What is happening in Spain right now?

Any Spanish anons on now to give a quick rundown on how your nation is handling the Coronavirus. How are you all doing in lockdown? + any new happenings in the political world (seeing lots of hate for the Government on Twitter)?

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The Spanish are probably having corona parties and block orgies at this very moment

the government hadn't bought any mask or oxygen tanks in the last two months. Feminism is hated here because the government organized a big protest nationwide just before they declared quarantine. Everyone is locked inside their homes and we can't even leave the house alone to walk. Even the ones who leave the house to work or buy get groceries get fines since police here is full of assholes and now they have complete power since no lawyer is working and the justice system is closed. We have a fenomenoa called the balcony gestapo. There are a bunch of bored retards hanging around the balconies all day screaming and snitching on everyone they see walking in the street.


>he knows

my best friend got corona
also the vector got hospitalized

> Feminism is hated here because the government organized a big protest nationwide just before they declared quarantine

Is Sanchez fucking dumb or what?

Another question:
What the fuck do they expect you all to do for money for food now that nobody is working. We are getting Trump bucks here (1,200). Are you all getting something similar? Or just leaving you to rot and still order you to pay your taxes, rent?

Goverment pays 70% of the salary you had before the lockdown.

the government went full socialist and yesterday they decided no one can be fired and the evil businessmen have to pay most of your wage even if they don't go to work. The evil businessmen also has to pay every single tax and rent even if they are not producing. After all of this is over we are going to be Greece tier. Probably worse.

Having those here in America.

Yesterday, in New Jersey, they busted people having a Coronavirus party. Even had a DJ and in a small crowded house.

Fucking idiots. LMAO

The goverment is a mix of Neoliberal Globalist Socialists and Neo Marxists financed with coke money from Maduro's Regime and so on.

The media is whitewashing everything the socialists do, they control the narrative just like in the other countries with "liberal democracies"

People is dying big time cause of this flu aparently, Spain will become the focus of this shit

Our system is corrupted and only theres a chance
with Vox to fight this i think

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>Feminism is hated here

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>the government hadn't bought any mask or oxygen tanks in the last two months
There are probably enough oxygen tanks in Spain already, since they are used by welders and such, but your feminist government haven't even bothered to ask for them after Coronachan hit?

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We're going to have a full national lockdown starting tomorrow. All non-essential companies and workers are to be home and the army will patrol the streets. We have police in every exit from every city, internal travel is forbidden.

Things are going to be very ugly for our economy...

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That's not true. Companies will have to pay salaries as regular, and wagies will recover lost hours after quarantine is lifted.

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Spanish women are the worst. Even worse than our ones. How did you get to that point, Manolo?

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>After all of this is over we are going to be Greece tier
We'll all be broke, so that doesn't really matter a lot. Spain have food to sell, so you will not be the worst hit.

>Neoliberal Globalist Socialists
read a book you fucking moron

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They are from a nearby park, it's not like nature is suddenly taking over.

>We're going to have a full national lockdown starting tomorrow

For migrants, also? France is considering putting lockdown for French only as the Migrants will riot. I feel that migrants, gypsies will riot in Spain, also (probably already are)?

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Why is feminism so rampant in spain? It seems a lot worse than in germany and you are still a catholic country

>Why is feminism so rampant in spain?
Spain had the opposite experience from Easter Europe.

That's for the non-essential workers, what they announced yesterday, 8 laboral days (no weekend+holy week) the goverment is paying the salary of the people not working since the first lockdown 18 days ago, so basically those non-essential that doesn't have to go to work since tomorrow got the bad deal since those do have to work those hours once they go back to work.

help please, they changed the hour again, why they do this to us?

because we are lazy fucks and there is a big percentage of the population living from NGOs and things like feminism associations funded with public funds. For lots of them being a man hating whore is their actual job

I think spanish feminists are the worst kind, like very angry and entitled putas. Hopefully Corona chan will clean up this mess.

I'm not high IQ so I can't give a proper analysis.
It seems to me that XX century politics and thoughts, those which divide the population in subsets that fight each other (worker/capitalist, man/woman, atheist/religious) are our weakness. They entered the minds of our people and have been living there ever since. It doesn't help that our """media""" fuels the fire constantly.

Because people here is ignorant an cultural marxism
has been implemented just like in other places,

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Yeah, full lockdown. Government is trusting police and army to keep the country under control.

Ahh get on my level Pepito

>Gitanos con Coronavirus se niegan a seguir los protocolos de Sanidad y expanden el Covid-19
>Gypsies with Coronavirus refuse to follow Health protocols and propagate the virus
Police units had to be moved to control them.

