What does Yas Forums think of them?
whats wrong pol bots? rolling out the bait these days cause traffic is slow or what
Based Aerials people.
In my personal experience they seem to insist and almost beg people into thinking they are white/European simply because they are Christians. If people don't see Jews or Turks as white, how on earth would people see Armenians as such, because Christianity? At least Jews and Turks have 25% to 70% European ancestry on average, and even Mexican mestizos have a higher average percentage than Armenians. Although Armenians are cringy as hell when it comes to race, they seem based culturally, historically, religiously.
Alternative Jews.
Met them time from time, they are usually based.
Based, same as georgians.
Majority of them are based
Why the hate?
Generations later and they still refuse to assimilate and call themselves Americans. They should have died fighting for their land instead of invading mine. I call them Turks to their faces because fuck them.
non-white == subhuman
Most of georgians outside of georgia are criminals, they usually go to europeans to steal and stuff, so absolute majority of people on this earth hates us,we don't care though, georgia is maybe the most racist country on earth
System of a Down is the best shit, fite me cunts
I like you Gogi
Actually that title goes to Turks and Jews, as a 25% Sephardic Jewish 75% Turkish-Bosnian, I take that hatred with pride.
What are the chances of you being northern caucasian?
Why are there so many Georgian Thieves in law (the type of criminals with stars tattooed on their knees or shoulders) ?
Thieves in law were unironically based during soviet times,keeping streets safe and criminals in fear, but nowadays they are just useless fucking mafia, plus they were major georgian because of stalin
stay safe fren
hate is based and redpilled no matter who hates you or who you hate
shitskinnier version of Georgians, but miaphysite instead of eastern orthodox and more mercantile-minded
we got big hairy dicks and our women are hot
armenians are white you mongoloid
even your hero hitler said so, although he didnt trust them.
read a fucking book you monkey nigger
What Hitler said back then was irrelevant, you aren't European, your ancestry is overwhelmingly west asian, more than the Jews and Turks. Stupid Harut Kevorkian
What is an Armenian? A Jew who followed a rolling coin into an Orthodox Church.
european doesnt mean white you fucktard.
Caucasus mountain people are white by blood. The armenians are actually the whitest out of all of the caucaus mountain jews because they fought against invasions from the persians and the roaches.
go read a fucking book.
roaches are actually mongholoids thats why they all look different. and they are greek and armenian and georgian rape babies.
>70% European ancestry
70% my ass. You americans and your insistence to whitewash jews and jesus is obscene. You are not jews, jesus was a jew and you are not in any way related to the people in the bible.
They gave birth to this so i don't have much positive things to say about them
Basically gypsy tier.
I have a family as my neighbours. Scum. Play music, let their gyppo looking kids run around, scream. They look and act like gypsies. I want to burn their house down in minecraft.
Can confirm true. Georgian thieves are the more skilled ones, theyre proffession wise thieves. How come i always wondered
I hope one day we reach the day when we will stop having criminal name all over world
Rogor xar Gio? If it makes you feel better this criminal stereotype of Georgians doesn’t exist in America, or at least I have never heard of it
>what do you think about armenian?
>what do you think about croatians?
slippedy slidin
Stop calling white people caucasian you retard. That's a psyop.
>What does Yas Forums think of them?
Subhuman filth.
კარგად ვარ,მეგობარო. I am happy that there is any place on earth that we are not hated desu
Hello Arsen Avakov
relax.i don`t hate you.
I mean, I knew there was Georgian organised crime but here it's limited to London and London reaps what it sows.
I know there are a lot of bad georgians in greece and that's bad because greece is very nice country
Doesn't matter to be honest, i am ashamed that it exists, because those scum determine the name of whole nation
Wannabe-niggers, alcoholics and criminals.
Georgians are worse, though.
Speak for yourself faggot, for all I care they can fuck off right back to their GRUzhia
Here's how their capital city Yerevan looks like.
Worse than any nigger ghetto in the US.
Filthy animals.
More pics here: varlamov.ru
When I think of Georgia I think of mountains and people singing on mountains.
for my self i spoke.are you a new democracy member?calling me a faggot from the pc?
That's the nice part of georgia, other part is soviet wasteland that looks like it got nuked several times
Subhumans of the highest order
You are not very popular criminals. Here Gypsies, Chechens, Russians (mostly in 90-ties) and sometimes Albanians are criminals.
A lot of people I know were in Georgia and liked it a lot. Especially the people. Even though you are mostly known as criminals and mafia here, people generally like your country and countrymen living in their homeland.
I'd prefer Turks
bh-bh-but the armenian ge-genocide!
I'm happy the Turks murdered those fags
Svaneti looks quite nice.
i will never forgive your kind for giving birth to ErDOGan
very ugly on average
Didn’t the jews kill all the Christian ones?
Dude,shhhh, until Yas Forumsacks find out that turkish BVLL is actually not even fully turkish,i also wish your country will be burned to ground, nuthin personell
Everything outside of cities are piece of art
air-dogan is greek yenitsar
super based.
I like you fren
:DDD hitler said that even albanians are white. He was retarded disilusioned subhuman #1 with albanian blood.
merci, je vous aime aussi, ami français
Armenians are called "the Jews of the Caucasus", and they're too smug to realize people are insulting them.
Caucasian jews
>shitskinnier version of Georgians
I always thought this. Also no one gives a fuck about your 200 yr old holocaust, Armos. Get over it.