What does Yas Forums think of Croatia?

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I went to high school with a half Croatian girl. She was hot asf. That is literally all I know about Croatia

I don't.

Faggot larping Nazis who have big mouths when they are in a group of potbellied white men with a can of lager in their hand bullying some faggot STEMcel Paki student but are pussies when confronted by a black or Muslim "roadman" gang, they put their head down turn red and walk away in shame

t. roadman


Low iq people who invade our western countries because they don't want to live with their own low iq people.

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kinda irrelevant country but looks very beatiful on google maps. and nikola tesla is based thats all I know

Best sea resort of Serbia.

Seethe nerd, a pack of croats beats a pack of mudslims, niggers and cuck brits while carrying a pack of lager in one hand. AAAYYY LMAO!!!

Rightful Hungarian clay.

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show the real map you cuck

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Fuck off you irrelevant nigger


Based swede, I will think of you when the authorities jail you for that post

An European country with no shitskins inside, according to that I can only thinks you are good people

war with serbs was a mistake.i know it is difficult but they both should overcome this period.

Tbh I don't even know what the "real map" even is. Theyre all bullshit

Literally cucked Bosnia of all that beach

Y-.. you, too

>war with serbs was a mistake.
Not like we chose to. They did and they regretted it ever after ;)

Croatia is an embarrassment to the white race. Fucking third world shithole.

Which country is 82? Do they act like IRL retards?

at least our president doesent murder babies golem mutt

I'm Yas Forums and I have no opinion on hrvatska

I think all of people in Europe need to work more on what unites us, now that we are in troubled times.
I love my Country as I love rest of Europe and Im sure we will come on top soon.
Im trying to do what I can. I made a son, will go for more, lift, prepare and I try to redpill people, especially youth as much as I can, but in a nice, fun way, focusing on how good kids and trad life is.

Inb4 serbia hate. I lost few senpai members (sister and father) in war to Serbe and I am conditioned more than anyome to hate em, but no. I dont. Now id rather have them in shieldwall next to me than fall for D&C that will ruin us both.

Thats all, love you and Im sure soon we will see our victory I feel the tide shifting.

we don't let sodomites "marry", we don't circumcise our children like a bunch of filthy jews, we don't let people castrate themselves and drink hormones, and there's many more reasons i could list.
so please tell me who's the bigger embarrassment to the white race

Based boomer

i`m not blaming you,or them,it wasn`t people`s mistake.it was a nato-russia proxy war,as usual.

Check the official website you stupid nigger and you will find out. What a stupid fucking question.

you may have more money,but our daily life in comparison with yours looks like paradise.

Black muslims should go to land od Islam.

I think of Croatia the way a older uncle thinks of a younger aunt

Poisoned by Vatican

>official website
Lol. Imagine believing some trash official websites on something so complex. You must have 60 iq.

It's true. Lame wannabe Nazi white Europeans like Poles and Croats are always bullying little nerdy Paki students and Pajeets and "shitskins" who will not fight back and always in packs too. But when confronted by a gang of South London black roadman or Muslim youth with Jihad in their hearts, these pale fat bloated balding sacks of shit become cowardly and skulk away with their tail in between their legs. It's the same with Lithuanian and Latvians too. All false bravado and alcohol-induced courage. No black or Muslim raised in a ghetto environment is afraid of these pussies. I would say the same applies to you Swedes but you sissified faggot don't DARE step out of line in the first place. You're natural born cowards.

Branko was based, Mirko is based, Croatia is ok by me

Nice and cheap, just like the women

How do you justify living in kufar lands when you can and should live in muslim countries.
Its hypocritical and you are not really a muslim, just a leacher, pathetic. Your first generatiom Muslims would be ashamed of you.

Ok jimmy.

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i'm croatian but ehat's with these daily croatia shill threads? Nobody cares about this shithole of 4 million people. It's an insignificant country and nobody would notice if it disappeared tomorrow. I love the country but stop shilling every day. You are only turning people against you. You don't wanna end up like Albanians.


His name is probably Jimmy or Wayne, he's no Muslim or a nigger lol. Bri*s are known for hating Slavs>niggers and muslims so he's just larping as a nigger to save himself the embarrassment

Split is beautiful, that nigger has poor taste in photography. Cherry picked.

i love croatia, you are either jealous or a serb if you disagree..
we don't have "high" purchase power, but i can afford myself a 3000$ PC every year if i don't spend money like a dumbass..
our culture is better than 90% of countries out there and we don't have a nigger or minorty problem
>but gypsies
nahh not really, i only had problem with them once in my life, they stole my bike

>Those mountains,
Take me hoooome country roaaads

How do i justify it? Your kinfolk colonized our land for hundreds of years and sent us here. You literally SENT us here. How can you ask me to go back when you asked us to come over?

Google says your people have low iq

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Calm down Jimmy. Larping won't make you black

>IQ reflects people's attitude
we're great bunch of people if you don't cause problems..
mainly rich white kids from UK and Sweden that come over and think they can act like niggers and be loud..
they're dealt with swiftly every time :)

Stipe Miocic, Mirko Cro Cop, beautiful beaches, Ustase, yeah I think they're pretty based.

I don't want to attack my country but there seems to be like everyday some insecure Croat asking about "What does Yas Forums think of Croatia?". I mean stop making these thread since we're a pretty irrelevant country like the rest of the balkan and that's a good thing. Anyway our government is just western bootlickers who do whatever they say.

>with jihad in their hearts
i wonder why visit the british chaliphate,if not for invade.

the balkans are based af excluding albania and bosnia

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their women are for breeding.

Still not as bad as the autist who keeps making Greek threads

thank you user, we're just as casual as everyday american..
TRUE croatians act polite like Texans..
we are also great hosts and like to help

poundshop serbia

>we're just as casual as everyday american..
Ughhh no fuck off back where you came from

the meme flag is a turkroach.think,don`t bite

You are not a Muslim. Confirmed. No muslim would answer that to my question. Nice LARP

my dream is to unite europe for the greater good brothers fighting side by side for europa

i know, its Ikbey, i thought he was Georgian or something,