What does Yas Forums think of Croatia?

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I went to high school with a half Croatian girl. She was hot asf. That is literally all I know about Croatia

I don't.

Faggot larping Nazis who have big mouths when they are in a group of potbellied white men with a can of lager in their hand bullying some faggot STEMcel Paki student but are pussies when confronted by a black or Muslim "roadman" gang, they put their head down turn red and walk away in shame

t. roadman


Low iq people who invade our western countries because they don't want to live with their own low iq people.

Attached: fo4ar4ewdep11.jpg (1080x1018, 139.94K)

kinda irrelevant country but looks very beatiful on google maps. and nikola tesla is based thats all I know

Best sea resort of Serbia.

Seethe nerd, a pack of croats beats a pack of mudslims, niggers and cuck brits while carrying a pack of lager in one hand. AAAYYY LMAO!!!

Rightful Hungarian clay.