Is the generalissimo style regime, dare I say... back?

En España empieza a anochecer...

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I dont think so because that would be great at this point

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Sup Spanish bros

Would this have happened under Franco?

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Oh that fuck u know.. DELET NOW

>Greece tier. Probably worse.

Which makes you migrant repellent.

>France is considering putting lockdown for French only as the Migrants will riot
¿ no way this is real, everybody here is lockedown that's it, hobos in sportcenters, illegal aliens in former prisons and things like that.

On the feminist topic, a lot of people criticized the 8M (feminit march) thing, a lot of perons for sure got infected, in fact the wife of the vice-president which appeared in tv show some days ago saying fascist were using that to attack on woman rights, and when the Boris Johnson positive they went full retard saying ironically that was also feminist fault making no sense at all so yeah.... is going to be a funny ride in our politics once this shit is over because right wings parties yeah are criticizing how goverment is dealing with this (take into account the congress is almost empty most of the time due to lockdown, like 40/210~) but once this is over I can see elections again late this year.

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Can you Spaniards post some Andalusia chicky babes?

Reminder some 30% of Spain populations were untermensch subhuman slaves during Roman empire who were alabama niggers who became free and then sandniggers invaded enmasse and created more subhumans.

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They seem like the exception among Med countries.

What happens if you have a dog that you have to walk

I'm not particularly fond of Franco, and I don't know enough history to claim it would have been one way or the other. But we were very isolationist back then, even to our detriment, so the virus would have had a harder time entering. People refusing to cooperate with the containment would have suffered terrible consequences. Think North Korea. On the other hand, we wouldn't have received material or information from other countries.
So who knows how it would have gone.

you still can of course, just not 10 times a day or long walks.

That means you have already submited to the dog.And you can walk behind the dog. Dog=God

Reminder that 100% of the America populations were bug eating savages during the Roman empire.

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falta la bandera de Irán en la caja de vox

Why are feminists always hanging them loose? What's up with that?

I have the strange feeling that shit is going to hit the fan in Europe and it will start here... Does someone has any gut feeeling about this??
As spaniards we are constantly being fucked by the state but this is too much, people is dying and I expect a HABBENING happening to DESTROY OUR CURRENT GOVERNMENT or something.
I think something is going to happen, im on edge


I see tons of sandnigger and slaves there

Basque revolution when????!!
Catalonia revolution when?????
Madrid revolution when?????

I had a gf from Sevilla last year (thing didn't end well oh nonono not at all) but I'm not posting her, she looks alot like Alyce Anderson if that works for you.

They don't like to be oppressed, huh.
0 sharts, though.

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What exactly are you talking about?

it's still a backlash against the Franco dictatorship, if it had been a communist one like the USSR we would now be turbo fascist like Russia.

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Link to where I got my French vs migrants information:

Was this from the 8th's parade? Ironic

>Imagine coming to Yas Forums to flex about have had a gf
Fuck off i do not come here to feel alone

Yep. It would be hilarious, but unfortunately innocent people died because of them.

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>Alyce Anderson

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Better feel alone than having a taste of love and never recovering.

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Gracies bonico !!

Spain is truly a sandnigger country.

Spaniards are confirmed sissy-whites. Their Germanic blood clearly overrides their Moor blood.

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It's going to be, for sure. Anti-Globalist nationalism has been on the rise for half a decade now, this coronavirus shit is radicalizing a lot of people and going to put us in full F A L A N G E mode next elections.

It's going to be beautiful bros

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ugh she looks better in videos I guess, the mouth is similar tho, same color eyes also.

Never unfortunately, too many spanish and foreign migrants here, less than half of our people speak catalan at home and we have been infected by leftism the most, our birthrate is pathetic.
Honestly it's a miracle we still exist but it won't go better from now on, we lost our oportunity long ago.

How come I've never meet one of these feminazis, stop living in big cities faggots.

>better to be born without limbs than having had limbs and then losing them
>better to grow without parents than having parents and then losing them
Low iq normie rhetoric doesn't work here, bucko.

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47 people in a 550 ft2 (50 m2) apartment? Holy shit I live in a flat that is like 753 ft2 (70 m2) and I can't imagine even 20 people in here in a party.

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Literal antiglobalism, yes



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Thought they'd be more like this over there.

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Seeing on Twitter, Feminists in Spain were celebrating men dying of Coronavirus. The picture Attached

The sign reads My crown, your virus" with a woman wearing a crown.

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Nah man, that's a stereotype. Northern Spaniard girls look more like this.

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Meh. Monasterio's answer to whether or not Vox would follow the US if the US initiated a military intervention against Venezuela was affirmative. They are all globalists in their own way.

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