans are opposite of rationality.

In what direction?

Stats say we are at a flat increase, not an exponential one.

>you got played by the media
This was the media a while back.

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We don’t know how deadly the virus is. They’re only just starting to do blood tests for antibodies now.

We may discovered that millions have already had it. In which case, corona will be the biggest nothing burger of the century.

Conversely, the blood tests may show nobody has it...

Yes, its a conspiracy and the world just shut down for fun.

Learn maths.

except palermo

the flu doesn't spread from host to host and knocks you out for 2 weeks.
you are a fucking retarded nigger.

also their is a vaccine for the flu

I hope so.

Thank's friend. :)

>knocks you out for 2 weeks.

sometimes it does

That's not how statistics work. Compare like-for-like.

Let's see how many people die of the flu between now and the end of the year, where the whole fucking world is on lockdown. Lockdown means the spread of all disease drops.

A flu can knock you out brutally.

I probably had the flu or corona, but it was mild. Didn’t go to the doc, just kept working.

It is tho. There are 4 strains of flu. It’s not omnipotent. A mutated strain has to move through a community, just like what corona is doing now.

OPs point is that by the time a newly mutated stain of the flu had moved through the community, it had killed a lot more.

If the number of people who die of the flu between March and December 2020 exceeds the number of people who die of COVID-19 between March and December 2020, then flufags were right.

But it's very likely that's not going to be the case, and they're very likely going to be proven idiotically wrong

soon they will realize that they cant go to wörk either when they whole country into lockdown.. it will be chaos

>close bars,clubs,restaurants,hotels,theater,opera,museums + all other public or people gathering places
>dont allow people to gather with more than 2 people in public
>hospitals are working extra hard to find contacts from the sick people

>wow you see, its just a 1:1 infection ratio, no biggie

That's a bad argument and confirmation bias. It's the same argument doomsday sayers use when their prophecies fail - god heard our prayers! And people go on believing. What we'll really have to do to know for sure is to watch Swedefags/Mexico/etc and other countries that aren't doing fucking anything to stop it and if it turns out to be another flu I'll LMAO.

>If the number of people who die of the flu between March and December 2020 exceeds the number of people who die of COVID-19 between March and December 2020
thats because of the massive quarantine and lockdown happening worldwide for the coronavirus. without the lockdown, shit will get much much severe. youre too much of a retarded nigger to figure that out.

German doctors: There is no new virus only a new test - it's a scam and the hysteria and lockdown is about control not health. You are being had BIG-TIME

Activate Subtitles (Doctors Start describing the deception at 2.25)

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The nwo will make this "nothingburger" into a happening believe me

Well, you have to keep in mind that the numbers given out by the RKI aren't entirely accurate and there's a significant number of cases that are never diagnosed. Therefore, the actual number of active cases currently is probably around half a million, which puts the death rate way below even 1%.

Anyway, what I meant by deception is moreso the fact that clearly, certain groups have ulterior motives that they're pursuing, such as Bill Gates with his ID2020 project, for example.
I'm not saying that this disease isn't real, don't get me wrong, I'm just proposing the idea that the response to it is a) blown way out of proportion and b) the current situation is used as cover for nefarious activities.

>US flu deaths
>24,000 - 64,000
>global deaths from Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease 2019

This is looking like a huge pile of nothing to me.

Germans are pragmatists. People don't think it's a hoax, if anything it's under control because everyone has been taking the measures seriously. It's just we're not planning on putting our lives on hold for the rest of the year, especially now that we're winning.

>Doch der Vergleich hinkt.
Also dein ganze Post ist negerjiddische Lügerei, Schlomo.

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>Therefore, the actual number of active cases currently is probably around half a million, which puts the death rate way below even 1%.

We are testing nearly randomly in many highly infected regions and our positive test ratio is still 1 to 10 or even 1 to 20... compared to Spain/Italy where the majority of tests return positive.

Or in other words, we are doing nearly randomized population testing, so our reported cases should not significnatly deviate from actual cases... we are at 50k official cases and probably not more than 100k real cases.

Aha, und was genau? Hast Du den Absatz gelesen oder nicht?

Doesn’t mean we should take corona lightly. But killing the economy for something that may be 10 to 20 times less harmful than the flu is pretty idiotic. Using just masks and social distancing while everyone goes to work will likely not significantly increase the rate of infections. German epidemologists say that without any measures, 1 corona infected hands the virus to 3 more... with just handwashing it is down to 2, with social distancing and masks it is below 1 even if everyone goes to work again.

>Scheisse, ein Exponential growth jetzt uber mein Haus geflugt!

You do realize this is limited by amount of testing right?

>If the number of people who die of the flu between March and December 2020 exceeds the number of people who die of COVID-19 between March and December 2020, then flufags were right.

Let's see what the numbers are. They're saying COVID-19 isn't any more worthy of worry than the flu is right now, but we will know that soon.

>by the time a newly mutated stain of the flu had moved through the community, it had killed a lot more

Like the 1918 flu? Then "COVID-19 is about as dangerous as the 1918 flu" is probably fairly accurate, yeah.

The OP's article contradicts his point:

>In addition, the number of 25,000 flu deaths is estimated. It results from the calculation of the so-called over-mortality. The reason is that it is often not clear whether someone has died of flu or pneumonia, for example. This applies in particular to people with previous illnesses and the elderly.

It's people who died and had the flu, not people who definitely died of the flu. It was particularly virulent, but didn't spread and had known treatments. Yes, if this flu managed to spread to the whole world and we didn't have enough treatments or capacity, maybe we'd also be on lockdown right now. What's your point?

