Are Aussies the master race?

It seems almost incontrovertibly true at this point. They are the ancestors of people the Brits kicked out, so naturally they're easygoing and fun yet also often conspicuously based. They're like Americans minus the negro/hispanic lineage and low IQ.

I saw a clip on Jewtube about lifeguards on Bondi Beach and I'm pretty sure it got my girlfriend pregnant with some Australian cunt's baby. #proudstepfather

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We're a fucking nanny state.

Fuck, that sucks. I know almost nothing about the government there. My Australian friend in highschool did always talk about how "fuckin abbos" are like Australia's version of the 13%/50%

obviously fucking yes cunt

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What about Kiwis? I hear they did 9/11 from their secret New Zealand darkweb hideout "kiwi ferms"

They are becoming China if not careful. Mainland Chinaman is locust

Of course we fuckin are
We can wake up knackered after a piss up in only a Jackie Howe, stubby shorts and thongs and still flog the rest of you cunts

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kiwis are fucking gay and literally have a treaty with niggers ("Maoris")

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No way. Abos do petty theft but they aren't known for raping and murdering of whites. They're pretty harmless and spend their entire days sitting in the shade of some tree yelling abuse at passing whites in their gibberish to which you just ignore and keep walking while nervously checking over your shoulder and mentally preparing yourself to glass some cunt

Your lasses tend to have some nice titties

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I read once that they have the highest rate of incarceration in the Western world aside from Muttmerica. Something about a gang of abbos called the Mongrels or something. Quite fitting really.

If there is any race that is a serious contender for being either a subspecies of human or the missing link between humans and lower primates it would have to be abbos. Relevant -

This. Aussies are so laid back they don't care about rights. The only good news is our politicians are also so laid back they don't care about control. For now the balance is kept but how long will it last?

Very true. White aussie women are not attracted to abos like african former slaves are in america, because our white men aren't pooftas like the yanks are, and we don't pull our turkeys to niggers fucking white aussie birds like those faggots do

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what are you trying to say cunt you fuckin faggot leaf

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Help me kick the shit out of niggers in my country once you are done.

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That makes sense I guess. So just lazy subhumans living in gibs? One other second-hanf anecdote I have was from some polish guy when I lived in Canada who told me that abbos periodically go on a "walkabout" there they spontaneously leave their job and family without warning. He claimed that by law they cannot be fired for leaving to go on a walkabout. He was pretty redpilled but also retarded so he probably made it up.

stand up for yourself first cunt nobody respects your fucking culture internationally cunt you're one of the most cosmopolitan considered nations around the world

i couldn't tell you the first thing about canadian culture besides cold wealther cunt

i'll happily help you northern fuckers out once we clear out the abos and shit but fuck sake make a start for us cunt so by the time we rock up it doesn't look like zimbabwe

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Walkabout is a real thing. In the culture originally it was part of a spiritual pilgrimage but now that their culture is effectively destroyed by drug addiction and child abuse it's just a bizarre leftover.

Some can rise above the bullshit and make decent livings but the government just throws money to make them shut up instead of actually fixing anything.

M8 alot of them are as flat as a tack

So I guess in principle it isn't just randomly leaving and wandering in a drunken stupor, it's almost like an American injun spirit journey or whatever they call it. Honestly I think it is kind of cruel that the multicultural dogma makes people believe that everyone is equally capable of succeeding in a high tech modern Western society. I'm not articulating this particularly well but my point is that an abbo is suited to an abbo society, a nignog to Africa and so forth. The delusion of egalitarianism only sets these people up for a life of frustration

Every single aussie I've seen is good looking and is aryan looking. It's incredible. It's a shame they're being invaded by chinks

The Australian is the single greatest invention of the British Empire.

I'm inclined to agree. I do feel sympathy for a people that have had their culture turned upside-down and now they find themselves lost. At the same time many horrible things took place within those cultures.