Reread my post. I'm agreeing with you

Reread my post. Compare like for like. You're comparing different situations and different times.

Let's see the number of flu deaths between now and December 2020 and compare it to the number of COVID-19 deaths. If COVID-19 deaths are 5x higher, then you can objectively say the fatality rate is 5x higher than the flu's.

Not in all countries. In Italy, Spain, the UK, the US yes.

Not in Germany, Switzerland, Korea etc. These countries kept the ratio of 1 positive to 10 tests and more which is a good indicator of excess test capacities.

It's like cold season in the northern hemisphere is coming to an end... I fucking knew it would end up like this. Watch it either die out, or migrate south in its last breath where it will mutate in last ditch efforts to survive in warming climates.

dude what, we have been in voluntary lockdown and social distancing since 2 weeks, we just hit phase 3 today and government work just shutted down readying for impact.

seems like we did more than the US

Again, to be clear:

You have to compare the deaths of the flu between now and December with the deaths of COVID-19 between now and December. If you're not comparing that, then you're not providing useful information.

>I'm not saying that this disease isn't real, don't get me wrong, I'm just proposing the idea that the response to it is a) blown way out of proportion and b) the current situation is used as cover for nefarious activities.
This. Hoax autists are just blinded by their own binary thinking. Corona being real and everyone milking the everloving fuck out it (aka blowing it out of proportion and nefarious activities) are not mutually exclusive.

>global pandemic
>enact unprecedented lockdown and social distancing measures in order to slow the spread of the virus
>virus spread slows down
>see guys the virus isn't contagious these measures are unreasonable

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Forgot to quote

I knew exactly that this shit would happen people coming out of the woodwork saying its a nothingburger when austria locked down like two weeks before anybody else.

Holy FUCK, you are american to the fucking core. Look at the axis you retarded redneck. It is not linear. You are on a fucking exponantial curve right now and too stupid to even understand it.

Die off and make the world a better place

Increasing testing is more likely to decrease fatality rate than increase it - I doubt many people are going to be misdiagnosing based on symptoms alone.

There are plenty of papers out there suggesting that anywhere from 30 to 80% of cases are asymptomatic and therefore never diagnosed.

Testing of people who did not return from high risk areas only began a few days ago, anway.

>Doesn’t mean we should take corona lightly.
>may be 10 to 20 times less harmful than the flu is
lol read what you wrote Matumba ben Gurion

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i hate virtue signaling german cunts almost as much as the kikes.

All fucking day top "news" stories are parroting how the Germans are accepting extremely ill corona patients from the rest of europe.

It is literally a dozen patients only and the germans get wall to wall coverage for it.

do something that matters and start up the fourth reich.

>It's just we're not planning on putting our lives on hold for the rest of the year, especially now that we're winning.
Wrong. We'll be doing what is neccessary, and we don't know what that is yet, so the entire sentence you said is pointless.

Empty hospitals in Berlin

kek. everyone who believes coronavirus is anything is a 80 iq subhuman. democracy and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>not understanding the numbers on the y axis
the absolute state of american education

Yes, that's the point. On a linear graph it should appear exponential and on an exponential graph it should appear linear - except it's not linear on the exponential graph; hence it's no longer exponential.

The entire West is waking up to the fact that we are not invincible, virus’s exist and will kill you. The medical establishment has made little progress in protecting the at risk from death from disease like virus. Bill Gates was quoted as saying that western medicine can currently cure any ailment but shouldn’t and doesn’t otherwise we wouldn’t kill off the useless eaters.

>We'll be doing what is neccessary
>and we don't know what that is yet
we kinda do and it's kinda working, hence people questioning if more drastic measure are necessary

u wot m8

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So you couldn’t read the whole paragraph? Why even reply?

It’s perfectly reasonable to assume a total death toll of corona related (not induced) cases of 2500 from current numbers.

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flu in Itealy kills 8000 on average with 20k+ at peaks.

We're the only ones who clean their asses after we take a shit, Germany is hiding real death figures, they are much lower than the rest of the world, also being polish you should probably not talk about other countrie's inefficiency, just saying...

the US line looks pretty linear to me

>There are plenty of papers out there suggesting that anywhere from 30 to 80% of cases are asymptomatic and therefore never diagnosed.
We test people without symptoms when they come in contact with infected. Look at Merkel.

When are you gonna explain DIamond Princess, bitch?

As you've surely heard, the current measures will remain in place at least until April 20th.
This is going to wreak absolute havoc on our economy and create a societal fallout that is many times worse than this virus.

I observe a slight deflection in a downward direction.

>especially now that we're winning

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You just posted a linear growth rate from March 22.

Merkel clearly isn't a good example. Do you genuinely believe that the same rules apply to her that apply to you and me?

>Exponential growth of mostly harmless virus will hurt us more than the economic effects of shutting down the entire country

i'd say the number of cases doubles every 3-4 days

aging is more deadly than polio, and you dont want fucking polio

But enjoy your anosmia and co,

Nein Jens, du bekommst keinen Test. Jetzt geh und sag den Leuten gefälligst das nach Ostern alles in Ordnung ist!

The thing is that this is probably exactly what's currently being said and going on. KEK.

Shall we look at the numbers?

Pic related is the current doubling rate

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that's still exponential growth, which was the original point. guess you proved wrong that it was 3-4 days, but you also proved yourself wrong
thanks for playing