Regardless, the only way is forward.

I'll say again mainland China man is like locust that will kill what it touch. Bad bad thing it is, sorry to you for them

Best Australian political/social channel.

Where's our equivalent to the big "alt" media guys from the UK and America? I know there's some sky news shit but our list of online personalities is pretty barren.

If you want to destroy the CCP be my guest mate, I'm right behind you.

You're like our chill cousins that will gladly help us glass some cunt when the need arises.
That and your shitposting is generally top-notch, I guess that compensates for Canada's faggatory.

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Canada is subverted by the Fr*nch menace. Once the chinks go Quebec has to be anglicised.

You won't get any arguments about purging the frogs from us Bruce, cunts actually tried to rob our medical supplies coming into the UK for the kung flu.

Time to finish the job mate. Greater Anglo Empire incoming.

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>The average age of people dying in Australia from corona virus is currently 86
>The average life expectancy in Australia is 82.5
>3751 infections.
>16 deaths.
>0.42% death rate.
>Life expectancy of corona victim is 3.5 years higher than average.

Conclusion: Corona infection increases Australian life expectancy by 3.5 years.

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Anglo Australian empire mate. Also Aussies are the only people besides Brits and marry and have kids with honestly, god bless you Aussie user

Aussies are Master Baiters

Look forward to it mate, see you on the other side of the coming war

Check out the Aboriginal flag. Then check out the front cover on every passport of every country. We're did you think they were going to establish the NWO? It wasn't over in the states. Seriously if it wasn't for the patriots in America and Trump we would all be absolutely FUCKED right now.

Jesus, never been to Australia I guess? Why do Americans think Australia is so fucking great?...Crocodile Dundee, Mad Max?

yeah we do that too

>Australia's isolation has preserved the purity of the anglo-saxon/celtic conqueror race

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looks like melbourne
wouldn't be suprised

We're a Chinese colony in all but name and classic aussie-anglo culture is all but extinguished thanks to globalism and replacement migration. We shitpost to hide the pain.

Nope, that's Lakemba...I lived in Roselands next to it for many years...what a shit hole

Mada faka I am a gook chink chong can I live in your konry ?

>Are Aussies the master race?
Everyone is master race compared to jews.
Even cockroaches. Cockroaches don't need daily aid to survive.

>bush maori faggot? Visa denied?

Okay abo, like I want to go to your shithole. As if that's any better than any other slave plantation.

No. Absolutely not. Tf kind of question is that? Wtaf. The Brits took the half measure of shipping them off and bred a fucking blight on the future. They fuck abbos and are just smart enough to not lick every spider. It's a Petri dish for faggotry.

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I’d probably move to Queensland mate seems the most based state

>Mutt seething

Top man. Come to Brissy I'll buy you a pint.

As long as papa xi says its okay, sure, why not

rlorl man I am Norlt KOrea man

Fuck off gook. We all despise you dog eating motherfucking subhumans scum

Them cunts can't drive for shit. Would advise against that idea

The're based af, me and china gonna put a big skysrapper(skyfucker) and we gonna rename your fucken country AustraileDPRK

>and we gonna rename your fucken country AustraileDPRK

Based fuck Australians

Nuke yourself already fucking New Zealander get some fucken abo dick in your ass fucking niggerlover,

Lmao!!! Wtf.

Any problem with my flag you fucking mutt?

The citiy's are pretty chinked, but the whites still hold all the city exit roads...asians love packing together like sardines, where as your typical Aussie will begin to lose his marbles neighbours close in proximity. Their (our) natural instinct is to isolate ourselves away from hordes and any housing style that reminds us of prison cells....Authority is pretty fkn laxed the more country you go, its only city pigs that tend to have a stick up their arse and thats from all the stress of being a pig in the city and not in the mud.

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Was thinking Gold Coast but if you nah based not niggy parts of Brisbane tell me cunt

How do you chinks have internet mate